1,496 research outputs found

    Global Dynamic Characterization and Load Rating of Bridge Structures Utilizing Economical Dynamic Excitation Devices

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    Experimental modal analysis (EMA) of bridges and other civil structures can be used to acquire quantitative data describing their condition, and enhance opportunities for structural health monitoring and related fields. The use of EMA on civil structures has been limited by the high cost of the excitation devices that are required for the best data quality. The objective of the research reported herein is to evaluate a low-cost excitation system for multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) EMA, enabling the production of accurate estimates of the global behavior of in-service bridges. The prototype excitation system is composed of consumer entertainment devices, namely tactile transducers and subwoofer amplifiers, which are capable of providing excitation in the range of 5 Hz to 200 Hz. The use of these devices in vibration testing is unprecedented, and their low cost allows approximately 30 structural degrees-of-freedom to be excited for the price of a single purpose-built laboratory shaker device. Methods are developed to systematically characterize the operational performance of the devices. Research and testing are also performed to optimize the techniques by which the system can be used for MIMO EMA of bridges. The excitation system is then validated for MIMO EMA by dynamically characterizing a large-scale laboratory structure and comparing the results to those from traditional excitation methods. The system is then deployed on an in-service highway bridge, representing the first time that more than two shakers have been used in MIMO EMA testing of a bridge. The identification results using MIMO EMA are shown to be superior to those found using traditional excitation methods. Finally, the identified modal parameters of the in-service bridge are used in load rating. Direct use of the modal properties of a bridge for load rating is unprecedented, and a relatively simple method to use measured modal flexibility to help determine live load demand is developed herein. The bridge load ratings calculated from the new method are compared to traditional methods. In summary, a low-cost excitation system is optimized and systematically evaluated for MIMO EMA testing of civil structures, and the use of the system is validated in the laboratory and in the field. A new method to improve bridge rating reliability is then developed using the high quality modal parameters found via the optimized testing process

    Numerical analysis of air-water flows in hydraulic structures using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

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    Tesis por compendioThe new legal regulations derived from climate change dictate that hydraulic structures must be designed to handle flood events associated with return periods up to 10,000 years. This obviously involves adapting the existing infrastructure to meet such requirements. In order to avoid risks in the restitution of the flow discharged to rivers, such as bank overflows or streambed erosion and scour processes, hydraulic design must be supported by reliable tools capable of reproducing the behavior of hydraulic structures. In the work presented herein, a fully three-dimensional CFD model to reproduce the behavior of different types of air-water flow in hydraulic structures is presented. The flow is assumed to be turbulent, isotropic and incompressible. Several RANS turbulence models are tested and structured rectangular meshes are employed to discretize the analyzed domain. The presence of two fluids is modeled using different VOF approaches and simulations are run using the PIMPLE algorithm. The model is implemented using the open-source platform OpenFOAM and its performance is compared to the commercial code FLOW-3D. The analysis is conducted separately on two different parts of hydraulic structures, namely: the spillway and the stilling basin. Additionally, a case of practical application, where the model reproduces the flow of a real-life case, is also presented in order to prove the suitability of the model to actual design cases. Mesh independence and model validation using experimental data are checked in the results of all the case studies. The sensitivity of the presented model to certain parameters is extensively discussed using different indicator variables. Among these parameters are turbulence closure, discretization scheme, surface tracking approach, CFD code or boundary conditions. Pros and contras of each of them are addressed. The analyzed turbulence models are the Standard k ¿ ¿, the Realizable k ¿ ¿, the RNG k ¿ ¿, and the SST k ¿ ¿. The discretization schemes under study are: a first-order upwind method, the second-order limited Van Leer method, and a second-order limited central difference method. The VOF approaches analyzed are the Partial VOF, as implemented in OpenFOAM, and the TruVOF, as implemented in FLOW-3D. In most cases, the Standard k ¿ ¿ model provides the most accurate estimations of water free surface profiles, although the rest of variables, with few exceptions, are better predicted by the RNG k ¿ ¿. The latter model generally requires slightly longer computation times. The SST k ¿ ¿ reproduces correctly the phenomena under study, although it generally turned out to be less accurate than its k ¿ ¿ counterparts. As regards the comparison among VOF approaches and codes, it is impossible to determine which one performs best. E.g. OpenFOAM, using the Partial VOF, managed to reproduce the in- ternal hydraulic jump structure and all derived variables better than FLOW-3D, using the TruVOF, although the latter seems to capture better the momentum transfer and so all derived variables. In the case of flow in stepped spillways, OpenFOAM captures better the velocity profiles, although FLOW-3D is more accurate when estimating the water free surface profile. It is worth remark- ing that not even their response to certain model parameters is comparable. E.g. FLOW-3D is significantly less sensitive to mesh refinement than OpenFOAM. Given the result accuracy achieved in all cases, the proposed model is fully applicable to more complex design cases, where stilling basins, stepped spillways and hydraulic structures in general must be investigated.Las nuevas disposiciones legales derivadas del cambio climático dictaminan que las estructuras hidráulicas sean capaces de funcionar correctamente con eventos de inundación asociados a periodos de retorno de hasta 10,000 años. Esto, obviamente, implica adaptar la infraestructura existente para satisfacer dichos requerimientos. A fin de evitar riesgos en la restitución de los caudales vertidos al río, como desbordamientos o procesos erosivos y de socavación, el diseño hidráulico ha de sustentarse en herramientas fiables capaces de reproducir el comportamiento de las estructuras hidráulicas. En este trabajo, se presenta un modelo numérico CFD completamente tridimensional para reproducir el comportamiento de diferentes tipos de flujo aire-agua en estructuras hidráulicas. Se asume que el flujo es turbulento, isotrópico e incompresible. Diversos modelos de turbulencia RANS son contrastados y se emplean mallas estructuradas rectanuglares para discretizar el dominio analizado. La presencia de dos fluidos es modelada utilizando diferentes enfoques VOF y las simulaciones son ejecutadas empleando el algoritmo PIMPLE. El modelo es implementado mediante la plataforma de código abierto OpenFOAM y su respuesta es comparada con la del modelo comercial FLOW-3D. El análisis se lleva a cabo sobre dos partes diferentes de una estructura hidráulica, a saber, el aliviadero y el cuenco amortiguador, de forma separada. Además, un caso de aplicación práctica, donde el modelo reproduce el flujo en una estructura real, es presentado también a fin de probar la adecuación del modelo a casos de diseño aplicado. Se comprueban la independencia de la malla y la validación con datos experimentales de los resultados de todos los casos de estudio. La sensibilidad del modelo presentado a ciertos parámetros es analizada de forma exhaustiva empleando diferentes variables indicadoras. Los pros y contras de cada uno de éstos son planteados. Los modelos de turbulencia analizados son el Standard k-epsilon, el Realizable k-epsilon, el RNG k-epsilon y el SST k-omega. Los esquemas de discretización estudiados son: un método de primer orden upwind, uno de Van Leer de segundo orden y un esquema de segundo orden limitado de diferencias centradas. Los enfoques VOF analizados son el Partial VOF, implementado en OpenFOAM, y el TruVOF, implementado en FLOW-3D. En la mayoría de casos, el modelo k-epsilon aporta las estimaciones más precisas de perfiles de lámina libre de agua, pese a que el resto de variables, con alguna excepción, son mejor predichas por el RNG k-epsilon. Este modelo generalmente requiere mayores tiempos de cálculo. El k-omega reproduce correctamente los fenómenos bajo estudio, pese a que su precisión es generalmente más baja que la de los modelos k-epsilon. En lo que respecta a la comparación entre enfoques VOF y códigos, es imposible determinar cuál es el mejor. Por ejemplo, OpenFOAM, empleando el Partial VOF, logra reproducir la estructura interna del resalto hidráulico y todas las variables derivadas mejor que FLOW-3D, empleando el TruVOF, a pesar de que este último parece capturar mejor la transferencia de cantidad de movimiento y, por tanto, todas las variables derivadas. En el caso del flujo en aliviaderos escalonados, OpenFOAM captura mejor los perfiles de velocidad, pese a que FLOW-3D es más preciso en la estimación de los perfiles de lámina libre de agua. Conviene recalcar que ni tan sólo su respuesta a ciertos parámetros del modelo es comparable. Por ejemplo, FLOW-3D es significativamente menos sensible al refinado de malla que OpenFOAM. A la luz de la precisión de los resultados obtenidos en todos los casos, el modelo propuesto es completamente aplicable a casos de diseño más complejos, donde cuencos amortiguadores, aliviaderos escalonados y estructuras hidráulicas en general han de ser investigadas.Les noves disposicions legals derivades del canvi climàtic dictaminen que cal que les estructures hidràuliques siguen capaces de funcionar correctament amb esdeveniments d'inundació associats a períodes de retorn de fins a 10,000 anys. Això, òbviament, implica adaptar la infraestrctura existent per satisfer aquests requeriments. A fi d'evitar riscs en la restitució dels cabals vessats al riu, com desbordaments o processos erosius i de socavació, el disseny hidràulic ha de recolzar-se en ferramentes fiables capaces de reproduir el comportament de les estructures hidràuliques. En aquest treball, es prsenta un model numèric CFD completament tridimensional per a reproduir el comportament de diferents tipus de flux aire-aigua en estructures hidràuliques. S'assumeix que el flux és turbulent, isotròpic i incompressible. Diferents models de turbulència RANS són contrastats i s'empren malles estructurades rectangulars per discretitzar el domini analitzat. La presència de dos fluids és modelada utilitzant diferents enfocaments VOF i les simulacions són executades emprant l'algorisme PIMPLE. El model és implementat mitjançant la plataforma de codi obert OpenFOAM i la seua resposta és comparada amb la del codi comercial FLOW-3D. L'anàlisi es du a terme sobre les diferents parts d'una estructura hidràulica, a saber, sobreeixidors esgraonats i vas esmorteïdor, de forma separada. A més, un cas d'aplicació pràctica, on el model reprodueix el flux a una estructura real, és presentat també a fi de provar l'adequació del model a casos de disseny aplicat. Es comproven la independència de la malla i la validació amb dades experimentals dels resultats de tots els casos d'estudi. La sensibilitat del model presentat a certs paràmetres és analitzada de forma exhaustiva emprant diferents variables indicadores. Els pros i contres de cadascun d'aquests són plantejats. Els models de turbulència analitzats són l'Standard k-epsilon, el Realizable k-epsilon, el RNG k-epsilon i l'SST k-omega. Els esquemes de discretització estudiats són: un mètode de primer ordre upwind, un de Van Leer de segon ordre i un esquema de segon ordre limitat de diferències centrades. Els enfocaments VOF analitzats són el Partial VOF, implementat en OpenFOAM, i el TruVOF, implementat en FLOW-3D. En la majoria de casos, el model Standard k-epsilon aporta les estimacions més precises de perfils de làmina lliure d'aigua, tot i que la resta de variables, amb alguna excepció, són millor predites pel RNG k-epsilon. Aquest model generalment requereix majors temps de càlcul. El k-omega reprodueix correctament els fenòmens sota estudi, tot i que la seua precisió és generalment més baixa que la dels models k-epsilon. Pel que fa la comparació entre enfocaments VOF i codis, és impossible determinar quin és el millor. Per exemple, OpenFOAM, emprant el Partial VOF, aconsegueix reproduir l'estructura interna del ressalt hidràulic i totes les variables derivades millor que FLOW-3D, emprant el TruVOF, tot i que aquest últim pareix capturar millor la transferència de quantitat de moviment i, per tant, totes les variables derivades. En el cas del flux en sobreeixidors esgraonats, OpenFOAM captura millor els perfils de velocitat, tot i que FLOW-3D és més precís en estimar els perfils de làmina lliure d'aigua. Cal deixar palès que ni tan sols la seua resposta a certs paràmetres del model és comparable. Per exemple, FLOW-3D és significativament menys sensible al refinament de malla que OpenFOAM. En base a la precisió dels resultats obtinguts en tots els casos, el model proposat és completament aplicable a casos de disseny més complexos, on vassos esmorteïdors, sobreeixidors esgraonats i estructures hidràuliques en general han de ser investigades.Bayón Barrachina, A. (2017). Numerical analysis of air-water flows in hydraulic structures using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90440TESISCompendi

    Interferometric Imaging of Lightning Initiation through LOFAR: Uncovering the Spontaneous and Not-So-Spontaneous Nature of Lightning Initiation in 3D

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    With recent advances in instrumentation and the continued development and refinement of analytical methods, the hindrances that previously existed in uncovering the physical processes governing the behavior of lightning are diminishing. The focus of this dissertation research, interferometric imaging of lightning initiation through beamforming via the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), will describe in detail how both the instrumentation and methods cooperate to enable the detection of lightning processes in which are below the level of the galactic and thermal very high frequency (VHF) background on individual antennas within the array. These conditions have proven to be integral in uncovering of two novel methods of lightning initiation. For one event, a broad discharge is observed propagate with a velocity of 4.8 +/- 0.1 x 10^6 m/s while increasing in intensity from below the LOFAR noise level. For the second mode of initiation, a negative discharge was observed to propagate with a velocity of 1.5 x 10^3 m/s, which is three orders of magnitude slower than normal negative leaders. The first shares features with previously conceptualized ideas of how lightning initiates. This is supported by other researchers, but the findings have unique features that are not explained by the current theories how lightning initiates. Furthermore, the second initiation method is new and unlike any other known lightning process. Lastly, it should be noted that the results we present these use true 3D interferometric imaging techniques. Without the development and implementation of these methods the results reported within this work would not be possible. This thesis will briefly discuss the current understanding of lightning and related phenomena to give an overview the topic and context for why the study of lightning is important. This will the be followed by current theories of how lightning initiates, and then by discussion of the development of the 3D interferometric techniques and their implementation. Next, the thesis will present two recently observed processes by which lightning leaders form, after which is a discussion of the implications of these findings and how they are distinct from known lightning processes. Additionally, we will discuss results from the possible detection of gamma ray glows from the thunderstorm balloon campaign. These findings are the result of the updated methodology and instrumentation when this project was transferred to the University of New Hampshire from the Florida Institute of Technology. Lastly, the thesis concludes with a review of the implications of these discoveries and a discussion of future investigations, as well as, propose methods to further uncover additional details of the physical processes behind lightning initiation and where the results of the observations reported in this thesis fit within the current understanding of how lightning initiates

    Measurement of head-related transfer functions : A review

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    A head-related transfer function (HRTF) describes an acoustic transfer function between a point sound source in the free-field and a defined position in the listener's ear canal, and plays an essential role in creating immersive virtual acoustic environments (VAEs) reproduced over headphones or loudspeakers. HRTFs are highly individual, and depend on directions and distances (near-field HRTFs). However, the measurement of high-density HRTF datasets is usually time-consuming, especially for human subjects. Over the years, various novel measurement setups and methods have been proposed for the fast acquisition of individual HRTFs while maintaining high measurement accuracy. This review paper provides an overview of various HRTF measurement systems and some insights into trends in individual HRTF measurements

    IVGPR: A New Program for Advanced End-To-End GPR Processing

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    Ground penetrating radar (GPR) processing workflows commonly rely on techniques developed particularly for seismic reflection imaging. Although this practice has produced an abundance of reliable results, it is limited to basic applications. As the popularity of GPR continues to surge, a greater number of complex studies demand the use of routines that take into account the unique properties of GPR signals. Such is the case of surveys that examine the material properties of subsurface scatterers. The nature of these complicated tasks have created a demand for GPR-specific processing packages flexible enough to tackle new applications. Unlike seismic processing programs, however, GPR counterparts often afford only a limited amount of functionalities. This work produced a new GPR-specific processing package, dubbed IVGPR, that offers over 60 fully customizable procedures. This program was built using the modern Fortran programming language in combination with serial and parallel optimization practices that allow it to achieve high levels of performance. Within its many functions, IVGPR provides the rare opportunity to apply a three-dimensional single-component vector migration routine. This could be of great value for advanced workflows designed to develop and test new true-amplitude and inversion algorithms. Numerous examples given through this work demonstrate the effectiveness of key routines in IVGPR. Additionally, three case studies show end-to-end applications of this program to field records that produced satisfactory result well-suited interpretatio

    Novel Hybrid-Learning Algorithms for Improved Millimeter-Wave Imaging Systems

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    Increasing attention is being paid to millimeter-wave (mmWave), 30 GHz to 300 GHz, and terahertz (THz), 300 GHz to 10 THz, sensing applications including security sensing, industrial packaging, medical imaging, and non-destructive testing. Traditional methods for perception and imaging are challenged by novel data-driven algorithms that offer improved resolution, localization, and detection rates. Over the past decade, deep learning technology has garnered substantial popularity, particularly in perception and computer vision applications. Whereas conventional signal processing techniques are more easily generalized to various applications, hybrid approaches where signal processing and learning-based algorithms are interleaved pose a promising compromise between performance and generalizability. Furthermore, such hybrid algorithms improve model training by leveraging the known characteristics of radio frequency (RF) waveforms, thus yielding more efficiently trained deep learning algorithms and offering higher performance than conventional methods. This dissertation introduces novel hybrid-learning algorithms for improved mmWave imaging systems applicable to a host of problems in perception and sensing. Various problem spaces are explored, including static and dynamic gesture classification; precise hand localization for human computer interaction; high-resolution near-field mmWave imaging using forward synthetic aperture radar (SAR); SAR under irregular scanning geometries; mmWave image super-resolution using deep neural network (DNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT) architectures; and data-level multiband radar fusion using a novel hybrid-learning architecture. Furthermore, we introduce several novel approaches for deep learning model training and dataset synthesis.Comment: PhD Dissertation Submitted to UTD ECE Departmen

    The QUIET Instrument

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    The Q/U Imaging ExperimenT (QUIET) is designed to measure polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background, targeting the imprint of inflationary gravitational waves at large angular scales (~ 1 degree). Between 2008 October and 2010 December, two independent receiver arrays were deployed sequentially on a 1.4 m side-fed Dragonian telescope. The polarimeters which form the focal planes use a highly compact design based on High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) that provides simultaneous measurements of the Stokes parameters Q, U, and I in a single module. The 17-element Q-band polarimeter array, with a central frequency of 43.1 GHz, has the best sensitivity (69 uK sqrt(s)) and the lowest instrumental systematic errors ever achieved in this band, contributing to the tensor-to-scalar ratio at r < 0.1. The 84-element W-band polarimeter array has a sensitivity of 87 uK sqrt(s) at a central frequency of 94.5 GHz. It has the lowest systematic errors to date, contributing at r < 0.01. The two arrays together cover multipoles in the range l= 25-975. These are the largest HEMT-based arrays deployed to date. This article describes the design, calibration, performance of, and sources of systematic error for the instrument
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