1,297 research outputs found

    An indoor variance-based localization technique utilizing the UWB estimation of geometrical propagation parameters

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    A novel localization framework is presented based on ultra-wideband (UWB) channel sounding, employing a triangulation method using the geometrical properties of propagation paths, such as time delay of arrival, angle of departure, angle of arrival, and their estimated variances. In order to extract these parameters from the UWB sounding data, an extension to the high-resolution RiMAX algorithm was developed, facilitating the analysis of these frequency-dependent multipath parameters. This framework was then tested by performing indoor measurements with a vector network analyzer and virtual antenna arrays. The estimated means and variances of these geometrical parameters were utilized to generate multiple sample sets of input values for our localization framework. Next to that, we consider the existence of multiple possible target locations, which were subsequently clustered using a Kim-Parks algorithm, resulting in a more robust estimation of each target node. Measurements reveal that our newly proposed technique achieves an average accuracy of 0.26, 0.28, and 0.90 m in line-of-sight (LoS), obstructed-LoS, and non-LoS scenarios, respectively, and this with only one single beacon node. Moreover, utilizing the estimated variances of the multipath parameters proved to enhance the location estimation significantly compared to only utilizing their estimated mean values

    Map-Aware Models for Indoor Wireless Localization Systems: An Experimental Study

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    The accuracy of indoor wireless localization systems can be substantially enhanced by map-awareness, i.e., by the knowledge of the map of the environment in which localization signals are acquired. In fact, this knowledge can be exploited to cancel out, at least to some extent, the signal degradation due to propagation through physical obstructions, i.e., to the so called non-line-of-sight bias. This result can be achieved by developing novel localization techniques that rely on proper map-aware statistical modelling of the measurements they process. In this manuscript a unified statistical model for the measurements acquired in map-aware localization systems based on time-of-arrival and received signal strength techniques is developed and its experimental validation is illustrated. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed map-aware model is assessed and compared with that offered by its map-unaware counterparts. Our numerical results show that, when the quality of acquired measurements is poor, map-aware modelling can enhance localization accuracy by up to 110% in certain scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 201

    A survey of localization in wireless sensor network

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    Localization is one of the key techniques in wireless sensor network. The location estimation methods can be classified into target/source localization and node self-localization. In target localization, we mainly introduce the energy-based method. Then we investigate the node self-localization methods. Since the widespread adoption of the wireless sensor network, the localization methods are different in various applications. And there are several challenges in some special scenarios. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these challenges: localization in non-line-of-sight, node selection criteria for localization in energy-constrained network, scheduling the sensor node to optimize the tradeoff between localization performance and energy consumption, cooperative node localization, and localization algorithm in heterogeneous network. Finally, we introduce the evaluation criteria for localization in wireless sensor network

    Identification and Mitigation of NLOS based on Channel Information Rules for Indoor UWB Localization

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    Indoor localization is an emerging technology that can be utilized for developing products and services for commercial usage, public safety, military applications and so forth. Commercially it can be applied to track children, people with special needs, help navigate blind people, locate equipment, mobile robots, etc. The objective of this thesis is to enable an indoor mobile vehicle to determine its location and thereby making it capable of autonomous localization under Non-light of sight (NLOS) conditions. The solution developed is based on Ultra Wideband (UWB) based Indoor Positioning System (IPS) in the building. The proposed method increases robustness, scalability, and accuracy of location. The out of the box system of DecaWave TREK1000 provides tag tracking features but has no method to detect and mitigate location inaccuracies due to the multipath effect from physical obstacles found in an indoor environment. This NLOS condition causes ranges to be positively biased, hence the wrong location is reported. Our approach to deal with the NLOS problem is based on the use of Rules Classifier, which is based on channel information. Once better range readings are achieved, approximate location is calculated based on Time of Flight (TOF). Moreover, the proposed rule based IPS can be easily implemented on hardware due to the low complexity. The measurement results, which was obtained using the proposed mitigation algorithm, show considerable improvements in the accuracy of the location estimation which can be used in different IPS applications requiring centimeter level precision. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated experimentally using an indoor positioning platform in a laboratory environment, and is shown to be significantly better than conventional approaches. The maximum positioning error is reduced to 15 cm for NLOS using both an offline and real time tracking algorithm extended from the proposed approach

    Statistical LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels

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    Ultrawideband (UWB) technology has attracted a lot of attention for indoor and outdoor positioning systems due to its high accuracy and robustness in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments. However, UWB signals are affected by multipath propagation which causes errors in localization. To overcome this problem, researchers have proposed various techniques for NLOS identification and mitigation. One of the approaches is statistical LOS/NLOS classification, which uses statistical parameters of the received signal to distinguish between LOS and NLOS channels. In this paper, we formulated several techniques which can be used for effectively classifying a Line of Sight (LOS) channel from a Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) channel. Various parameters obtained from Channel Impulse Response (CIR) like Skewness, Kurtosis, Root Mean Squared Delay Spread (RDS), Mean Excess Delay (MED), Energy, Energy Ratio, and Mean of Covariance Matrix are used for channel classification. In addition to this, the Joint Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of various parameters are used to improve the accuracy of UWB LOS/NLOS channel classification. Two different criteria-Likelihood Ratio and Hypothesis Tests are used for the identification of the channel

    Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Technologies

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    The paper describes a multi-disciplinary design of modern communication systems. The design starts with the analysis of a system in order to define requirements on its individual components. The design exploits proper models of communication channels to adapt the systems to expected transmission conditions. Input filtering of signals both in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain is ensured by a properly designed antenna. Further signal processing (amplification and further filtering) is done by electronics circuits. Finally, signal processing techniques are applied to yield information about current properties of frequency spectrum and to distribute the transmission over free subcarrier channels

    Edge inference for UWB ranging error correction using autoencoders

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    Indoor localization knows many applications, such as industry 4.0, warehouses, healthcare, drones, etc., where high accuracy becomes more critical than ever. Recent advances in ultra-wideband localization systems allow high accuracies for multiple active users in line-of-sight environments, while they still introduce errors above 300 mm in non-line-of-sight environments due to multi-path effects. Current work tries to improve the localization accuracy of ultra-wideband through offline error correction approaches using popular machine learning techniques. However, these techniques are still limited to simple environments with few multi-path effects and focus on offline correction. With the upcoming demand for high accuracy and low latency indoor localization systems, there is a need to deploy (online) efficient error correction techniques with fast response times in dynamic and complex environments. To address this, we propose (i) a novel semi-supervised autoencoder-based machine learning approach for improving ranging accuracy of ultra-wideband localization beyond the limitations of current improvements while aiming for performance improvements and a small memory footprint and (ii) an edge inference architecture for online UWB ranging error correction. As such, this paper allows the design of accurate localization systems by using machine learning for low-cost edge devices. Compared to a deep neural network (as state-of-the-art, with a baseline error of 75 mm) the proposed autoencoder achieves a 29% higher accuracy. The proposed approach leverages robust and accurate ultra-wideband localization, which reduces the errors from 214 mm without correction to 58 mm with correction. Validation of edge inference using the proposed autoencoder on a NVIDIA Jetson Nano demonstrates significant uplink bandwidth savings and allows up to 20 rapidly ranging anchors per edge GPU

    Whitepaper on New Localization Methods for 5G Wireless Systems and the Internet-of-Things

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    Intelligent Processing in Wireless Communications Using Particle Swarm Based Methods

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    There are a lot of optimization needs in the research and design of wireless communica- tion systems. Many of these optimization problems are Nondeterministic Polynomial (NP) hard problems and could not be solved well. Many of other non-NP-hard optimization problems are combinatorial and do not have satisfying solutions either. This dissertation presents a series of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based search and optimization algorithms that solve open research and design problems in wireless communications. These problems are either avoided or solved approximately before. PSO is a bottom-up approach for optimization problems. It imposes no conditions on the underlying problem. Its simple formulation makes it easy to implement, apply, extend and hybridize. The algorithm uses simple operators like adders, and multipliers to travel through the search space and the process requires just five simple steps. PSO is also easy to control because it has limited number of parameters and is less sensitive to parameters than other swarm intelligence algorithms. It is not dependent on initial points and converges very fast. Four types of PSO based approaches are proposed targeting four different kinds of problems in wireless communications. First, we use binary PSO and continuous PSO together to find optimal compositions of Gaussian derivative pulses to form several UWB pulses that not only comply with the FCC spectrum mask, but also best exploit the avail- able spectrum and power. Second, three different PSO based algorithms are developed to solve the NLOS/LOS channel differentiation, NLOS range error mitigation and multilateration problems respectively. Third, a PSO based search method is proposed to find optimal orthogonal code sets to reduce the inter carrier interference effects in an frequency redundant OFDM system. Fourth, a PSO based phase optimization technique is proposed in reducing the PAPR of an frequency redundant OFDM system. The PSO based approaches are compared with other canonical solutions for these communication problems and showed superior performance in many aspects. which are confirmed by analysis and simulation results provided respectively. Open questions and future Open questions and future works for the dissertation are proposed to serve as a guide for the future research efforts