34 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation and Comparison of Time-Multiplexed Multi-FPGA Routing Architectures

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    Emulating large complex designs require multi-FPGA systems (MFS). However, inter-FPGA communication is confronted by the challenge of lack of interconnect capacity due to limited number of FPGA input/output (I/O) pins. Serializing parallel signals onto a single trace effectively addresses the limited I/O pin obstacle. Besides the multiplexing scheme and multiplexing ratio (number of inter-FPGA signals per trace), the choice of the MFS routing architecture also affect the critical path latency. The routing architecture of an MFS is the interconnection pattern of FPGAs, fixed wires and/or programmable interconnect chips. Performance of existing MFS routing architectures is also limited by off-chip interface selection. In this dissertation we proposed novel 2D and 3D latency-optimized time-multiplexed MFS routing architectures. We used rigorous experimental approach and real sequential benchmark circuits to evaluate and compare the proposed and existing MFS routing architectures. This research provides a new insight into the encouraging effects of using off-chip optical interface and three dimensional MFS routing architectures. The vertical stacking results in shorter off-chip links improving the overall system frequency with the additional advantage of smaller footprint area. The proposed 3D architectures employed serialized interconnect between intra-plane and inter-plane FPGAs to address the pin limitation problem. Additionally, all off-chip links are replaced by optical fibers that exhibited latency improvement and resulted in faster MFS. Results indicated that exploiting third dimension provided latency and area improvements as compared to 2D MFS. We also proposed latency-optimized planar 2D MFS architectures in which electrical interconnections are replaced by optical interface in same spatial distribution. Performance evaluation and comparison showed that the proposed architectures have reduced critical path delay and system frequency improvement as compared to conventional MFS. We also experimentally evaluated and compared the system performance of three inter-FPGA communication schemes i.e. Logic Multiplexing, SERDES and MGT in conjunction with two routing architectures i.e. Completely Connected Graph (CCG) and TORUS. Experimental results showed that SERDES attained maximum frequency than the other two schemes. However, for very high multiplexing ratios, the performance of SERDES & MGT became comparable

    Analyzing the divide between FPGA academic and commercial results

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    The pinnacle of success for academic work is often achieved by having impact on commercial products. In order to have a successful transfer bridge, academic evaluation flows need to provide representative results of similar quality to commercial flows. A majority of publications in FPGA research use the same set of known academic CAD tools and benchmarks to evaluate new architecture and tool ideas. However, it is not clear whether the claims in academic publications based on these tools and benchmarks translate to real benefits in commercial products. In this work we compare the latest Xilinx commercial tools and products with these well-known academic tools to identify the gap in the major figures of merit. Our results show that there is a significant 2.2X gap in speed-performance for similar process technology. We have also identified the area-efficiency and runtime divide between commercial and academic tools to be 5% and 2.2X, respectively. We show that it is possible to improve portions of the academic flow such as ABC logic optimization to match the quality of commercial tools at the expense of additional runtime. Our results also show that depth reduction, which is often used as the main figure of merit for logic optimization papers does not translate to post-routing timing improvements. We finally discuss the differences between academic and commercial benchmark designs. We explain the main differences and trends that may influence the topic choice and conclusions of academic research. This work emphasizes how difficult it is to identify the relevant FPGA academic work that can provide meaningful benefits for commercial products

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Graphics Processing Unit-Based Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for Electronic Design Automation

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    The electronic design automation (EDA) tools are a specific set of software that play important roles in modern integrated circuit (IC) design. These software automate the design processes of IC with various stages. Among these stages, two important EDA design tools are the focus of this research: floorplanning and global routing. Specifically, the goal of this study is to parallelize these two tools such that their execution time can be significantly shortened on modern multi-core and graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures. The GPU hardware is a massively parallel architecture, enabling thousands of independent threads to execute concurrently. Although a small set of EDA tools can benefit from using GPU to accelerate their speed, most algorithms in this field are designed with the single-core paradigm in mind. The floorplanning and global routing algorithms are among the latter, and difficult to render any speedup on the GPU due to their inherent sequential nature. This work parallelizes the floorplanning and global routing algorithm through a novel approach and results in significant speedups for both tools implemented on the GPU hardware. Specifically, with a complete overhaul of solution space and design space exploration, a GPU-based floorplanning algorithm is able to render 4-166X speedup, while achieving similar or improved solutions compared with the sequential algorithm. The GPU-based global routing algorithm is shown to achieve significant speedup against existing state-of-the-art routers, while delivering competitive solution quality. Importantly, this parallel model for global routing renders a stable solution that is independent from the level of parallelism. In summary, this research has shown that through a design paradigm overhaul, sequential algorithms can also benefit from the massively parallel architecture. The findings of this study have a positive impact on the efficiency and design quality of modern EDA design flow

    FPGA Energy Efficiency by Leveraging Thermal Margin

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    Cutting edge FPGAs are not energy efficient as conventionally presumed to be, and therefore, aggressive power-saving techniques have become imperative. The clock rate of an FPGA-mapped design is set based on worst-case conditions to ensure reliable operation under all circumstances. This usually leaves a considerable timing margin that can be exploited to reduce power consumption by scaling voltage without lowering clock frequency. There are hurdles for such opportunistic voltage scaling in FPGAs because (a) critical paths change with designs, making timing evaluation difficult as voltage changes, (b) each FPGA resource has particular power-delay trade-off with voltage, (c) data corruption of configuration cells and memory blocks further hampers voltage scaling. In this paper, we propose a systematical approach to leverage the available thermal headroom of FPGA-mapped designs for power and energy improvement. By comprehensively analyzing the timing and power consumption of FPGA building blocks under varying temperatures and voltages, we propose a thermal-aware voltage scaling flow that effectively utilizes the thermal margin to reduce power consumption without degrading performance. We show the proposed flow can be employed for energy optimization as well, whereby power consumption and delay are compromised to accomplish the tasks with minimum energy. Lastly, we propose a simulation framework to be able to examine the efficiency of the proposed method for other applications that are inherently tolerant to a certain amount of error, granting further power saving opportunity. Experimental results over a set of industrial benchmarks indicate up to 36% power reduction with the same performance, and 66% total energy saving when energy is the optimization target.Comment: Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) 201

    New FPGA design tools and architectures

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