29 research outputs found

    A Note on Two-Colorability of Nonuniform Hypergraphs

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    For a hypergraph HH, let q(H)q(H) denote the expected number of monochromatic edges when the color of each vertex in HH is sampled uniformly at random from the set of size 2. Let smin(H)s_{\min}(H) denote the minimum size of an edge in HH. Erd\H{o}s asked in 1963 whether there exists an unbounded function g(k)g(k) such that any hypergraph HH with smin(H)ks_{\min}(H) \geq k and q(H)g(k)q(H) \leq g(k) is two colorable. Beck in 1978 answered this question in the affirmative for a function g(k)=Θ(logk)g(k) = \Theta(\log^* k). We improve this result by showing that, for an absolute constant δ>0\delta>0, a version of random greedy coloring procedure is likely to find a proper two coloring for any hypergraph HH with smin(H)ks_{\min}(H) \geq k and q(H)δlogkq(H) \leq \delta \cdot \log k

    Rainbow Coloring Hardness via Low Sensitivity Polymorphisms

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    A k-uniform hypergraph is said to be r-rainbow colorable if there is an r-coloring of its vertices such that every hyperedge intersects all r color classes. Given as input such a hypergraph, finding a r-rainbow coloring of it is NP-hard for all k >= 3 and r >= 2. Therefore, one settles for finding a rainbow coloring with fewer colors (which is an easier task). When r=k (the maximum possible value), i.e., the hypergraph is k-partite, one can efficiently 2-rainbow color the hypergraph, i.e., 2-color its vertices so that there are no monochromatic edges. In this work we consider the next smaller value of r=k-1, and prove that in this case it is NP-hard to rainbow color the hypergraph with q := ceil[(k-2)/2] colors. In particular, for k <=6, it is NP-hard to 2-color (k-1)-rainbow colorable k-uniform hypergraphs. Our proof follows the algebraic approach to promise constraint satisfaction problems. It proceeds by characterizing the polymorphisms associated with the approximate rainbow coloring problem, which are rainbow colorings of some product hypergraphs on vertex set [r]^n. We prove that any such polymorphism f: [r]^n -> [q] must be C-fixing, i.e., there is a small subset S of C coordinates and a setting a in [q]^S such that fixing x_{|S} = a determines the value of f(x). The key step in our proof is bounding the sensitivity of certain rainbow colorings, thereby arguing that they must be juntas. Armed with the C-fixing characterization, our NP-hardness is obtained via a reduction from smooth Label Cover

    Applications of the Lovász Local Lemma and related methods

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    V této práci se zabýváme aplikacemi Lovászova lokálního lemmatu a s ním souvisejících metod. Popíšeme postupný vývoj těchto metod a ukážeme konkrétní příklady jejich užití na příkladech z oblasti výzkumu nezávislých transverzál a hypergrafů.ObhájenoIn this thesis we investigate applications of the Lovász local lemma and its related methods. We are going to describe the gradual development of these methods and show the specific examples of its use in the field of research on independent transversals and hypergraphs

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for Projection Games

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    The projection games (aka Label-Cover) problem is of great importance to the field of approximation algorithms, since most of the NP-hardness of approximation results we know today are reductions from Label-Cover. In this paper we design several approximation algorithms for projection games: 1. A polynomial-time approximation algorithm that improves on the previous best approximation by Charikar, Hajiaghayi and Karloff [7]. 2. A sub-exponential time algorithm with much tighter approximation for the case of smooth projection games. 3. A PTAS for planar graphs.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1218547

    Homogeneity and Homogenizability: Hard Problems for the Logic SNP

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    We show that the question whether a given SNP sentence defines a homogenizable class of finite structures is undecidable, even if the sentence comes from the connected Datalog fragment and uses at most binary relation symbols. As a byproduct of our proof, we also get the undecidability of some other properties for Datalog programs, e.g., whether they can be rewritten in MMSNP, whether they solve some finite-domain CSP, or whether they define the age of a reduct of a homogeneous Ramsey structure in a finite relational signature. We subsequently show that the closely related problem of testing the amalgamation property for finitely bounded classes is EXPSPACE-hard or PSPACE-hard, depending on whether the input is specified by a universal sentence or a set of forbidden substructures.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure


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