114 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Model for Scholarly Research Activity

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    This paper presents a conceptual model for scholarly research activity, developed as part of the conceptual modelling work within the ???Preparing DARIAH??? European e-Infrastructures project. It is inspired by cultural-historical activity theory, and is expressed in terms of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, extending its notion of activity so as to also account, apart from historical practice, for scholarly research planning. It is intended as a framework for structuring and analyzing the results of empirical research on scholarly practice and information requirements, encompassing the full research lifecycle of information work and involving both primary evidence and scholarly objects; also, as a framework for producing clear and pertinent information requirements, and specifications of digital infrastructures, tools and services for scholarly research. We plan to use the model to tag interview transcripts from an empirical study on scholarly information work, and thus validate its soundness and fitness for purpose

    Readers reading practices of EFL Yemeni students: recommendations for the 21st century

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    This paper investigates the reading practices of forty-five second year EFL Yemeni undergraduate students using the Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices. The Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices organizes reading practices into four key practices: code breaking, text participating, text uses and text analysing levels. Quantitative and qualitative methods, designed based on the Four Resources Model constructs, were used to collect data from a sample of students studying English as a Foreign Language at a university in Yemen. Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire, while qualitative data was gathered using semi-structured interviews guided by the research objectives. The findings reveal that Yemeni students were medium users of the code breaker and text user practices whereas the meaning making and text analysis practices were reported to be used in low usage. On the whole, these early findings suggest that the reading practices and reading abilities of the Yemeni students are still limited even at the tertiary level and have not developed fully with regard to reading in English. This paper reports in detail, the use of the Four Resources Model as a tool to determine reading efficacy while examining the aforementioned findings. Discussion is put forward on the implications for teaching of reading and its approaches in a Yemeni context, especially in view of the students‟ reading needs at the tertiary level in Yemen

    The Information Literacy Imperative in Higher Education

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    This article contends that information literacy should be considered a standard component in a 21st century liberal education. It explores the role of libraries and librarians within this context while contrasting the Google it mentality with deep researching and critical thinking about information and the information-seeking process, both in libraries and in the free online environment

    Information Seeking Behaviour of Scientific Community at Assam, India: A Proposed Model for E-Environment

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    The present study has been undertaken to know the information seeking pattern of the scientific community who belong to different universities under the study. In this study, it has been tried to find out the satisfaction after utilization of print or digital information resources available in the digital environment with a view to understand the situation of the existing library system. After evaluation and observation of the findings of the study critically, it leads to create confusion regarding the nature of information seeking pattern by the scientific community. It is found that the existing library information system is seemed to be less functional. The experience gathered from personal visit, observation and discussion with scientific community by the researcher also has realized that there is a big gap or problem in accessing information from university library system. So, there is an urgent need to develop a model which can fulfill the requirement of scientific community. Thus, one new model of information seeking behaviour is proposed namely “Information Seeking Model for Scientific Community at Assam” (ISMSCA) which might solve the problem of scientific community, if implemented

    Design guidelines for online resources: a longitudinal analysis of information processing

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    This paper proposes that to create superior information resources that meet the information needs of the target audience, a greater understanding of information processing is required. We suggest that the subjective assessment criteria that information-seekers use to process information resources and the information they contain can be used to produce design guidelines for online information resources. This is tested using data from a participant in an eighteen-month longitudinal study of expectant and new mothers. From our participant, three information resource assessment criteria (convenience, credibility, and format) and five information assessment criteria (complete, easy to understand, references, relevance and reliability) were identified. These eight criteria were used to generate design guidelines to meet the needs of our participant. This article provides an analysis tool that can be used by other researchers to collect and analyse subjective assessment criteria

    Information Seeking Behavior and Needs of Women Parliamentarians of Pakistan: A Case Study

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    This study probes into the information needs and seeking behavior of women parliamentarians in the 12th National Assembly of Pakistan during 2002 through 2007. It attempts to answer some of the questions raised on women’s political participation in the parliament and their information habits and needs by analyzing their preferred sources used in preparing for speeches, resolutions, bills, and laws. It also measures their information and communication technology skills. The study gauges their dependence and perception about the National Assembly Library and other sources of information available and suggests possible means by which information services to parliamentarians can be further enhanced. The findings of this study may present aspects which have never before been considered by researchers in trying to meet women parliamentarians’information needs

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Mengenai Kebijakan Sekolah Tatap Muka oleh Orang Tua Siswa di kota Malang

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    Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture has established a policy for implementing face-to-face schools. Regarding this policy, students’ parents become a key point in order to make decisions to allow children to attend face-to-face schooling. Before decision making, parents must first reduce uncertainties and lack of information related to the policy. This study discusses the information-seeking behavior of parents related to face-to-face school policies and the decision-making. The method used is descriptive survey. Data collected through online surveys and interviews. The results showed that parents did the active and passive behavior on information seeking. The school (teachers, homeroom teachers, principals, etc.) is the most frequently referred source of information by parents and is considered the most trusted source of information. The most important information needed by parents is regarding the readiness of the school in the implementation of face-to-face learning during the pandemic. In decision-making process, parents often use information sources through online media and discussions with other parents. The majority of parents will delay decision making if the information obtained is deemed insufficient, while on the other hand parents can also experience decision-making failure due to information overload. Belakangan ini Kemdikbud telah menetapkan kebijakan pelaksanaan sekolah tatap muka. Selain akademisi, orang tua menjadi pihak krusial dalam hal ini terutama berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusan untuk mengizinkan anak mengikuti pelaksanaan sekolah tatap muka. Sebelum mengambil keputusan terlebih dahulu orang tua harus mereduksi berbagai ketidakpastian dan kurangnya informasi terkait kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perilaku pencarian informasi yang dilakukan orang tua terkait kebijakan sekolah tatap muka hingga proses pengambilan keputusan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survei dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua melakukan pencarian informasi secara aktif dan pasif. Pihak sekolah (guru, wali kelas, kepala sekolah, dsb) menjadi sumber informasi yang paling sering dirujuk oleh orang tua siswa sekaligus dianggap sebagai sumber informasi yang paling terpercaya. Informasi yang dianggap paling penting oleh orang tua siswa adalah mengenai kesiapan sekolah dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tatap muka di masa pandemi. Adapun dalam pengambilan keputusan orang tua seringkali memanfaatkan sumber informasi melalui media daring dan diskusi bersama orang tua siswa lainnya. Mayoritas orang tua akan menunda pengambilan keputusan jika informasi yang didapatkan dirasa belum cukup, sementara di sisi lain orang tua juga dapat mengalami kegagalan pengambilan keputusan karena paparan informasi yang terlalu berlebihan
