7 research outputs found

    A nondominated sorting genetic algorithm for bi-objective network coding based multicast routing problems

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    Network coding is a new communication technique that generalizes routing, where, instead of simply forwarding the packets they receive, intermediate nodes are allowed to recombine (code) together some of the data packets received from different incoming links if necessary. By doing so, the maximum information flow in a network can always be achieved. However, performing coding operations (i.e. recombining data packets) incur computational overhead and delay of data processing at the corresponding nodes. In this paper, we investigate the optimization of the network coding based multicast routing problem with respect to two widely considered objectives, i.e. the cost and the delay. In general, reducing cost can result into a cheaper multicast solution for network service providers, while decreasing delay improves the service quality for users. Hence we model the problem as a bi-objective optimization problem to minimize the total cost and the maximum transmission delay of a multicast. This bi-objective optimization problem has not been considered in the literature. We adapt the Elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) for the new problem by introducing two adjustments. As there are many infeasible solutions in the search space, the first adjustment is an initialization scheme to generate a population of feasible and diversified solutions. These initial solutions help to guide the search towards the Pareto-optimal front. In addition, the original NSGA-II is very likely to produce a number of solutions with identical objective values at each generation, which may seriously deteriorate the level of diversity and the optimization performance. The second adjustment is an individual delegate scheme where, among those solutions with identical objective values, only one of them is retained in the population while the others are deleted. Experimental results reveal that each adopted adjustment contributes to the adaptation of NSGA-II for the problem concerned. Moreover, the adjusted NSGA-II outperforms a number of state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms with respect to the quality of the obtained nondominated solutions in the conducted experiments

    On minimizing coding operations in network coding based multicast: an evolutionary algorithm

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    In telecommunications networks, to enable a valid data transmission based on network coding, any intermediate node within a given network is allowed, if necessary, to perform coding operations. The more coding operations needed, the more coding resources consumed and thus the more computational overhead and transmission delay incurred. This paper investigates an efficient evolutionary algorithm to minimize the amount of coding operations required in network coding based multicast. Based on genetic algorithms, we adapt two extensions in the proposed evolutionary algorithm, namely a new crossover operator and a neighbourhood search operator, to effectively solve the highly complex problem being concerned. The new crossover is based on logic OR operations to each pair of selected parent individuals, and the resulting offspring are more likely to become feasible. The aim of this operator is to intensify the search in regions with plenty of feasible individuals. The neighbourhood search consists of two moves which are based on greedy link removal and path reconstruction, respectively. Due to the specific problem feature, it is possible that each feasible individual corresponds to a number of, rather than a single, valid network coding based routing subgraphs. The neighbourhood search is applied to each feasible individual to find a better routing subgraph that consumes less coding resource. This operator not only improves solution quality but also accelerates the convergence. Experiments have been carried out on a number of fixed and randomly generated benchmark networks. The results demonstrate that with the two extensions, our evolutionary algorithm is effective and outperforms a number of state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of the ability of finding optimal solutions

    A hybrid EDA for load balancing in multicast with network coding

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    Load balancing is one of the most important issues in the practical deployment of multicast with network coding. However, this issue has received little research attention. This paper studies how traffic load of network coding based multicast (NCM) is disseminated in a communications network, with load balancing considered as an important factor. To this end, a hybridized estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) is proposed, where two novel schemes are integrated into the population based incremental learning (PBIL) framework to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation, thus enhance the efficiency of the stochastic search. The first scheme is a bi-probability-vector coevolution scheme, where two probability vectors (PVs) evolve independently with periodical individual migration. This scheme can diversify the population and improve the global exploration in the search. The second scheme is a local search heuristic. It is based on the problem-specific domain knowledge and improves the NCM transmission plan at the expense of additional computational time. The heuristic can be utilized either as a local search operator to enhance the local exploitation during the evolutionary process, or as a follow-up operator to improve the best-so-far solutions found after the evolution. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms against a number of existing evolutionary algorithms

    A path-oriented encoding evolutionary algorithm for network coding resource minimization

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    Network coding is an emerging telecommunication technique, where any intermediate node is allowed to recombine incoming data if necessary. This technique helps to increase the throughput, however, very likely at the cost of huge amount of computational overhead, due to the packet recombination performed (ie coding operations). Hence, it is of practical importance to reduce coding operations while retaining the benefits that network coding brings to us. In this paper, we propose a novel evolutionary algorithm (EA) to minimize the amount of coding operations involved. Different from the state-of-the-art EAs which all use binary encodings for the problem, our EA is based on path-oriented encoding. In this new encoding scheme, each chromosome is represented by a union of paths originating from the source and terminating at one of the receivers. Employing path-oriented encoding leads to a search space where all solutions are feasible, which fundamentally facilitates more efficient search of EAs. Based on the new encoding, we develop three basic operators, that is, initialization, crossover and mutation. In addition, we design a local search operator to improve the solution quality and hence the performance of our EA. The simulation results demonstrate that our EA significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of global exploration and computational time

    QoS multicast routing protocol oriented to cognitive network using competitive coevolutionary algorithm

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    The human intervention in the network management and maintenance should be reduced to alleviate the ever-increasing spatial and temporal complexity. By mimicking the cognitive behaviors of human being, the cognitive network improves the scalability, self-adaptation, self-organization, and self-protection in the network. To implement the cognitive network, the cognitive behaviors for the network nodes need to be carefully designed. Quality of service (QoS) multicast is an important network problem. Therefore, it is appealing to develop an effective QoS multicast routing protocol oriented to cognitive network. In this paper, we design the cognitive behaviors summarized in the cognitive science for the network nodes. Based on the cognitive behaviors, we propose a QoS multicast routing protocol oriented to cognitive network, named as CogMRT. It is a distributed protocol where each node only maintains local information. The routing search is in a hop by hop way. Inspired by the small-world phenomenon, the cognitive behaviors help to accumulate the experiential route information. Since the QoS multicast routing is a typical combinatorial optimization problem and it is proved to be NP-Complete, we have applied the competitive coevolutionary algorithm (CCA) for the multicast tree construction. The CCA adopts novel encoding method and genetic operations which leverage the characteristics of the problem. We implement and evaluate CogMRT and other two promising alternative protocols in NS2 platform. The results show that CogMRT has remarkable advantages over the counterpart traditional protocols by exploiting the cognitive favors

    A modified ant colony optimization algorithm for network coding resource minimization

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    The paper presents a modified ant colony optimization approach for the network coding resource minimization problem. It is featured with several attractive mechanisms specially devised for solving the network coding resource minimization problem: 1) a multi-dimensional pheromone maintenance mechanism is put forward to address the issue of pheromone overlapping; 2) problem-specific heuristic information is employed to enhance the heuristic search (neighboring area search) capability; 3) a tabu-table based path construction method is devised to facilitate the construction of feasible (link-disjoint) paths from the source to each receiver; 4) a local pheromone updating rule is developed to guide ants to construct appropriate promising paths; 5) a solution reconstruction method is presented, with the aim of avoiding prematurity and improving the global search efficiency of proposed algorithm. Due to the way it works, the ant colony optimization can well exploit the global and local information of routing related problems during the solution construction phase. The simulation results on benchmark instances demonstrate that with the five extended mechanisms integrated, our algorithm outperforms a number of existing algorithms with respect to the best solutions obtained and the computational time