18 research outputs found

    Certificateless Designated Verifier Proxy Signature

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    Proxy signature (PS) is a kind of digital signature, in which an entity called original signer can delegate his signing rights to another entity called proxy signer. Designated verifier signature (DVS) is a kind of digital signature where the authenticity of any signature can be verified by only one verifier who is designated by the signer when generating it. Designated verifier proxy signature (DVPS) combines the idea of DVS with the concept of proxy signature (PS) and is suitable for being applied in many scenarios from e-tender, e-voting, e-auction, e-health and e-commerce, etc. Many DVPS schemes have been proposed and Identity-based DVPS (IBDVPS) schemes have also been discussed. Certificateless public-key cryptography (CL-PKC) is acknowledged as an appealing paradigm because there exists neither the certificate management issue as in traditional PKI nor private key escrow problem as in Identity-based setting. A number of certificateless designated verifier signature (CLDVS) schemes and many certificateless proxy signature (CLPS) schemes have been proposed. However, to the best of our knowledge, the concept of Certificateless Designated Verifier Proxy Signature (CLDVPS) has not been appeared in the literature. In this paper, we formalize the definition and the security model of CLDVPS schemes. We then construct the first CLDVPS scheme and prove its security

    Attribute-based Anonymous Credential: Optimization for Single-Use and Multi-Use

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    User attributes can be authenticated by an attribute-based anonymous credential while keeping the anonymity of the user. Most attribute-based anonymous credential schemes are designed specifically for either multi-use or single-use. In this paper, we propose a unified attribute-based anonymous credential system, in which users always obtain the same format of credential from the issuer. The user can choose to use it for an efficient multi-use or single-use show proof. It is a more user-centric approach than the existing schemes. Technically, we propose an interactive approach to the credential issuance protocol using a two-party computation with an additive homomorphic encryption. At the same time, it keeps the security property of impersonation resilience, anonymity, and unlinkability. Apart from the interactive protocol, we further design the show proofs for efficient single-use credentials which maintain the user anonymity

    An access control model for mobile physical objects

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    Access to distributed databases containing tuples collected about mobile physical objects requires information about the objects ’ trajectories. Existing access control models can-not encode this information efficiently. This poses a policy management problem to administrators in real-world supply chains where companies want to protect their goods track-ing data. In this paper we propose a new access control model as an extension to attribute-based access control that allows trajectory-based visibility policies. We prove the se-curity properties of our novel authentication protocol for distributed systems that can supply the decision algorithm with the necessary reliable information using only standard passive RFID tags. As a result companies will be able to improve confidentiality protection and governance of their object tracking data and more trustingly engage in data sharing agreements

    Design and evaluation of blockchain-based security protocols

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    Many security protocols rely on the assumption that the trusted third party (TTP) will behave “as it should”. However, this assumption is difficult to justify in the real world. A TTP may become malicious due to its hidden interests or having been compromised. It is publicly acknowledged that a failed TTP can easily destroy the entire security protocol. This thesis aims to provide results on how to use blockchain technologies to mitigate TTP challenges and thereby secure existing cryptographic protocols. Firstly, we formally define a smart contract-based TTP (denoted as TTP-I) and give two security protocols based on such a type of TTP as concrete instances. In this approach, a smart contract can either complement a TTP’s actions or take over the entire functions of the existing TTP. This helps to obtain many security properties such as transparency and accountability. Smart contracts, however, are not adequate to replace TTP that is capable of maintaining secret information since all the states changed by TTP-I are in plaintext and publicly accessible. To fill the gap, we propose another type of TTP (denoted as TTP-II) that enables confidential executions by combining smart contracts and Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). To achieve this goal, we first investigate the state-of-the-art TEE-aided confidential smart contracts and then explore their core mechanisms. We further apply TTP-II to a traceable credential system and an accountable decryption system. These systems are proved secure and feasible. However, since blockchain systems suffer from scalability and performance issues, the development of blockchain-based cryptographic protocols is inevitably retarded. At last, to make better blockchain systems, we provide two core mechanisms: a weak consensus algorithm and a delegatable payment protocol. The weak consensus algorithm allows parallel block generation, improving the performance and scalability of upper-layer blockchain systems. The delegatable payment protocol creates an offline payment channel, improving the payment speed. Both proposed algorithms have been practically implemented and systematically evaluated. Notably, the weak consensus algorithm has already been taken up by industries. Video abstract: https://youtu.be/rkAatxBRau

    Expanding Blockchain Horizons through Privacy-Preserving Computation

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    Special Signature Schemes and Key Agreement Protocols

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    This thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part of the thesis explores various deniable signature schemes and their applications. Such schemes do not bind a unique public key to a message, but rather specify a set of entities that could have created the signature, so each entity involved in the signature can deny having generated it. The main deniable signature schemes we examine are ring signature schemes. Ring signatures can be used to construct designated verifier signature schemes, which are closely related to designated verifier proof systems. We provide previously lacking formal definitions and security models for designated verifier proofs and signatures and examine their relationship to undeniable signature schemes. Ring signature schemes also have applications in the context of fair exchange of signatures. We introduce the notion of concurrent signatures, which can be constructed using ring signatures, and which provide a "near solution" to the problem of fair exchange. Concurrent signatures are more efficient than traditional solutions for fair exchange at the cost of some of the security guaranteed by traditional solutions. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the security of two-party key agreement protocols. It has traditionally been difficult to prove that a key agreement protocol satisfies a formal definition of security. A modular approach to constructing provably secure key agreement protocols was proposed, but the approach generally results in less efficient protocols. We examine the relationships between various well-known models of security and introduce a modular approach to the construction of proofs of security for key agreement protocols in such security models. Our approach simplifies the proof process, enabling us to provide proofs of security for several efficient key agreement protocols in the literature that were previously unproven

    Privacy Enhancing Technologies for solving the privacy-personalization paradox : taxonomy and survey

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    Personal data are often collected and processed in a decentralized fashion, within different contexts. For instance, with the emergence of distributed applications, several providers are usually correlating their records, and providing personalized services to their clients. Collected data include geographical and indoor positions of users, their movement patterns as well as sensor-acquired data that may reveal users’ physical conditions, habits and interests. Consequently, this may lead to undesired consequences such as unsolicited advertisement and even to discrimination and stalking. To mitigate privacy threats, several techniques emerged, referred to as Privacy Enhancing Technologies, PETs for short. On one hand, the increasing pressure on service providers to protect users’ privacy resulted in PETs being adopted. One the other hand, service providers have built their business model on personalized services, e.g. targeted ads and news. The objective of the paper is then to identify which of the PETs have the potential to satisfy both usually divergent - economical and ethical - purposes. This paper identifies a taxonomy classifying eight categories of PETs into three groups, and for better clarity, it considers three categories of personalized services. After defining and presenting the main features of PETs with illustrative examples, the paper points out which PETs best fit each personalized service category. Then, it discusses some of the inter-disciplinary privacy challenges that may slow down the adoption of these techniques, namely: technical, social, legal and economic concerns. Finally, it provides recommendations and highlights several research directions

    Design and Analysis of Opaque Signatures

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    Digital signatures were introduced to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the underlying messages. A digital signature scheme comprises the key generation, the signature, and the verification algorithms. The key generation algorithm creates the signing and the verifying keys, called also the signer’s private and public keys respectively. The signature algorithm, which is run by the signer, produces a signature on the input message. Finally, the verification algorithm, run by anyone who knows the signer’s public key, checks whether a purported signature on some message is valid or not. The last property, namely the universal verification of digital signatures is undesirable in situations where the signed data is commercially or personally sensitive. Therefore, mechanisms which share most properties with digital signatures except for the universal verification were invented to respond to the aforementioned need; we call such mechanisms “opaque signatures”. In this thesis, we study the signatures where the verification cannot be achieved without the cooperation of a specific entity, namely the signer in case of undeniable signatures, or the confirmer in case of confirmer signatures; we make three main contributions. We first study the relationship between two security properties important for public key encryption, namely data privacy and key privacy. Our study is motivated by the fact that opaque signatures involve always an encryption layer that ensures their opacity. The properties required for this encryption vary according to whether we want to protect the identity (i.e. the key) of the signer or hide the validity of the signature. Therefore, it would be convenient to use existing work about the encryption scheme in order to derive one notion from the other. Next, we delve into the generic constructions of confirmer signatures from basic cryptographic primitives, e.g. digital signatures, encryption, or commitment schemes. In fact, generic constructions give easy-to-understand and easy-to-prove schemes, however, this convenience is often achieved at the expense of efficiency. In this contribution, which constitutes the core of this thesis, we first analyze the already existing constructions; our study concludes that the popular generic constructions of confirmer signatures necessitate strong security assumptions on the building blocks, which impacts negatively the efficiency of the resulting signatures. Next, we show that a small change in these constructionsmakes these assumptions drop drastically, allowing as a result constructions with instantiations that compete with the dedicated realizations of these signatures. Finally, we revisit two early undeniable signatures which were proposed with a conjectural security. We disprove the claimed security of the first scheme, and we provide a fix to it in order to achieve strong security properties. Next, we upgrade the second scheme so that it supports a iii desirable feature, and we provide a formal security treatment of the new scheme: we prove that it is secure assuming new reasonable assumptions on the underlying constituents

    On a New, Efficient Framework for Falsifiable Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments

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    Et kunnskapsløst bevis er en protokoll mellom en bevisfører og en attestant. Bevisføreren har som mål å overbevise attestanten om at visse utsagn er korrekte, som besittelse av kortnummeret til et gyldig kredittkort, uten å avsløre noen private opplysninger, som for eksempel kortnummeret selv. I mange anvendelser er det ønskelig å bruke IIK-bevis (Ikke-interaktive kunnskapsløse bevis), der bevisføreren produserer kun en enkelt melding som kan bekreftes av mange attestanter. En ulempe er at sikre IIK-bevis for ikke-trivielle språk kun kan eksistere ved tilstedeværelsen av en pålitelig tredjepart som beregner en felles referansestreng som blir gjort tilgjengelig for både bevisføreren og attestanten. Når ingen slik part eksisterer liter man av og til på ikke-interaktiv vitne-uskillbarhet, en svakere form for personvern. Studiet av effektive og sikre IIK-bevis er en kritisk del av kryptografi som har blomstret opp i det siste grunnet anvendelser i blokkjeder. I den første artikkelen konstruerer vi et nytt IIK-bevis for språkene som består av alle felles nullpunkter for en endelig mengde polynomer over en endelig kropp. Vi demonstrerer nytteverdien av beviset ved flerfoldige eksempler på anvendelser. Særlig verdt å merke seg er at det er mulig å gå nesten automatisk fra en beskrivelse av et språk på et høyt nivå til definisjonen av IIK-beviset, som minsker behovet for dedikert kryptografisk ekspertise. I den andre artikkelen konstruerer vi et IIV-bevis ved å bruke en ny kompilator. Vi utforsker begrepet Kunnskapslydighet (et sterkere sikkerhetsbegrep enn lydighet) for noen konstruksjoner av IIK-bevis. I den tredje artikkelen utvider vi arbeidet fra den første artikkelen ved å konstruere et nytt IIK-bevis for mengde-medlemskap som lar oss bevise at et element ligger, eller ikke ligger, i den gitte mengden. Flere nye konstruksjoner har bedre effektivitet sammenlignet med allerede kjente konstruksjoner.A zero-knowledge proof is a protocol between a prover, and a verifier. The prover aims to convince the verifier of the truth of some statement, such as possessing credentials for a valid credit card, without revealing any private information, such as the credentials themselves. In many applications, it is desirable to use NIZKs (Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge) proofs, where the prover sends outputs only a single message that can be verified by many verifiers. As a drawback, secure NIZKs for non-trivial languages can only exist in the presence of a trusted third party that computes a common reference string and makes it available to both the prover and verifier. When no such party exists, one sometimes relies on non interactive witness indistinguishability (NIWI), a weaker notion of privacy. The study of efficient and secure NIZKs is a crucial part of cryptography that has been thriving recently due to blockchain applications. In the first paper, we construct a new NIZK for the language of common zeros of a finite set of polynomials over a finite field. We demonstrate its usefulness by giving a large number of example applications. Notably, it is possible to go from a high-level language description to the definition of the NIZK almost automatically, lessening the need for dedicated cryptographic expertise. In the second paper, we construct a NIWI using a new compiler. We explore the notion of Knowledge Soundness (a security notion stronger than soundness) of some NIZK constructions. In the third paper, we extended the first paper’s work by constructing a new set (non-)membership NIZK that allows us to prove that an element belongs or does not belong to the given set. Many new constructions have better efficiency compared to already-known constructions.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Threshold BBS+ Signatures for Distributed Anonymous Credential Issuance

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    We propose a secure multiparty signing protocol for the BBS+ signature scheme; in other words, an anonymous credential scheme with threshold issuance. We prove that due to the structure of the BBS+ signature, simply verifying the signature produced by an otherwise semi-honest protocol is sufficient to achieve composable security against a malicious adversary. Consequently, our protocol is extremely simple and efficient: it involves a single request from the client (who requires a signature) to the signing parties, two exchanges of messages among the signing parties, and finally a response to the client; in some deployment scenarios the concrete cost bottleneck may be the client\u27s local verification of the signature that it receives. Furthermore, our protocol can be extended to support the strongest form of blind signing and to serve as a distributed evaluation protocol for the Dodis-Yampolskiy Oblivious VRF. We validate our efficiency claims by implementing and benchmarking our protocol