46 research outputs found

    Perceptual Quality Evaluation of 3D Triangle Mesh: A Technical Review

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    © 2018 IEEE. During mesh processing operations (e.g. simplifications, compression, and watermarking), a 3D triangle mesh is subject to various visible distortions on mesh surface which result in a need to estimate visual quality. The necessity of perceptual quality evaluation is already established, as in most cases, human beings are the end users of 3D meshes. To measure such kinds of distortions, the metrics that consider geometric measures integrating human visual system (HVS) is called perceptual quality metrics. In this paper, we direct an expansive study on 3D mesh quality evaluation mostly focusing on recently proposed perceptual based metrics. We limit our study on greyscale static mesh evaluation and attempt to figure out the most workable method for real-Time evaluation by making a quantitative comparison. This paper also discusses in detail how to evaluate objective metric's performance with existing subjective databases. In this work, we likewise research the utilization of the psychometric function to expel non-linearity between subjective and objective values. Finally, we draw a comparison among some selected quality metrics and it shows that curvature tensor based quality metrics predicts consistent result in terms of correlation

    Robust digital watermarking for compressed 3D models based on polygonal representation

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    Multimedia has recently played an increasingly important role in various domains, including Web applications, movies, video game and medical visualization. The rapid growth of digital media data over the Internet, on the other hand, makes it easy for anyone to access, copy, edit and distribute digital contents such as electronic documents, images, sounds and videos. Motivated by this, much research work has been dedicated to develop methods for digital data copyright protection, tracing the ownership, and preventing illegal duplication or tampering. This paper introduces a methodology of robust digital watermarking based on a well-known spherical wavelet transformation, applied to 3D compressed model based on polygonal representation using a neural network. It will be demonstrated in this work that applying a watermarking algorithm on a compressed domain of a 3D object is more effective, efficient, and robust than when applied on a normal domain

    Copyright Protection of 3D Digitized Artistic Sculptures by Adding Unique Local Inconspicuous Errors by Sculptors

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    In recent years, digitization of cultural heritage objects, for the purpose of creating virtual museums, is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, cultural institutions use modern digitization methods to create three-dimensional (3D) models of objects of historical significance to form digital libraries and archives. This research aims to suggest a method for protecting these 3D models from abuse while making them available on the Internet. The proposed method was applied to a sculpture, an object of cultural heritage. It is based on the digitization of the sculpture altered by adding local clay details proposed by the sculptor and on sharing on the Internet a 3D model obtained by digitizing the sculpture with a built-in error. The clay details embedded in the sculpture are asymmetrical and discreet to be unnoticeable to an average observer. The original sculpture was also digitized and its 3D model created. The obtained 3D models were compared and the geometry deviation was measured to determine that the embedded error was invisible to an average observer and that the watermark can be extracted. The proposed method simultaneously protects the digitized image of the artwork while preserving its visual experience. Other methods cannot guarantee this

    Copyright Protection of 3D Digitized Artistic Sculptures by Adding Unique Local Inconspicuous Errors by Sculptors

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    In recent years, digitization of cultural heritage objects, for the purpose of creating virtual museums, is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, cultural institutions use modern digitization methods to create three-dimensional (3D) models of objects of historical significance to form digital libraries and archives. This research aims to suggest a method for protecting these 3D models from abuse while making them available on the Internet. The proposed method was applied to a sculpture, an object of cultural heritage. It is based on the digitization of the sculpture altered by adding local clay details proposed by the sculptor and on sharing on the Internet a 3D model obtained by digitizing the sculpture with a built-in error. The clay details embedded in the sculpture are asymmetrical and discreet to be unnoticeable to an average observer. The original sculpture was also digitized and its 3D model created. The obtained 3D models were compared and the geometry deviation was measured to determine that the embedded error was invisible to an average observer and that the watermark can be extracted. The proposed method simultaneously protects the digitized image of the artwork while preserving its visual experience. Other methods cannot guarantee this

    3D Mesh Steganalysis using local shape features

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    Steganalysis aims to identify those changes performed in a specific media with the intention to hide information. In this paper we assess the efficiency, in finding hidden information, of several local feature detectors. In the proposed 3D ste- ganalysis approach we first smooth the cover object and its corresponding stego-object obtained after embedding a given message. We use various operators in order to extract lo- cal features from both the cover and stego-objects, and their smoothed versions. Machine learning algorithms are then used for learning to discriminate between those 3D objects which are used as carriers of hidden information and those are not used. The proposed 3D steganalysis methodology is shown to provide superior performance to other approaches in a well known database of 3D objects

    Topology-preserving watermarking of vector graphics

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    Watermarking techniques for vector graphics dislocate vertices in order to embed imperceptible, yet detectable, statistical features into the input data. The embedding process may result in a change of the topology of the input data, e.g., by introducing self-intersections, which is undesirable or even disastrous for many applications. In this paper we present a watermarking framework for two-dimensional vector graphics that employs conventional watermarking techniques but still provides the guarantee that the topology of the input data is preserved. The geometric part of this framework computes so-called maximum perturbation regions (MPR) of vertices. We propose two efficient algorithms to compute MPRs based on Voronoi diagrams and constrained triangulations. Furthermore, we present two algorithms to conditionally correct the watermarked data in order to increase the watermark embedding capacity and still guarantee topological correctness. While we focus on the watermarking of input formed by straight-line segments, one of our approaches can also be extended to circular arcs. We conclude the paper by demonstrating and analyzing the applicability of our framework in conjunction with two well-known watermarking techniques

    Robust feature-based 3D mesh segmentation and visual mask with application to QIM 3D watermarking

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    The last decade has seen the emergence of 3D meshes in industrial, medical and entertainment applications. Many researches, from both the academic and the industrial sectors, have become aware of their intellectual property protection arising with their increasing use. The context of this master thesis is related to the digital rights management (DRM) issues and more particularly to 3D digital watermarking which is a technical tool that by means of hiding secret information can offer copyright protection, content authentication, content tracking (fingerprinting), steganography (secret communication inside another media), content enrichment etc. Up to now, 3D watermarking non-blind schemes have reached good levels in terms of robustness against a large set of attacks which 3D models can undergo (such as noise addition, decimation, reordering, remeshing, etc.). Unfortunately, so far blind 3D watermarking schemes do not present a good resistance to de-synchronization attacks (such as cropping or resampling). This work focuses on improving the Spread Transform Dither Modulation (STDM) application on 3D watermarking, which is an extension of the Quantization Index Modulation (QIM), through both the use of the perceptual model presented, which presents good robustness against noising and smoothing attacks, and the the application of an algorithm which provides robustness noising and smoothing attacks, and the the application of an algorithm which provides robustness against reordering and cropping attacks based on robust feature detection. Similar to other watermarking techniques, imperceptibility constraint is very important for 3D objects watermarking. For this reason, this thesis also explores the perception of the distortions related to the watermark embed process as well as to the alterations produced by the attacks that a mesh can undergo

    Data wiping tool: ByteEditor Technique

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    This Wiping Tool is an anti-forensic tool that is built to wipe data permanently from laptop’s storage. This tool is capable to ensure the data from being recovered with any recovery tools. The objective of building this wiping tool is to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data from unauthorized access. People tend to delete the file in normal way, however, the file face the risk of being recovered. Hence, the integrity and confidentiality of the deleted file cannot be protected. Through wiping tools, the files are overwritten with random strings to make the files no longer readable. Thus, the integrity and the confidentiality of the file can be protected. Regarding wiping tools, nowadays, lots of wiping tools face issue such as data breach because the wiping tools are unable to delete the data permanently from the devices. This situation might affect their main function and a threat to their users. Hence, a new wiping tool is developed to overcome the problem. A new wiping tool named Data Wiping tool is applying two wiping techniques. The first technique is Randomized Data while the next one is enhancing wiping technique, known as ByteEditor. ByteEditor is a combination of two different techniques, byte editing and byte deletion. With the implementation of Object�Oriented methodology, this wiping tool is built. This methodology consists of analyzing, designing, implementation and testing. The tool is analyzed and compared with other wiping tools before the designing of the tool start. Once the designing is done, implementation phase take place. The code of the tool is created using Visual Studio 2010 with C# language and being tested their functionality to ensure the developed tool meet the objectives of the project. This tool is believed able to contribute to the development of wiping tools and able to solve problems related to other wiping tools

    Steganalytic Methods for 3D Objects

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    This PhD thesis provides new research results in the area of using 3D features for steganalysis. The research study presented in the thesis proposes new sets of 3D features, greatly extending the previously proposed features. The proposed steganlytic feature set includes features representing the vertex normal, curvature ratio, Gaussian curvature, the edge and vertex position of the 3D objects in the spherical coordinate system. Through a second contribution, this thesis presents a 3D wavelet multiresolution analysis-based steganalytic method. The proposed method extracts the 3D steganalytic features from meshes of different resolutions. The third contribution proposes a robustness and relevance-based feature selection method for solving the cover-source mismatch problem in 3D steganalysis. This method selects those 3D features that are robust to the variation of the cover source, while preserving the relevance of such features to the class label. All the proposed methods are applied for identifying stego-meshes produced by several steganographic algorithms