542 research outputs found

    A new variance-based approach for discriminative feature extraction in machine hearing classification using spectrogram features

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    Machine hearing is an emerging research field that is analogous to machine vision in that it aims to equip computers with the ability to hear and recognise a variety of sounds. It is a key enabler of natural human–computer speech interfacing, as well as in areas such as automated security surveillance, environmental monitoring, smart homes/buildings/cities. Recent advances in machine learning allow current systems to accurately recognise a diverse range of sounds under controlled conditions. However doing so in real-world noisy conditions remains a challenging task. Several front–end feature extraction methods have been used for machine hearing, employing speech recognition features like MFCC and PLP, as well as image-like features such as AIM and SIF. The best choice of feature is found to be dependent upon the noise environment and machine learning techniques used. Machine learning methods such as deep neural networks have been shown capable of inferring discriminative classification rules from less structured front–end features in related domains. In the machine hearing field, spectrogram image features have recently shown good performance for noise-corrupted classification using deep neural networks. However there are many methods of extracting features from spectrograms. This paper explores a novel data-driven feature extraction method that uses variance-based criteria to define spectral pooling of features from spectrograms. The proposed method, based on maximising the pooled spectral variance of foreground and background sound models, is shown to achieve very good performance for robust classification

    Robust Sound Event Classification using Deep Neural Networks

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    The automatic recognition of sound events by computers is an important aspect of emerging applications such as automated surveillance, machine hearing and auditory scene understanding. Recent advances in machine learning, as well as in computational models of the human auditory system, have contributed to advances in this increasingly popular research field. Robust sound event classification, the ability to recognise sounds under real-world noisy conditions, is an especially challenging task. Classification methods translated from the speech recognition domain, using features such as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, have been shown to perform reasonably well for the sound event classification task, although spectrogram-based or auditory image analysis techniques reportedly achieve superior performance in noise. This paper outlines a sound event classification framework that compares auditory image front end features with spectrogram image-based front end features, using support vector machine and deep neural network classifiers. Performance is evaluated on a standard robust classification task in different levels of corrupting noise, and with several system enhancements, and shown to compare very well with current state-of-the-art classification techniques

    End-to-end Audiovisual Speech Activity Detection with Bimodal Recurrent Neural Models

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    Speech activity detection (SAD) plays an important role in current speech processing systems, including automatic speech recognition (ASR). SAD is particularly difficult in environments with acoustic noise. A practical solution is to incorporate visual information, increasing the robustness of the SAD approach. An audiovisual system has the advantage of being robust to different speech modes (e.g., whisper speech) or background noise. Recent advances in audiovisual speech processing using deep learning have opened opportunities to capture in a principled way the temporal relationships between acoustic and visual features. This study explores this idea proposing a \emph{bimodal recurrent neural network} (BRNN) framework for SAD. The approach models the temporal dynamic of the sequential audiovisual data, improving the accuracy and robustness of the proposed SAD system. Instead of estimating hand-crafted features, the study investigates an end-to-end training approach, where acoustic and visual features are directly learned from the raw data during training. The experimental evaluation considers a large audiovisual corpus with over 60.8 hours of recordings, collected from 105 speakers. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework leads to absolute improvements up to 1.2% under practical scenarios over a VAD baseline using only audio implemented with deep neural network (DNN). The proposed approach achieves 92.7% F1-score when it is evaluated using the sensors from a portable tablet under noisy acoustic environment, which is only 1.0% lower than the performance obtained under ideal conditions (e.g., clean speech obtained with a high definition camera and a close-talking microphone).Comment: Submitted to Speech Communicatio

    Infant Cry Signal Processing, Analysis, and Classification with Artificial Neural Networks

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    As a special type of speech and environmental sound, infant cry has been a growing research area covering infant cry reason classification, pathological infant cry identification, and infant cry detection in the past two decades. In this dissertation, we build a new dataset, explore new feature extraction methods, and propose novel classification approaches, to improve the infant cry classification accuracy and identify diseases by learning infant cry signals. We propose a method through generating weighted prosodic features combined with acoustic features for a deep learning model to improve the performance of asphyxiated infant cry identification. The combined feature matrix captures the diversity of variations within infant cries and the result outperforms all other related studies on asphyxiated baby crying classification. We propose a non-invasive fast method of using infant cry signals with convolutional neural network (CNN) based age classification to diagnose the abnormality of infant vocal tract development as early as 4-month age. Experiments discover the pattern and tendency of the vocal tract changes and predict the abnormality of infant vocal tract by classifying the cry signals into younger age category. We propose an approach of generating hybrid feature set and using prior knowledge in a multi-stage CNNs model for robust infant sound classification. The dominant and auxiliary features within the set are beneficial to enlarge the coverage as well as keeping a good resolution for modeling the diversity of variations within infant sound and the experimental results give encouraging improvements on two relative databases. We propose an approach of graph convolutional network (GCN) with transfer learning for robust infant cry reason classification. Non-fully connected graphs based on the similarities among the relevant nodes are built to consider the short-term and long-term effects of infant cry signals related to inner-class and inter-class messages. With as limited as 20% of labeled training data, our model outperforms that of the CNN model with 80% labeled training data in both supervised and semi-supervised settings. Lastly, we apply mel-spectrogram decomposition to infant cry classification and propose a fusion method to further improve the infant cry classification performance

    Deep clustering: Discriminative embeddings for segmentation and separation

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    We address the problem of acoustic source separation in a deep learning framework we call "deep clustering." Rather than directly estimating signals or masking functions, we train a deep network to produce spectrogram embeddings that are discriminative for partition labels given in training data. Previous deep network approaches provide great advantages in terms of learning power and speed, but previously it has been unclear how to use them to separate signals in a class-independent way. In contrast, spectral clustering approaches are flexible with respect to the classes and number of items to be segmented, but it has been unclear how to leverage the learning power and speed of deep networks. To obtain the best of both worlds, we use an objective function that to train embeddings that yield a low-rank approximation to an ideal pairwise affinity matrix, in a class-independent way. This avoids the high cost of spectral factorization and instead produces compact clusters that are amenable to simple clustering methods. The segmentations are therefore implicitly encoded in the embeddings, and can be "decoded" by clustering. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed method can separate speech: when trained on spectrogram features containing mixtures of two speakers, and tested on mixtures of a held-out set of speakers, it can infer masking functions that improve signal quality by around 6dB. We show that the model can generalize to three-speaker mixtures despite training only on two-speaker mixtures. The framework can be used without class labels, and therefore has the potential to be trained on a diverse set of sound types, and to generalize to novel sources. We hope that future work will lead to segmentation of arbitrary sounds, with extensions to microphone array methods as well as image segmentation and other domains.Comment: Originally submitted on June 5, 201

    Contrastive Environmental Sound Representation Learning

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    Machine hearing of the environmental sound is one of the important issues in the audio recognition domain. It gives the machine the ability to discriminate between the different input sounds that guides its decision making. In this work we exploit the self-supervised contrastive technique and a shallow 1D CNN to extract the distinctive audio features (audio representations) without using any explicit annotations.We generate representations of a given audio using both its raw audio waveform and spectrogram and evaluate if the proposed learner is agnostic to the type of audio input. We further use canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to fuse representations from the two types of input of a given audio and demonstrate that the fused global feature results in robust representation of the audio signal as compared to the individual representations. The evaluation of the proposed technique is done on both ESC-50 and UrbanSound8K. The results show that the proposed technique is able to extract most features of the environmental audio and gives an improvement of 12.8% and 0.9% on the ESC-50 and UrbanSound8K datasets respectively