31 research outputs found

    On the performance of broadcast algorithms in interconnection networks

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    Broadcast Communication is among the most primitive collective capabilities of any message passing network. Broadcast algorithms for the mesh have been widely reported in the literature. However, most existing algorithms have been studied within limited conditions, such as light traffic load and fixed network sizes. In other words, most of these algorithms have not been studied at different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. In contrast, this study examines the broadcast operation, taking into account the scalability, parallelism, a wide range of traffic loads through the propagation of broadcast messages. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to consider the issue of broadcast latency at both the network and node levels across different traffic loads. Results are shown from a comparative analysis confirming that the coded-path based broadcast algorithms exhibit superior performance characteristics over some existing algorithms

    Single chip photonic deep neural network with accelerated training

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    As deep neural networks (DNNs) revolutionize machine learning, energy consumption and throughput are emerging as fundamental limitations of CMOS electronics. This has motivated a search for new hardware architectures optimized for artificial intelligence, such as electronic systolic arrays, memristor crossbar arrays, and optical accelerators. Optical systems can perform linear matrix operations at exceptionally high rate and efficiency, motivating recent demonstrations of low latency linear algebra and optical energy consumption below a photon per multiply-accumulate operation. However, demonstrating systems that co-integrate both linear and nonlinear processing units in a single chip remains a central challenge. Here we introduce such a system in a scalable photonic integrated circuit (PIC), enabled by several key advances: (i) high-bandwidth and low-power programmable nonlinear optical function units (NOFUs); (ii) coherent matrix multiplication units (CMXUs); and (iii) in situ training with optical acceleration. We experimentally demonstrate this fully-integrated coherent optical neural network (FICONN) architecture for a 3-layer DNN comprising 12 NOFUs and three CMXUs operating in the telecom C-band. Using in situ training on a vowel classification task, the FICONN achieves 92.7% accuracy on a test set, which is identical to the accuracy obtained on a digital computer with the same number of weights. This work lends experimental evidence to theoretical proposals for in situ training, unlocking orders of magnitude improvements in the throughput of training data. Moreover, the FICONN opens the path to inference at nanosecond latency and femtojoule per operation energy efficiency.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Comments welcom

    Partial aggregation for collective communication in distributed memory machines

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems interconnect a large number of Processing Elements (PEs) in high-bandwidth networks to simulate complex scientific problems. The increasing scale of HPC systems poses great challenges on algorithm designers. As the average distance between PEs increases, data movement across hierarchical memory subsystems introduces high latency. Minimizing latency is particularly challenging in collective communications, where many PEs may interact in complex communication patterns. Although collective communications can be optimized for network-level parallelism, occasional synchronization delays due to dependencies in the communication pattern degrade application performance. To reduce the performance impact of communication and synchronization costs, parallel algorithms are designed with sophisticated latency hiding techniques. The principle is to interleave computation with asynchronous communication, which increases the overall occupancy of compute cores. However, collective communication primitives abstract parallelism which limits the integration of latency hiding techniques. Approaches to work around these limitations either modify the algorithmic structure of application codes, or replace collective primitives with verbose low-level communication calls. While these approaches give fine-grained control for latency hiding, implementing collective communication algorithms is challenging and requires expertise knowledge about HPC network topologies. A collective communication pattern is commonly described as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) where a set of PEs, represented as vertices, resolve data dependencies through communication along the edges. Our approach improves latency hiding in collective communication through partial aggregation. Based on mathematical rules of binary operations and homomorphism, we expose data parallelism in a respective DAG to overlap computation with communication. The proposed concepts are implemented and evaluated with a subset of collective primitives in the Message Passing Interface (MPI), an established communication standard in scientific computing. An experimental analysis with communication-bound microbenchmarks shows considerable performance benefits for the evaluated collective primitives. A detailed case study with a large-scale distributed sort algorithm demonstrates, how partial aggregation significantly improves performance in data-intensive scenarios. Besides better latency hiding capabilities with collective communication primitives, our approach enables further optimizations of their implementations within MPI libraries. The vast amount of asynchronous programming models, which are actively studied in the HPC community, benefit from partial aggregation in collective communication patterns. Future work can utilize partial aggregation to improve the interaction of MPI collectives with acclerator architectures, and to design more efficient communication algorithms

    Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems

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    Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing to perform for a high level application (e.g., object recognition). An IVS normally involves algorithms from low level, intermediate level, and high level vision. Designing parallel architectures for vision systems is of tremendous interest to researchers. Several issues are addressed in parallel architectures and parallel algorithms for integrated vision systems

    RAMP: A Flat Nanosecond Optical Network and MPI Operations for Distributed Deep Learning Systems

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    Distributed deep learning (DDL) systems strongly depend on network performance. Current electronic packet switched (EPS) network architectures and technologies suffer from variable diameter topologies, low-bisection bandwidth and over-subscription affecting completion time of communication and collective operations. We introduce a near-exascale, full-bisection bandwidth, all-to-all, single-hop, all-optical network architecture with nanosecond reconfiguration called RAMP, which supports large-scale distributed and parallel computing systems (12.8~Tbps per node for up to 65,536 nodes). For the first time, a custom RAMP-x MPI strategy and a network transcoder is proposed to run MPI collective operations across the optical circuit switched (OCS) network in a schedule-less and contention-less manner. RAMP achieves 7.6-171×\times speed-up in completion time across all MPI operations compared to realistic EPS and OCS counterparts. It can also deliver a 1.3-16×\times and 7.8-58×\times reduction in Megatron and DLRM training time respectively} while offering 42-53×\times and 3.3-12.4×\times improvement in energy consumption and cost respectively

    Design and analysis of a 3-dimensional cluster multicomputer architecture using optical interconnection for petaFLOP computing

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    In this dissertation, the design and analyses of an extremely scalable distributed multicomputer architecture, using optical interconnects, that has the potential to deliver in the order of petaFLOP performance is presented in detail. The design takes advantage of optical technologies, harnessing the features inherent in optics, to produce a 3D stack that implements efficiently a large, fully connected system of nodes forming a true 3D architecture. To adopt optics in large-scale multiprocessor cluster systems, efficient routing and scheduling techniques are needed. To this end, novel self-routing strategies for all-optical packet switched networks and on-line scheduling methods that can result in collision free communication and achieve real time operation in high-speed multiprocessor systems are proposed. The system is designed to allow failed/faulty nodes to stay in place without appreciable performance degradation. The approach is to develop a dynamic communication environment that will be able to effectively adapt and evolve with a high density of missing units or nodes. A joint CPU/bandwidth controller that maximizes the resource allocation in this dynamic computing environment is introduced with an objective to optimize the distributed cluster architecture, preventing performance/system degradation in the presence of failed/faulty nodes. A thorough analysis, feasibility study and description of the characteristics of a 3-Dimensional multicomputer system capable of achieving 100 teraFLOP performance is discussed in detail. Included in this dissertation is throughput analysis of the routing schemes, using methods from discrete-time queuing systems and computer simulation results for the different proposed algorithms. A prototype of the 3D architecture proposed is built and a test bed developed to obtain experimental results to further prove the feasibility of the design, validate initial assumptions, algorithms, simulations and the optimized distributed resource allocation scheme. Finally, as a prelude to further research, an efficient data routing strategy for highly scalable distributed mobile multiprocessor networks is introduced

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    A distributed multi-threaded data partitioner with space-filling curve orders

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    The problem discussed in this thesis is distributed data partitioning and data re-ordering on many-core architectures. We present extensive literature survey, with examples from various application domains - scientific computing, databases and large-scale graph processing. We propose a low-overhead partitioning framework based on geometry, that can be used to partition multi-dimensional data where the number of dimensions is >=2. The partitioner linearly orders items with good spatial locality. Partial output is stored on each process in the communication group. Space-filling curves are used to permute data - Morton order is the default curve. For dimensions <=3, we have options to generate Hilbert-like curves. Two metrics used to determine partitioning overheads are memory consumption and execution time, although these two factors are dependent on each other. The focus of this thesis is to reduce partitioning overheads as much as possible. We have described several optimizations to this end - incremental adjustments to partitions, careful dynamic memory management and using multi-threading and multi-processing to advantage. The quality of partitions is an important criteria for evaluating a partitioner. We have used graph partitioners as base-implementations against which our partitions are compared. The degree and edge-cuts of our partitions are comparable to graph partitions for regular grids. For irregular meshes, there is still room for improvement. No comparisons have been made for evaluating partitions of datasets without edges. We have deployed these partitions on two large applications - atmosphere simulation in 2D and adaptive mesh refinement in 3D. An adaptive mesh refinement benchmark was built to be part of the framework, which later became a testcase for evaluating partitions and load-balancing schemes. The performance of this benchmark is discussed in detail in the last chapter

    Efficient processor allocation strategies for mesh-connected multicomputers

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    Abstract Efficient processor allocation and job scheduling algorithms are critical if the full computational power of large-scale multicomputers is to be harnessed effectively. Processor allocation is responsible for selecting the set of processors on which parallel jobs are executed, whereas job scheduling is responsible for determining the order in which the jobs are executed. Many processor allocation strategies have been devised for mesh-connected multicomputers and these can be divided into two main categories: contiguous and non-contiguous. In contiguous allocation, jobs are allocated distinct contiguous processor sub-meshes for the duration of their execution. Such a strategy could lead to high processor fragmentation which degrades system performance in terms of, for example, the turnaround time and system utilisation. In non-contiguous allocation, a job can execute on multiple disjoint smaller sub-meshes rather than waiting until a single sub-mesh of the requested size and shape is available. Although non-contiguous allocation increases message contention inside the network, lifting the contiguity condition can reduce processor fragmentation and increase system utilisation. Processor fragmentation can be of two types: internal and external. The former occurs when more processors are allocated to a job than it requires while the latter occurs when there are free processors enough in number to satisfy another job request, but they are not allocated to it because they are not contiguous. A lot of efforts have been devoted to reducing fragmentation, and a number of contiguous allocation strategies have been devised to recognize complete sub-meshes during allocation. Most of these strategies have been suggested for 2D mesh-connected multicomputers. However, although the 3D mesh has been the underlying network topology for a number of important multicomputers, there has been relatively little activity with regard to designing similar strategies for such a network. The very few contiguous allocation strategies suggested for the 3D mesh achieve complete sub-mesh recognition ability only at the expense of a high allocation overhead (i.e., allocation and de-allocation time). Furthermore, the allocation overhead in the existing contiguous strategies often grows with system size. The main challenge is therefore to devise an efficient contiguous allocation strategy that can exhibit good performance (e.g., a low job turnaround time and high system utilisation) with a low allocation overhead. The first part of the research presents a new contiguous allocation strategy, referred to as Turning Busy List (TBL), for 3D mesh-connected multicomputers. The TBL strategy considers only those available free sub-meshes which border from the left of those already allocated sub-meshes or which have their left boundaries aligned with that of the whole mesh network. Moreover TBL uses an efficient scheme to facilitate the detection of such available sub-meshes while maintaining a low allocation overhead. This is achieved through maintaining a list of allocated sub-meshes in order to efficiently determine the processors that can form an allocation sub-mesh for a new allocation request. The new strategy is able to identify a free sub-mesh of the requested size as long as it exists in the mesh. Results from extensive simulations under various operating loads reveal that TBL manages to deliver competitive performance (i.e., low turnaround times and high system utilisation) with a much lower allocation overhead compared to other well-known existing strategies. Most existing non-contiguous allocation strategies that have been suggested for the mesh suffer from several problems that include internal fragmentation, external fragmentation, and message contention inside the network. Furthermore, the allocation of processors to job requests is not based on free contiguous sub-meshes in these existing strategies. The second part of this research proposes a new non-contiguous allocation strategy, referred to as Greedy Available Busy List (GABL) strategy that eliminates both internal and external fragmentation and alleviates the contention in the network. GABL combines the desirable features of both contiguous and non-contiguous allocation strategies as it adopts the contiguous allocation used in our TBL strategy. Moreover, GABL is flexible enough in that it could be applied to either the 2D or 3D mesh. However, for the sake of the present study, the new non-contiguous allocation strategy is discussed for the 2D mesh and compares its performance against that of well-known non-contiguous allocation strategies suggested for this network. One of the desirable features of GABL is that it can maintain a high degree of contiguity between processors compared to the previous allocation strategies. This, in turn, decreases the number of sub-meshes allocated to a job, and thus decreases message distances, resulting in a low inter-processor communication overhead. The performance analysis here indicates that the new proposed strategy has lower turnaround time than the previous non-contiguous allocation strategies for most considered cases. Moreover, in the presence of high message contention due to heavy network traffic, GABL exhibits superior performance in terms of the turnaround time over the previous contiguous and non-contiguous allocation strategies. Furthermore, GABL exhibits a high system utilisation as it manages to eliminate both internal and external fragmentation. The performance of many allocation strategies including the ones suggested above, has been evaluated under the assumption that job execution times follow an exponential distribution. However, many measurement studies have convincingly demonstrated that the execution times of certain computational applications are best characterized by heavy-tailed job execution times; that is, many jobs have short execution times and comparatively few have very long execution times. Motivated by this observation, the final part of this thesis reviews the performance of several contiguous allocation strategies, including TBL, in the context of heavy-tailed distributions. This research is the first to analyze the performance impact of heavy-tailed job execution times on the allocation strategies suggested for mesh-connected multicomputers. The results show that the performance of the contiguous allocation strategies degrades sharply when the distribution of job execution times is heavy-tailed. Further, adopting an appropriate scheduling strategy, such as Shortest-Service-Demand (SSD) as opposed to First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), can significantly reduce the detrimental effects of heavy-tailed distributions. Finally, while the new contiguous allocation strategy (TBL) is as good as the best competitor of the previous contiguous allocation strategies in terms of job turnaround time and system utilisation, it is substantially more efficient in terms of allocation overhead