23,068 research outputs found

    Reactive Semantic Planning in Unexplored Semantic Environments Using Deep Perceptual Feedback

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    This paper presents a reactive planning system that enriches the topological representation of an environment with a tightly integrated semantic representation, achieved by incorporating and exploiting advances in deep perceptual learning and probabilistic semantic reasoning. Our architecture combines object detection with semantic SLAM, affording robust, reactive logical as well as geometric planning in unexplored environments. Moreover, by incorporating a human mesh estimation algorithm, our system is capable of reacting and responding in real time to semantically labeled human motions and gestures. New formal results allow tracking of suitably non-adversarial moving targets, while maintaining the same collision avoidance guarantees. We suggest the empirical utility of the proposed control architecture with a numerical study including comparisons with a state-of-the-art dynamic replanning algorithm, and physical implementation on both a wheeled and legged platform in different settings with both geometric and semantic goals. For more information: Kod*la

    Towards Social Autonomous Vehicles: Efficient Collision Avoidance Scheme Using Richardson's Arms Race Model

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    Background Road collisions and casualties pose a serious threat to commuters around the globe. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) aim to make the use of technology to reduce the road accidents. However, the most of research work in the context of collision avoidance has been performed to address, separately, the rear end, front end and lateral collisions in less congested and with high inter-vehicular distances. Purpose The goal of this paper is to introduce the concept of a social agent, which interact with other AVs in social manners like humans are social having the capability of predicting intentions, i.e. mentalizing and copying the actions of each other, i.e. mirroring. The proposed social agent is based on a human-brain inspired mentalizing and mirroring capabilities and has been modelled for collision detection and avoidance under congested urban road traffic. Method We designed our social agent having the capabilities of mentalizing and mirroring and for this purpose we utilized Exploratory Agent Based Modeling (EABM) level of Cognitive Agent Based Computing (CABC) framework proposed by Niazi and Hussain. Results Our simulation and practical experiments reveal that by embedding Richardson's arms race model within AVs, collisions can be avoided while travelling on congested urban roads in a flock like topologies. The performance of the proposed social agent has been compared at two different levels.Comment: 48 pages, 21 figure

    Towards building a team of intelligent robots

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    Topics addressed include: collision-free motion planning of multiple robot arms; two-dimensional object recognition; and pictorial databases (storage and sharing of the representations of three-dimensional objects)

    A Depth Space Approach for Evaluating Distance to Objects -- with Application to Human-Robot Collision Avoidance

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    We present a novel approach to estimate the distance between a generic point in the Cartesian space and objects detected with a depth sensor. This information is crucial in many robotic applications, e.g., for collision avoidance, contact point identification, and augmented reality. The key idea is to perform all distance evaluations directly in the depth space. This allows distance estimation by considering also the frustum generated by the pixel on the depth image, which takes into account both the pixel size and the occluded points. Different techniques to aggregate distance data coming from multiple object points are proposed. We compare the Depth space approach with the commonly used Cartesian space or Configuration space approaches, showing that the presented method provides better results and faster execution times. An application to human-robot collision avoidance using a KUKA LWR IV robot and a Microsoft Kinect sensor illustrates the effectiveness of the approach

    Agent Behaviour Simulator (ABS):a platform for urban behaviour development

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    Computer Graphics have become important for many applicationsand the quality of the produced images have greatly improved. Oneof the interesting remaining problems is the representation of densedynamic environments such as populated cities. Although recentlywe saw some successfulwork on the rendering such environments,the real?time simulation of virtual cities populated by thousands ofintelligent animated agents is still very challenging.In this paperwe describe a platformthat aims to accelerate the developmentof agent behaviours. The platform makes it easy to enterlocal rules and callbacks which govern the individual behaviours.It automatically performs the routine tasks such as collision detectionallowing the user to concentrate on defining the more involvedtasks. The platform is based on a 2D-grid with a four-layered structure.The two first layers are used to compute the collision detectionagainst the environment and other agents and the last two are usedfor more complex behaviours.A set of visualisation tools is incorporated that allows the testingof the real?time simulation. The choices made for the visualisationallow the user to better understand the way agents move inside theworld and how they take decisions, so that the user can evaluate ifit simulates the expected behaviour.Experimentation with the system has shown that behaviours inenvironments with thousands of agents can be developed and visualisedin effortlessly

    Real-time computation of distance to dynamic obstacles with multiple depth sensors

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    We present an efficient method to evaluate distances between dynamic obstacles and a number of points of interests (e.g., placed on the links of a robot) when using multiple depth cameras. A depth-space oriented discretization of the Cartesian space is introduced that represents at best the workspace monitored by a depth camera, including occluded points. A depth grid map can be initialized off line from the arrangement of the multiple depth cameras, and its peculiar search characteristics allows fusing on line the information given by the multiple sensors in a very simple and fast way. The real-time performance of the proposed approach is shown by means of collision avoidance experiments where two Kinect sensors monitor a human-robot coexistence task

    Fuzzy Logic Path Planning System for Collision Avoidance by an Autonomous Rover Vehicle

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    Systems already developed at JSC have shown the benefits of applying fuzzy logic control theory to space related operations. Four major issues are addressed that are associated with developing an autonomous collision avoidance subsystem within a path planning system designed for application in a remote, hostile environment that does not lend itself well to remote manipulation of the vehicle involved through Earth-based telecommunication. A good focus for this is unmanned exploration of the surface of Mars. The uncertainties involved indicate that robust approaches such as fuzzy logic control are particularly appropriate. The four major issues addressed are: (1) avoidance of a single fuzzy moving obstacle; (2) back off from a dead end in a static obstacle environment; (3) fusion of sensor data to detect obstacles; and (4) options for adaptive learning in a path planning system