55 research outputs found

    Resolvable Mendelsohn designs and finite Frobenius groups

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    We prove the existence and give constructions of a (p(k)āˆ’1)(p(k)-1)-fold perfect resolvable (v,k,1)(v, k, 1)-Mendelsohn design for any integers v>kā‰„2v > k \ge 2 with vā‰”1modā€‰ā€‰kv \equiv 1 \mod k such that there exists a finite Frobenius group whose kernel KK has order vv and whose complement contains an element Ļ•\phi of order kk, where p(k)p(k) is the least prime factor of kk. Such a design admits Kā‹ŠāŸØĻ•āŸ©K \rtimes \langle \phi \rangle as a group of automorphisms and is perfect when kk is a prime. As an application we prove that for any integer v=p1e1ā€¦ptetā‰„3v = p_{1}^{e_1} \ldots p_{t}^{e_t} \ge 3 in prime factorization, and any prime kk dividing pieiāˆ’1p_{i}^{e_i} - 1 for 1ā‰¤iā‰¤t1 \le i \le t, there exists a resolvable perfect (v,k,1)(v, k, 1)-Mendelsohn design that admits a Frobenius group as a group of automorphisms. We also prove that, if kk is even and divides piāˆ’1p_{i} - 1 for 1ā‰¤iā‰¤t1 \le i \le t, then there are at least Ļ†(k)t\varphi(k)^t resolvable (v,k,1)(v, k, 1)-Mendelsohn designs that admit a Frobenius group as a group of automorphisms, where Ļ†\varphi is Euler's totient function.Comment: Final versio

    Linear spaces with many small lines

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    AbstractIn this paper some of the work in linear spaces in which most of the lines have few points is surveyed. This includes existence results, blocking sets and embeddings. Also, it is shown that any linear space of order v can be embedded in a linear space of order about 13v in which there are no lines of size 2

    Uniform hypergraphs containing no grids

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    A hypergraph is called an rƗr grid if it is isomorphic to a pattern of r horizontal and r vertical lines, i.e.,a family of sets {A1, ..., Ar, B1, ..., Br} such that Aiāˆ©Aj=Biāˆ©Bj=Ļ† for 1ā‰¤i<jā‰¤r and {pipe}Aiāˆ©Bj{pipe}=1 for 1ā‰¤i, jā‰¤r. Three sets C1, C2, C3 form a triangle if they pairwise intersect in three distinct singletons, {pipe}C1āˆ©C2{pipe}={pipe}C2āˆ©C3{pipe}={pipe}C3āˆ©C1{pipe}=1, C1āˆ©C2ā‰ C1āˆ©C3. A hypergraph is linear, if {pipe}Eāˆ©F{pipe}ā‰¤1 holds for every pair of edges Eā‰ F.In this paper we construct large linear r-hypergraphs which contain no grids. Moreover, a similar construction gives large linear r-hypergraphs which contain neither grids nor triangles. For rā‰„. 4 our constructions are almost optimal. These investigations are motivated by coding theory: we get new bounds for optimal superimposed codes and designs. Ā© 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Resolvability of infinite designs

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    In this paper we examine the resolvability of infinite designs. We show that in stark contrast to the finite case, resolvability for infinite designs is fairly commonplace. We prove that every t-(v,k,Ī›) design with t finite, v infinite and k,Ī»<v is resolvable and, in fact, has Ī± orthogonal resolutions for each Ī±<v. We also show that, while a t-(v,k,Ī›) design with t and Ī» finite, v infinite and k=v may or may not have a resolution, any resolution of such a design must have v parallel classes containing v blocks and at most Ī»āˆ’1 parallel classes containing fewer than v blocks. Further, a resolution into parallel classes of any specified sizes obeying these conditions is realisable in some design. When k<v and Ī»=v and when k=v and Ī» is infinite, we give various examples of resolvable and non-resolvable t-(v,k,Ī›) designs

    Large sets of block designs

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    Properties of Steiner triple systems of order 21

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    Properties of the 62,336,617 Steiner triple systems of order 21 with a non-trivial automorphism group are examined. In particular, there are 28 which have no parallel class, six that are 4-chromatic, five that are 3-balanced, 20 that avoid the mitre, 21 that avoid the crown, one that avoids the hexagon and two that avoid the prism. All systems contain the grid. None have a block intersection graph that is 3-existentially closed.Comment: 12 page

    Generalized packing designs

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    Generalized tt-designs, which form a common generalization of objects such as tt-designs, resolvable designs and orthogonal arrays, were defined by Cameron [P.J. Cameron, A generalisation of tt-designs, \emph{Discrete Math.}\ {\bf 309} (2009), 4835--4842]. In this paper, we define a related class of combinatorial designs which simultaneously generalize packing designs and packing arrays. We describe the sometimes surprising connections which these generalized designs have with various known classes of combinatorial designs, including Howell designs, partial Latin squares and several classes of triple systems, and also concepts such as resolvability and block colouring of ordinary designs and packings, and orthogonal resolutions and colourings. Moreover, we derive bounds on the size of a generalized packing design and construct optimal generalized packings in certain cases. In particular, we provide methods for constructing maximum generalized packings with t=2t=2 and block size k=3k=3 or 4.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 2 appendices. Presented at 23rd British Combinatorial Conference, July 201
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