7,200 research outputs found

    Multiobjective genetic algorithm strategies for electricity production from generation IV nuclear technology

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    Development of a technico-economic optimization strategy of cogeneration systems of electricity/hydrogen, consists in finding an optimal efficiency of the generating cycle and heat delivery system, maximizing the energy production and minimizing the production costs. The first part of the paper is related to the development of a multiobjective optimization library (MULTIGEN) to tackle all types of problems arising from cogeneration. After a literature review for identifying the most efficient methods, the MULTIGEN library is described, and the innovative points are listed. A new stopping criterion, based on the stagnation of the Pareto front, may lead to significant decrease of computational times, particularly in the case of problems involving only integer variables. Two practical examples are presented in the last section. The former is devoted to a bicriteria optimization of both exergy destruction and total cost of the plant, for a generating cycle coupled with a Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR). The second example consists in designing the heat exchanger of the generating turbomachine. Three criteria are optimized: the exchange surface, the exergy destruction and the number of exchange modules

    Enhanced genetic algorithm-based fuzzy multiobjective strategy to multiproduct batch plant design

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    This paper addresses the problem of the optimal design of batch plants with imprecise demands in product amounts. The design of such plants necessary involves how equipment may be utilized, which means that plant scheduling and production must constitute a basic part of the design problem. Rather than resorting to a traditional probabilistic approach for modeling the imprecision on product demands, this work proposes an alternative treatment by using fuzzy concepts. The design problem is tackled by introducing a new approach based on a multiobjective genetic algorithm, combined wit the fuzzy set theory for computing the objectives as fuzzy quantities. The problem takes into account simultaneous maximization of the fuzzy net present value and of two other performance criteria, i.e. the production delay/advance and a flexibility index. The delay/advance objective is computed by comparing the fuzzy production time for the products to a given fuzzy time horizon, and the flexibility index represents the additional fuzzy production that the plant would be able to produce. The multiobjective optimization provides the Pareto's front which is a set of scenarios that are helpful for guiding the decision's maker in its final choices. About the solution procedure, a genetic algorithm was implemented since it is particularly well-suited to take into account the arithmetic of fuzzy numbers. Furthermore because a genetic algorithm is working on populations of potential solutions, this type of procedure is well adapted for multiobjective optimization

    Dominance-Based Multiobjective Simulated Annealing

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    Copyright © 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Simulated annealing is a provably convergent optimizer for single-objective problems. Previously proposed multiobjective extensions have mostly taken the form of a single-objective simulated annealer optimizing a composite function of the objectives. We propose a multiobjective simulated annealer utilizing the relative dominance of a solution as the system energy for optimization, eliminating problems associated with composite objective functions. We also propose a method for choosing perturbation scalings promoting search both towards and across the Pareto front. We illustrate the simulated annealer's performance on a suite of standard test problems and provide comparisons with another multiobjective simulated annealer and the NSGA-II genetic algorithm. The new simulated annealer is shown to promote rapid convergence to the true Pareto front with a good coverage of solutions across it comparing favorably with the other algorithms. An application of the simulated annealer to an industrial problem, the optimization of a code-division-multiple access (CDMA) mobile telecommunications network's air interface, is presented and the simulated annealer is shown to generate nondominated solutions with an even and dense coverage that outperforms single objective genetic algorithm optimizers

    Portfolio selection using neural networks

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    In this paper we apply a heuristic method based on artificial neural networks in order to trace out the efficient frontier associated to the portfolio selection problem. We consider a generalization of the standard Markowitz mean-variance model which includes cardinality and bounding constraints. These constraints ensure the investment in a given number of different assets and limit the amount of capital to be invested in each asset. We present some experimental results obtained with the neural network heuristic and we compare them to those obtained with three previous heuristic methods.Comment: 12 pages; submitted to "Computers & Operations Research

    A Computational Study of Genetic Crossover Operators for Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows

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    The article describes an investigation of the effectiveness of genetic algorithms for multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) by presenting an application for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows. The work is motivated by the question, if and how the problem structure influences the effectiveness of different configurations of the genetic algorithm. Computational results are presented for different classes of vehicle routing problems, varying in their coverage with time windows, time window size, distribution and number of customers. The results are compared with a simple, but effective local search approach for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems