7 research outputs found

    On the implementation of velocity control for kinematically redundant manipulators

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    Tính toán so sánh một vài phương pháp số giải bài toán động học ngược rô bốt song song dư dẫn động

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    This paper presents a comparison of three numerical methods for computing the inverse kinematics of redundant parallel robots: the improved Newton-Raphson method, the coordinate and velocity projection method and the method using the ‘fsolve’ command in Matlab. The results obtained by these methods for computing the inverse kinematic problem of the planar redundant parallel robot 3RRRP show that the improved Newton-Raphson method has advantages of high accuracy and calculating faster time over the others.Bài báo trình bày việc tính toán so sánh ba phương pháp số giải bài toán động học ngược robot song song dư dẫn động: phương pháp Newton-Raphson cải tiến, phương pháp chiếu tọa độ và chiếu vận tốc, và phương pháp giải nhờ hàm ’fsolve’ của phần mềm Matlab. Kết quả mô phỏng trên robot song song dư dẫn động phẳng 3RRRP cho thấy rằng: phương pháp Newton-Raphson cải tiến cho kết quả rất tốt về độ chính xác, còn thời gian tính toán nhanh hơn hẳn so với hai phương pháp kia.

    Dynamic whole-body motion generation under rigid contacts and other unilateral constraints

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    The most widely used technique for generating wholebody motions on a humanoid robot accounting for various tasks and constraints is inverse kinematics. Based on the task-function approach, this class of methods enables the coordination of robot movements to execute several tasks in parallel and account for the sensor feedback in real time, thanks to the low computation cost. To some extent, it also enables us to deal with some of the robot constraints (e.g., joint limits or visibility) and manage the quasi-static balance of the robot. In order to fully use the whole range of possible motions, this paper proposes extending the task-function approach to handle the full dynamics of the robot multibody along with any constraint written as equality or inequality of the state and control variables. The definition of multiple objectives is made possible by ordering them inside a strict hierarchy. Several models of contact with the environment can be implemented in the framework. We propose a reduced formulation of the multiple rigid planar contact that keeps a low computation cost. The efficiency of this approach is illustrated by presenting several multicontact dynamic motions in simulation and on the real HRP-2 robot

    Constrained-Differential-Kinematics-Decomposition-Based NMPC for Online Manipulator Control with Low Computational Costs

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    Flexibility combined with the ability to consider external constraints comprises the main advantages of nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC). Applied as a motion controller, NMPC enables applications in varying and disturbed environments, but requires time-consuming computations. Hence, given the full nonlinear multi-DOF robot model, a delay-free execution providing short control horizons at appropriate prediction horizons for accurate motions is not applicable in common use. This contribution introduces an approach that analyzes and decomposes the differential kinematics similar to the inverse kinematics method to assign Cartesian boundary conditions to specific systems of equations during the model building, reducing the online computational costs. The resulting fully constrained NMPC realizes the translational obstacle avoidance during trajectory tracking using a reduced model considering both joint and Cartesian constraints coupled with a Jacobian transposed controller performing the end-effector’s orientation correction. Apart from a safe distance from the obstacles, the presented approach does not lead to any limitations of the reachable workspace, and all degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the robot are used. The simulative evaluation in Gazebo using the Stäubli TX2-90 commanded of ROS on a standard computer emphasizes the significantly lower online computational costs, accuracy analysis, and extended adaptability in obstacle avoidance, providing additional flexibility. An interpretation of the new concept is discussed for further use and extensions

    Design, Control and Motion Planning for a Novel Modular Extendable Robotic Manipulator

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    This dissertation discusses an implementation of a design, control and motion planning for a novel extendable modular redundant robotic manipulator in space constraints, which robots may encounter for completing required tasks in small and constrained environment. The design intent is to facilitate the movement of the proposed robotic manipulator in constrained environments, such as rubble piles. The proposed robotic manipulator with multi Degree of Freedom (m-DOF) links is capable of elongating by 25% of its nominal length. In this context, a design optimization problem with multiple objectives is also considered. In order to identify the benefits of the proposed design strategy, the reachable workspace of the proposed manipulator is compared with that of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) serpentine robot. The simulation results show that the proposed manipulator has a relatively efficient reachable workspace, needed in constrained environments. The singularity and manipulability of the designed manipulator are investigated. In this study, we investigate the number of links that produces the optimal design architecture of the proposed robotic manipulator. The total number of links decided by a design optimization can be useful distinction in practice. Also, we have considered a novel robust bio-inspired Sliding Mode Control (SMC) to achieve favorable tracking performance for a class of robotic manipulators with uncertainties. To eliminate the chattering problem of the conventional sliding mode control, we apply the Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Control (BELBIC) to adaptively adjust the control input law in sliding mode control. The on-line computed parameters achieve favorable system robustness in process of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. The simulation results demonstrate that our control strategy is effective in tracking high speed trajectories with less chattering, as compared to the conventional sliding mode control. The learning process of BLS is shown to enhance the performance of a new robust controller. Lastly, we consider the potential field methodology to generate a desired trajectory in small and constrained environments. Also, Obstacle Collision Avoidance (OCA) is applied to obtain an inverse kinematic solution of a redundant robotic manipulator

    Neural-Dynamic Based Synchronous-Optimization Scheme of Dual Redundant Robot Manipulators

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    In order to track complex-path tasks in three dimensional space without joint-drifts, a neural-dynamic based synchronous-optimization (NDSO) scheme of dual redundant robot manipulators is proposed and developed. To do so, an acceleration-level repetitive motion planning optimization criterion is derived by the neural-dynamic method twice. Position and velocity feedbacks are taken into account to decrease the errors. Considering the joint-angle, joint-velocity, and joint-acceleration limits, the redundancy resolution problem of the left and right arms are formulated as two quadratic programming problems subject to equality constraints and three bound constraints. The two quadratic programming schemes of the left and right arms are then integrated into a standard quadratic programming problem constrained by an equality constraint and a bound constraint. As a real-time solver, a linear variational inequalities-based primal-dual neural network (LVI-PDNN) is used to solve the quadratic programming problem. Finally, the simulation section contains experiments of the execution of three complex tasks including a couple task, the comparison with pseudo-inverse method and robustness verification. Simulation results verify the efficacy and accuracy of the proposed NDSO scheme

    Design, Control and Motion Planning for a Novel Modular Extendable Robotic Manipulator

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    This dissertation discusses an implementation of a design, control and motion planning for a novel extendable modular redundant robotic manipulator in space constraints, which robots may encounter for completing required tasks in small and constrained environment. The design intent is to facilitate the movement of the proposed robotic manipulator in constrained environments, such as rubble piles. The proposed robotic manipulator with multi Degree of Freedom (m-DOF) links is capable of elongating by 25% of its nominal length. In this context, a design optimization problem with multiple objectives is also considered. In order to identify the benefits of the proposed design strategy, the reachable workspace of the proposed manipulator is compared with that of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) serpentine robot. The simulation results show that the proposed manipulator has a relatively efficient reachable workspace, needed in constrained environments. The singularity and manipulability of the designed manipulator are investigated. In this study, we investigate the number of links that produces the optimal design architecture of the proposed robotic manipulator. The total number of links decided by a design optimization can be useful distinction in practice. Also, we have considered a novel robust bio-inspired Sliding Mode Control (SMC) to achieve favorable tracking performance for a class of robotic manipulators with uncertainties. To eliminate the chattering problem of the conventional sliding mode control, we apply the Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Control (BELBIC) to adaptively adjust the control input law in sliding mode control. The on-line computed parameters achieve favorable system robustness in process of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. The simulation results demonstrate that our control strategy is effective in tracking high speed trajectories with less chattering, as compared to the conventional sliding mode control. The learning process of BLS is shown to enhance the performance of a new robust controller. Lastly, we consider the potential field methodology to generate a desired trajectory in small and constrained environments. Also, Obstacle Collision Avoidance (OCA) is applied to obtain an inverse kinematic solution of a redundant robotic manipulator