157 research outputs found

    A new measure for functional similarity of gene products based on Gene Ontology

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    BACKGROUND: Gene Ontology (GO) is a standard vocabulary of functional terms and allows for coherent annotation of gene products. These annotations provide a basis for new methods that compare gene products regarding their molecular function and biological role. RESULTS: We present a new method for comparing sets of GO terms and for assessing the functional similarity of gene products. The method relies on two semantic similarity measures; sim(Rel )and funSim. One measure (sim(Rel)) is applied in the comparison of the biological processes found in different groups of organisms. The other measure (funSim) is used to find functionally related gene products within the same or between different genomes. Results indicate that the method, in addition to being in good agreement with established sequence similarity approaches, also provides a means for the identification of functionally related proteins independent of evolutionary relationships. The method is also applied to estimating functional similarity between all proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to visualizing the molecular function space of yeast in a map of the functional space. A similar approach is used to visualize the functional relationships between protein families. CONCLUSION: The approach enables the comparison of the underlying molecular biology of different taxonomic groups and provides a new comparative genomics tool identifying functionally related gene products independent of homology. The proposed map of the functional space provides a new global view on the functional relationships between gene products or protein families

    ESG: Extended Similarity Group method for automated protein function prediction

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    We present here the Extended Similarity Group (ESG) method, which annotates query sequences with Gene Ontology (GO) terms by assigning probability to each annotation computed based on iterative PSI-BLAST searches. Conventionally sequence homology based function annotation methods, such as BLAST, retrieve function information from top hits with a significant score (E-values). In contrast, the PFP method, which we have presented previously, goes one step ahead in utilizing a PSI-BLAST result by considering very weak hits even an E-value of up to 100 and also by incorporating the functional association between GO terms (FAM matrix) computed using term co-occurrence frequencies in the UniProt database. PFP is very successful which is evidenced by the top rank in the function prediction category in CASP7 competition. Our new approach, ESG method, further improves the accuracy of PFP by essentially employing PFP in an iterative fashion. An advantage of ESG is that it is built in a rigorous statistical framework: Unlike PFP method that assigns a weighted score to each GO term, ESG assigns a probability based on weights computed using the E-value of each hit sequence on the path between the original query sequence and the current hit sequence

    SimCT: a generic tool to visualize ontology-based relationships for biological objects

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    Summary: We present a web-based service, SimCT, which allows to graphically display the relationships between biological objects (e.g. genes or proteins) based on their annotations to a biomedical ontology. The result is presented as a tree of these objects, which can be viewed and explored through a specific java applet designed to highlight relevant features. Unlike the numerous tools that search for overrepresented terms, SimCT draws a simplified representation of biological terms present in the set of objects, and can be applied to any ontology for which annotation data is available. Being web-based, it does not require prior installation, and provides an intuitive, easy-to-use service

    Алгоритм предсказания структур белковых комплексов на основе генной онтологии

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    We propose an algorithm for comparing protein-protein complexes based on their functional properties in terms of Gene Ontology. The proposed measure of a functional similarity between complexes is combined with a structural measure to find templates for the template-based docking of protein complexes. We present the results on the modeling of protein complexes based on this algorithm.Предлагается алгоритм сравнения белок-белковых комплексов на основе их функциональных свойств в терминах генной онтологии. Мера функциональной схожести комплексов интегрируется со структурной мерой для нахождения шаблона для моделирования белковых комплексов. Приводятся результаты моделирования белковых комплексов с помощью предложенного алгоритма

    SANA NetGO: A combinatorial approach to using Gene Ontology (GO) terms to score network alignments

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    Gene Ontology (GO) terms are frequently used to score alignments between protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. Methods exist to measure the GO similarity between two proteins in isolation, but pairs of proteins in a network alignment are not isolated: each pairing is implicitly dependent upon every other pairing via the alignment itself. Current methods fail to take into account the frequency of GO terms across the networks, and attempt to account for common GO terms in an ad hoc fashion by imposing arbitrary rules on when to "allow" GO terms based on their location in the GO hierarchy, rather than using readily available frequency information in the PPI networks themselves. Here we develop a new measure, NetGO, that naturally weighs infrequent, informative GO terms more heavily than frequent, less informative GO terms, without requiring arbitrary cutoffs. In particular, NetGO down-weights the score of frequent GO terms according to their frequency in the networks being aligned. This is a global measure applicable only to alignments, independent of pairwise GO measures, in the same sense that the edge-based EC or S3 scores are global measures of topological similarity independent of pairwise topological similarities. We demonstrate the superiority of NetGO by creating alignments of predetermined quality based on homologous pairs of nodes and show that NetGO correlates with alignment quality much better than any existing GO-based alignment measures. We also demonstrate that NetGO provides a measure of taxonomic similarity between species, consistent with existing taxonomic measures--a feature not shared with existing GO-based network alignment measures. Finally, we re-score alignments produced by almost a dozen aligners from a previous study and show that NetGO does a better job than existing measures at separating good alignments from bad ones

    FunSimMat update: new features for exploring functional similarity

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    Quantifying the functional similarity of genes and their products based on Gene Ontology annotation is an important tool for diverse applications like the analysis of gene expression data, the prediction and validation of protein functions and interactions, and the prioritization of disease genes. The Functional Similarity Matrix (FunSimMat, http://www.funsimmat.de) is a comprehensive database providing various precomputed functional similarity values for proteins in UniProtKB and for protein families in Pfam and SMART. With this update, we significantly increase the coverage of FunSimMat by adding data from the Gene Ontology Annotation project as well as new functional similarity measures. The applicability of the database is greatly extended by the implementation of a new Gene Ontology-based method for disease gene prioritization. Two new visualization tools allow an interactive analysis of the functional relationships between proteins or protein families. This is enhanced further by the introduction of an automatically derived hierarchy of annotation classes. Additional changes include a revised user front-end and a new RESTlike interface for improving the user-friendliness and online accessibility of FunSimMat

    ESG: Extended Similarity Group method for automated protein function prediction

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