49 research outputs found

    Secure and Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Using Homomorphic Transform, SVD and Arnold Transform in RDWT Domain

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    The main objective for a watermarking technique is to attain imperceptibility, robustness and security against various malicious attacks applied by illicit users. To fulfil these basic requirements for a scheme is a big issue of concern. So, in this paper, a new image watermarking method is proposed which utilizes properties of homomorphic transform, Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform (RDWT), Arnold Transform (AT) along with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to attain these required properties. RDWT is performed on host image to achieve LL subband. This LL subband image is further decomposed into illumination and reflectance components by homomorphic transform. In order to strengthen security of proposed scheme, AT is used to scramble watermark. This scrambled watermark is embedded with Singular Values (SVs) of reflectance component which are obtained by applying SVD to it. Since reflectance component contains important features of image, therefore, embedding of watermark in this part provides excellent imperceptibility. Proposed scheme is comprehensively examined against different attacks like scaling, shearing etc. for its robustness. Comparative study with other prevailing algorithms clearly reveals superiority of proposed scheme in terms of robustness and imperceptibility

    Application of Stochastic Diffusion for Hiding High Fidelity Encrypted Images

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    Cryptography coupled with information hiding has received increased attention in recent years and has become a major research theme because of the importance of protecting encrypted information in any Electronic Data Interchange system in a way that is both discrete and covert. One of the essential limitations in any cryptography system is that the encrypted data provides an indication on its importance which arouses suspicion and makes it vulnerable to attack. Information hiding of Steganography provides a potential solution to this issue by making the data imperceptible, the security of the hidden information being a threat only if its existence is detected through Steganalysis. This paper focuses on a study methods for hiding encrypted information, specifically, methods that encrypt data before embedding in host data where the ‘data’ is in the form of a full colour digital image. Such methods provide a greater level of data security especially when the information is to be submitted over the Internet, for example, since a potential attacker needs to first detect, then extract and then decrypt the embedded data in order to recover the original information. After providing an extensive survey of the current methods available, we present a new method of encrypting and then hiding full colour images in three full colour host images with out loss of fidelity following data extraction and decryption. The application of this technique, which is based on a technique called ‘Stochastic Diffusion’ are wide ranging and include covert image information interchange, digital image authentication, video authentication, copyright protection and digital rights management of image data in general

    Image watermarking based on integer wavelet transform-singular value decomposition with variance pixels

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    With the era of rapid technology in multimedia, the copyright protection is very important to preserve an ownership of multimedia data. This paper proposes an image watermarking scheme based on Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The binary watermark is scrambled by Arnold transform before embedding watermark. Embedding locations are determined by using variance pixels. Selected blocks with the lowest variance pixels are transformed by IWT, thus the LL sub-band of 8�8 IWT is computed by using SVD. The orthogonal U matrix component of U3,1 and U4,1 are modified using certain rules by considering the watermark bits and an optimal threshold. This research reveals an optimal threshold value based on the trade-off between robustness and imperceptibility of watermarked image. In order to measure the watermarking performance, the proposed scheme is tested under various attacks. The experimental results indicate that our scheme achieves higher robustness than other scheme under different types of attack. Copyright © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved

    An Improved Imperceptibility and Robustness of 4x4 DCT-SVD Image Watermarking with a Modified Entropy

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    A digital protection against unauthorized distribution of digital multimedia is highly on demand. Digital watermarking is a defence in multimedia protection for authorized ownership. This paper proposes an improved watermarking based on 4×4 DCT-SVD blocks using modified entropy in image watermarking. A modified entropy is used to select unnoticeable blocks. The proposed watermarking scheme utilizes the lowest entropy values to determine unnoticeable regions of the watermarked image. This paper investigates the relationship between U(2,1) and U(3,1) coefficients of the U matrix 4×4 DCT-SVD in image watermarking. The proposed watermarking scheme produces a great level of robustness and imperceptibility of the watermarked image against different attacks. The proposed scheme shows the improvement in terms of structural similarity index and normalized correlation of the watermarked image

    Robust Logo Watermarking

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    Digital image watermarking is used to protect the copyright of digital images. In this thesis, a novel blind logo image watermarking technique for RGB images is proposed. The proposed technique exploits the error correction capabilities of the Human Visual System (HVS). It embeds two different watermarks in the wavelet/multiwavelet domains. The two watermarks are embedded in different sub-bands, are orthogonal, and serve different purposes. One is a high capacity multi-bit watermark used to embed the logo, and the other is a 1-bit watermark which is used for the detection and reversal of geometrical attacks. The two watermarks are both embedded using a spread spectrum approach, based on a pseudo-random noise (PN) sequence and a unique secret key. Robustness against geometric attacks such as Rotation, Scaling, and Translation (RST) is achieved by embedding the 1-bit watermark in the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM) coefficients of the wavelet transform. Unlike normal wavelet coefficients, WTMM coefficients are shift invariant, and this important property is used to facilitate the detection and reversal of RST attacks. The experimental results show that the proposed watermarking technique has better distortion parameter detection capabilities, and compares favourably against existing techniques in terms of robustness against geometrical attacks such as rotation, scaling, and translation


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    Subject of Research. The paper deals with creation and research of method for increasing stability at JPEG compressing of digital watermarks embedded in still images. Method. A new algorithm of digital watermarking for still images which embeds digital watermark into a still image via modification of frequency coefficients for Hadamard discrete transformation is presented. The choice of frequency coefficients for embedding of a digital watermark is based on existence of sharp change of their values after modification at the maximum compression of JPEG. The choice of blocks of pixels for embedding is based on the value of their entropy. The new algorithm was subjected to the analysis of resistance to an image compression, noising, filtration, change of size, color and histogram equalization. Elham algorithm possessing a good resistance to JPEG compression was chosen for comparative analysis. Nine gray-scale images were selected as objects for protection. Obscurity of the distortions embedded in them was defined on the basis of the peak value of a signal to noise ratio which should be not lower than 43 dB for obscurity of the brought distortions. Resistibility of embedded watermark was determined by the Pearson correlation coefficient, which value should not be below 0.5 for the minimum allowed stability. The algorithm of computing experiment comprises: watermark embedding into each test image by the new algorithm and Elham algorithm; introducing distortions to the object of protection; extracting of embedded information with its subsequent comparison with the original. Parameters of the algorithms were chosen so as to provide approximately the same level of distortions introduced into the images. Main Results. The method of preliminary processing of digital watermark presented in the paper makes it possible to reduce significantly the volume of information embedded in the still image. The results of numerical experiment have shown that the proposed algorithm keeps higher resistance to JPEG compression, noising, Wiener filtering and brightness change. Practical Relevance. The proposed algorithm is applicable for copyright protection on the still images

    A Robust Color Image Watermarking Scheme using Chaos for Copyright Protection

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    An exponential growth in multimedia applications has led to fast adoption of digital watermarking phenomena to protect the copyright information and authentication of digital contents. A novel spatial domain symmetric color image robust watermarking scheme based on chaos is presented in this research. The watermark is generated using chaotic logistic map and optimized to improve inherent properties and to achieve robustness. The embedding is performed at 3 LSBs (Least Significant Bits) of all the threecolor components of the host image. The sensitivity of the chaotic watermark along with redundant embedding approach makes the entire watermarking scheme highly robust, secure and imperceptible. In this paper, various image quality analysis metrics such as homogeneity, contrast, entropy, PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), UIQI (Universal Image Quality Index) and SSIM (Structural Similarity Index Measures) are measures to analyze proposed scheme. The proposed technique shows superior results against UIQI. Further, the watermark image with proposed scheme is tested against various image-processing attacks. The robustness of watermarked image against attacks such as cropping, filtering, adding random noises and JPEG compression, rotation, blurring, darken etc. is analyzed. The Proposed scheme shows strong results that are justified in this paper. The proposed scheme is symmetric; therefore, reversible process at extraction entails successful extraction of embedded watermark

    Tamper detection of qur'anic text watermarking scheme based on vowel letters with Kashida using exclusive-or and queueing technique

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    The most sensitive Arabic text available online is the digital Holy Qur’an. This sacred Islamic religious book is recited by all Muslims worldwide including the non-Arabs as part of their worship needs. It should be protected from any kind of tampering to keep its invaluable meaning intact. Different characteristics of the Arabic letters like the vowels ( أ . و . ي ), Kashida (extended letters), and other symbols in the Holy Qur’an must be secured from alterations. The cover text of the al-Qur’an and its watermarked text are different due to the low values of the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Embedding Ratio (ER), and Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC), thus the location for tamper detection gets low accuracy. Watermarking technique with enhanced attributes must therefore be designed for the Qur’an text using Arabic vowel letters with Kashida. Most of the existing detection methods that tried to achieve accurate results related to the tampered Qur’an text often show various limitations like diacritics, alif mad surah, double space, separate shapes of Arabic letters, and Kashida. The gap addressed by this research is to improve the security of Arabic text in the Holy Qur’an by using vowel letters with Kashida. The purpose of this research is to enhance Quran text watermarking scheme based on exclusive-or and reversing with queueing techniques. The methodology consists of four phases. The first phase is pre-processing followed by the embedding process phase to hide the data after the vowel letters wherein if the secret bit is ‘1’, insert the Kashida but do not insert it if the bit is ‘0’. The third phase is extraction process and the last phase is to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme by using PSNR (for the imperceptibility), ER (for the capacity), and NCC (for the security of the watermarking). The experimental results revealed the improvement of the NCC by 1.77 %, PSNR by 9.6 %, and ER by 8.6 % compared to available current schemes. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed scheme has the ability to detect the location of tampering accurately for attacks of insertion, deletion, and reordering

    Attention Driven Solutions for Robust Digital Watermarking Within Media

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    As digital technologies have dramatically expanded within the last decade, content recognition now plays a major role within the control of media. Of the current recent systems available, digital watermarking provides a robust maintainable solution to enhance media security. The two main properties of digital watermarking, imperceptibility and robustness, are complimentary to each other but by employing visual attention based mechanisms within the watermarking framework, highly robust watermarking solutions are obtainable while also maintaining high media quality. This thesis firstly provides suitable bottom-up saliency models for raw image and video. The image and video saliency algorithms are estimated directly from within the wavelet domain for enhanced compatibility with the watermarking framework. By combining colour, orientation and intensity contrasts for the image model and globally compensated object motion in the video model, novel wavelet-based visual saliency algorithms are provided. The work extends these saliency models into a unique visual attention-based watermarking scheme by increasing the watermark weighting parameter within visually uninteresting regions. An increased watermark robustness, up to 40%, against various filtering attacks, JPEG2000 and H.264/AVC compression is obtained while maintaining the media quality, verified by various objective and subjective evaluation tools. As most video sequences are stored in an encoded format, this thesis studies watermarking schemes within the compressed domain. Firstly, the work provides a compressed domain saliency model formulated directly within the HEVC codec, utilizing various coding decisions such as block partition size, residual magnitude, intra frame angular prediction mode and motion vector difference magnitude. Large computational savings, of 50% or greater, are obtained compared with existing methodologies, as the saliency maps are generated from partially decoded bitstreams. Finally, the saliency maps formulated within the compressed HEVC domain are studied within the watermarking framework. A joint encoder and a frame domain watermarking scheme are both proposed by embedding data into the quantised transform residual data or wavelet coefficients, respectively, which exhibit low visual salience