10 research outputs found

    A Novel Erasure Coding Based on Reed Solomon Fault Tolerance for Cloud Based Storage

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    In the recent years growth in usage of Erasure codes for fault tolerance is been observed The growth in distributed storage solutions is the root cause of this growth Multiple research is been carried out to propose the optimal fault tolerance solution for distributed storage solutions However the recent storage solutions have shown a migration towards to the cloud based storage solutions The growth of cloud computing and the benefits to the customer is the core of this migrations Thus the applications managing the storage solutions have also updated with the demand Hence the recent researches are driven by the demand of optimal fault tolerance solutions Here in this work we propose an optimal erasure code based fault tolerance solution specific for cloud storage solutions The work is been considered for commercial cloud based storage solution The final outcome of this work is improvement on Bit Error Rate for the proposed Novel Erasure Coding based on Reed Solomon Fault Tolerance for Cloud based servic

    RAID Level 6 and Level 6+ Reliability

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    Storage systems are built of fallible components but have to provide high degrees of reliability. Besides mirroring and triplicating data, redundant storage of information using erasure-correcting codes is the only possibility to have data survive device failure.We provide here exact formula for the data-loss probability of a disk array composed of several RAID Level 6 stripes. This two-failure tolerant is not only used in practice but can also provide a reference point for the assessment of other data organizations

    Effect of replica placement on the reliability of large scale data storage systems

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    Replication is a widely used method to protect large- scale data storage systems from data loss when storage nodes fail. It is well known that the placement of replicas of the different data blocks across the nodes affects the time to rebuild. Several systems described in the literature are designed based on the premise that minimizing the rebuild times maximizes the system reliability. Our results however indicate that the reliability is essentially unaffected by the replica placement scheme. We show that, for a replication factor of two, all possible placement schemes have mean times to data loss (MTTDLs) within a factor of two for practical values of the failure rate, storage capacity, and rebuild bandwidth of a storage node. The theoretical results are confirmed by means of event-driven simulation. For higher replication factors, an analytical derivation of MTTDL becomes intractable for a general placement scheme. We therefore use one of the alternate measures of reliability that have been proposed in the literature, namely, the probability of data loss during rebuild in the critical mode of the system. Whereas for a replication factor of two this measure can be directly translated into MTTDL, it is only speculative of the MTTDL behavior for higher replication factors. This measure of reliability is shown to lie within a factor of two for all possible placement schemes and any replication factor. We also show that for any replication factor, the clustered placement scheme has the lowest probability of data loss during rebuild in critical mode among all possible placement schemes, whereas the declustered placement scheme has the highest probability. Simulation results reveal however that these properties do not hold for the corresponding MTTDLs for a replication factor greater than two. This indicates that some alternate measures of reliability may not be appropriate for comparing the MTTDL of different placement schemes

    Dependence-driven techniques in system design

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    Burstiness in workloads is often found in multi-tier architectures, storage systems, and communication networks. This feature is extremely important in system design because it can significantly degrade system performance and availability. This dissertation focuses on how to use knowledge of burstiness to develop new techniques and tools for performance prediction, scheduling, and resource allocation under bursty workload conditions.;For multi-tier enterprise systems, burstiness in the service times is catastrophic for performance. Via detailed experimentation, we identify the cause of performance degradation on the persistent bottleneck switch among various servers. This results in an unstable behavior that cannot be captured by existing capacity planning models. In this dissertation, beyond identifying the cause and effects of bottleneck switch in multi-tier systems, we also propose modifications to the classic TPC-W benchmark to emulate bursty arrivals in multi-tier systems.;This dissertation also demonstrates how burstiness can be used to improve system performance. Two dependence-driven scheduling policies, SWAP and ALoC, are developed. These general scheduling policies counteract burstiness in workloads and maintain high availability by delaying selected requests that contribute to burstiness. Extensive experiments show that both SWAP and ALoC achieve good estimates of service times based on the knowledge of burstiness in the service process. as a result, SWAP successfully approximates the shortest job first (SJF) scheduling without requiring a priori information of job service times. ALoC adaptively controls system load by infinitely delaying only a small fraction of the incoming requests.;The knowledge of burstiness can also be used to forecast the length of idle intervals in storage systems. In practice, background activities are scheduled during system idle times. The scheduling of background jobs is crucial in terms of the performance degradation of foreground jobs and the utilization of idle times. In this dissertation, new background scheduling schemes are designed to determine when and for how long idle times can be used for serving background jobs, without violating predefined performance targets of foreground jobs. Extensive trace-driven simulation results illustrate that the proposed schemes are effective and robust in a wide range of system conditions. Furthermore, if there is burstiness within idle times, then maintenance features like disk scrubbing and intra-disk data redundancy can be successfully scheduled as background activities during idle times