14 research outputs found

    Automatic Object Detection in Image Processing: A Survey

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    Digital image processing is a fast growing field and many applications are developed in science and engineering. Image processing has the possibility of establish the latest machine that could perform the visual functions of all living beings. Object recognition is one of the most imperative features of image processing. Object detection from a satellite image or aerial image is a type of the object recognition system. This system is the most interesting and challenging research topic from past few years. It is known that the traffic is increasing day by day in the developing and developed countries. Satellites images are normally used for weather forecasting and geographical applications. So, Satellites images may be also good for the traffic detection system using Image processing

    Segmentation with Learning Automata

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    Penggunaan genetic algorithm (GA) sebagai metode multilevel image thresholding dalam segmentasi citra dapat memberikan keuntungan seperti kecepatan proses dan penentuan jumlah threshold serta nilai threshold yang tepat. Akan tetapi, genetic algorithm memiliki beberapa kelemahan dimana salah satunya adalah kemungkinan terjadinya konvergensi yang terlalu dini (premature convergence) dan tidak adanya feedback positive yang tidak menjamin solusi global optimal. Penelitian ini mengajukan metode baru Hybrid GA-ACO untuk optimisasi metode multilevel image thresholdingsehingga dapat mengatasi kelemahan tersebut dengan cara menggabungkan GA dan ant colony optimization (ACO). Penggabungan dilakukan dengan menjadikan posisi dan nilai threshold yang didapatkan pada GA sebagai nilai awal untuk proses algoritma ACO. Hasil pengujian dengan citra sintetis dan citra asli menunjukkan nilai cost function, uniformity, dan misclassification error dari metode hybrid GA-ACO lebih baik dibandingkan dengan algoritma awal GA, yaitu rata-rata 98.87% untuk tingkat uniformity dan 97.72% untuk nilai ME. Nilai cost function metode hybrid GA-ACO yang lebih kecil dibandingkan algoritma GA menunjukkan bahwa metode hybrid GA-ACO dapat mencegah konvergensi dini pada algoritma GA. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode hybrid GA-ACO yang dikembangkan merupakan suatu metode multilevel image thresholding yang dapat mencegah konvergensi dini sehingga mencapai konvergensi pada solusi optimal yang bersifat global optimum

    The Impact of Different Image Thresholding based Mammogram Image Segmentation- A Review

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    Images are examined and discretized numerical capacities. The goal of computerized image processing is to enhance the nature of pictorial data and to encourage programmed machine elucidation. A computerized imaging framework ought to have fundamental segments for picture procurement, exceptional equipment for encouraging picture applications, and a tremendous measure of memory for capacity and info/yield gadgets. Picture segmentation is the field broadly scrutinized particularly in numerous restorative applications and still offers different difficulties for the specialists. Segmentation is a critical errand to recognize districts suspicious of tumor in computerized mammograms. Every last picture have distinctive sorts of edges and diverse levels of limits. In picture transforming, the most regularly utilized strategy as a part of extricating articles from a picture is "thresholding". Thresholding is a prevalent device for picture segmentation for its straightforwardness, particularly in the fields where ongoing handling is required

    The Impact of Different Image Thresholding based Mammogram Image Segmentation- A Review

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    Images are examined and discretized numerical capacities. The goal of computerized image processing is to enhance the nature of pictorial data and to encourage programmed machine elucidation. A computerized imaging framework ought to have fundamental segments for picture procurement, exceptional equipment for encouraging picture applications, and a tremendous measure of memory for capacity and info/yield gadgets. Picture segmentation is the field broadly scrutinized particularly in numerous restorative applications and still offers different difficulties for the specialists. Segmentation is a critical errand to recognize districts suspicious of tumor in computerized mammograms. Every last picture have distinctive sorts of edges and diverse levels of limits. In picture transforming, the most regularly utilized strategy as a part of extricating articles from a picture is "thresholding". Thresholding is a prevalent device for picture segmentation for its straightforwardness, particularly in the fields where ongoing handling is required

    Multithreshold Segmentation Based on Artificial Immune Systems

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    Bio-inspired computing has lately demonstrated its usefulness with remarkable contributions to shape detection, optimization, and classification in pattern recognition. Similarly, multithreshold selection has become a critical step for image analysis and computer vision sparking considerable efforts to design an optimal multi-threshold estimator. This paper presents an algorithm for multi-threshold segmentation which is based on the artificial immune systems(AIS) technique, also known as theclonal selection algorithm (CSA). It follows the clonal selection principle (CSP) from the human immune system which basically generates a response according to the relationship between antigens (Ag), that is, patterns to be recognized and antibodies (Ab), that is, possible solutions. In our approach, the 1D histogram of one image is approximated through a Gaussian mixture model whose parameters are calculated through CSA. Each Gaussian function represents a pixel class and therefore a thresholding point. Unlike the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, the CSA-based method shows a fast convergence and a low sensitivity to initial conditions. Remarkably, it also improves complex time-consuming computations commonly required by gradient-based methods. Experimental evidence demonstrates a successful automatic multi-threshold selection based on CSA, comparing its performance to the aforementioned well-known algorithms