23 research outputs found

    Towards energy-efficient hardware acceleration of memory-intensive event-driven kernels on a synchronous neuromorphic substrate

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    Spiking neural networks are increasingly becoming popular as low-power alternatives to deep learning architectures. To make edge processing possible in resource-constrained embedded devices, there is a requirement for reconfigurable neuromorphic accelerators that can cater to various topologies and neural dynamics typical to these networks. Subsequently, they also must consolidate energy consumption in emulating these dynamics. Since spike processing is essentially memory-intensive in nature, a significant proportion of the system\u27s power consumption can be reduced by eliminating redundant memory traffic to off-chip storage that holds the large synaptic data for the network. In this work, I will present CyNAPSE, a digital neuromorphic acceleration fabric that can emulate different types of spiking neurons and network topologies for efficient inference. The accelerator is functionally verified on a set of benchmarks that vary significantly in topology and activity while solving the same underlying task. By studying the memory access patterns, locality of data and spiking activity, we establish the core factors that limit conventional cache replacement policies from performing well. Accordingly, a domain-specific memory management scheme is proposed which exploits the particular use-case to attain visibility of future data-accesses in the event-driven simulation framework. To make it even more robust to variations in network topology and activity of the benchmark, we further propose static and dynamic network-specific enhancements to adaptively equip the scheme with more insight. The strategy is explored and evaluated with the set of benchmarks using a software simulation of the accelerator and an in-house cache simulator. In comparison to conventional policies, we observe up to 23% more reduction in net power consumption

    Reducing dram access latency by exploiting dram leakage characteristics and common access patterns

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    DRAM tabanlı bellek, bilgisayar sisteminde darboğaz oluşturarak sistemin başarımı sınırlayan en önemli bileşendir. Bunun sebebi işlemcilerin hız bakımından DRAM'lerin çok önünde olmasıdır. Bu tezde, ChargeCache ismini verdiğimiz, DRAM'lerin erişim gecikmesini azaltan bir yöntem geliştirdik. Bu yöntem, piyasadaki DRAM yongalarının mimarisinde bir değişiklik gerektirmediği gibi, bellek denetimcisinde de düşük donanım maliyeti olan ek birimlere ihtiyaç duymaktadır. ChargeCache, yeni erişilmiş DRAM satırlarının kısa bir süre sonra tekrar erişileceği gözlemine dayanmaktadır. Yeni erişilmiş satırlardaki DRAM hücreleri yüksek miktarda yük içerdiğinden, bunlara hızlı bir şekilde erişilebilir. Bu gözlemden faydalanmak için yeni erişilen satırların adreslerini bellek denetimcisi içerisinde bir tabloda tutmayı öneriyoruz. Sonraki erişim isteklerinin bu tablodaki satırlara erişmek istemesi durumunda, bellek denetimcisi yük miktarı yüksek hücrelerin erişilmek üzere olduğunu bileceğinden, DRAM erişim değiştirgelerini ayarlayarak erişimin düşük gecikmeyle tamamlanmasını sağlayabilir. Belirli bir süre sonra tablodaki satır adresleri silinerek, zaman içerisinde çok fazla yük kaybedip hızlı erişilebilme özelliğini yitirmiş satırların bu tablodan çıkarılması sağlanır. Önerdiğimiz yöntemi hem tek çekirdekli hem de çok çekirdekli mimarilerde benzetim ortamında deneyerek, yöntemin başarım ve enerji kullanımı açısından sistem üzerinde sağladığı iyileştirmeleri inceledik.DRAM-based memory is a critical factor that creates a bottleneck on the system performance since the processor speed largely outperforms the DRAM latency. In this thesis, we develop a low-cost mechanism, called ChargeCache, which enables faster access to recently-accessed rows in DRAM, with no modifications to DRAM chips. Our mechanism is based on the key observation that a recently-accessed row has more charge and thus the following access to the same row can be performed faster. To exploit this observation, we propose to track the addresses of recently-accessed rows in a table in the memory controller. If a later DRAM request hits in that table, the memory controller uses lower timing parameters, leading to reduced DRAM latency. Row addresses are removed from the table after a specified duration to ensure rows that have leaked too much charge are not accessed with lower latency. We evaluate ChargeCache on a wide variety of workloads and show that it provides significant performance and energy benefits for both single-core and multi-core systems

    Ring-Based Resonant Standing Wave Oscillators for 3D Clocking Applications

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    Ring-based resonant standing wave oscillators have been shown to be a useful clocking tech-nique that can distribute and generate a high frequency, low skew, low power, and stable clock signal. By using through-silicon-vias, this type of standing wave oscillator can be used to gener-ate the clocking scheme for 3D integrated circuits. In this thesis, we propose the use of such 3D standing wave oscillators and show how independent 3D oscillators in different stacks can syn-chronize through the use of a redistribution layer stub. Inter-chip clock synchronization is then accomplished without the need for a PLL. In addition, we propose the first 3D ring-based resonant standing wave oscillator bootstrap and reset circuit to initialize and stop oscillation. Using a 3D ring-based resonant standing wave oscillator, we propose a ring-based data fabric for 3D stacked DRAM and compare the results with existing approaches such as High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) or Wide I/O memory. We show that our Memory Architecture using a Ring-based Scheme (MARS) can provide the increases in speed necessary to overcome current memory bottlenecks, and can scale effectively as future 3D stacks become larger. Our MARS can trade off power, throughput, and latency to match different application requirements. By using a narrow bus, and connecting it to all channels, the MARS8 can provide an alternative memory configuration with ∼ 6.9× lower power consumption than HBM, and ∼ 2.7× faster speeds than Wide I/O. Using multiple ring topologies in the same stack, the channel count can double from 8 to 16, and then to 32. This is possible since MARS uses about 4× fewer TSVs per channel than HBM or Wide I/O. This provides speeds up to ∼ 4.2× faster than traditional HBM. This scalable architecture allows higher throughput and faster system performance for next-generation DRAM. The MARS topology proposed in this thesis can be used in a variety of computing systems, from lightweight IoT to large-scale data centers

    Scalable and Accurate Memory System Simulation

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    Memory systems today possess more complexity than ever. On one hand, main memory technology has a much more diverse portfolio. Other than the mainstream DDR DRAMs, a variety of DRAM protocols have been proliferating in certain domains. Non-Volatile Memory(NVM) also finally has commodity main memory products, introducing more heterogeneity to the main memory media. On the other hand, the scale of computer systems, from personal computers, server computers, to high performance computing systems, has been growing in response to increasing computing demand. Memory systems have to be able to keep scaling to avoid bottlenecking the whole system. However, current memory simulation works cannot accurately or efficiently model these developments, making it hard for researchers and developers to evaluate or to optimize designs for memory systems. In this study, we attack these issues from multiple angles. First, we develop a fast and validated cycle accurate main memory simulator that can accurately model almost all existing DRAM protocols and some NVM protocols, and it can be easily extended to support upcoming protocols as well. We showcase this simulator by conducting a thorough characterization over existing DRAM protocols and provide insights on memory system designs. Secondly, to efficiently simulate the increasingly paralleled memory systems, we propose a lax synchronization model that allows efficient parallel DRAM simulation. We build the first ever practical parallel DRAM simulator that can speedup the simulation by up to a factor of three with single digit percentage loss in accuracy comparing to cycle accurate simulations. We also developed mitigation schemes to further improve the accuracy with no additional performance cost. Moreover, we discuss the limitation of cycle accurate models, and explore the possibility of alternative modeling of DRAM. We propose a novel approach that converts DRAM timing simulation into a classification problem. By doing so we can make predictions on DRAM latency for each memory request upon first sight, which makes it compatible for scalable architecture simulation frameworks. We developed prototypes based on various machine learning models and they demonstrate excellent performance and accuracy results that makes them a promising alternative to cycle accurate models. Finally, for large scale memory systems where data movement is often the performance limiting factor, we propose a set of interconnect topologies and implement them in a parallel discrete event simulation framework. We evaluate the proposed topologies through simulation and prove that their scalability and performance exceeds existing topologies with increasing system size or workloads

    Exploring Dynamic Compilation and Cross-Layer Object Management Policies for Managed Language Applications

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    Recent years have witnessed the widespread adoption of managed programming languages that are designed to execute on virtual machines. Virtual machine architectures provide several powerful software engineering advantages over statically compiled binaries, such as portable program representations, additional safety guarantees, automatic memory and thread management, and dynamic program composition, which have largely driven their success. To support and facilitate the use of these features, virtual machines implement a number of services that adaptively manage and optimize application behavior during execution. Such runtime services often require tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness, and different policies can have major implications on the system's performance and energy requirements. In this work, we extensively explore policies for the two runtime services that are most important for achieving performance and energy efficiency: dynamic (or Just-In-Time (JIT)) compilation and memory management. First, we examine the properties of single-tier and multi-tier JIT compilation policies in order to find strategies that realize the best program performance for existing and future machines. Our analysis performs hundreds of experiments with different compiler aggressiveness and optimization levels to evaluate the performance impact of varying if and when methods are compiled. We later investigate the issue of how to optimize program regions to maximize performance in JIT compilation environments. For this study, we conduct a thorough analysis of the behavior of optimization phases in our dynamic compiler, and construct a custom experimental framework to determine the performance limits of phase selection during dynamic compilation. Next, we explore innovative memory management strategies to improve energy efficiency in the memory subsystem. We propose and develop a novel cross-layer approach to memory management that integrates information and analysis in the VM with fine-grained management of memory resources in the operating system. Using custom as well as standard benchmark workloads, we perform detailed evaluation that demonstrates the energy-saving potential of our approach. We implement and evaluate all of our studies using the industry-standard Oracle HotSpot Java Virtual Machine to ensure that our conclusions are supported by widely-used, state-of-the-art runtime technology

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe computing landscape is undergoing a major change, primarily enabled by ubiquitous wireless networks and the rapid increase in the use of mobile devices which access a web-based information infrastructure. It is expected that most intensive computing may either happen in servers housed in large datacenters (warehouse- scale computers), e.g., cloud computing and other web services, or in many-core high-performance computing (HPC) platforms in scientific labs. It is clear that the primary challenge to scaling such computing systems into the exascale realm is the efficient supply of large amounts of data to hundreds or thousands of compute cores, i.e., building an efficient memory system. Main memory systems are at an inflection point, due to the convergence of several major application and technology trends. Examples include the increasing importance of energy consumption, reduced access stream locality, increasing failure rates, limited pin counts, increasing heterogeneity and complexity, and the diminished importance of cost-per-bit. In light of these trends, the memory system requires a major overhaul. The key to architecting the next generation of memory systems is a combination of the prudent incorporation of novel technologies, and a fundamental rethinking of certain conventional design decisions. In this dissertation, we study every major element of the memory system - the memory chip, the processor-memory channel, the memory access mechanism, and memory reliability, and identify the key bottlenecks to efficiency. Based on this, we propose a novel main memory system with the following innovative features: (i) overfetch-aware re-organized chips, (ii) low-cost silicon photonic memory channels, (iii) largely autonomous memory modules with a packet-based interface to the proces- sor, and (iv) a RAID-based reliability mechanism. Such a system is energy-efficient, high-performance, low-complexity, reliable, and cost-effective, making it ideally suited to meet the requirements of future large-scale computing systems

    Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems

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    Over the past two decades, the storage capacity and access bandwidth of main memory have improved tremendously, by 128x and 20x, respectively. These improvements are mainly due to the continuous technology scaling of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), which has been used as the physical substrate for main memory. In stark contrast with capacity and bandwidth, DRAM latency has remained almost constant, reducing by only 1.3x in the same time frame. Therefore, long DRAM latency continues to be a critical performance bottleneck in modern systems. Increasing core counts, and the emergence of increasingly more data-intensive and latency-critical applications further stress the importance of providing low-latency memory access. In this dissertation, we identify three main problems that contribute significantly to long latency of DRAM accesses. To address these problems, we present a series of new techniques. Our new techniques significantly improve both system performance and energy efficiency. We also examine the critical relationship between supply voltage and latency in modern DRAM chips and develop new mechanisms that exploit this voltage-latency trade-off to improve energy efficiency. The key conclusion of this dissertation is that augmenting DRAM architecture with simple and low-cost features, and developing a better understanding of manufactured DRAM chips together lead to significant memory latency reduction as well as energy efficiency improvement. We hope and believe that the proposed architectural techniques and the detailed experimental data and observations on real commodity DRAM chips presented in this dissertation will enable development of other new mechanisms to improve the performance, energy efficiency, or reliability of future memory systems.Comment: PhD Dissertatio