8 research outputs found

    Study and evaluation of the stability of underground mining method used in shallow-dip vein deposits hosted in poor quality rock

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    Purpose. This article proposes to analyze and determine the mining design for shallow-dip deposits hosted in poor quality rock. Methods. We used the UBC tool to find the optimal exploitation method, the Rock mass rating (RMR) and Q-system (Q) to determine the optimal mining stope and the recommended rock support, the numerical modeling by RS2 software with a variety of geotechnical, geometrical, and technical conditions to analyze the evolution of the unstable zone width and the maximum total displacement around the stope after excavation. Findings. The optimum mining method designated by the UBC tool for this type of deposit is the cut and fill. By projecting the obtained RMR and Q-system values on the design graph, it is concluded that the operating stope is located in the stable zone with a height of 3 m, and bolting support is recommended. The simulation by RS2 software reveals that the optimal mining design that can be used to mine shallow-dip vein deposits hosted in poor quality rocks consists of a 3 m high stope and a 75° dip with cemented backfill. Originality. This work presents a study to choose the most suitable underground mining method and mine design for shallow- dip deposits hosted in poor quality rock. Practical implications. In the mining industry, the success of operating an underground mine is conditioned by the selection of the appropriate method, of the mining design and dimensioning of a rock support adapted to the nature of the rock, and excavation geometry according to the type and nature of the deposit.Мета. Вибір оптимального методу підземної розробки пологозалягаючих жильних родовищ, що залягають у породах низької якості, за допомогою емпіричного і чисельного моделювання для визначення стійких геометричні елементів гірничої виробки. Методика. Для вибору оптимального способу розробки був використаний метод Університету Британської Колумбії (UBC), для визначення оптимальної гірничої виробки і рекомендованого типу кріплення – системи класифікації породних масивів RMR і Q, для аналізу зміни ширини нестабільної зони та загального максимального зсуву навколо виробки після виймання використовувалося чисельне моделювання в середовищі RS2 для різних геотехнічних, геометричних і технічних умов. Результати. Шляхом проектування отриманих значень RMR і Q-системи на розрахунковий графік проведення гірничих робіт стало очевидно, що очисна виробка знаходиться у стабільній зоні висотою 3 м, і рекомендований тип кріплення – анкерний. Моделювання в середовищі RS2 підтвердило, що оптимальна схема розробки пологозалягаючих жильних родовищ у породах низької якості включає вибій висотою 3 м з кутом нахилу 75° і цементованою закладкою. Наукова новизна. Науково обґрунтовані стійкі геометричні параметри підземного видобутку та схеми розробки пологозалягаючих жильних пластів у породах низької якості. Практична значимість. Ефективна робота шахти залежить від вибору відповідного способу розробки, схеми гірничих робіт і параметрів кріплення, адаптованої до типу породи, а також від геометрії виймання з урахуванням типу і природи родовища.Цель. Выбор оптимального метода подземной разработки пологозалегающих жильных месторождений, залегающих в породах низкого качества, с помощью эмпирического и численного моделирования для определения устойчивых геометрические элементов горной выработки. Методика. Для выбора оптимального способа разработки был использован метод Университета Британской Колумбии (UBC), для определения оптимальной горной выработки и рекомендованного типа крепи – системы классификации породных массивов RMR и Q, для анализа изменения ширины нестабильной зоны и общего максимального сдвига вокруг выработки после выемки использовалось численное моделирование в среде RS2 для различных геотехнических, геометрических и технических условий. Результаты. Путем проецирования полученных значений RMR и Q-системы на расчетный график проведения горных работ стало очевидно, что очистная выработка находится в стабильной зоне высотой 3 м, и рекомендованный тип крепи – анкерный. Моделирование в среде RS2 подтвердило, что оптимальная схема разработки пологозалегающих жильных месторождений в породах низкого качества включает забой высотой 3 м с углом наклона 75° и цементированной закладкой. Научная новизна. Научно обоснованы устойчивые геометрические параметры подземной добычи и схемы разработки полого-залегающих жильных пластов в породах низкого качества. Практическая значимость. Эффективная работа шахты зависит от выбора соответствующего способа разработки, схемы горных работ и параметров крепи, адаптированной к типу породы, а также от геометрии выемки с учетом типа и природы месторождения.This research received no external funding


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    The aim objective of this study is to model mining method selection problem for a real world case in Angouran mine which is one of the major zinc producers in Iran. According to many problems of ore body extraction are direct or indirect depend on underground mining method, this issue is one of the most critical decisions in the design stage of mine that should be made. A number of the evaluation criteria that often are in conflicting with each other exist for evaluating feasible mining methods. Therefore, the problem of mining method selection is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) issue.On the other hand, according to the sophisticated structure of the problem, imprecise data, less of information, and inherent uncertainty, the usage of the fuzzy sets can be useful. In this paper an integrated model based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (FTOPSIS) is developed. FAHP is applied to determine the relative weights of the evaluation criteria for mining method selection that these weights are inserted to the FTOPSIS technique to rank the alternatives and select the most appropriate alternative. The study was followed by the sensitivity analysis of the results. The results of this study demonstrate the efficiency, capability, and robustness of the proposed model, which can be applied to different types of sophisticated problems in reality.Cilj ovog rada je izvođenje efikasnog i primjenjivog modela odabira najbolje proizvodne tehnike na primjeru Angouran rudnika koji je jedan od glavnih proizvođača cinka u Iranu. Proizvodne tehnike ekstrakcije ruda su izravno ili neizravno ovisne o izboru tehnika izvlačenja ruda, jednog od najkritičnijih pitanja u odlučivanju u fazi projektiranja rudnika koji bi trebao biti izrađen. Broj evaluacijskih kriterija često su u sukobu jedni s drugima pri odabiru i ocjeni prihvatljive proizvodne (rudarske) metode i tehnike. Dakle, problem odabira prihvatljive proizvodne rudarske metode u praksi je problem odabira multi-kriterijskog odlučivanja (MCDM). S druge strane, s obzirom na složenost i strukturu problema, nepreciznih podataka, manjkavost informacija, a time i inherentnu nesigurnost, korištenje fuzzy tehnika može biti od iznimne koristi. U ovom radu integrirani model koji se temelji fuzzy analitičkoj hijerarhiji procesa (FAHP) i fuzzy tehnikama za redom preferencija po sličnosti idealnog rješenja (FTOPSIS) je razvijen i prezentiran. FAHP se primjenjuje za određivanje relativne težine kriterija za ocjenu najbolje proizvodne tehnike pri ekstrakciji ruda u odnosu na ostale dostupne alternativne proizvodne tehnike. Rezultati istraživanja rada testirani su analizom osjetljivosti rezultata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju učinkovitost, sposobnost i robusnost predloženog modela izbora proizvodnih tehnika, koji se mogu primijeniti na različite vrste složenih problema u stvarnom životu


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    The mining method selection for underground mining is one of the most important decisions when designing a mine. This selection depends on the mining-geological, mining-technical and economic factors. The mining method selection for underground mining can be described as a multi-criteria decision-making process, as several factors are involved in the selection process. In this paper, a methodology for rational and optimal mining method selection for underground min-ing of metallic mineral resources has been developed. First, a rational selection of the four best-ranked mining methods for underground mining is performed using numerical methods (Nicholas' approach and the modified approach of Nicholas, i.e. UBC selection of mining method). This is fol-lowed by the optimal selection of underground mining method using multi-criteria decision-making methods (ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, AHP, and integrated AHP-PROMETHEE) and by comparing the obtained rankings, the optimal mining method is selected

    Application of the Fuzzy TOPSIS method for selecting an underground mining method

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    Selecting the underground mining method is one of the most difficult decisions any mining engineer makes when designing a new mine or opening new parts in an existing mine. The underground mining method selection depends on many mining-geological, technical and economic factors. The process of selecting a mine excavation method is a multi-criteria decision-making process since many factors are considered when selecting a mining method. The selection of the most suitable mining method is of great importance for each mine, and this is especially evident in the phase of preparation and excavation of the ore deposit and optimization of the total cost of excavation. This paper uses the Fuzzy TOPSIS method to select the underground mining method for metallic mineral resources as one of the most important multi-criteria decision-making methods. The methodology presented will enable the application of other fuzzy methods to solve problems related to the mining method selection

    Methods in Ranking Fuzzy Numbers: A Unified Index and Comparative Reviews

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    Selección de métodos extractivos y su impacto en la productividad minera – estudio de caso en la minería de carbón colombiana

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar un nuevo enfoque para la selección del método extractivo mediante una metodología fácilmente replicable; este enfoque puede ser usado en el proceso de planeación y diseño minero. Seleccionar el método extractivo es uno de los problemas de Decisión Multicriterio Discreta (DMD) donde los decisores han tenido problemas en la asignación de peso a cada criterio. Para resolver este problema, este documento aplica el método PAJ y propone una metodología de comprobación mediante la asignación de peso a los criterios con entropía y la selección del método mediante PRES. La selección de un modelo matemático basado en análisis de decisión multicriterio no es tarea fácil; el modelo presentado en este documento muestra su aplicación a un yacimiento de carbón localizado en el costado occidental del “Cerro Tasajero” en Norte de Santander, Colombia. Este documento identifica la necesidad de usar métodos multicriterio cuantitativos como ayuda para probar la exactitud del método PAJ. / Abstract. The purpose of this document is to present a new approach to mining method selection by an easy replicable methodology; this approach can be used in the mine design process planning. Select the mining method is one of the problems of Discrete Multicriteria Decision (DMD) where decision makers have had problems in the assignment of weight to the criteria. To solve this problem, this article applies the AHP method and proposes a testing methodology by weighting the criteria variables with entropy and the selection of the method by PRES. The selection of a mathematical model based on MCDA is not an easy task; the model presented in this document shows its application to a coal reservoir located in the western side of “Cerro Tasajero” in Norte de Santander, Colombia. This document identifies the need to use quantitative multicriteria methods as an aid to prove the accuracy of the AHP method.Maestrí

    Unplanned dilution and ore-loss optimisation in underground mines via cooperative neuro-fuzzy network

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    The aim of study is to establish a proper unplanned dilution and ore-loss (UB: uneven break) management system. To achieve the goal, UB prediction and consultation systems were established using artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy expert system (FES). Attempts have been made to illuminate the UB mechanism by scrutinising the contributions of potential UB influence factors. Ultimately, the proposed UB prediction and consultation systems were unified as a cooperative neuro fuzzy system

    Modelagem de escavações subterrâneas : contribuições para escolha de acessos de mina

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    Com o desenvolvimento da sociedade, surgiu a necessidade de otimização do aproveitamento de recursos em todos os sentidos. Necessitamos explorar jazidas antes não exploradas, bem como aproveitar melhor os espaços físicos disponíveis para a sociedade. Assim, a necessidade de aproveitamento do subsolo se sobressai, seja nas minerações em profundidade, seja na infraestrutura civil. Ambas as linhas convergem na mesma direção: o subsolo. Este trabalho visa contribuir com o conhecimento das escavações em subsolo. São apresentadas propostas de modelamentos técnico-econômicos de escavações subterrâneas, com foco na infraestrutura de acesso e método de transporte de minas subterrâneas. Nesse sentido, apresentam-se revisões técnicas sobre os temas de interesse, os quais são fundamentais ao objetivo proposto: escavações subterrâneas, modelamento, análise financeira de empreendimentos em mineração subterrânea e metodologia de tomada de decisão. A metodologia adotada incluiu uma extensa revisão bibliográfica. Com base na revisão, foi esquematizada uma metodologia de modelamento de escavações, com foco em acessos de mina, e aplicada em estudos de viabilidade de projetos. Verificou-se que há defasagem nos limites de profundidade e produtividade para alteração de escolha entre poços e rampas em relação a metodologias clássicas de escolha; tal defasagem e divergências identificam-se também em modelos de custos igualmente utilizados nos processos de escolha e na modelagem de projetos em etapas iniciais. Desse modo, com base em projetos de viabilidade, são propostos novos limites para a metodologia de escolha por fluxograma. Assim, melhorando a aderência entre o fluxograma proposto e projetos reais de mina. No intuito de fazer convergir os critérios de escolha abordados e viabilizar a inclusão de critérios de natureza ESG, é proposta a aplicação do método analítico hierárquico AHP e sua variação MAHP para a tomada de decisão de forma multicriterial e considerando incertezas. Verificou-se que a abordagem multicritério, considerando aspectos, técnicos, econômicos e socioambientais é adequada e aplicável a projetos em etapas iniciais.The development of society has brought with it the need to optimize the use of resources, in all senses. We need to exploit previously unexploited deposits, as well as make better use of the physical spaces available to society. Thus, the need to take advantage of the subsoil stands out, whether in deep mining or in civil infrastructure. Both lines converge in the same direction: the subsoil. This work aims to contribute to the knowledge of underground excavations. Proposals for technical-financial modeling of underground excavations are presented, with a focus on access infrastructure and exploitation method for underground mines. Technical reviews are presented on the topics of interest, which are fundamental to the proposed objective: underground excavations, modeling, financial analysis of underground mining projects and decision making methodology. On the basis of this review, an excavation modeling methodology was outlined, with a focus on mine access, and applied in project feasibility studies. It was found that there is a discrepancy in the depth and productivity limits for changing the choice between shafts and ramps, in relation to classic choice methodologies; such a discrepancy and divergences are also identified in cost models also used in choice processes and in project modeling at early stages. Thus, based on feasibility projects, new bounds are proposed for the flowchart choice methodology. In this way, the adherence between the proposed flowchart and actual mine projects is improved. In order to converge the addressed choice criteria and enable the inclusion of ESG criteria, the application of the hierarchical analytical method AHP and its variation MAHP is proposed for decision making in a multicriteria way and considering uncertainties. The results show that the multicriteria approach, considering technical, economic, and socioenvironmental aspects, is adequate and applicable to projects in early stages