6,530 research outputs found

    A delay differential model of ENSO variability: Parametric instability and the distribution of extremes

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    We consider a delay differential equation (DDE) model for El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability. The model combines two key mechanisms that participate in ENSO dynamics: delayed negative feedback and seasonal forcing. We perform stability analyses of the model in the three-dimensional space of its physically relevant parameters. Our results illustrate the role of these three parameters: strength of seasonal forcing bb, atmosphere-ocean coupling κ\kappa, and propagation period τ\tau of oceanic waves across the Tropical Pacific. Two regimes of variability, stable and unstable, are separated by a sharp neutral curve in the (b,τ)(b,\tau) plane at constant κ\kappa. The detailed structure of the neutral curve becomes very irregular and possibly fractal, while individual trajectories within the unstable region become highly complex and possibly chaotic, as the atmosphere-ocean coupling κ\kappa increases. In the unstable regime, spontaneous transitions occur in the mean ``temperature'' ({\it i.e.}, thermocline depth), period, and extreme annual values, for purely periodic, seasonal forcing. The model reproduces the Devil's bleachers characterizing other ENSO models, such as nonlinear, coupled systems of partial differential equations; some of the features of this behavior have been documented in general circulation models, as well as in observations. We expect, therefore, similar behavior in much more detailed and realistic models, where it is harder to describe its causes as completely.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Differential/Difference Equations

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    The study of oscillatory phenomena is an important part of the theory of differential equations. Oscillations naturally occur in virtually every area of applied science including, e.g., mechanics, electrical, radio engineering, and vibrotechnics. This Special Issue includes 19 high-quality papers with original research results in theoretical research, and recent progress in the study of applied problems in science and technology. This Special Issue brought together mathematicians with physicists, engineers, as well as other scientists. Topics covered in this issue: Oscillation theory; Differential/difference equations; Partial differential equations; Dynamical systems; Fractional calculus; Delays; Mathematical modeling and oscillations

    Sufficient conditions for oscillation of fourth-order neutral differential equations with distributed deviating arguments

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    Some new sufficient conditions are established for the oscillation of fourth-order neutral differential equations with continuously distributed delay. An example is provided to show the importance of these resul

    Double-slit and electromagnetic models to complete quantum mechanics

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    We analyze a realistic microscopic model for electronic scattering with the neutral differential delay equations of motion of point charges of the Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics. We propose a microscopic model according to the electrodynamics of point charges, complex enough to describe the essential physics. Our microscopic model reaches a simple qualitative agreement with the experimental results as regards interference in double-slit scattering and in electronic scattering by crystals. We discuss our model in the light of existing experimental results, including a qualitative disagreement found for the double-slit experiment. We discuss an approximation for the complex neutral differential delay equations of our model using piecewise-defined (discontinuous) velocities for all charges and piecewise-constant-velocities for the scattered charge. Our approximation predicts the De Broglie wavelength as an inverse function of the incoming velocity and in the correct order of magnitude. We explain the scattering by crystals in the light of the same simplified modeling with Einstein-local interactions. We include a discussion of the qualitative properties of the neutral-delay-equations of electrodynamics to stimulate future experimental tests on the possibility to complete quantum mechanics with electromagnetic models.Comment: 4 figures, the same post-publication typos over the published version of Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, only that these correction are not marked in red as in V7, this one is for a recollectio

    On the oscillatory behavior of even order neutral delay dynamic equations on time-scales

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    We establish some new criteria for the oscillation of the even order neutral dynamic equation \begin{equation*} \left( a(t)\left( \left( x(t)-p(t)x(\tau (t))\right) ^{\Delta^{n-1}}\right) ^{\alpha }\right) ^{\Delta }+q(t)\left( x^{\sigma}(g(t))\right) ^{\lambda }=0 \end{equation*} on a time scale T\mathbb{T}, where n2n \geq 2 is even, α\alpha and λ\lambda are ratios of odd positive integers, aa, pp and qq are real valued positive rd-continuous functions defined on T\mathbb{T}, and gg and τ\tau are real valued rd-continuous functions on T\mathbb{T}. Examples illustrating the results are included

    Oscillation behavior of higher order functional differential equations with distributed deviating arguments

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    In this thesis we consider oscillatory and nonoscillatory behavior of functional differential equations and study third and n-th order functional differential equations qualitatively. Usually a qualitative approach is concerned with the behavior of solutions of a given differential equation and does not seek explicit solutions.;This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter consists of preliminary material which introduce well-known basic concepts. The second chapter deals with the oscillatory behavior of solutions of third order differential equations and functional differential equations with discrete and continuous delay of the form (bt(a t(x\u27 t)a)\u27 )\u27+qt fxt =rt, (bt(a t(x\u27 t)a)\u27 )\u27+qt fxgt =rt , (bt(( atx\u27 t)g)\u27 )\u27+(q1 txt) \u27+q2t x\u27t=h t, (bt(a tx\u27t )\u27)\u27+ i=1mqit f(x(sit ))=ht and (bt(a tx\u27t )\u27)\u27+ cdqt,x fxst,x dx=0. In chapter three we present sufficient conditions for oscillatory behavior of n-th order homogeneous neutral differential equation with continuous deviating arguments of the form at&sqbl0; xt+pt xtt &sqbr0;n-1 \u27+dcd qt,xf xst,x dx=0. Chapter four is devoted to n-th order neutral differential equation with forcing term of the form &sqbl0;xt+ i=1mpit x(tit )&sqbr0;n +l1a bq1t,x f1(x(s1 t,x))dx +l2ab q2t,xf 2(x(s2t,x ))dx=ht . Lastly, in chapter five we present sufficient conditions involving the coefficients and arguments only for n-th order neutral functional differential equation with constant coefficient of the form &sqbl0; xt+lax t+ah+mbxt+b g&sqbr0;n =pcdx t-xdx+qc dxt+x dx

    Oscillation and nonoscillation of third order functional differential equations

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    A qualitative approach is usually concerned with the behavior of solutions of a given differential equation and usually does not seek specific explicit solutions;This dissertation is the analysis of oscillation of third order linear homogeneous functional differential equations, and oscillation and nonoscillation of third order nonlinear nonhomogeneous functional differential equations. This is done mainly in Chapters II and III. Chapter IV deals with the analysis of solutions of neutral differential equations of third order and even order. In Chapter V we study the asymptotic nature of nth order delay differential equations;Oscillatory solution is the solution which has infinitely many zeros; otherwise, it is called nonoscillatory solution;The functional differential equations under consideration are:(UNFORMATTED TABLE OR EQUATION FOLLOWS) (b(ay[superscript]\u27)[superscript]\u27)[superscript]\u27 + (q[subscript]1y)[superscript]\u27 + q[subscript]2y[superscript]\u27 = 0, &(b(ay[superscript]\u27)[superscript]\u27)[superscript]\u27 + q[subscript]1y + q[subscript]2y(t - [tau]) = 0, &(b(ay[superscript]\u27)[superscript]\u27)[superscript]\u27 + qF(y(g(t))) = f(t), &(y(t) + p(t)y(t - [tau]))[superscript]\u27\u27\u27 + f(t, y(t), y(t - [sigma])) = 0, &(y(t) + p(t)y(t - [tau]))[superscript](n) + f(t, y(t), y(t - [sigma])) = 0, and &y[superscript](n) + p(t)f(t, y[tau], y[subscript]sp[sigma][subscript]1\u27,..., y[subscript]sp[sigma][subscript]n[subscript]1(n-1)) = F(t). (TABLE/EQUATION ENDS);The first and the second equations are considered in Chapter II, where we find sufficient conditions for oscillation. We study the third equation in Chapter III and conditions have been found to ensure the required criteria. In Chapter IV, we study the oscillation behavior of the fourth and the fifth equations. Finally, the last equation has been studied in Chapter V from the point of view of asymptotic nature of its nonoscillatory solutions

    Brownian Molecules Formed by Delayed Harmonic Interactions

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    A time-delayed response of individual living organisms to information exchanged within flocks or swarms leads to the emergence of complex collective behaviors. A recent experimental setup by (Khadka et al 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3864), employing synthetic microswimmers, allows to emulate and study such behavior in a controlled way, in the lab. Motivated by these experiments, we study a system of N Brownian particles interacting via a retarded harmonic interaction. For N3N \leq 3 , we characterize its collective behavior analytically, by solving the pertinent stochastic delay-differential equations, and for N>3N>3 by Brownian dynamics simulations. The particles form molecule-like non-equilibrium structures which become unstable with increasing number of particles, delay time, and interaction strength. We evaluate the entropy and information fluxes maintaining these structures and, to quantitatively characterize their stability, develop an approximate time-dependent transition-state theory to characterize transitions between different isomers of the molecules. For completeness, we include a comprehensive discussion of the analytical solution procedure for systems of linear stochastic delay differential equations in finite dimension, and new results for covariance and time-correlation matrices.Comment: 36 pages, 26 figures, current version: further improvements and one correctio

    An Improved Oscillation Result for a Class of Higher Order Non-canonical Delay Differential Equations.

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    [EN]In this work, by obtaining a new condition that excludes a class of positive solutions of a type of higher order delay differential equations, we were able to construct an oscillation criterion that simplifies, improves and complements the previous results in the literature. The adopted approach extends those commonly used in the study of second-order equations. The simplification lies in obtaining an oscillation criterion with two conditions, unlike the previous results, which required at least three conditions. In addition, we illustrate the improvement with the new criterion, applying it to some examples and comparing the results obtained with previous results in the literature