5,882 research outputs found

    Computing replenishment cycle policy parameters for a perishable item

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    In many industrial environments there is a significant class of problems for which the perishable nature of the inventory cannot be ignored in developing replenishment order plans. Food is the most salient example of a perishable inventory item. In this work, we consider the periodic-review, single-location, single-product production/inventory control problem under non-stationary stochastic demand and service level constraints. The product we consider can be held in stock for a limited amount of time after which it expires and it must be disposed of at a cost. In addition to wastage costs, our cost structure comprises fixed and unit variable ordering costs, and inventory holding costs. We propose an easy-to-implement replenishment cycle inventory control policy that yields at most 2N control parameters, where N is the number of periods in our planning horizon. We also show, on a simple numerical example, the improvement brought by this policy over two other simpler inventory control rules of common use

    Last Time Buy and Control Policies With Phase-Out Returns: A Case Study in Plant Control Systems

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    This research involves the combination of spare parts management and reverse logistics. At the end of the product life cycle, products in the field (so called installed base) can usually be serviced by either new parts, obtained from a Last Time Buy, or by repaired failed parts. This paper, however, introduces a third source: the phase-out returns obtained from customers that replace systems. These returned parts may serve other customers that do not replace the systems yet. Phase-out return flows represent higher volumes and higher repair yields than failed parts and are cheaper to get than new ones. This new phenomenon has been ignored in the literature thus far, but due to increased product replacements rates its relevance will grow. We present a generic model, applied in a case study with real-life data from ConRepair, a third-party service provider in plant control systems (mainframes). Volumes of demand for spares, defects returns and phase-out returns are interrelated, because the same installed base is involved. In contrast with the existing literature, this paper explicitly models the operational control of both failed- and phase-out returns, which proves far from trivial given the nonstationary nature of the problem. We have to consider subintervals within the total planning interval to optimize both Last Time Buy and control policies well. Given the novelty of the problem, we limit ourselves to a single customer, single-item approach. Our heuristic solution methods prove efficient and close to optimal when validated. The resulting control policies in the case-study are also counter-intuitive. Contrary to (management) expectations, exogenous variables prove to be more important to the repair firm (which we show by sensitivity analysis) and optimizing the endogenous control policy benefits the customers. Last Time Buy volume does not make the decisive difference; far more important is the disposal versus repair policy. PUSH control policy is outperformed by PULL, which exploits demand information and waits longer to decide between repair and disposal. The paper concludes by mapping a number of extensions for future research, as it represents a larger class of problems.spare parts;reverse logistics;phase-out;PUSH-PULL repair;non stationary;Last Time Buy;business case

    Managing Product Returns: The Role of Forecasting

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    In this article, we discuss ways of actively influencing product returns and we review data-driven methods for forecasting return flows that exploit the fact that future returns are a function of past sales. In particular we assess the value of return forecasting at an operational level, specifically inventory control. We conclude with implications for supply chain management

    Design and control of service part distribution systems

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    Trade Credit Policies for Supplier, Manufacturer, and Retailer: An Imperfect Production-Inventory System with Rework

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    In this study, we developed a trade credit policy for a three-layer supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer. We propose an optimal production rate and selling price for the manufacturer and the retailer under an imperfect production system. The suggested coordination policy optimizes the profit of each supply chain member. Two models were formulated for two real-life strategies respectively. The first one is a collaborative (integrated) system and the second one is a Stackelberg leadership system. Both strategies were analyzed for various credit periods, respectively offered by the supplier to the manufacturer, by the manufacturer to the retailer, and by the retailer to the customers, by considering price-sensitive demand and a certain replenishment rate. Finally, we concluded which strategy will be better for inventory management under the given restrictions in the form of propositions. The concavity property for the net profit function was established with respect to the selling price and the production rate, which was also described graphically and analyzed by numerical examples

    Trade Credit Policies for Supplier, Manufacturer, and Retailer: An Imperfect Production-Inventory System with Rework

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    In this study, we developed a trade credit policy for a three-layer supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer. We propose an optimal production rate and selling price for the manufacturer and the retailer under an imperfect production system. The suggested coordination policy optimizes the profit of each supply chain member. Two models were formulated for two real-life strategies respectively. The first one is a collaborative (integrated) system and the second one is a Stackelberg leadership system. Both strategies were analyzed for various credit periods, respectively offered by the supplier to the manufacturer, by the manufacturer to the retailer, and by the retailer to the customers, by considering price-sensitive demand and a certain replenishment rate. Finally, we concluded which strategy will be better for inventory management under the given restrictions in the form of propositions. The concavity property for the net profit function was established with respect to the selling price and the production rate, which was also described graphically and analyzed by numerical examples

    Tactical/Operational Decision Making for Designing Green Logistics Networks

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    Cap and trade regulations along with an increasing consumer and company demand for green products and services constitute two major drivers for motivating corporations to adopt green practices. However, the adoption of such practices usually increases their operational costs. Therefore, the trade-off between “green” and cost-optimal policies is a common challenge for most organizations, at least in developed countries. The purpose of this paper is to assess alternative logistic network design options (applicable in most supply chains) taking into account both their cost and CO2 emissions performance. The applicability of the proposed methodology is illustrated through the design of a major white good retailer’s logistics network in the region of Greece. The results indicate that a company optimizes its cost performance by serving all its retail stores directly by truck through one central distribution center. On the other hand, a CO2 emissions optimal performance includes additional distribution centers and the employment of rail instead of truck transportation. Moreover, longer review periods, despite the higher holding and backorder costs, result in lower transportation costs and CO2 emissions

    Static and dynamic inventory models under inflation, time value of money and permissible delay in payment

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    In this research a number of mathematical models were developed for static and dynamic deterministic single-item inventory systems. Economic factors such as inflation, time value of money and permissible delay in payment were considered in developing the models. Nonlinear optimization techniques were used to obtain the optimal policies for the systems.;First, a static single-item inventory model was considered in which shortages are allowed and a delay is permitted in payment. In this case, suppliers allow the customers to settle their accounts after a fixed delay period during which no interest is charged.;An extension of the model was then considered in which all cost components of the model are subject to inflation and discounting, with constant rates over the planning horizon. The mathematical model of the system was developed and a nonlinear optimization technique, Hooke and Jeeves search method, was used to obtain the optimal policies for the system.;A dynamic deterministic single-item inventory model was also considered in which the demand was assumed to be a linear function of time. Suppliers allow for a delay in payment and the cost components are subject to inflation and discounting with constant rates and continuous compounding. The Golden search technique was used to obtain the optimum length of replenishment cycle such that the total cost is minimized.;Computer applications using Visual Basic and Mathematics were developed and several numerical example were solved
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