24 research outputs found

    A multiscale Darcy-Brinkman model for fluid flow in fractured porous media

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    The aim of this work is to present a reduced mathematical model for describing fluid flow in porous media featuring open channels or fractures. The Darcy's law is assumed in the porous domain while the Stokes-Brinkman equations are considered in the fractures. We address the case of fractures whose thickness is very small compared to the characteristic diameter of the computational domain, and describe the fracture as if it were an interface between porous regions. We derive the corresponding interface model governing the fluid flow in the fracture and in the porous media, and establish the well-posedness of the coupled problem. Further, we introduce a finite element scheme for the approximation of the coupled problem, and discuss solution strategies. We conclude by showing the numerical results related to several test cases and compare the accuracy of the reduced model compared with the non-reduced on

    Modelling of steady-state fluid flow in 3D fractured isotropic porous media: Application to effective permeability calculation

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    International audienceIn this paper, 3D steady-state fluid flow in a porous medium with many intersecting fractures is derived numerically by using collocation method. Fluid flow, in the matrix and fractures, are described by Darcy's law and Poisseuille's law, respectively. The recent theoretical development presented a general potential solution to model the steady-state flow in fractured porous media under a far-field condition. This solution is a hypersingular integral equation with pressure field in the fracture surfaces as the main unknown. The numerical procedure can resolve the problem for any form of fractures and also takes into account the interactions and the intersection between fractures. Once the pressure field, and then the flux field in fractures have been determined, the pressure field in the porous matrix is computed completely. The basic problem of a single fracture is investigated and a semi-analytical solution is presented. Using the solution obtained for a single fracture, Mori-Tanaka and self-consistent schemes are employed for upscalling the effective permeability of 3D fractured porous media

    A multiscale flux basis for mortar mixed discretizations of reduced Darcy-Forchheimer fracture models

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    In this paper, a multiscale flux basis algorithm is developed to efficiently solve a flow problem in fractured porous media. Here, we take into account a mixed-dimensional setting of the discrete fracture matrix model, where the fracture network is represented as lower-dimensional object. We assume the linear Darcy model in the rock matrix and the non-linear Forchheimer model in the fractures. In our formulation, we are able to reformulate the matrix-fracture problem to only the fracture network problem and, therefore, significantly reduce the computational cost. The resulting problem is then a non-linear interface problem that can be solved using a fixed-point or Newton-Krylov methods, which in each iteration require several solves of Robin problems in the surrounding rock matrices. To achieve this, the flux exchange (a linear Robin-to-Neumann co-dimensional mapping) between the porous medium and the fracture network is done offline by pre-computing a multiscale flux basis that consists of the flux response from each degree of freedom on the fracture network. This delivers a conserve for the basis that handles the solutions in the rock matrices for each degree of freedom in the fractures pressure space. Then, any Robin sub-domain problems are replaced by linear combinations of the multiscale flux basis during the interface iteration. The proposed approach is, thus, agnostic to the physical model in the fracture network. Numerical experiments demonstrate the computational gains of pre-computing the flux exchange between the porous medium and the fracture network against standard non-linear domain decomposition approaches

    Analysis of cross-diffusion systems for fluid mixtures driven by a pressure gradient

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    The convective transport in a multicomponent isothermal compressible fluid subject to the mass continuity equations is considered. The velocity is proportional to the negative pressure gradient, according to Darcy?s law, and the pressure is defined by a state equation imposed by the volume extension of the mixture. These model assumptions lead to a parabolic-hyperbolic system for the mass densities. The global-in-time existence of classical and weak solutions is proved in a bounded domain with no-penetration boundary conditions. The idea is to decompose the system into a porous-medium-type equation for the volume extension and transport equations for the modified number fractions. The existence proof is based on parabolic regularity theory, the theory of renormalized solutions, and an approximation of the velocity field

    A Lagrange multiplier method for a Stokes-Biot fluid-poroelastic structure interaction model

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    We study a finite element computational model for solving the coupled problem arising in the interaction between a free fluid and a fluid in a poroelastic medium. The free fluid is governed by the Stokes equations, while the flow in the poroelastic medium is modeled using the Biot poroelasticity system. Equilibrium and kinematic conditions are imposed on the interface. A mixed Darcy formulation is employed, resulting in continuity of flux condition of essential type. A Lagrange multiplier method is employed to impose weakly this condition. A stability and error analysis is performed for the semi-discrete continuous-in-time and the fully discrete formulations. A series of numerical experiments is presented to confirm the theoretical convergence rates and to study the applicability of the method to modeling physical phenomena and the sensitivity of the model with respect to its parameters

    Partitioning strategies for the interaction of a fluid with a poroelastic material based on a Nitsche's coupling approach

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    We develop a computational model to study the interaction of a fluid with a poroelastic material. The coupling of Stokes and Biot equations represents a prototype problem for these phenomena, which feature multiple facets. On one hand it shares common traits with fluid-structure interaction. On the other hand it resembles the Stokes-Darcy coupling. For these reasons, the numerical simulation of the Stokes-Biot coupled system is a challenging task. The need of large memory storage and the difficulty to characterize appropriate solvers and related preconditioners are typical shortcomings of classical discretization methods applied to this problem. The application of loosely coupled time advancing schemes mitigates these issues because it allows to solve each equation of the system independently with respect to the others. In this work we develop and thoroughly analyze a loosely coupled scheme for Stokes-Biot equations. The scheme is based on Nitsche's method for enforcing interface conditions. Once the interface operators corresponding to the interface conditions have been defined, time lagging allows us to build up a loosely coupled scheme with good stability properties. The stability of the scheme is guaranteed provided that appropriate stabilization operators are introduced into the variational formulation of each subproblem. The error of the resulting method is also analyzed, showing that splitting the equations pollutes the optimal approximation properties of the underlying discretization schemes. In order to restore good approximation properties, while maintaining the computational efficiency of the loosely coupled approach, we consider the application of the loosely coupled scheme as a preconditioner for the monolithic approach. Both theoretical insight and numerical results confirm that this is a promising way to develop efficient solvers for the problem at hand