136 research outputs found

    A new consensus ranking approach for correlated ordinal information based on Mahalanobis distance

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    Producción CientíficaWe investigate from a global point of view the existence of cohesiveness among experts’ opinions. We address this general issue from three basic essentials: the management of experts’ opinions when they are expressed by ordinal information; the measurement of the degree of dissensus among such opinions; and the achievement of a group solution that conveys the minimum dissensus to the experts’ group. Accordingly, we propose and characterize a new procedure to codify ordinal information. We also define a new measurement of the degree of dissensus among individual preferences based on the Mahalanobis distance. It is especially designed for the case of possibly correlated alternatives. Finally, we investigate a procedure to obtain a social consensus solution that also includes the possibility of alternatives that are correlated. In addition, we examine the main traits of the dissensus measurement as well as the social solution proposed. The operational character and intuitive interpretation of our approaches are illustrated by an explanatory example.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ECO2012–32178

    Consensus theories: an oriented survey

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    This article surveys seven directions of consensus theories: Arrowian results, federation consensus rules, metric consensus rules, tournament solutions, restricted domains, abstract consensus theories, algorithmic and complexity issues. This survey is oriented in the sense that it is mainly – but not exclusively – concentrated on the most significant results obtained, sometimes with other searchers, by a team of French searchers who are or were full or associate members of the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS).Consensus theories ; Arrowian results ; aggregation rules ; metric consensus rules ; median ; tournament solutions ; restricted domains ; lower valuations ; median semilattice ; complexity

    Use of the TOPSIS technique to choose the best supplier of quarry natural aggregate

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    Purpose. All over the world, natural substance – the most consumed after water – is the aggregate. The aim of this paper is to select the best supplier of Quarry Natural Aggregate (QNA). Methods. Selection of the best supplier of QNA is performed using the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) approach, and the method of weights based on ordinal ranking of criteria, and Lagrange multiplier. Findings. In this article, the proposed Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach helps the decision maker(s) to choose the best supplier of QNA amongst the considered and evaluated suppliers. Originality. During negotiation with suppliers, many are the decision makers which only attach an importance at two criteria (unit price and quality, or unit price and delivery time). Thereby, other criteria are not taken into account. Consequently, supplier selection would become not-efficient. The originality of this work is based on the multi-criteria approach to choose the best supplier of QNA. Practical implications. The efficient choice of the best supplier of QNA represents a practical and economical value for the enterprises of the civil engineering, public works, railway and hydraulic works.Мета. Обґрунтування та вибір оптимального постачальника кар’єрного щебню як природного заповнювача на основі використання багатокритеріального методу. Методика. Вибір найкращого постачальника кар’єрного природного заповнювача здійснювався за допомогою багатокритеріального методу аналізу варіантів за ступенем близькості до оптимального (TOPSIS) і методу вагових коефіцієнтів на основі порядкового ранжирування критеріїв та множника Лагранжа. Результати. Підхід, що описується в статті, заснований на багатокритеріальному прийнятті рішень і дозволяє обрати кращого постачальника природного заповнювача серед наявних та розглянутих на ринку компаній. В якості ілюстрації запропонована методологія застосована до чисельного прикладу. Це дозволило визначити вагу впливових на оцінку критеріїв, оцінку значень характеристик кожного розглянутого постачальника QNA, встановлення рейтингу розглянутих постачальників QNA і вибір альтернативи {a4} в якості кращого постачальника QNA. Наукова новизна. Вперше для вибору оптимального постачальника природного заповнювача крім факторів ціни і якості встановлено характер впливу на загальну оцінку також ряду інших факторів: вартість транспортування, транспортна відстань, час доставки, гарантійна політика й рівень відхилення. У даній роботі вперше пропонується багатокритеріальний підхід до вибору оптимального постачальника природного заповнювача кар’єра. Практична значимість. Ефективний вибір постачальника природного заповнювача кар’єра важливий з практичної та економічної точок зору для підприємств у галузі цивільного будівництва, громадських робіт, залізниці та гідротехнічних споруд.Цель. Обоснование и выбор оптимального поставщика карьерного щебня как природного заполнителя на основе использования многокритериального метода. Методика. Выбор лучшего поставщика карьерного природного заполнителя осуществлялся с помощью многокритериального метода анализа вариантов по степени близости к оптимальному (TOPSIS) и метода весовых коэффициентов на основе порядкового ранжирования критериев и множителя Лагранжа. Результаты. Подход, описываемый в статье, основан на многокритериальном принятии решений и позволяет выбрать лучшего поставщика природного заполнителя среди имеющихся и рассматриваемых на рынке компаний. В качестве иллюстрации предложенная методология применена к числовому примеру. Это позволило определить вес влияющих на оценку критериев, оценку значений характеристик каждого рассматриваемого поставщика QNA, установление рейтинга рассматриваемых поставщиков QNA и выбор альтернативы {a4} в качестве лучшего поставщика QNA. Научная новизна. Впервые для выбора оптимального поставщика природного заполнителя кроме факторов цены и качества установлен характер влияния на общую оценку также ряда других факторов: стоимость транспортирования, транспортное расстояние, время доставки, гарантийная политика и уровень отклонения. В данной работе впервые предлагается многокритериальный подход к выбору оптимального поставщика природного заполнителя карьера. Практическая значимость. Эффективный выбор поставщика природного заполнителя карьера важен с практической и экономической точек зрения для предприятий в области гражданского строительства, общественных работ, железной дороги и гидротехнических сооружений.The authors thank all the colleagues which have contributed to the realization of this research work

    Consensus theories: an oriented survey

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/cesdp2010.htmlDocuments de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2010.57 - ISSN : 1955-611XThis article surveys seven directions of consensus theories: Arrowian results, federation consensus rules, metric consensus rules, tournament solutions, restricted domains, abstract consensus theories, algorithmic and complexity issues. This survey is oriented in the sense that it is mainly – but not exclusively – concentrated on the most significant results obtained, sometimes with other searchers, by a team of French searchers who are or were full or associate members of the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS).Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble de sept directions de recherche en théorie du consensus : résultats arrowiens, règles d'agrégation définies au moyen de fédérations, règles définies au moyen de distances, solutions de tournoi, domaines restreints, théories abstraites du consensus, questions de complexité et d'algorithmique. Ce panorama est orienté dans la mesure où il présente principalement – mais non exclusivement – les travaux les plus significatifs obtenus – quelquefois avec d'autres chercheurs – par une équipe de chercheurs français qui sont – ou ont été – membres pléniers ou associés du Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS)

    Economic evaluation of the spanish port system using the promethee multicriteria decision method

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    Due to legislation changes during the Nineties, the Spanish Port System has gone through a series of changes that, simultaneous with a period of economic expansion and generalized marine traffic growth, have affected the Port System’s composition, organization and operation. The gradual transformations produced by this context, give shape to a new model of operation for Port Authorities, which now start to be managed under business criteria and procedures of functional autonomy, competition, effectiveness and profit, moving away from State dependency, and at the same time allowing greater participation of regional governments. As a result, general purpose Spanish ports develop their activity in a very competitive market, where self financing and financial sufficiency prevail as high-priority management goals. Our work considers these circumstances from the approach offered by multiple objective decision models, in order to study the performance evolution of Port Authorities, using certain ratios with economic meaning which will allow determining how their relative ranking within the national set has varied. The great variety of available business ratios and the different concepts to analyze give the problem a discrete multicriteria dimension. Thus we have chosen the Promethee method for our analysis, given its results simplicity and easy understanding for the decision agent, the economic interpretation of its parameters, and the stability of its results. In addition, scale effects between different alternatives are eliminated, allowing the possibility of incomparability among them and offering a sensitivity analysis of the effects.

    Economic Evaluation of the Spanish port System Using the Promethee Multicriteria decision Method

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    Due to legislation changes during the Nineties, the Spanish Port System has gone through a series of changes that, simultaneous with a period of economic expansion and generalized marine traffic growth, have affected the Port System's composition and organization. The gradual transformations produced, give shape to a new model of operation for Port Authorities, which now start to be managed under business criteria and procedures of functional autonomy and competition.Our work considers these circumstances from the approach offered by multiple objective decision models, using certain ratios with economic meaning which will allow determining how their relative ranking within the national set has varied. The great variety of available business ratios gives the problem a discrete multicriteria dimension. Thus we have chosen the Promethee method for our analysis, given its results simplicity and easy understanding for the decision agent, the economic interpretation of its parameters, and the stability of its results.Spanish Port System, Multicriteria Analysis, Promethee Method.

    On multidimensional poverty rankings of binary attributes

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    We address the problem of ranking distributions of attributes in terms of poverty, when the attributes are represented by binary variables. To accomplish this task, we identify a suitable notion of “multidimensional poverty line” and characterize axiomatically the Head-Count and the Attribute-Gap poverty rankings, which are the natural counterparts of the most widely used income poverty indices. Finally, we apply our methodology and compare our empirical results with those obtained with some other well-known poverty measures