116 research outputs found

    Multicast for ubiquitos streaming of multimedia content to mobile terminals : Network architecture and protocols

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    The Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network was envisioned to carry a wide range of new services; however, the first UMTS release was not designed to efficiently support multimedia content. In this thesis we analyse several mechanisms, and suggest architectural changes to improve UMTS’s capacity for a subset of the multimedia services; high-bandwidth group services. In our initial work we have suggested how IP multicast protocols can be used in the UMTS network to reduce the required network capacity for group services. This proposal was one of many suggestions for the evolving Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) architecture for UMTS. The next technique we have suggested and analysed is a new wireless channel type named the "sticky-channel"; this channel is intended for sparsely populated multicast groups. The sticky-channel is able to stick to mobile multicast members in the boarder area of neighbouring radio cells, thus some base stations does not need to broadcast the multicast data. Consequently, the total number of broadcast channels needed to cover a given area is reduced. There is a marginal reduction of required resources with this technique. In the main part of our work we have studied heterogeneous multihop wireless access for multicast traffic in the UMTS network. In a heterogeneous wireless access network, the wireless resources needed to distribute high-bandwidth group services, can be shared among cooperating network technologies. Mobile terminals with a UMTS interface and an IEEE 802.11 interface are readily available, consequently a heterogeneous network with UMTS and 802.11 links will be easy to deploy. We have described a heterogeneous architecture based on those wireless technologies. In this architecture, the range of a UMTS radio channel is reduced, and local IEEE 802.11-based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) forward the data to users located outside the coverage of the reduced UMTS channel. The wireless resources required to transmit a data packet are proportional to (at least) the square of the distance the packet must travel, thus a reduction in the channel range releases a significant amount of UMTS radio resources. Detailed simulation results showed acceptable service quality when the UMTS broadcast channel range is more than halved. Finally we have studied whether Forward Error Correction (FEC) at the packet-level on multicast flows could improve the performance of the heterogeneous wireless access network. There is a marginal improvement. Most of the protection brought by the FEC code has been used to repair the increased packet-loss introduced by the FEC overhead

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    Optimizing IETF multimedia signaling protocols and architectures in 3GPP networks : an evolutionary approach

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    Signaling in Next Generation IP-based networks heavily relies in the family of multimedia signaling protocols defined by IETF. Two of these signaling protocols are RTSP and SIP, which are text-based, client-server, request-response signaling protocols aimed at enabling multimedia sessions over IP networks. RTSP was conceived to set up streaming sessions from a Content / Streaming Server to a Streaming Client, while SIP was conceived to set up media (e.g.: voice, video, chat, file sharing, …) sessions among users. However, their scope has evolved and expanded over time to cover virtually any type of content and media session. As mobile networks progressively evolved towards an IP-only (All-IP) concept, particularly in 4G and 5G networks, 3GPP had to select IP-based signaling protocols for core mobile services, as opposed to traditional SS7-based protocols used in the circuit-switched domain in use in 2G and 3G networks. In that context, rather than reinventing the wheel, 3GPP decided to leverage Internet protocols and the work carried on by the IETF. Hence, it was not surprise that when 3GPP defined the so-called Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS) for real-time continuous media delivery, it selected RTSP as its signaling protocol and, more importantly, SIP was eventually selected as the core signaling protocol for all multimedia core services in the mobile (All-)IP domain. This 3GPP decision to use off-the-shelf IETF-standardized signaling protocols has been a key cornerstone for the future of All-IP fixed / mobile networks convergence and Next Generation Networks (NGN) in general. In this context, the main goal of our work has been analyzing how such general purpose IP multimedia signaling protocols are deployed and behave over 3GPP mobile networks. Effectively, usage of IP protocols is key to enable cross-vendor interoperability. On the other hand, due to the specific nature of the mobile domain, there are scenarios where it might be possible to leverage some additional “context” to enhance the performance of such protocols in the particular case of mobile networks. With this idea in mind, the bulk of this thesis work has consisted on analyzing and optimizing the performance of SIP and RTSP multimedia signaling protocols and defining optimized deployment architectures, with particular focus on the 3GPP PSS and the 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) service. This work was preceded by a detailed analysis work of the performance of underlying IP, UDP and TCP protocol performance over 3GPP networks, which provided the best baseline for the future work around IP multimedia signaling protocols. Our contributions include the proposal of new optimizations to enhance multimedia streaming session setup procedures, detailed analysis and optimizations of a SIP-based Presence service and, finally, the definition of new use cases and optimized deployment architectures for the 3GPP MCPTT service. All this work has been published in the form of one book, three papers published in JCR cited International Journals, 5 articles published in International Conferences, one paper published in a National Conference and one awarded patent. This thesis work provides a detailed description of all contributions plus a comprehensive overview of their context, the guiding principles beneath all contributions, their applicability to different network deployment technologies (from 2.5G to 5G), a detailed overview of the related OMA and 3GPP architectures, services and design principles. Last but not least, the potential evolution of this research work into the 5G domain is also outlined as well.Els mecanismes de Senyalització en xarxes de nova generació es fonamenten en protocols de senyalització definits per IETF. En particular, SIP i RTSP són dos protocols extensibles basats en missatges de text i paradigma petició-resposta. RTSP va ser concebut per a establir sessions de streaming de continguts, mentre SIP va ser creat inicialment per a facilitar l’establiment de sessions multimèdia (veu, vídeo, xat, compartició) entre usuaris. Tot i així, el seu àmbit d’aplicació s’ha anat expandint i evolucionant fins a cobrir virtualment qualsevol tipus de contingut i sessió multimèdia. A mesura que les xarxes mòbils han anat evolucionant cap a un paradigma “All-IP”, particularment en xarxes 4G i 5G, 3GPP va seleccionar els protocols i arquitectures destinats a gestionar la senyalització dels serveis mòbils presents i futurs. En un moment determinat 3GPP decideix que, a diferència dels sistemes 2G i 3G que fan servir protocols basats en SS7, els sistemes de nova generació farien servir protocols estandarditzats per IETF. Quan 3GPP va començar a estandarditzar el servei de Streaming sobre xarxes mòbils PSS (Packet-switched Streaming Service) va escollir el protocol RTSP com a mecanisme de senyalització. Encara més significatiu, el protocol SIP va ser escollit com a mecanisme de senyalització per a IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), l’arquitectura de nova generació que substituirà la xarxa telefònica tradicional i permetrà el desplegament de nous serveis multimèdia. La decisió per part de 3GPP de seleccionar protocols estàndards definits per IETF ha representat una fita cabdal per a la convergència del sistemes All-IP fixes i mòbils, i per al desenvolupament de xarxes NGN (Next Generation Networks) en general. En aquest context, el nostre objectiu inicial ha estat analitzar com aquests protocols de senyalització multimèdia, dissenyats per a xarxes IP genèriques, es comporten sobre xarxes mòbils 3GPP. Efectivament, l’ús de protocols IP és fonamental de cara a facilitar la interoperabilitat de solucions diferents. Per altra banda, hi ha escenaris a on és possible aprofitar informació de “context” addicional per a millorar el comportament d’aquests protocols en al cas particular de xarxes mòbils. El cos principal del treball de la tesi ha consistit en l’anàlisi i optimització del rendiment dels protocols de senyalització multimèdia SIP i RTSP, i la definició d’arquitectures de desplegament, amb èmfasi en els serveis 3GPP PSS i 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT). Aquest treball ha estat precedit per una feina d’anàlisi detallada del comportament dels protocols IP, TCP i UDP sobre xarxes 3GPP, que va proporcionar els fonaments adequats per a la posterior tasca d’anàlisi de protocols de senyalització sobre xarxes mòbils. Les contribucions inclouen la proposta de noves optimitzacions per a millorar els procediments d’establiment de sessions de streaming multimèdia, l’anàlisi detallat i optimització del servei de Presència basat en SIP i la definició de nous casos d’ús i exemples de desplegament d’arquitectures optimitzades per al servei 3GPP MCPTT. Aquestes contribucions ha quedat reflectides en un llibre, tres articles publicats en Revistes Internacionals amb índex JCR, 5 articles publicats en Conferències Internacionals, un article publicat en Congrés Nacional i l’adjudicació d’una patent. La tesi proporciona una descripció detallada de totes les contribucions, així com un exhaustiu repàs del seu context, dels principis fonamentals subjacents a totes les contribucions, la seva aplicabilitat a diferents tipus de desplegaments de xarxa (des de 2.5G a 5G), així una presentació detallada de les arquitectures associades definides per organismes com OMA o 3GPP. Finalment també es presenta l’evolució potencial de la tasca de recerca cap a sistemes 5G.Postprint (published version

    Recent Trends in Communication Networks

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    In recent years there has been many developments in communication technology. This has greatly enhanced the computing power of small handheld resource-constrained mobile devices. Different generations of communication technology have evolved. This had led to new research for communication of large volumes of data in different transmission media and the design of different communication protocols. Another direction of research concerns the secure and error-free communication between the sender and receiver despite the risk of the presence of an eavesdropper. For the communication requirement of a huge amount of multimedia streaming data, a lot of research has been carried out in the design of proper overlay networks. The book addresses new research techniques that have evolved to handle these challenges

    Future Trends and Challenges for Mobile and Convergent Networks

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    Some traffic characteristics like real-time, location-based, and community-inspired, as well as the exponential increase on the data traffic in mobile networks, are challenging the academia and standardization communities to manage these networks in completely novel and intelligent ways, otherwise, current network infrastructures can not offer a connection service with an acceptable quality for both emergent traffic demand and application requisites. In this way, a very relevant research problem that needs to be addressed is how a heterogeneous wireless access infrastructure should be controlled to offer a network access with a proper level of quality for diverse flows ending at multi-mode devices in mobile scenarios. The current chapter reviews recent research and standardization work developed under the most used wireless access technologies and mobile access proposals. It comprehensively outlines the impact on the deployment of those technologies in future networking environments, not only on the network performance but also in how the most important requirements of several relevant players, such as, content providers, network operators, and users/terminals can be addressed. Finally, the chapter concludes referring the most notable aspects in how the environment of future networks are expected to evolve like technology convergence, service convergence, terminal convergence, market convergence, environmental awareness, energy-efficiency, self-organized and intelligent infrastructure, as well as the most important functional requisites to be addressed through that infrastructure such as flow mobility, data offloading, load balancing and vertical multihoming.Comment: In book 4G & Beyond: The Convergence of Networks, Devices and Services, Nova Science Publishers, 201

    Seamless Application Handover Across Radio Access Networks (SAHARA Net)

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    The explosion in mobile and data traffic in the last decade has led to a rapid proliferation in wireless networks. A plethora of wireless access technologies are available today each with a different offering. Some offer high data rates within a restricted coverage area such as 802.11 hotspots. Others, offer lower data rates but with a much wider coverage such as UMTS. This diversity can be harnessed in a way that creates a ubiquitous communications platform for the user. This is the premise of the heterogeneous networks vision/architecture: an environment where disparate technologies cooperate together and complement each other. However, there are various technical challenges in the way of such convergence. The first obstacle is enabling communication between disparate mobility protocols. Once this is achieved, the diversity of networks in itself poses a challenge for the user as to which network he connects to. This thesis answers the first question by reviewing the low-latency handover literature to identify the most credible solutions. The general consensus amongst researchers in the field has been to bridge the gap between the network and link layers so that IP protocols can react quickly to link changes. To answer the second question, this thesis defines a framework to assess handover decision algorithms based on application performance. The merit of the handover algorithm’s decision is measured by how well the application performs after handover. In order to facilitate this process, a simulation module was created within the NS2 network simulator that allows mobile devices to collect network measurements and feed that information into a decision algorithm to decide whether or not handover should be triggered. Through this evaluation process, a number of issues emerged as possible stumbling blocks. The first such issue is the inconsistency between local network conditions measured at the Access Point or Base Station, and the end to end conditions experienced by the user’s application. Another issue is the algorithm’s adaptability to user and application preferences. Personal users might be cost aware opting to trade off quality for a lower cost in certain circumstances. The Abstract IV handover algorithm must be able to accommodate such scenarios. Furthermore, algorithms must be able to adapt their decisions according to the application’s requirements. Using application profiles with thresholds or utility functions can result in better decisions than using absolute values. If an application is satisfied with the current network conditions, it might not be in its benefit to move to a different network even if it offered better conditions. In fact, it might suffer as a result of possible handover disruptions

    Scalable Multiple Description Coding and Distributed Video Streaming over 3G Mobile Networks

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    In this thesis, a novel Scalable Multiple Description Coding (SMDC) framework is proposed. To address the bandwidth fluctuation, packet loss and heterogeneity problems in the wireless networks and further enhance the error resilience tools in Moving Pictures Experts Group 4 (MPEG-4), the joint design of layered coding (LC) and multiple description coding (MDC) is explored. It leverages a proposed distributed multimedia delivery mobile network (D-MDMN) to provide path diversity to combat streaming video outage due to handoff in Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). The corresponding intra-RAN (Radio Access Network) handoff and inter-RAN handoff procedures in D-MDMN are studied in details, which employ the principle of video stream re-establishing to replace the principle of data forwarding in UMTS. Furthermore, a new IP (Internet Protocol) Differentiated Services (DiffServ) video marking algorithm is proposed to support the unequal error protection (UEP) of LC components of SMDC. Performance evaluation is carried through simulation using OPNET Modeler 9. 0. Simulation results show that the proposed handoff procedures in D-MDMN have better performance in terms of handoff latency, end-to-end delay and handoff scalability than that in UMTS. Performance evaluation of our proposed IP DiffServ video marking algorithm is also undertaken, which shows that it is more suitable for video streaming in IP mobile networks compared with the previously proposed DiffServ video marking algorithm (DVMA)

    Investigations into micromobility issues in IP networks

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    Optimization and Performance Analysis of High Speed Mobile Access Networks

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    The end-to-end performance evaluation of high speed broadband mobile access networks is the main focus of this work. Novel transport network adaptive flow control and enhanced congestion control algorithms are proposed, implemented, tested and validated using a comprehensive High speed packet Access (HSPA) system simulator. The simulation analysis confirms that the aforementioned algorithms are able to provide reliable and guaranteed services for both network operators and end users cost-effectively. Further, two novel analytical models one for congestion control and the other for the combined flow control and congestion control which are based on Markov chains are designed and developed to perform the aforementioned analysis efficiently compared to time consuming detailed system simulations. In addition, the effects of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) transport network (S1and X2 interfaces) on the end user performance are investigated and analysed by introducing a novel comprehensive MAC scheduling scheme and a novel transport service differentiation model

    Data Communications and Network Technologies

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    This open access book is written according to the examination outline for Huawei HCIA-Routing Switching V2.5 certification, aiming to help readers master the basics of network communications and use Huawei network devices to set up enterprise LANs and WANs, wired networks, and wireless networks, ensure network security for enterprises, and grasp cutting-edge computer network technologies. The content of this book includes: network communication fundamentals, TCP/IP protocol, Huawei VRP operating system, IP addresses and subnetting, static and dynamic routing, Ethernet networking technology, ACL and AAA, network address translation, DHCP server, WLAN, IPv6, WAN PPP and PPPoE protocol, typical networking architecture and design cases of campus networks, SNMP protocol used by network management, operation and maintenance, network time protocol NTP, SND and NFV, programming, and automation. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud-computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence