7,640 research outputs found

    Accurate multiple input switching solution for static timing analysis

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    Multiple Input switching is a problem in Static Timing Analysis of nanoscale electronics, which is ignored in the industry. The methods and techniques of Static Timing analysis are discussed. Effective capacitance technique is presented. The composite current model is described and examined. The Multiple Input switching problem is explored and analyzed. The history effect in Multiple Input switching is explained. The miller capacitance effect is illustrated. A number of solutions, present in the literature, are discussed. A simple and innovative solution for the Multiple Input switching problem is presented. The solution is verified using Spice and matlab. Experimental evidence is presented to show the effectiveness of the solution. Matlab is used to simulate the solution. An Algorithm for minimum and maximum delay analysis is elaborated

    A fast and retargetable framework for logic-IP-internal electromigration assessment comprehending advanced waveform effects

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    A new methodology for system-on-chip-level logic-IP-internal electromigration verification is presented in this paper, which significantly improves accuracy by comprehending the impact of the parasitic RC loading and voltage-dependent pin capacitance in the library model. It additionally provides an on-the-fly retargeting capability for reliability constraints by allowing arbitrary specifications of lifetimes, temperatures, voltages, and failure rates, as well as interoperability of the IPs across foundries. The characterization part of the methodology is expedited through the intelligent IP-response modeling. The ultimate benefit of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a 28-nm design by providing an on-the-fly specification of retargeted reliability constraints. The results show a high correlation with SPICE and were obtained with an order of magnitude reduction in the verification runtime.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dynamically controlling the emission of single excitons in photonic crystal cavities

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    Single excitons in semiconductor microcavities represent a solid-state and scalable platform for cavity quantum electrodynamics (c-QED), potentially enabling an interface between flying (photon) and static (exciton) quantum bits in future quantum networks. While both single-photon emission and the strong coupling regime have been demonstrated, further progress has been hampered by the inability to control the coherent evolution of the c-QED system in real time, as needed to produce and harness charge-photon entanglement. Here, using the ultrafast electrical tuning of the exciton energy in a photonic crystal (PhC) diode, we demonstrate the dynamic control of the coupling of a single exciton to a PhC cavity mode on a sub-ns timescale, faster than the natural lifetime of the exciton, for the first time. This opens the way to the control of single-photon waveforms, as needed for quantum interfaces, and to the real-time control of solid-state c-QED systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Gate-level timing analysis and waveform evaluation

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    Static timing analysis (STA) is an integral part of modern VLSI chip design. Table lookup based methods are widely used in current industry due to its fast runtime and mature algorithms. Conventional STA algorithms based on table-lookup methods are developed under many assumptions in timing analysis; however, most of those assumptions, such as that input signals and output signals can be accurately modeled as ramp waveforms, are no longer satisfactory to meet the increasing demand of accuracy for new technologies. In this dissertation, we discuss several crucial issues that conventional STA has not taken into consideration, and propose new methods to handle these issues and show that new methods produce accurate results. In logic circuits, gates may have multiple inputs and signals can arrive at these inputs at different times and with different waveforms. Different arrival times and waveforms of signals can cause very different responses. However, multiple-input transition effects are totally overlooked by current STA tools. Using a conventional single-input transition model when multiple-input transition happens can cause significant estimation errors in timing analysis. Previous works on this issue focus on developing a complicated gate model to simulate the behavior of logic gates. These methods have high computational cost and have to make significant changes to the prevailing STA tools, and are thus not feasible in practice. This dissertation proposes a simplified gate model, uses transistor connection structures to capture the behavior of multiple-input transitions and requires no change to the current STA tools. Another issue with table lookup based methods is that the load of each gate in technology libraries is modeled as a single lumped capacitor. But in the real circuit, the Abstract 2 gate connects to its subsequent gates via metal wires. As the feature size of integrated circuit scales down, the interconnection cannot be seen as a simple capacitor since the resistive shielding effect will largely affect the equivalent capacitance seen from the gate. As the interconnection has numerous structures, tabulating the timing data for various interconnection structures is not feasible. In this dissertation, by using the concept of equivalent admittance, we reduce an arbitrary interconnection structure into an equivalent π-model RC circuit. Many previous works have mapped the π-model to an effective capacitor, which makes the table lookup based methods useful again. However, a capacitor cannot be equivalent to a π-model circuit, and will thus result in significant inaccuracy in waveform evaluation. In order to obtain an accurate waveform at gate output, a piecewise waveform evaluation method is proposed in this dissertation. Each part of the piecewise waveform is evaluated according to the gate characteristic and load structures. Another contribution of this dissertation research is a proposed equivalent waveform search method. The signal waveforms can be very complicated in the real circuits because of noises, race hazards, etc. The conventional STA only uses one attribute (i.e., transition time) to describe the waveform shape which can cause significant estimation errors. Our approach is to develop heuristic search functions to find equivalent ramps to approximate input waveforms. Here the transition time of a final ramp can be completely different from that of the original waveform, but we can get higher accuracy on output arrival time and transition time. All of the methods mentioned in this dissertation require no changes to the prevailing STA tools, and have been verified across different process technologies

    Tuning a binary ferromagnet into a multi-state synapse with spin-orbit torque induced plasticity

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    Inspired by ion-dominated synaptic plasticity in human brain, artificial synapses for neuromorphic computing adopt charge-related quantities as their weights. Despite the existing charge derived synaptic emulations, schemes of controlling electron spins in ferromagnetic devices have also attracted considerable interest due to their advantages of low energy consumption, unlimited endurance, and favorable CMOS compatibility. However, a generally applicable method of tuning a binary ferromagnet into a multi-state memory with pure spin-dominated synaptic plasticity in the absence of an external magnetic field is still missing. Here, we show how synaptic plasticity of a perpendicular ferromagnetic FM1 layer can be obtained when it is interlayer-exchange-coupled by another in-plane ferromagnetic FM2 layer, where a magnetic-field-free current-driven multi-state magnetization switching of FM1 in the Pt/FM1/Ta/FM2 structure is induced by spin-orbit torque. We use current pulses to set the perpendicular magnetization state which acts as the synapse weight, and demonstrate spintronic implementation of the excitatory/inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and spike timing-dependent plasticity. This functionality is made possible by the action of the in-plane interlayer exchange coupling field which leads to broadened, multi-state magnetic reversal characteristics. Numerical simulations, combined with investigations of a reference sample with a single perpendicular magnetized Pt/FM1/Ta structure, reveal that the broadening is due to the in-plane field component tuning the efficiency of the spin-orbit-torque to drive domain walls across a landscape of varying pinning potentials. The conventionally binary FM1 inside our Pt/FM1/Ta/FM2 structure with inherent in-plane coupling field is therefore tuned into a multi-state perpendicular ferromagnet and represents a synaptic emulator for neuromorphic computing.Comment: 37 pages with 11 figures, including 20 pages for manuscript and 17 pages for supplementary informatio

    Earthquake Source Characterization Through Seismic Observations and Numerical Modeling

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    In this thesis, I present a series of works on the characterization of source properties and physical mechanisms of various small to moderate earthquakes through both observational and numerical approaches. From the results, we find implications on a broader scheme of topics relating to larger earthquakes, shear zone structure, frictional properties of faults, and seismic hazard assessment. Part I consists of two studies using waveform modeling. In Chapter 2, we present an in-depth study of a series of intraslab earthquakes that occurred in a localized region near the downdip edge of the 2011 Mw Tohoku-Oki megathrust earthquake. By refining source parameters of selected events, simulating their rupture properties and comparing their mechanisms to stress changes caused by the main shock in the region, we are able to identify the true rupture plane and the reactivation of a subducted normal fault, enhancing our understanding on the downdip shear zone. In Chapter 3, based on similar techniques, we further develop a systematic methodology to perform fast assessments on important source properties as an earthquake occurs. For two Mw 4.4 earthquakes in Fontana, moment magnitude and focal mechanism can be accurately estimated with 3 to 6 s after the first P-wave arrival, while focal depth can be constrained upon the arrival of S waves. Rupture directivity can also be determined with as little as 3 seconds of P waves. This study opens the opportunity to predict ground motions ahead of time and can potentially be useful for Earthquake Early Warning. Part II involves the modeling of seismic source properties and physical mechanisms of interacting earthquakes in dynamic rupture simulations. In particular, we focus on small repeating earthquake sequences that trigger one another. In Chapter 4, we quantify the relative importance of physical mechanisms that contribute to earthquake interaction and identify that the stress change caused by post seismic slip is the dominating factor. Our findings introduce the possibility to constrain frictional properties of the fault based on earthquake interactions. We further apply this working model in Chapter 5 to reproduce the actual interacting repeating sequences in Parkfield. We are able to identify possible physical mechanisms that cause the inferred high stress drops of these repeating events, as well as reproduce their synchronized seismic cycles. Results from our simulations are consistent with the observed scaling relation between the recurrence time interval and the seismic moment of these events. Our findings indicate that the difference between the observed and the theoretical scaling relations can be explained by the significant aseismic slip in the rupture area.</p

    Validation of Repetitive Volcanoseismic Signals in Aso Volcano, Japan With Distant Stations: Implications of Source Characterization and Remote Sensing in Uninstrumented Volcanoes

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    Repetitive volcano-seismic signals, including very long-period signals (VLP) and long-period signals (LP), provide a unique probe of fluid transport processes inside magmatic plumbing system. While syn-eruptive signals are often detected and analyzed with regional or/and global seismic networks to retrieve eruption location and mechanism, repetitive non-eruptive volcano-seismic signals are generally small, and they are typically detected with in-situ stations near the volcanic edifices. Here, we show that repetitive VLP and synchronous deformation events in Aso volcano, Japan, can be detected in the high (15-30 s) and low (50-100 s) VLP bands, respectively, at seismic stations located ∼30-1000 km away from their sources. Changes in the polarities, phases, and amplitudes of VLP and synchronous deformation events observed at the in-situ stations can be verified by the seismic waves in the two VLP bands, respectively, at distant stations up to 150 km. Forward modeling of the amplitude decay in the two VLP bands against epicentral distance corroborates the source locations previously determined by the in-situ data, whereas the joint data analysis of in-situ and distant stations at high VLP band suggests the presence of single-force component (i.e., force/moment ratio of 10-4 m-1) in the source of VLPs. We advocate that not only can systematic data mining against established global and regional seismic networks potentially expand the detection capability of repetitive volcano-seismic signals backward in time when in-situ observations were unavailable, but it could also substantially improve the detection and monitoring capacity in otherwise un-instrumented volcanoes, complementary to remote sensing of ground deformation

    Depth-varying rupture properties of subduction zone megathrust faults

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    Subduction zone plate boundary megathrust faults accommodate relative plate motions with spatially varying sliding behavior. The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman (M_w 9.2), 2010 Chile (Mw 8.8), and 2011 Tohoku (M_w 9.0) great earthquakes had similar depth variations in seismic wave radiation across their wide rupture zones – coherent teleseismic short-period radiation preferentially emanated from the deeper portion of the megathrusts whereas the largest fault displacements occurred at shallower depths but produced relatively little coherent short-period radiation. We represent these and other depth-varying seismic characteristics with four distinct failure domains extending along the megathrust from the trench to the downdip edge of the seismogenic zone. We designate the portion of the megathrust less than 15 km below the ocean surface as domain A, the region of tsunami earthquakes. From 15 to ∼35 km deep, large earthquake displacements occur over large-scale regions with only modest coherent short-period radiation, in what we designate as domain B. Rupture of smaller isolated megathrust patches dominate in domain C, which extends from ∼35 to 55 km deep. These isolated patches produce bursts of coherent short-period energy both in great ruptures and in smaller, sometimes repeating, moderate-size events. For the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the sites of coherent teleseismic short-period radiation are close to areas where local strong ground motions originated. Domain D, found at depths of 30–45 km in subduction zones where relatively young oceanic lithosphere is being underthrust with shallow plate dip, is represented by the occurrence of low-frequency earthquakes, seismic tremor, and slow slip events in a transition zone to stable sliding or ductile flow below the seismogenic zone