6,683 research outputs found

    Measuring the error of dynamic hedging: a Laplace transform approach

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    We compute the expected value and the variance of the discretization error of delta hedging and of other strategies in the presence of proportional transaction costs. The method, based on Laplace transform, applies to a fairly general class of models, including Black-Scholes, Merton's jump-diffusion and Normal Inverse Gaussian. The results obtained are not asymptotical approximations but exact and efficient formulas, valid for any number of trading dates. They can also be employed under model mispecification, to measure the influence of model risk on a hedging strategy.hedging, Laplace transform

    Is jump risk priced? - What we can (and cannot) learn from option hedging errors : [This version: November 26, 2004]

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    When options are traded, one can use their prices and price changes to draw inference about the set of risk factors and their risk premia. We analyze tests for the existence and the sign of the market prices of jump risk that are based on option hedging errors. We derive a closed-form solution for the option hedging error and its expectation in a stochastic jump model under continuous trading and correct model specification. Jump risk is structurally different from, e.g., stochastic volatility: there is one market price of risk for each jump size (and not just \emph{the} market price of jump risk). Thus, the expected hedging error cannot identify the exact structure of the compensation for jump risk. Furthermore, we derive closed form solutions for the expected option hedging error under discrete trading and model mis-specification. Compared to the ideal case, the sign of the expected hedging error can change, so that empirical tests based on simplifying assumptions about trading frequency and the model may lead to incorrect conclusions

    Variance Optimal Hedging for discrete time processes with independent increments. Application to Electricity Markets

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    We consider the discretized version of a (continuous-time) two-factor model introduced by Benth and coauthors for the electricity markets. For this model, the underlying is the exponent of a sum of independent random variables. We provide and test an algorithm, which is based on the celebrated Foellmer-Schweizer decomposition for solving the mean-variance hedging problem. In particular, we establish that decomposition explicitely, for a large class of vanilla contingent claims. Interest is devoted in the choice of rebalancing dates and its impact on the hedging error, regarding the payoff regularity and the non stationarity of the log-price process

    Hedging error in LĂ©vy models with a Fast Fourier Transform approach

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    We measure, in terms of expectation and variance, the cost of hedging a contingent claim when the hedging portfolio is re-balanced at a discrete set of dates. The basic point of the methodology is to have an integral representation of the payoff of the claim, in other words to be able to write the payoff as an inverse Laplace transform. The models under consideration belong to the class of LĂ©vy models, like NIG, VG and Merton models. The methodology is implemented through the popular FFT algorithm, used by many financial institutions for pricing and calibration purposes. As applications, we analyze the effect of increasing the number of tradings and we make some robustness tests.Hedging, LĂ©vy models, Fast Fourier Transform

    Evaluating Discrete Dynamic Strategies in Affine Models

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    We consider the problem of measuring the performance of a dynamic strategy, rebalanced at a discrete set of dates, whose objective is that of replicating a claim in an incomplete market driven by a general multi-dimensional affine process. The main purpose of the paper is to propose a method to efficiently compute the expected value and variance of the hedging error of the strategy. Representing the pay-off the claim as an inverse Laplace transform, we are able to get semi-explicit formulas for strategies satisfying a certain property. The result is quite general and can be applied to a very rich class of models and strategies, including Delta hedging. We provide illustrations for the cases of interest rate models and Heston's stochastic volatility model.
