7,293 research outputs found

    On an adaptive regularization for ill-posed nonlinear systems and its trust-region implementation

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    In this paper we address the stable numerical solution of nonlinear ill-posed systems by a trust-region method. We show that an appropriate choice of the trust-region radius gives rise to a procedure that has the potential to approach a solution of the unperturbed system. This regularizing property is shown theoretically and validated numerically.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1410.278

    Local convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method under H\"{o}lder metric subregularity

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    We describe and analyse Levenberg-Marquardt methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. More specifically, we propose an adaptive formula for the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter and analyse the local convergence of the method under H\"{o}lder metric subregularity of the function defining the equation and H\"older continuity of its gradient mapping. Further, we analyse the local convergence of the method under the additional assumption that the \L{}ojasiewicz gradient inequality holds. We finally report encouraging numerical results confirming the theoretical findings for the problem of computing moiety conserved steady states in biochemical reaction networks. This problem can be cast as finding a solution of a system of nonlinear equations, where the associated mapping satisfies the \L{}ojasiewicz gradient inequality assumption.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    The geometry of nonlinear least squares with applications to sloppy models and optimization

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    Parameter estimation by nonlinear least squares minimization is a common problem with an elegant geometric interpretation: the possible parameter values of a model induce a manifold in the space of data predictions. The minimization problem is then to find the point on the manifold closest to the data. We show that the model manifolds of a large class of models, known as sloppy models, have many universal features; they are characterized by a geometric series of widths, extrinsic curvatures, and parameter-effects curvatures. A number of common difficulties in optimizing least squares problems are due to this common structure. First, algorithms tend to run into the boundaries of the model manifold, causing parameters to diverge or become unphysical. We introduce the model graph as an extension of the model manifold to remedy this problem. We argue that appropriate priors can remove the boundaries and improve convergence rates. We show that typical fits will have many evaporated parameters. Second, bare model parameters are usually ill-suited to describing model behavior; cost contours in parameter space tend to form hierarchies of plateaus and canyons. Geometrically, we understand this inconvenient parametrization as an extremely skewed coordinate basis and show that it induces a large parameter-effects curvature on the manifold. Using coordinates based on geodesic motion, these narrow canyons are transformed in many cases into a single quadratic, isotropic basin. We interpret the modified Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt fitting algorithms as an Euler approximation to geodesic motion in these natural coordinates on the model manifold and the model graph respectively. By adding a geodesic acceleration adjustment to these algorithms, we alleviate the difficulties from parameter-effects curvature, improving both efficiency and success rates at finding good fits.Comment: 40 pages, 29 Figure

    Matrix-Norm Approach of Computing Levenberg-Marquardt Reg- ularization Parameter for Nonlinear Equations

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    In this paper, we present Levenberg-Marquardt method for solving nonlinear systems of  equations. Here, both the objective function and the symmetric Jacobian matrix are assumed to be Lipchitz continuous. The regularization parameter is derived using Matrix-Norm approach. Numerical performance on some benchmark problems that demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach are reported and have shown that the proposed algorithm is very promising.Mathematics Subject Classification: 65H10, 65K05, 65F22, 65F35.keywords: Nonlinear system of equations. Levenberg-Marquardt method. Regularization. Matrix-norm. Global convergence