557 research outputs found

    Studies in Signal Processing Techniques for Speech Enhancement: A comparative study

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    Speech enhancement is very essential to suppress the background noise and to increase speech intelligibility and reduce fatigue in hearing. There exist many simple speech enhancement algorithms like spectral subtraction to complex algorithms like Bayesian Magnitude estimators based on Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and its variants. A continuous research is going and new algorithms are emerging to enhance speech signal recorded in the background of environment such as industries, vehicles and aircraft cockpit. In aviation industries speech enhancement plays a vital role to bring crucial information from pilot’s conversation in case of an incident or accident by suppressing engine and other cockpit instrument noises. In this work proposed is a new approach to speech enhancement making use harmonic wavelet transform and Bayesian estimators. The performance indicators, SNR and listening confirms to the fact that newly modified algorithms using harmonic wavelet transform indeed show better results than currently existing methods. Further, the Harmonic Wavelet Transform is computationally efficient and simple to implement due to its inbuilt decimation-interpolation operations compared to those of filter-bank approach to realize sub-bands

    A Robust Noise Spectral Estimation Algorithm for Speech Enhancement in Voice Devices

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    In this thesis, a new robust noise spectral estimation algorithm is proposed for the purpose of single-microphone speech enhancement. This algorithm can generate the optimal noise spectral estimates in the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) sense based on the speech statistics in the noisy environments. Compared to the well-adopted conventional noise spectral estimation method using the single-pole recursion, our proposed scheme is more reliable since the recursion coefficients are adaptable and optimal in the MMSE therein. We also propose a new accurate Resulting Signal-to-Noise Ratio (R-SNR) estimator as a quality measure to benchmark the existing noise spectral estimation techniques. This new R-SNR estimator can be applied to quantify not only the residual noise but also the speech distortion and therefore it can well serve as the overall speech quality measure after the noise suppression. We conduct the experiments to evaluate the performance of the noise suppression using our robust noise spectral estimation algorithm and compare it with those of two major existing noise spectral estimation methods. Through numerous simulations, we have shown that our noise suppression technique significantly outperforms the conventional methods in both stationary and nonstationary noise environments

    Exploration and Optimization of Noise Reduction Algorithms for Speech Recognition in Embedded Devices

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    Environmental noise present in real-life applications substantially degrades the performance of speech recognition systems. An example is an in-car scenario where a speech recognition system has to support the man-machine interface. Several sources of noise coming from the engine, wipers, wheels etc., interact with speech. Special challenge is given in an open window scenario, where noise of traffic, park noise, etc., has to be regarded. The main goal of this thesis is to improve the performance of a speech recognition system based on a state-of-the-art hidden Markov model (HMM) using noise reduction methods. The performance is measured with respect to word error rate and with the method of mutual information. The noise reduction methods are based on weighting rules. Least-squares weighting rules in the frequency domain have been developed to enable a continuous development based on the existing system and also to guarantee its low complexity and footprint for applications in embedded devices. The weighting rule parameters are optimized employing a multidimensional optimization task method of Monte Carlo followed by a compass search method. Root compression and cepstral smoothing methods have also been implemented to boost the recognition performance. The additional complexity and memory requirements of the proposed system are minimum. The performance of the proposed system was compared to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) standardized system. The proposed system outperforms the ETSI system by up to 8.6 % relative increase in word accuracy and achieves up to 35.1 % relative increase in word accuracy compared to the existing baseline system on the ETSI Aurora 3 German task. A relative increase of up to 18 % in word accuracy over the existing baseline system is also obtained from the proposed weighting rules on large vocabulary databases. An entropy-based feature vector analysis method has also been developed to assess the quality of feature vectors. The entropy estimation is based on the histogram approach. The method has the advantage to objectively asses the feature vector quality regardless of the acoustic modeling assumption used in the speech recognition system

    A Study into Speech Enhancement Techniques in Adverse Environment

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    This dissertation developed speech enhancement techniques that improve the speech quality in applications such as mobile communications, teleconferencing and smart loudspeakers. For these applications it is necessary to suppress noise and reverberation. Thus the contribution in this dissertation is twofold: single channel speech enhancement system which exploits the temporal and spectral diversity of the received microphone signal for noise suppression and multi-channel speech enhancement method with the ability to employ spatial diversity to reduce reverberation

    Speech Enhancement By Exploiting The Baseband Phase Structure Of Voiced Speech For Effective Non-Stationary Noise Estimation

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    Speech enhancement is one of the most important and challenging issues in the speech communication and signal processing field. It aims to minimize the effect of additive noise on the quality and intelligibility of the speech signal. Speech quality is the measure of noise remaining after the processing on the speech signal and of how pleasant the resulting speech sounds, while intelligibility refers to the accuracy of understanding speech. Speech enhancement algorithms are designed to remove the additive noise with minimum speech distortion.The task of speech enhancement is challenging due to lack of knowledge about the corrupting noise. Hence, the most challenging task is to estimate the noise which degrades the speech. Several approaches has been adopted for noise estimation which mainly fall under two categories: single channel algorithms and multiple channel algorithms. Due to this, the speech enhancement algorithms are also broadly classified as single and multiple channel enhancement algorithms.In this thesis, speech enhancement is studied in acoustic and modulation domains along with both amplitude and phase enhancement. We propose a noise estimation technique based on the spectral sparsity, detected by using the harmonic property of voiced segment of the speech. We estimate the frame to frame phase difference for the clean speech from available corrupted speech. This estimated frame-to-frame phase difference is used as a means of detecting the noise-only frequency bins even in voiced frames. This gives better noise estimation for the highly non-stationary noises like babble, restaurant and subway noise. This noise estimation along with the phase difference as an additional prior is used to extend the standard spectral subtraction algorithm. We also verify the effectiveness of this noise estimation technique when used with the Minimum Mean Squared Error Short Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator (MMSE STSA) speech enhancement algorithm. The combination of MMSE STSA and spectral subtraction results in further improvement of speech quality