2,155 research outputs found

    Contour Extraction and Compression-Selected Topics

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    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    One DAG to Rule Them All

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    In this paper, we present novel strategies for optimizing the performance of many binary image processing algorithms. These strategies are collected in an open-source framework, GRAPHGEN, that is able to automatically generate optimized C++ source code implementing the desired optimizations. Simply starting from a set of rules, the algorithms introduced with the GRAPHGEN framework can generate decision trees with minimum average path-length, possibly considering image pattern frequencies, apply state prediction and code compression by the use of Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs (DRAGs). Moreover, the proposed algorithmic solutions allow to combine different optimization techniques and significantly improve performance. Our proposal is showcased on three classical and widely employed algorithms (namely Connected Components Labeling, Thinning, and Contour Tracing). When compared to existing approaches —in 2D and 3D—, implementations using the generated optimal DRAGs perform significantly better than previous state-of-the-art algorithms, both on CPU and GPU

    A practical vision system for the detection of moving objects

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    The main goal of this thesis is to review and offer robust and efficient algorithms for the detection (or the segmentation) of foreground objects in indoor and outdoor scenes using colour image sequences captured by a stationary camera. For this purpose, the block diagram of a simple vision system is offered in Chapter 2. First this block diagram gives the idea of a precise order of blocks and their tasks, which should be performed to detect moving foreground objects. Second, a check mark () on the top right corner of a block indicates that this thesis contains a review of the most recent algorithms and/or some relevant research about it. In many computer vision applications, segmenting and extraction of moving objects in video sequences is an essential task. Background subtraction has been widely used for this purpose as the first step. In this work, a review of the efficiency of a number of important background subtraction and modelling algorithms, along with their major features, are presented. In addition, two background approaches are offered. The first approach is a Pixel-based technique whereas the second one works at object level. For each approach, three algorithms are presented. They are called Selective Update Using Non-Foreground Pixels of the Input Image , Selective Update Using Temporal Averaging and Selective Update Using Temporal Median , respectively in this thesis. The first approach has some deficiencies, which makes it incapable to produce a correct dynamic background. Three methods of the second approach use an invariant colour filter and a suitable motion tracking technique, which selectively exclude foreground objects (or blobs) from the background frames. The difference between the three algorithms of the second approach is in updating process of the background pixels. It is shown that the Selective Update Using Temporal Median method produces the correct background image for each input frame. Representing foreground regions using their boundaries is also an important task. Thus, an appropriate RLE contour tracing algorithm has been implemented for this purpose. However, after the thresholding process, the boundaries of foreground regions often have jagged appearances. Thus, foreground regions may not correctly be recognised reliably due to their corrupted boundaries. A very efficient boundary smoothing method based on the RLE data is proposed in Chapter 7. It just smoothes the external and internal boundaries of foreground objects and does not distort the silhouettes of foreground objects. As a result, it is very fast and does not blur the image. Finally, the goal of this thesis has been presenting simple, practical and efficient algorithms with little constraints which can run in real time

    Content based image retrieval for identification of plants using color, texture and shape features

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    In this thesis, an application of content-based image retrieval is proposed for plant identification, along with a preliminary implementation. The system takes a plant image as input and finds the matching plant from a plant image database and is intended to provide users a simple method to locate information about their plants. With a larger database, the system might be used by biologists, as an easy way to access to plant databases. Max-flow min-cut technique is used as the image segmentation method to separate the plant from the background of the image, so as to extract the general structure of the plant. Various color, texture and shape features extracted from the segmented plant region are used in matching images to the database. Color and texture analysis are based on commonly used features, namely color histograms in different color spaces, color co-occurrence matrices and Gabor texture maps. As for shape, we introduce some new descriptors to capture the outer contour characteristics of a plant. While color is very useful in many CBIR problems, in this particular problem, it introduces some challenges as well, since many plants just differ in the particular hue of the green color. As for shape and texture analysis, the difficulty stems from the fact that the plant is composed of many leaves, resulting in a complex and variable outer contour and texture. For texture analysis, we tried to capture leaf-level information using smaller shape regions or patches. Patch size is designed to contain a leaf structure approximately. Results show that for 54% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results, using our database of 380 plants from 78 different plant types. Moreover, the tests are also performed on a clean database in which all the plant images have smooth shape descriptors and are among the 380 images. The test results obtained using this clean database increased the top-15 retrieval probability to 68%

    Real-time people tracking in a camera network

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    Visual tracking is a fundamental key to the recognition and analysis of human behaviour. In this thesis we present an approach to track several subjects using multiple cameras in real time. The tracking framework employs a numerical Bayesian estimator, also known as a particle lter, which has been developed for parallel implementation on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). In order to integrate multiple cameras into a single tracking unit we represent the human body by a parametric ellipsoid in a 3D world. The elliptical boundary can be projected rapidly, several hundred times per subject per frame, onto any image for comparison with the image data within a likelihood model. Adding variables to encode visibility and persistence into the state vector, we tackle the problems of distraction and short-period occlusion. However, subjects may also disappear for longer periods due to blind spots between cameras elds of view. To recognise a desired subject after such a long-period, we add coloured texture to the ellipsoid surface, which is learnt and retained during the tracking process. This texture signature improves the recall rate from 60% to 70-80% when compared to state only data association. Compared to a standard Central Processing Unit (CPU) implementation, there is a signi cant speed-up ratio

    Automatic visual recognition using parallel machines

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    Invariant features and quick matching algorithms are two major concerns in the area of automatic visual recognition. The former reduces the size of an established model database, and the latter shortens the computation time. This dissertation, will discussed both line invariants under perspective projection and parallel implementation of a dynamic programming technique for shape recognition. The feasibility of using parallel machines can be demonstrated through the dramatically reduced time complexity. In this dissertation, our algorithms are implemented on the AP1000 MIMD parallel machines. For processing an object with a features, the time complexity of the proposed parallel algorithm is O(n), while that of a uniprocessor is O(n2). The two applications, one for shape matching and the other for chain-code extraction, are used in order to demonstrate the usefulness of our methods. Invariants from four general lines under perspective projection are also discussed in here. In contrast to the approach which uses the epipolar geometry, we investigate the invariants under isotropy subgroups. Theoretically speaking, two independent invariants can be found for four general lines in 3D space. In practice, we show how to obtain these two invariants from the projective images of four general lines without the need of camera calibration. A projective invariant recognition system based on a hypothesis-generation-testing scheme is run on the hypercube parallel architecture. Object recognition is achieved by matching the scene projective invariants to the model projective invariants, called transfer. Then a hypothesis-generation-testing scheme is implemented on the hypercube parallel architecture

    Image database system for glaucoma diagnosis support

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    Tato práce popisuje přehled standardních a pokročilých metod používaných k diagnose glaukomu v ranném stádiu. Na základě teoretických poznatků je implementován internetově orientovaný informační systém pro oční lékaře, který má tři hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je možnost sdílení osobních dat konkrétního pacienta bez nutnosti posílat tato data internetem. Druhým cílem je vytvořit účet pacienta založený na kompletním očním vyšetření. Posledním cílem je aplikovat algoritmus pro registraci intenzitního a barevného fundus obrazu a na jeho základě vytvořit internetově orientovanou tři-dimenzionální vizualizaci optického disku. Tato práce je součásti DAAD spolupráce mezi Ústavem Biomedicínského Inženýrství, Vysokého Učení Technického v Brně, Oční klinikou v Erlangenu a Ústavem Informačních Technologií, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.This master thesis describes a conception of standard and advanced eye examination methods used for glaucoma diagnosis in its early stage. According to the theoretical knowledge, a web based information system for ophthalmologists with three main aims is implemented. The first aim is the possibility to share medical data of a concrete patient without sending his personal data through the Internet. The second aim is to create a patient account based on a complete eye examination procedure. The last aim is to improve the HRT diagnostic method with an image registration algorithm for the fundus and intensity images and create an optic nerve head web based 3D visualization. This master thesis is a part of project based on DAAD co-operation between Department of Biomedical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Eye Clinic in Erlangen and Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.