986 research outputs found

    Robotic tele-existence

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    Tele-existence is an advanced type of teleoperation system that enables a human operator at the controls to perform remote manipulation tasks dexterously with the feeling that he or she exists in the remote anthropomorphic robot in the remote environment. The concept of a tele-existence is presented, the principle of the tele-existence display method is explained, some of the prototype systems are described, and its space application is discussed

    Immersive Teleoperation of the Eye Gaze of Social Robots Assessing Gaze-Contingent Control of Vergence, Yaw and Pitch of Robotic Eyes

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new teleoperation system – called stereo gaze-contingent steering (SGCS) – able to seamlessly control the vergence, yaw and pitch of the eyes of a humanoid robot – here an iCub robot – from the actual gaze direction of a remote pilot. The video stream captured by the cameras embedded in the mobile eyes of the iCub are fed into an HTC Vive R Head-Mounted Display equipped with an SMI R binocular eye-tracker. The SGCS achieves the effective coupling between the eye-tracked gaze of the pilot and the robot's eye movements. SGCS both ensures a faithful reproduction of the pilot's eye movements – that is perquisite for the readability of the robot's gaze patterns by its interlocutor – and maintains the pilot's oculomotor visual clues – that avoids fatigue and sickness due to sensorimotor conflicts. We here assess the precision of this servo-control by asking several pilots to gaze towards known objects positioned in the remote environment. We demonstrate that we succeed in controlling vergence with similar precision as eyes' azimuth and elevation. This system opens the way for robot-mediated human interactions in the personal space, notably when objects in the shared working space are involved

    Integration of advanced teleoperation technologies for control of space robots

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    Teleoperated robots require one or more humans to control actuators, mechanisms, and other robot equipment given feedback from onboard sensors. To accomplish this task, the human or humans require some form of control station. Desirable features of such a control station include operation by a single human, comfort, and natural human interfaces (visual, audio, motion, tactile, etc.). These interfaces should work to maximize performance of the human/robot system by streamlining the link between human brain and robot equipment. This paper describes development of a control station testbed with the characteristics described above. Initially, this testbed will be used to control two teleoperated robots. Features of the robots include anthropomorphic mechanisms, slaving to the testbed, and delivery of sensory feedback to the testbed. The testbed will make use of technologies such as helmet mounted displays, voice recognition, and exoskeleton masters. It will allow tor integration and testing of emerging telepresence technologies along with techniques for coping with control link time delays. Systems developed from this testbed could be applied to ground control of space based robots. During man-tended operations, the Space Station Freedom may benefit from ground control of IVA or EVA robots with science or maintenance tasks. Planetary exploration may also find advanced teleoperation systems to be very useful

    Remotely operated telepresent robotics

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    Remotely operated robots with the ability of performing specific tasks are often used in hazardous environments in place of humans to prevent injury or death. Modern remotely operated robots suffer from limitations with accuracy which is primarily due the lack of depth perception and unintuitive hardware controls. The undertaken research project suggests an alternative method of vision and control to increase a user‟s operational performance of remotely controlled robotics. The Oculus Rift Development Kit 2.0 is a low cost device originally developed for the electronic entertainment industry which allows users to experience virtual reality by the use of a head mounted display. This technology is able to be adapted to different uses and is primarily utilised to achieve real world stereoscopic 3D vision for the user. Additionally a wearable controller was trialled with the goal of allowing a robotic arm to mimic the position of the user‟s arm via a master/slave setup. By incorporating the stated vision and control methods, any possible improvements in the accuracy and speed for users was investigated through experimentation and a conducted study. Results indicated that using the Oculus Rift for stereoscopic vision improved upon the user‟s ability to judge distances remotely but was detrimental to the user‟s ability to operate the robot. The research has been conducted under the supervision of the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) and provides useful information towards the area of remotely operated telepresent robotics


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    Practical experience has shown that operators of remote robotic systems have difficulty perceiving aspects of remotely operated robots and their environments (e.g. Casper & Murphy, 2003). Operators often find it difficult, for example, to perceive accurately the distances and sizes of remote objects. Past research has demonstrated that employing a moveable camera that provides the operator optical motion allows for the perception of distance in the absence of other information about depth (Dash, 2004). In this experiment a camera was constrained to move only forward and backward, thus adding monocular radial outflow to the video stream. The ability of remote operators to perceive the sizes of remote objects and to position a mobile robot at specific distances relative to the object was tested. Two different conditions were investigated. In one condition a dynamic camera provided radial outflow by moving forward and backward while atop a mobile robot. In the second condition the camera remained stationary atop the mobile robot. Results indicated no differences between camera conditions, but superior performance for distance perception was observed when compared to previous research (Dash, 2004). This thesis provides evidence that teleoperators of a terrestrial robot are able to determine egocentric depth in a remote environment when sufficient movement of the robot is involved

    Towards Intelligent Telerobotics: Visualization and Control of Remote Robot

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    Human-machine cooperative or co-robotics has been recognized as the next generation of robotics. In contrast to current systems that use limited-reasoning strategies or address problems in narrow contexts, new co-robot systems will be characterized by their flexibility, resourcefulness, varied modeling or reasoning approaches, and use of real-world data in real time, demonstrating a level of intelligence and adaptability seen in humans and animals. The research I focused is in the two sub-field of co-robotics: teleoperation and telepresence. We firstly explore the ways of teleoperation using mixed reality techniques. I proposed a new type of display: hybrid-reality display (HRD) system, which utilizes commodity projection device to project captured video frame onto 3D replica of the actual target surface. It provides a direct alignment between the frame of reference for the human subject and that of the displayed image. The advantage of this approach lies in the fact that no wearing device needed for the users, providing minimal intrusiveness and accommodating users eyes during focusing. The field-of-view is also significantly increased. From a user-centered design standpoint, the HRD is motivated by teleoperation accidents, incidents, and user research in military reconnaissance etc. Teleoperation in these environments is compromised by the Keyhole Effect, which results from the limited field of view of reference. The technique contribution of the proposed HRD system is the multi-system calibration which mainly involves motion sensor, projector, cameras and robotic arm. Due to the purpose of the system, the accuracy of calibration should also be restricted within millimeter level. The followed up research of HRD is focused on high accuracy 3D reconstruction of the replica via commodity devices for better alignment of video frame. Conventional 3D scanner lacks either depth resolution or be very expensive. We proposed a structured light scanning based 3D sensing system with accuracy within 1 millimeter while robust to global illumination and surface reflection. Extensive user study prove the performance of our proposed algorithm. In order to compensate the unsynchronization between the local station and remote station due to latency introduced during data sensing and communication, 1-step-ahead predictive control algorithm is presented. The latency between human control and robot movement can be formulated as a linear equation group with a smooth coefficient ranging from 0 to 1. This predictive control algorithm can be further formulated by optimizing a cost function. We then explore the aspect of telepresence. Many hardware designs have been developed to allow a camera to be placed optically directly behind the screen. The purpose of such setups is to enable two-way video teleconferencing that maintains eye-contact. However, the image from the see-through camera usually exhibits a number of imaging artifacts such as low signal to noise ratio, incorrect color balance, and lost of details. Thus we develop a novel image enhancement framework that utilizes an auxiliary color+depth camera that is mounted on the side of the screen. By fusing the information from both cameras, we are able to significantly improve the quality of the see-through image. Experimental results have demonstrated that our fusion method compares favorably against traditional image enhancement/warping methods that uses only a single image

    A motion control method for a differential drive robot based on human walking for immersive telepresence

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    Abstract. This thesis introduces an interface for controlling Differential Drive Robots (DDRs) for telepresence applications. Our goal is to enhance immersive experience while reducing user discomfort, when using Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) and body trackers. The robot is equipped with a 360° camera that captures the Robot Environment (RE). Users wear an HMD and use body trackers to navigate within a Local Environment (LE). Through a live video stream from the robot-mounted camera, users perceive the RE within a virtual sphere known as the Virtual Environment (VE). A proportional controller was employed to facilitate the control of the robot, enabling to replicate the movements of the user. The proposed method uses chest tracker to control the telepresence robot and focuses on minimizing vection and rotations induced by the robot’s motion by modifying the VE, such as rotating and translating it. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the robot in reaching target positions when controlled through the body-tracker interface. Additionally, it also reveals an optimal VE size that effectively reduces VR sickness and enhances the sense of presence

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review

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    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures

    The $10 Million ANA Avatar XPRIZE Competition Advanced Immersive Telepresence Systems

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    The $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE aimed to create avatar systems that can transport human presence to remote locations in real time. The participants of this multi-year competition developed robotic systems that allow operators to see, hear, and interact with a remote environment in a way that feels as if they are truly there. On the other hand, people in the remote environment were given the impression that the operator was present inside the avatar robot. At the competition finals, held in November 2022 in Long Beach, CA, USA, the avatar systems were evaluated on their support for remotely interacting with humans, exploring new environments, and employing specialized skills. This article describes the competition stages with tasks and evaluation procedures, reports the results, presents the winning teams' approaches, and discusses lessons learned.Comment: Extended version of article accepted for competitions colum
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