199,409 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Berbasis Mobile-Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (mCSCL) untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Kolaborasi dan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMK

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    Mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL), merupakan pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada pembelajaran kooperatif atau kolaboratif (CL) menggunakan teknologi komputer nirkabel untuk memfasilitasi kolaborasi, dan diskusi dalam pembelajaran. Penggunaan teknologi komputer nirkabel dapat membantu terwujudnya tujuan pembelajaran fisika sehingga terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta didik. Perangkat seluler menawarkan portabilitas dan konektivitas sosial yang tidak dimiliki komputer desktop. Penggunaan perangkat seluler dalam pembelajaran kolaboratif memanfaatkan program komputer yang disebut dengan aplikasi seluler. Sistem operasi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi adalah sistem operasi android. Untuk menerapkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) diperlukan media yang valid atau layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan validitas aplikasi android berbasis mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kolaborasi dan literasi sains peserta didik. Validitas yang dideskripsikan meliputi validitas media, materi, bahasa, peningkatan keterampilan kolaborasi dan literasi sains. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (developmental research) dengan model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation) namun penelitian dibatasi hingga develop tanpa implementation dan evaluation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase validitas bahasa sebesar 80%, validitas materi sebesar 83%, validitas media sebesar 85%, validitas keterampilan kolaborasi sebesar 85% dan validitas literasi sains sebesar 76%. Sehingga aplikasi android  berbasis mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) sangat valid dan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kolaborasi dan literasi sains peserta didik SMK. Kata kunci : validitas, aplikasi android, kolaborasi, literasi sains   Mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL), which is learning based on cooperative or collaborative learning (CL) using wireless computer technology to facilitate collaboration, and discussion in learning. Wireless computer technology can help to actualize purposes of learning physics so that there is an increase in students' knowledge and skills. Mobile devices offer portability and social connectivity that desktop computers don't have. The use of mobile devices in collaborative learning utilizes computer programs called mobile applications. The operating system used in application development is the Android operating system. To implement learning by using an Android application based on mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) a valid media is needed or appropriate for use in learning. This study aims to describe the validity of mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) android applications to improve students' collaboration and scientific literacy. The validity described includes the validity of the media, material, language, improvement of collaboration skills and scientific literacy. The type of research used is developmental research (developmental research) with the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation) but the research is limited to develop without implementation and evaluation. The results showed the percentage of language validity was 80%, material validity was 83%, media validity was 85%, collaboration skills validity was 85% and science literacy validity was 76%. So the android application based on mobile-computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) is very valid and feasible to be used as a learning media to improve collaboration skills and scientific literacy of vocational students. Keywords : validity, android application, collaboration, science literac

    Dimensions of Mobile Augmented Reality for Learning: A First Inventory

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    Specht, M., Ternier, S., & Greller, W. (2011). Dimensions of Mobile Augmented Reality for Learning: A First Inventory. Journal of the Research for Educational Technology (RCET), 7(1), 117-127. Spring 2011.This article discusses technological developments and applications of mobile augmented reality (AR) and their application in learning. Augmented reality interaction design patterns are introduced and educational patterns for supporting certain learning objectives with AR approaches are discussed. The article then identifies several dimensions of a user context identified with sensors contained in mobile devices and used for the contextualization of learning experiences. Finally, an AR game concept, “Locatory”, is presented that combines a game logic with collaborative game play and personalized mobile augmented reality visualization

    Mobile Instant Messaging as Collaborative Tool for Language Learning

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    In recent years, collaborative learning is commonly used in higher intuitions. One of the modes of collaborative learning is exploiting mobile phones specifically instant messaging to foster new possibilities for achieving more effective and attractive learning activities. Even though mobile phones have become valuable collaborative learning tools, but their substantial contributions to collaborative learning are still insufficient. The current study collated and correlated 40 journal articles published between 2015 and 2017 on mobile instant messaging as a collaborative tool in language learning at higher intuitions. A systematic review was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of mobile instant messaging as a collaborative tool for language learning. Numerous issues, such as exploration of the application, the research methods, participants, intervention duration, teaching method, collaborative learning strategies, impacts, and challenges were addressed. The outcomes revealed that mobile instant messaging improved student and lecturer collaboration, created effective distant learning opportunities, and increased students’ participation. Further, the results also provided insights on future research and practice such as recommendations on how to appropriately employ mobile phones specifically instant messaging in facilitating language learning. Additionally, some studies suggested the collaborative learning activities administered through mobile instant messaging should be planned carefully to guide students to experience more effective collaborative learning


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    The study examined the utilization of a mobile application that is biology-based in the learning of some basic concepts among NCE II students in the Department of Biology, College of Education, Ikere, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Among all the NCE Part II students which constituted the population, 60 students were purposively chosen and eventually randomly sampled into individualized Bio-Apps and collaborative Bio-Apps of 30 students each. These Bio-Apps groups have functional smart phones and their smartphones have biology dictionary downloaded on them. The third group of 30 students are of the traditional classroom and were randomly selected from the population. In all, 90 students formed the sample for this study. All the groups were exposed to the same instructional contents in BIO 214 (Plant Pathology). The individualized mobile Bio-Apps group was made to check basic concepts in plant pathology from the biology dictionary on their smart phones and participated as the classes progressed. The collaborative Bio-Apps group was made to check those basic concepts in plant pathology from their mobile Bio-Apps and collaborated among themselves in clusters while the classes progressed; while the traditional group was without mobile bio-apps and taken through traditional instructional strategy. Standardized Biology Achievement Test was administered on the three groups. Two research questions and two hypotheses were raised and answered descriptively. The results from the analyses show that students in Mobile Bio-Apps groups performed better that their counterparts in traditional class. Meanwhile, students in the collaborative performed than those in the individualized mobile bio-app. It was therefore recommended among others that, Mobile Bio-App should be integrated into students’ learning of basic concepts in biology in a collaborative form so as to avoid distraction in using the mobile phones for something else other the learning while the teaching-learning lasted. &nbsp

    Mobile Secure Examination System

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    The increasing features of Internet Technologies in all application domains have changed life styles and interactions. With the rapid development of Mobile Learning, collaborative technologies is an important for teaching, learning methods and schemes.Interaction between the students also student with the teacher is important for student to gain knowledge.In this paper, we introduce an effective queries and answers Q&A system for collaborative technologies, which can act not just like a virtual teacher, but also virtual discussion for student. With the proposed system, brings a new Questions and Answering system, student can attach their question when they want collaborate using collaborative technologies capitalize on one another?s resources and skills. Students can ask their questions to the related collaborative Group when they want to collaborate with others, asking one another for information, evaluating one another?s ideas, then each of the answer will compare with data base. These systems are based on cognitive learning theory which is a learning theory interested in how information organizes in human?s memory. ITSs are intelligent programs which know whom they will teach so computers play an important part in education and instruction aims are performed and suggested in this work. In this project described and reviewed some of ITSs in educational application and demonstrate used modules in ITSs

    The use of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Interdisciplinary Research and Education

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    Virtual Reality (VR) is increasingly being recognized for its educational potential and as an effective way to convey new knowledge to people, it supports interactive and collaborative activities. Affordable VR powered by mobile technologies is opening a new world of opportunities that can transform the ways in which we learn and engage with others. This paper reports our study regarding the application of VR in stimulating interdisciplinary communication. It investigates the promises of VR in interdisciplinary education and research. The main contributions of this study are (i) literature review of theories of learning underlying the justification of the use of VR systems in education, (ii) taxonomy of the various types and implementations of VR systems and their application in supporting education and research (iii) evaluation of educational applications of VR from a broad range of disciplines, (iv) investigation of how the learning process and learning outcomes are affected by VR systems, and (v) comparative analysis of VR and traditional methods of teaching in terms of quality of learning. This study seeks to inspire and inform interdisciplinary researchers and learners about the ways in which VR might support them and also VR software developers to push the limits of their craft.Comment: 6 Page

    Requirements model of collaborative mobile learning (CML)

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    Mobile technology is one of innovative tools used to facilitate learning. However, the existing studies related to mobile learning (M-learning) have not deeply combined relevant learning approaches for giving a new way that benefits the learning sphere. Accordingly, many researchers believe that there is a need to incorporate pedagogical and instructive models into M-learning technology, especially for supports of team-learning. At the same time, many investigations prove that designers faced challenges in designing systems that involve collaboration with various stationaries. Therefore, researchers suggest for an initiative on more investigations for modern learning in modeling of Mlearning domain. The model should provide rich amount of information through Mlearning for collaborative learning (CL). This comes from understanding, collecting and modeling usable design, holds functionalities and non-functionalities issues to be the corner stone of the intended model. Consequently, this research studies the possibility of modeling an instructional model for Android mobile application combining the CL and M-learning concepts calls Collaborative M-learning (CML) model. Thus, determining the essential requirements by exploring the most important issues in the existing models and related works in the literatures, as well as interviewing learners are the priorities of this study. Content analysis method was used to analyze the gathered data in determining the requirements needed. The model and the prototype have been reviewed and verified by four experts. Also, 43 respondents in the field of Information Technology (IT) have tested the prototype and provided feedback on their acceptance, through Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) questionnaire under the usability evaluation. Results show that their acceptance upon the model is high, validating the functionality of the CML. Such findings recommend that the model is able to improve productivity, showing the technique to utilize mobile technology in CL. This study serves as a guidance for designers and developers in M-learning


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    : A mobile application, Tflat English Pronunciation, is proposed in the teaching of pronunciation for it possesses features that can assist students when learning how to enunciate English words and identify English phonemic symbols.  Thus, this study presents the results of the implementation of Tflat English Pronunciation mobile courseware to gain the ability of the first semester students of English Study Program Politeknik Negeri Jember in pronouncing English words. This study is a collaborative classroom action research. Thirty students enrolling in Pronunciation class at English Study Program Politeknik Negeri Jember were taken as the source of data. The result showed that the materials and practices in Tflat courseware could enrich students' pronunciation learning, improve their participation, and nurture a positive attitude toward technological learning. The findings of this study also depict the potential and power of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) to encourage students to engage in classroom activities and monitor their learning. Hence, it can be concluded that MALL is pivotal and can be one alternative to facilitate students’ pronunciation learning.
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