164 research outputs found

    A flexible integrated forward/reverse logistics model with random path

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    This dissertation focuses on the structure of a particular logistics network design problem, one that is a major strategic issue for supply chain design and management. Nowadays, the design of the supply chain network must allow for operation at the lowest cost, while providing the best customer service and accounting for environmental protection. Due to business and environmental issues, industrial players are under pressure to take back used products. Moreover, the significance of transportation costs and customer satisfaction spurs an interest in developing a flexible network design model. To this end, in this study, we attempt to include this reverse flow through an integrated design of a forward/reverse supply chain network design, that avoids the sub-optimal solutions derived from separated designs. We formulate a cyclic, seven-stage, logistics network problem as an NP-hard mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. This integrated, multi-stage model is enriched by using a complete delivery graph in forward flow, which makes the problem more complex. As these kinds of problems belong to the category of NP-hard problems, traditional approaches fail to find an optimal solution in sufficiently short time. Furthermore, considering an integrated design and flexibility at the same time makes the logistics network problem even more complex, and makes it even less likely, if not impossible, for a traditional approach to provide solution within an acceptable time frame. Hence, researchers develop efficient non-traditional techniques for the large-term operation of the whole supply chain. These techniques provide near optimal solutions particularly for large scale test problems. In our case within this thesis, to find a near optimal solution, we apply a Memetic Algorithm with a neighborhood search mechanism and a novel chromosome representation called extended random path direct encoding method which includes two segments. Chromosome representation is one of the main issues that can affect the performance of a Memetic Algorithm. To illustrate the performance of the proposed Memetic Algorithm, LINGO optimization software as commercial package serves as a comparison for small size problems. We show that the proposed algorithm is able to efficiently find a good solution for the flexible, integrated, logistics network. Each algorithm has some parameters that need to be investigated to provide the best performance. In this regard, the effect of different parameters on the behavior of the proposed meta-heuristic algorithm is surveyed first. Then, the Taguchi method is adapted to identify the most important parameters and rank the latter. Additionally, Taguchi method is applied to identify the optimum operating condition of the proposed Memetic Algorithm to improve the results. In this study, four factors that are defined inputs of the proposed Memetic Algorithm, namely: population size, cross over rate, local search iteration, and number of iterations are considered. The analysis of the parameters and the improvement in results are both illustrated by a numerical case studies. Finally, to show the performance of the Memetic Algorithm, a Genetic Algorithm - as a second meta-heuristic algorithm option - is considered as regards large size cases

    A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm-based semantic foundation for sustainable distributed manufacturing systems

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    Rising energy prices, increasing maintenance costs, and strict environmental regimes have augmented the already existing pressure on the contemporary manufacturing environment. Although the decentralization of supply chain has led to rapid advancements in manufacturing systems, finding an efficient supplier simultaneously from the pool of available ones as per customer requirement and enhancing the process planning and scheduling functions are the predominant approaches still needed to be addressed. Therefore, this paper aims to address this issue by considering a set of gear manufacturing industries located across India as a case study. An integrated classifier-assisted evolutionary multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed for solving the objectives of makespan, energy consumption, and increased service utilization rate, interoperability, and reliability. To execute the approach initially, text-mining-based supervised machine-learning models, namely Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machines (SVM) were adopted for the classification of suppliers into task-specific suppliers. Following this, with the identified suppliers as input, the problem was formulated as a multi-objective Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. We then proposed a Hybrid Multi-Objective Moth Flame Optimization algorithm (HMFO) to optimize process planning and scheduling functions. Numerical experiments have been carried out with the formulated problem for 10 different instances, along with a comparison of the results with a Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) to illustrate the feasibility of the approach.The project is funded by Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB), Statutory Body Established through an Act of Parliament: SERB Act 2008, Government of India with Sanction Order No ECR/2016/001808, and also by FCT–Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the R&D Units Projects Scopes: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDP/04077/2020, and UIDB/04077/2020

    Modeling of Biological Intelligence for SCM System Optimization

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    This article summarizes some methods from biological intelligence for modeling and optimization of supply chain management (SCM) systems, including genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, differential evolution, swarm intelligence, artificial immune, and other biological intelligence related methods. An SCM system is adaptive, dynamic, open self-organizing, which is maintained by flows of information, materials, goods, funds, and energy. Traditional methods for modeling and optimizing complex SCM systems require huge amounts of computing resources, and biological intelligence-based solutions can often provide valuable alternatives for efficiently solving problems. The paper summarizes the recent related methods for the design and optimization of SCM systems, which covers the most widely used genetic algorithms and other evolutionary algorithms

    Modelling and Optimizing Supply Chain Integrated Production Scheduling Problems

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    Globalization and advanced information technologies (e.g., Internet of Things) have considerably impacted supply chains (SCs) by persistently forcing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to switch production strategies from make-to-stock (MTS) to make-to-order (MTO) to survive in competition. Generally, an OEM follows the MTS strategy for products with steady demand. In contrast, the MTO strategy exists under a pull system with irregular demand in which the received customer orders are scheduled and launched into production. In comparison to MTS, MTO has the primary challenges of ensuring timely delivery at the lowest possible cost, satisfying the demands of high customization and guaranteeing the accessibility of raw materials throughout the production process. These challenges are increasing substantially since industrial productions are becoming more flexible, diversified, and customized. Besides, independently making the production scheduling decisions from other stages of these SCs often find sub-optimal results, creating substantial challenges to fulfilling demands timely and cost-effectively. Since adequately managing these challenges asynchronously are difficult, constructing optimization models by integrating SC decisions, such as customer requirements, supply portfolio (supplier selection and order allocation), delivery batching decisions, and inventory portfolio (inventory replenishment, consumption, and availability), with shop floor scheduling under a deterministic and dynamic environment is essential to fulfilling customer expectations at the least possible cost. These optimization models are computationally intractable. Consequently, designing algorithms to schedule or reschedule promptly is also highly challenging for these time-sensitive, operationally integrated optimization models. Thus, this thesis focuses on modelling and optimizing SC-integrated production scheduling problems, named SC scheduling problems (SCSPs). The objective of optimizing job shop scheduling problems (JSSPs) is to ensure that the requisite resources are accessible when required and that their utilization is maximally efficient. Although numerous algorithms have been devised, they can sometimes become computationally exorbitant and yield sub-optimal outcomes, rendering production systems inefficient. These could be due to a variety of causes, such as an imbalance in population quality over generations, recurrent generation and evaluation of identical schedules, and permitting an under-performing method to conduct the evolutionary process. Consequently, this study designs two methods, a sequential approach (Chapter 2) and a multi-method approach (Chapter 3), to address the aforementioned issues and to acquire competitive results in finding optimal or near-optimal solutions for JSSPs in a single objective setting. The devised algorithms for JSSPs optimize workflows for each job by accurate mapping between/among related resources, generating more optimal results than existing algorithms. Production scheduling can not be accomplished precisely without considering supply and delivery decisions and customer requirements simultaneously. Thus, a few recent studies have operationally integrated SCs to accurately predict process insights for executing, monitoring, and controlling the planned production. However, these studies are limited to simple shop-floor configurations and can provide the least flexibility to address the MTO-based SC challenges. Thus, this study formulates a bi-objective optimization model that integrates the supply portfolio into a flexible job shop scheduling environment with a customer-imposed delivery window to cost-effectively meet customized and on-time delivery requirements (Chapter 4). Compared to the job shop that is limited to sequence flexibility only, the flexible job shop has been deemed advantageous due to its capacity to provide increased scheduling flexibility (both process and sequence flexibility). To optimize the model, the performance of the multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm has been enhanced, with the results providing decision-makers with an increased degree of flexibility, offering a larger number of Pareto solutions, more varied and consistent frontiers, and a reasonable time for MTO-based SCs. Environmental sustainability is spotlighted for increasing environmental awareness and follow-up regulations. Consequently, the related factors strongly regulate the supply portfolio for sustainable development, which remained unexplored in the SCSP as those criteria are primarily qualitative (e.g., green production, green product design, corporate social responsibility, and waste disposal system). These absences may lead to an unacceptable supply portfolio. Thus, this study overcomes the problem by integrating VIKORSORT into the proposed solution methodology of the extended SCSP. In addition, forming delivery batches of heterogeneous customer orders is challenging, as one order can lead to another being delayed. Therefore, the previous optimization model is extended by integrating supply, manufacturing, and delivery batching decisions and concurrently optimizing them in response to heterogeneous customer requirements with time window constraints, considering both economic and environmental sustainability for the supply portfolio (Chapter 5). Since the proposed optimization model is an extension of the flexible job shop, it can be classified as a non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP)-hard problem, which cannot be solved by conventional optimization techniques, particularly in the case of larger instances. Therefore, a reinforcement learning-based hyper-heuristic (HH) has been designed, where four solution-updating heuristics are intelligently guided to deliver the best possible results compared to existing algorithms. The optimization model furnishes a set of comprehensive schedules that integrate the supply portfolio, production portfolio (work-center/machine assignment and customer orders sequencing), and batching decisions. This provides numerous meaningful managerial insights and operational flexibility prior to the execution phase. Recently, SCs have been experiencing unprecedented and massive disruptions caused by an abrupt outbreak, resulting in difficulties for OEMs to recover from disruptive demand-supply equilibrium. Hence, this study proposes a multi-portfolio (supply, production, and inventory portfolios) approach for a proactive-reactive scheme, which concerns the SCSP with complex multi-level products, simultaneously including unpredictably dynamic supply, demand, and shop floor disruptions (Chapter 6). This study considers fabrication and assembly in a multi-level product structure. To effectively address this time-sensitive model based on real-time data, a Q-learning-based multi-operator differential evolution algorithm in a HH has been designed to address disruptive events and generate a timely rescheduling plan. The numerical results and analyses demonstrate the proposed model's capability to effectively address single and multiple disruptions, thus providing significant managerial insights and ensuring SC resilience

    VLSI Design

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    This book provides some recent advances in design nanometer VLSI chips. The selected topics try to present some open problems and challenges with important topics ranging from design tools, new post-silicon devices, GPU-based parallel computing, emerging 3D integration, and antenna design. The book consists of two parts, with chapters such as: VLSI design for multi-sensor smart systems on a chip, Three-dimensional integrated circuits design for thousand-core processors, Parallel symbolic analysis of large analog circuits on GPU platforms, Algorithms for CAD tools VLSI design, A multilevel memetic algorithm for large SAT-encoded problems, etc

    Energy-aware evolutionary optimization for cyber-physical systems in Industry 4.0

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    La métaheuristique CAT pour le design de réseaux logistiques déterministes et stochastiques

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    De nos jours, les entreprises d’ici et d’ailleurs sont confrontées à une concurrence mondiale sans cesse plus féroce. Afin de survivre et de développer des avantages concurrentiels, elles doivent s’approvisionner et vendre leurs produits sur les marchés mondiaux. Elles doivent aussi offrir simultanément à leurs clients des produits d’excellente qualité à prix concurrentiels et assortis d’un service impeccable. Ainsi, les activités d’approvisionnement, de production et de marketing ne peuvent plus être planifiées et gérées indépendamment. Dans ce contexte, les grandes entreprises manufacturières se doivent de réorganiser et reconfigurer sans cesse leur réseau logistique pour faire face aux pressions financières et environnementales ainsi qu’aux exigences de leurs clients. Tout doit être révisé et planifié de façon intégrée : sélection des fournisseurs, choix d’investissements, planification du transport et préparation d’une proposition de valeur incluant souvent produits et services au fournisseur. Au niveau stratégique, ce problème est fréquemment désigné par le vocable « design de réseau logistique ». Une approche intéressante pour résoudre ces problématiques décisionnelles complexes consiste à formuler et résoudre un modèle mathématique en nombres entiers représentant la problématique. Plusieurs modèles ont ainsi été récemment proposés pour traiter différentes catégories de décision en matière de design de réseau logistique. Cependant, ces modèles sont très complexes et difficiles à résoudre, et même les solveurs les plus performants échouent parfois à fournir une solution de qualité. Les travaux développés dans cette thèse proposent plusieurs contributions. Tout d’abord, un modèle de design de réseau logistique incorporant plusieurs innovations proposées récemment dans la littérature a été développé; celui-ci intègre les dimensions du choix des fournisseurs, la localisation, la configuration et l’assignation de mission aux installations (usines, entrepôts, etc.) de l’entreprise, la planification stratégique du transport et la sélection de politiques de marketing et d’offre de valeur au consommateur. Des innovations sont proposées au niveau de la modélisation des inventaires ainsi que de la sélection des options de transport. En deuxième lieu, une méthode de résolution distribuée inspirée du paradigme des systèmes multi-agents a été développée afin de résoudre des problèmes d’optimisation de grande taille incorporant plusieurs catégories de décisions. Cette approche, appelée CAT (pour collaborative agent teams), consiste à diviser le problème en un ensemble de sous-problèmes, et assigner chacun de ces sous-problèmes à un agent qui devra le résoudre. Par la suite, les solutions à chacun de ces sous-problèmes sont combinées par d’autres agents afin d’obtenir une solution de qualité au problème initial. Des mécanismes efficaces sont conçus pour la division du problème, pour la résolution des sous-problèmes et pour l’intégration des solutions. L’approche CAT ainsi développée est utilisée pour résoudre le problème de design de réseaux logistiques en univers certain (déterministe). Finalement, des adaptations sont proposées à CAT permettant de résoudre des problèmes de design de réseaux logistiques en univers incertain (stochastique)

    Mathematical Methods and Operation Research in Logistics, Project Planning, and Scheduling

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    In the last decade, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brought flexible supply chains and flexible design projects to the forefront. Nevertheless, the recent pandemic, the accompanying economic problems, and the resulting supply problems have further increased the role of logistics and supply chains. Therefore, planning and scheduling procedures that can respond flexibly to changed circumstances have become more valuable both in logistics and projects. There are already several competing criteria of project and logistic process planning and scheduling that need to be reconciled. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that even more emphasis needs to be placed on taking potential risks into account. Flexibility and resilience are emphasized in all decision-making processes, including the scheduling of logistic processes, activities, and projects

    Biopsychosocial Assessment and Ergonomics Intervention for Sustainable Living: A Case Study on Flats

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    This study proposes an ergonomics-based approach for those who are living in small housings (known as flats) in Indonesia. With regard to human capability and limitation, this research shows how the basic needs of human beings are captured and analyzed, followed by proposed designs of facilities and standard living in small housings. Ninety samples were involved during the study through in- depth interview and face-to-face questionnaire. The results show that there were some proposed of modification of critical facilities (such as multifunction ironing work station, bed furniture, and clothesline) and validated through usability testing. Overall, it is hoped that the proposed designs will support biopsychosocial needs and sustainability