2,210 research outputs found

    Scalability of broadcast performance in wireless network-on-chip

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are currently the paradigm of choice to interconnect the cores of a chip multiprocessor. However, conventional NoCs may not suffice to fulfill the on-chip communication requirements of processors with hundreds or thousands of cores. The main reason is that the performance of such networks drops as the number of cores grows, especially in the presence of multicast and broadcast traffic. This not only limits the scalability of current multiprocessor architectures, but also sets a performance wall that prevents the development of architectures that generate moderate-to-high levels of multicast. In this paper, a Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) where all cores share a single broadband channel is presented. Such design is conceived to provide low latency and ordered delivery for multicast/broadcast traffic, in an attempt to complement a wireline NoC that will transport the rest of communication flows. To assess the feasibility of this approach, the network performance of WNoC is analyzed as a function of the system size and the channel capacity, and then compared to that of wireline NoCs with embedded multicast support. Based on this evaluation, preliminary results on the potential performance of the proposed hybrid scheme are provided, together with guidelines for the design of MAC protocols for WNoC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    HPC Accelerators with 3D Memory

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    Artículo invitado, publicado en las actas del congreso por IEEE Society Press. Páginas 320 a 328. ISBN: 978-1-5090-3593-9.DOI 10.1109/CSE-EUC-DCABES-2016.203After a decade evolving in the High Performance Computing arena, GPU-equipped supercomputers have con- quered the top500 and green500 lists, providing us unprecedented levels of computational power and memory bandwidth. This year, major vendors have introduced new accelerators based on 3D memory, like Xeon Phi Knights Landing by Intel and Pascal architecture by Nvidia. This paper reviews hardware features of those new HPC accelerators and unveils potential performance for scientific applications, with an emphasis on Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) and High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) used by commercial products according to roadmaps already announced.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tec

    Characterization of interconnection networks in CMPs using full-system simulation

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    Los computadores más recientes incluyen complejos chips compuestos de varios procesadores y una cantidad significativa de memoria cache. La tendencia actual consiste en conectar varios nodos, cada uno de ellos con un procesador y uno o más niveles de cache privada y/o compartida, utilizando una red de interconexión. La importancia de esta red está aumentando a medida que crece el número de nodos que se integran en un chip, ya que pueden aparecer cuellos de botella en la comunicación que reduzcan las prestaciones. Además, la red contribuye en gran medida al consumo de energía y área del chip. En este proyecto, comparamos el comportamiento de tres topologías: el anillo bidireccional, la malla y el toro. El anillo es una topología mínima con bajo coste en energía pero peor rendimiento debido a la mayor latencia de comunicación entre nodos. Por otro lado, el toro tiene mayor número de enlaces entre nodos y ofrece mejores prestaciones. La malla ha sido incluida como una opción intermedia altamente popular. Analizaremos también dos topologías de anillo adicionales que aprovechan la reducida área y complejidad del mismo: una con mayor ancho de banda y otra con routers de menor número de ciclos. Modelamos cuidadosamente todos los componentes del sistema (procesadores, jerarquía de memoria y red de interconexión) utilizando simulación de sistema completo. Ejecutamos aplicaciones reales en arquitecturas con 16 y 64 nodos, incluyendo tanto cargas paralelas como multiprogramadas (ejecución de varias aplicaciones independientes). Demostramos que la topología de la red afecta en gran medida al rendimiento en sistemas con 64 nodos. Con las topologías de anillo, los tiempos de ejecución son mucho mayores debido al aumento del número de saltos que le cuesta a un mensaje atravesar la red. El toro es la topología que ofrece mejor rendimiento, pero la elección más óptima sería la malla si tenemos en cuenta también energía y área. Por otro lado, para chips con 16 nodos, las diferencias en rendimiento son menores y un anillo con routers de 3 cyclos ofrece un tiempo de ejecución aceptable con el menor coste en área y energía. Nuestra aportación más significativa está relacionada con la distribución del tráfico en la red. Vemos que el tráfico no está distribuido uniformemente y que los nodos con mayores tasas de inyección varían con la aplicación. Hasta donde nosotros sabemos, no hay ningún trabajo de investigación previo que destaque este comportamiento

    An Efficient Cache Organization for On-Chip Multiprocessor Networks

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    To meet the growing computation-intensive applications and the needs of low-power, high-performance systems, the number of computing resources in single-chip has enormously increased. By adding many computing resources to build a system in System-on-Chip, its interconnection between each other becomes another challenging issue. In most System-on-Chip applications, a shared bus interconnection which needs an arbitration logic to serialize several bus access requests, is adopted to communicate with each integrated processing unit because of its low-cost and simple control characteristics. This paper focuses on the interconnection design issues of area, power and performance of chip multi-processors with shared cache memory. It shows that having shared cache memory contributes to the performance improvement, however, typical interconnection between cores and the shared cache using crossbar occupies most of the chip area, consumes a lot of power and does not scale efficiently with increased number of cores. New interconnection mechanisms are needed to address these issues. This paper proposes an architectural paradigm in an attempt to gain the advantages of having shared cache with the avoidance of penalty imposed by the crossbar interconnect. The proposed architecture achieves smaller area occupation allowing more space to add additional cache memory. It also reduces power consumption compared to the existing crossbar architecture. Furthermore, the paper presents a modified cache coherence algorithm called Tuned-MESI. It is based on the typical MESI cache coherence algorithm however it is tuned and tailored for the suggested architecture. The achieved results of the conducted simulated experiments show that the developed architecture produces less broadcast operations compared to the typical algorithm

    Support for Programming Models in Network-on-Chip-based Many-core Systems

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