1,048 research outputs found

    Rate-Flexible Fast Polar Decoders

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    Polar codes have gained extensive attention during the past few years and recently they have been selected for the next generation of wireless communications standards (5G). Successive-cancellation-based (SC-based) decoders, such as SC list (SCL) and SC flip (SCF), provide a reasonable error performance for polar codes at the cost of low decoding speed. Fast SC-based decoders, such as Fast-SSC, Fast-SSCL, and Fast-SSCF, identify the special constituent codes in a polar code graph off-line, produce a list of operations, store the list in memory, and feed the list to the decoder to decode the constituent codes in order efficiently, thus increasing the decoding speed. However, the list of operations is dependent on the code rate and as the rate changes, a new list is produced, making fast SC-based decoders not rate-flexible. In this paper, we propose a completely rate-flexible fast SC-based decoder by creating the list of operations directly in hardware, with low implementation complexity. We further propose a hardware architecture implementing the proposed method and show that the area occupation of the rate-flexible fast SC-based decoder in this paper is only 38%38\% of the total area of the memory-based base-line decoder when 5G code rates are supported

    Implementation Aspects of a Transmitted-Reference UWB Receiver

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    In this paper, we discuss the design issues of an ultra wide band (UWB) receiver targeting a single-chip CMOS implementation for low data-rate applications like ad hoc wireless sensor networks. A non-coherent transmitted reference (TR) receiver is chosen because of its small complexity compared to other architectures. After a brief recapitulation of the UWB fundamentals and a short discussion on the major differences between coherent and non-coherent receivers, we discuss issues, challenges and possible design solutions. Several simulation results obtained by means of a behavioral model are presented, together with an analysis of the trade-off between performance and complexity in an integrated circuit implementation

    A jittered-sampling correction technique for ADCs

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    In Analogue to Digital Converters (ADCs) jittered sampling raises the noise floor; this leads to a decrease in its Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) and its effective number of bits (ENOB). This research studies a technique that compensate for the effects of sampling with a jittered clock. A thorough understanding of sampling in various data converters is complied

    Design of an RC Oscillator for Automotive Applications

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na návrh integrovaného relaxačního oscilátoru pro automobilové aplikace, které jsou charakteristické extrémními provozními podmínkami a vysokými požadavky na robustnost. Z dostupné literatury byla provedena rešerše, která umožnila postihnout nezbytný teoretický základ pro komparativní studii nedávno představených designů integrovaných oscilátorů a také pomohla navrhnout architekturu oscilátoru, která v implementaci zahrnuje princip IEF. Za účelem předpovězení negativních vlivů na výkon systému a optimálních parametrů bloků byly provedeny simulace vysokoúrovňového modelu. V práci je diskutována implementace jednotlivých bloků a prezentovány výsledky simulace kritických parametrů. Simulace navrženého oscilátoru prokázaly konzistenci konceptu IEF pro praktickou realizaci. Realizovaný systém však potřebuje další vylepšení.The thesis is aimed on the integrated relaxation oscillator design for automotive applications, that are characterized by harsh operation conditions and high robustness requirements. Literature research was conducted to acquire necessary theoretical basis for comparative study of the recently proposed integrated oscillator designs to choose the oscillator architecture utilizing integrated-error feedback for the implementation. High-level model simulations were conducted to predict negative influences on the system performance and to suggest blocks optimal parameters for the design. The implementation of the designed blocks was discussed, and simulation results of the critical parameters were presented. The designed oscillator simulations proved the consistency of the integrated-error feedback concept for practical realization. However, the designed system needs further improvements

    Algorithm Development and VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient Decoders of Polar Codes

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    With its low error-floor performance, polar codes attract significant attention as the potential standard error correction code (ECC) for future communication and data storage. However, the VLSI implementation complexity of polar codes decoders is largely influenced by its nature of in-series decoding. This dissertation is dedicated to presenting optimal decoder architectures for polar codes. This dissertation addresses several structural properties of polar codes and key properties of decoding algorithms that are not dealt with in the prior researches. The underlying concept of the proposed architectures is a paradigm that simplifies and schedules the computations such that hardware is simplified, latency is minimized and bandwidth is maximized. In pursuit of the above, throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) and overlapping path list successive cancellation (OPLSC) VLSI architectures and express journey BP (XJBP) decoders for the polar codes are presented. An arbitrary polar code can be decomposed by a set of shorter polar codes with special characteristics, those shorter polar codes are referred to as constituent polar codes. By exploiting the homogeneousness between decoding processes of different constituent polar codes, TCSC reduces the decoding latency of the SC decoder by 60% for codes with length n = 1024. The error correction performance of SC decoding is inferior to that of list successive cancellation decoding. The LSC decoding algorithm delivers the most reliable decoding results; however, it consumes most hardware resources and decoding cycles. Instead of using multiple instances of decoding cores in the LSC decoders, a single SC decoder is used in the OPLSC architecture. The computations of each path in the LSC are arranged to occupy the decoder hardware stages serially in a streamlined fashion. This yields a significant reduction of hardware complexity. The OPLSC decoder has achieved about 1.4 times hardware efficiency improvement compared with traditional LSC decoders. The hardware efficient VLSI architectures for TCSC and OPLSC polar codes decoders are also introduced. Decoders based on SC or LSC algorithms suffer from high latency and limited throughput due to their serial decoding natures. An alternative approach to decode the polar codes is belief propagation (BP) based algorithm. In BP algorithm, a graph is set up to guide the beliefs propagated and refined, which is usually referred to as factor graph. BP decoding algorithm allows decoding in parallel to achieve much higher throughput. XJBP decoder facilitates belief propagation by utilizing the specific constituent codes that exist in the conventional factor graph, which results in an express journey (XJ) decoder. Compared with the conventional BP decoding algorithm for polar codes, the proposed decoder reduces the computational complexity by about 40.6%. This enables an energy-efficient hardware implementation. To further explore the hardware consumption of the proposed XJBP decoder, the computations scheduling is modeled and analyzed in this dissertation. With discussions on different hardware scenarios, the optimal scheduling plans are developed. A novel memory-distributed micro-architecture of the XJBP decoder is proposed and analyzed to solve the potential memory access problems of the proposed scheduling strategy. The register-transfer level (RTL) models of the XJBP decoder are set up for comparisons with other state-of-the-art BP decoders. The results show that the power efficiency of BP decoders is improved by about 3 times

    Algorithm Development and VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient Decoders of Polar Codes

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    With its low error-floor performance, polar codes attract significant attention as the potential standard error correction code (ECC) for future communication and data storage. However, the VLSI implementation complexity of polar codes decoders is largely influenced by its nature of in-series decoding. This dissertation is dedicated to presenting optimal decoder architectures for polar codes. This dissertation addresses several structural properties of polar codes and key properties of decoding algorithms that are not dealt with in the prior researches. The underlying concept of the proposed architectures is a paradigm that simplifies and schedules the computations such that hardware is simplified, latency is minimized and bandwidth is maximized. In pursuit of the above, throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) and overlapping path list successive cancellation (OPLSC) VLSI architectures and express journey BP (XJBP) decoders for the polar codes are presented. An arbitrary polar code can be decomposed by a set of shorter polar codes with special characteristics, those shorter polar codes are referred to as constituent polar codes. By exploiting the homogeneousness between decoding processes of different constituent polar codes, TCSC reduces the decoding latency of the SC decoder by 60% for codes with length n = 1024. The error correction performance of SC decoding is inferior to that of list successive cancellation decoding. The LSC decoding algorithm delivers the most reliable decoding results; however, it consumes most hardware resources and decoding cycles. Instead of using multiple instances of decoding cores in the LSC decoders, a single SC decoder is used in the OPLSC architecture. The computations of each path in the LSC are arranged to occupy the decoder hardware stages serially in a streamlined fashion. This yields a significant reduction of hardware complexity. The OPLSC decoder has achieved about 1.4 times hardware efficiency improvement compared with traditional LSC decoders. The hardware efficient VLSI architectures for TCSC and OPLSC polar codes decoders are also introduced. Decoders based on SC or LSC algorithms suffer from high latency and limited throughput due to their serial decoding natures. An alternative approach to decode the polar codes is belief propagation (BP) based algorithm. In BP algorithm, a graph is set up to guide the beliefs propagated and refined, which is usually referred to as factor graph. BP decoding algorithm allows decoding in parallel to achieve much higher throughput. XJBP decoder facilitates belief propagation by utilizing the specific constituent codes that exist in the conventional factor graph, which results in an express journey (XJ) decoder. Compared with the conventional BP decoding algorithm for polar codes, the proposed decoder reduces the computational complexity by about 40.6%. This enables an energy-efficient hardware implementation. To further explore the hardware consumption of the proposed XJBP decoder, the computations scheduling is modeled and analyzed in this dissertation. With discussions on different hardware scenarios, the optimal scheduling plans are developed. A novel memory-distributed micro-architecture of the XJBP decoder is proposed and analyzed to solve the potential memory access problems of the proposed scheduling strategy. The register-transfer level (RTL) models of the XJBP decoder are set up for comparisons with other state-of-the-art BP decoders. The results show that the power efficiency of BP decoders is improved by about 3 times