8 research outputs found

    The Unbalanced Linguistic Aggregation Operator in Group Decision Making

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    Published version of an article in the journal: Mathematical problems in engineering. Also available from Hindawi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/619162Many linguistic aggregation methods have been proposed and applied in the linguistic decision- making problems. In practice, experts need to assess a number of values in a side of reference domain higher than in the other one; that is, experts use unbalanced linguistic values to express their evaluation for problems. In this paper, we propose a new linguistic aggregation operator to deal with unbalanced linguistic values in group decision making, we adopt 2-tuple representation model of linguistic values and linguistic hierarchies to express unbalanced linguistic values, and moreover,we present the unbalanced linguistic ordered weighted geometric operator to aggregate unbalanced linguistic evaluation values; a comparison example is given to show the advantage of ourmethod

    Investigating Rank Reversal in Reciprocal Fuzzy Preference Relation Based on Additive Consistency: Causes and Solutions

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    Rank reversal is a common phenomenon in decision making. Rank reversal occurs when a new alternative is added to (or removed from) a set of alternatives, which causes change in the ranking order of the alternatives. This paper studies the possible causes of rank reversal in reciprocal preference relation based on additive consistency. Our investigation reveals that inconsistency of information is the main cause of this phenomena in preference relations followed by ranking score aggregation. We propose score aggregation methods to address the phenomenon of rank reversal. The proposed methods are illustrated using numerical examples. The results are better than other tested methods

    Use of a Combination of AHP and ISM for Making an Innovative Rescue Caring Design in Landslide Area

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    A design concept is proposed for using a combination of two types of decision-making models to determine the design direction. Based on research processes, it is conducted to solve rescue related issues in harsh terrain or landslides, which can often be attributed to the global climate becoming unstable, increasing the frequency of mudflows and landslides, therefore creating more emergencies of this type. ATV vehicles are advantageous for such disasters. In order to discover the needs for ATV’s carrying abilities, five rescue experts were interviewed and three additional experts participated in the AHP process. A stretcher was determined to be the first priority to be mounted on an ATV. Nine higher score items were selected to create a stretcher mechanism from a questionnaire survey in VOA. ISM recognized the main target, with the intention to solve the safety problems (level 2) and the usability issues (level 3) of the proposed stretcher. Finally, a new stretcher structure was designed with a spinal board to be safe and detachable for conveying patients. The stretcher body can also be folded and hung up for easy transporting and even combined with the trunk pack which contains various breathing assistance equipment

    Managing Consistency and Consensus in Group Decision-Making with Incomplete Fuzzy Preference Relations

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    Group decision-making is a field of decision theory that has many strengths and benefits. It can solve and simplify the most complex and hard decision problems. In addition, it helps decision-makers know more about the problem under study and their preferences. Group decision-making is much harder and complex than individual decision-making since group members may have different preferences regarding the alternatives, making it difficult to reach a consensus. In this thesis, we deal with three interrelated problems that decision-makers encounter during the process of arriving at a final decision. Our work addresses decision-making using preference relations. The first problem deals with incomplete reciprocal preference relations, where some of the preference degrees are missing. Ideally, the group members are able to provide preferences for all the alternatives, but sometimes they might not be able to discriminate between some of the alternatives, leading to missing values. Two methods are proposed to handle this problem. The first is based on a system of equations and the second relies on goal programming to estimate the missing information. The former is suitable to complete any incomplete preference relation with at leas

    Contribution à l’amélioration du processus de conception des produits innovants : Développement d’outils d’aide au choix des processus

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    The optimization of the design process is a research evolving highlighted in numerous references and business practices with the aim improving and developing new products. Our approach is a continuation of those activities that takes as its starting point the diversity of existing design processes and the difficulty of achieving a selection where adaptation. Hence our problem is summarized around a central question which we formulate as follows: how to optimize the choice of the design process subject to a constrained environment? The answer to this question is through the proposition of a tool Help in choosing which converges to the installation of a design process. This tool is three-dimensional, where the first dimension relates to the preparation of the upstream design phase, the second dimension selects a design process on a map classification and the objective of the third dimension is the identification of trades tools and methods for product development. The experimental part of our work has led us to validate the developed tool and propose how to use by designers. Optimization is achieved in our work by the proposal of a three-dimensional tool side and the other by the use of optimization algorithms for modeling tool. New avenues of research for improvement are identified and proposed for future work.L'optimisation des processus de conception est une activité de recherche en pleine évolution, soulignée dans de nombreuses références et pratiques des entreprises dans l'objectif l'amélioration et le développement de produits nouveaux. Notre démarche s'inscrit dans la continuité de ces activités qui prend comme point de départ la diversité des processus de conception existants et la difficulté de réaliser un choix où une adaptation. D'ou notre problématique est résumée autour d'une question centrale que nous formulons de la manière suivante : comment optimiser le choix d'un processus de conception soumis à un environnement contraint ? La réponse à cette question est à travers la proposition d'un outil d'aide au choix qui converge vers l'installation d'un processus de conception. Cet outil est tridimensionnel, où la première dimension vise la préparation de la phase amont de conception, la deuxième dimension sélectionne un processus de conception sur une carte de classement et l'objectif de la troisième dimension est l'identification des métiers, outils et méthodes pour le développement des produits. La partie expérimentale de notre travail nous a conduit à valider l'outil développer et proposer comment l'exploiter par des concepteurs. L'optimisation est réalisée dans notre travail par la proposition de l'outil tridimensionnel d'un coté et de l'autre par l'exploitation des algorithmes d'optimisation pour la modélisation de l'outil. Des nouvelles pistes de recherche pour l'amélioration sont identifiées et proposées pour des futurs travaux

    [[alternative]]A Linguistic Evaluation Approach for Universal Design

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    系統編號: PB10007-2627計畫編號: NSC100-2221-E343-003執行機構: 南華大學應用藝術與設計學系研究期間: 10008~10107[[abstract]]由於平均壽命增加且現代醫學提高人類因受傷、生病與出生 缺陷的存活率,人們逐漸關注通用設計議題。『通用設計』 是一項用於發展產品及環境的方法,使其在最大程度範圍 內,能被所有人使用。雖然現行通用設計原則可以提供明確 的設計指引參考,但由於僅具條列式質化描述屬性,不易以 科學量化方式,準確評估產品之通用設計優劣。本研究提出 一套模糊語言方法用於評估產品通用設計,本方法利用模糊 語言變數結合模糊加權平均法,進行喜好度資訊之聚積運 算。為了說明方法之實用性,本研究以簡單的層級結構作決 策個案,執行產品選項評估,而個案結果呈現相當可靠度。本研究所提出的模糊語言方法可以有效協助處理具質化屬性 之複雜決策評估問題。[[abstract]]As life expectancy rises and modern medicine increases the survival rate of those with significant injuries, illnesses, and birth defects, there is a growing interest in universal design. Universal design is an approach of developing products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible. Although a set of acknowledged principles has been developed and commonly used by industry and academic community, it is difficult to quantitatively assess whether a product is indeed a good example of universal design. This study presents a fuzzy linguistic approach for universal design assessment. The proposed approach is based on fuzzy linguistic variables associated with the fuzzy weighted average techniques for aggregating preference information. To illustrate the practicability of the proposed approach, a case study using a simple hierarchy structure to assess product alternatives was conducted. It has shown a credible result. The fuzzy linguistic approach has proven to be useful in dealing with complex assessment problems involved in qualitative attributes