12 research outputs found


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    The broadcast domination problem is a variant of the classical minimum dominating set problem in which a transmitter of power p at vertex v is capable of dominating all vertices within distance p from v. Our goal is to assign a broadcast power f(v) to every vertex v in a graph such that the sum for all v over V of f(v) is minimized, and such that every vertex u with f(u) = 0 is within distance f(v) of some vertex v with f(v) \u3e 0. The problem is solvable in polynomial time on a general graph, and Blair et al. gave an O(n^2) algorithm for trees. We provide an O(n) algorithm for trees. Our algorithm is notable because it makes decisions for each vertex v based on \u27non-local\u27 information from vertices far away from v, whereas almost all other linear-time algorithms for trees only make use of local information

    On the multipacking number of grid graphs

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    In 2001, Erwin introduced broadcast domination in graphs. It is a variant of classical domination where selected vertices may have different domination powers. The minimum cost of a dominating broadcast in a graph GG is denoted γb(G)\gamma_b(G). The dual of this problem is called multipacking: a multipacking is a set MM of vertices such that for any vertex vv and any positive integer rr, the ball of radius rr around vv contains at most rr vertices of MM . The maximum size of a multipacking in a graph GG is denoted mp(G). Naturally mp(G) γb(G)\leq \gamma_b(G). Earlier results by Farber and by Lubiw show that broadcast and multipacking numbers are equal for strongly chordal graphs. In this paper, we show that all large grids (height at least 4 and width at least 7), which are far from being chordal, have their broadcast and multipacking numbers equal

    General bounds on limited broadcast domination

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    Limited dominating broadcasts were proposed as a variant of dominating broadcasts, where the broadcast function is upper bounded by a constant k . The minimum cost of such a dominating broadcast is the k -broadcast dominating number. We present a uni ed upper bound on this parameter for any value of k in terms of both k and the order of the graph. For the speci c case of the 2-broadcast dominating number, we show that this bound is tight for graphs as large as desired. We also study the family of caterpillars, providing a smaller upper bound, which is attained by a set of such graphs with unbounded order.Preprin

    2-limited broadcast domination in grid graphs

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    We establish upper and lower bounds for the 2-limited broadcast domination number of various grid graphs, in particular the Cartesian product of two paths, a path and a cycle, and two cycles. The upper bounds are derived by explicit constructions. The lower bounds are obtained via linear programming duality by finding lower bounds for the fractional 2-limited multipacking numbers of these graphs

    Broadcasts on Paths and Cycles

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    A broadcast on a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a function f:V{0,,diam(G)}f: V\longrightarrow \{0,\ldots,\operatorname{diam}(G)\} such that f(v)eG(v)f(v)\leq e_G(v) for every vertex vVv\in V, wherediam(G)\operatorname{diam}(G) denotes the diameter of GG and eG(v)e_G(v) the eccentricity of vv in GG. The cost of such a broadcast is then the value vVf(v)\sum_{v\in V}f(v).Various types of broadcast functions on graphs have been considered in the literature, in relation with domination, irredundence, independenceor packing, leading to the introduction of several broadcast numbers on graphs.In this paper, we determine these broadcast numbers for all paths and cycles, thus answering a questionraised in [D.~Ahmadi, G.H.~Fricke, C.~Schroeder, S.T.~Hedetniemi and R.C.~Laskar, Broadcast irredundance in graphs. {\it Congr. Numer.} 224 (2015), 17--31]

    On Fully Dynamic Graph Sparsifiers

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    We initiate the study of dynamic algorithms for graph sparsification problems and obtain fully dynamic algorithms, allowing both edge insertions and edge deletions, that take polylogarithmic time after each update in the graph. Our three main results are as follows. First, we give a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a (1±ϵ) (1 \pm \epsilon) -spectral sparsifier with amortized update time poly(logn,ϵ1)poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1}). Second, we give a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a (1±ϵ) (1 \pm \epsilon) -cut sparsifier with \emph{worst-case} update time poly(logn,ϵ1)poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1}). Both sparsifiers have size npoly(logn,ϵ1) n \cdot poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1}). Third, we apply our dynamic sparsifier algorithm to obtain a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation to the value of the maximum flow in an unweighted, undirected, bipartite graph with amortized update time poly(logn,ϵ1)poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1})