57 research outputs found

    Computation applications in archaeology

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    This thesis is a critical analysis of the use which has been made of the computer in archaeology up to the year 1972. The main chapters cover the applications in archaeology of Statistics, Information Retrieval, Graphics, Pottery Classification and Survey Reduction. A large body of Miscellaneous Applications, including Pollen Analysis, are also examined. The majority of computer applications have been in Statistics. These applications include Numerical Taxonomy, Matrix Manipulation and Seriation, the generation of hypotheses and models, MUltidimensional Scaling, Cumulative Percentage Graphs and Trend Surface Analysis. It is worthwhile to note that for small sets of data several manual methods give comparable results to complex computer analyses and at far less cost. Computer Information Retrieval is examined in the light of its use for large bodies of specialist archaeological information, for museum cataloguing, and for the compilation of a site excavation record using a remote terminal. The use of Computer Graphics in the production of archaeological maps, plans and diagrams is examined. Facilities include the production of dot-density plots, distribution maps, histograms, piecharts, pottery diagrams, site block diagrams with 3D rotation and perspective, sections, pit outlines and projectile point classification by Fourier analysis. The use of the d-Mac Pencil Follower in the objective classification of pottery is described, followed by computer analysis of the resultant multivariate data. The use of the computer in the routine reduction of geophysical observations taken on archaeological sites is described. Complex filtering procedures for the removal of background effects and the enhancement of the archaeological anomalies are examined. Since other workers have concentrated on the applications of statistics in archaeology~ this thesis explores the relatively neglected fields of Graphics and Pottery Classification. Evidence is presented that significant advances have been made in the classification of pottery vessels and projectile points~ and in the graphical output of results. A number of new programs have been developed; these include software which may be operated from a remote terminal at an archaeological site. The P L U T A R C H System (Program Library Useful To ARCHaeologists) is described. This is a control program which uses interactive graphics and overlays to combine all the computer facilities available to the archaeologist. The individual graphics, statistics, instrument survey plotting and information retrieval techniques when combined in this way can communicate via global storage, and become even more powerful

    Professional English for the students of Electronic Education Institute in specialty of «Informatics and Computer Technologies»

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    Пособие предназначено для студентов 3 курса ИнЭО, изучающих профессиональный курс английского языка по направлению 09.03.01 «Информатика и вычислительная техника»

    Doing augmented reality: a discourse analysis

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    Since its emergence in the 90s, augmented reality has been referred to as the superimposition of virtual objects on the view of the physical world, and holds a promise to fundamentally change the way we interact with the digital universe. However, AR was never able to achieve such objectives, and after the Google Glass Experiment in 2013, what is evident is a conflict between the research visions and consumer expectations. Seeing that reality is done through discursive practices and enactments, this thesis examines how AR is done by those who are involved in its development, its promotion and its use, through textual and discourse analysis, aiming to understand the vision behind its development. We first analyse the emergence and development of AR, following with the analysis of the Google Glass Experiment, as a materialization of the technology. Taking into consideration the potential for behavior and lifestyle change held in AR development, understanding the underlying discourses and visions is of crucial importance as we bring technology to our reality. As a result we have a better assessment of the current technology situation as well as insights for future development and solutions in the field of augmented reality.Desde o seu surgimento nos anos 90, a realidade aumentada (RA) tem sido referida como a sobreposição de objetos virtuais na visão do mundo físico, e tem consigo a promessa de mudar fundamentalmente a maneira como interagimos com o universo digital. No entanto, a realidade aumentada nunca foi capaz de atingir tais objetivos e, após o Google Glass Experiment em 2013, o que fica evidente é um conflito entre as visões da pesquisa e as expectativas do consumidor. Vendo que a realidade se faz por meio de práticas e decretos discursivos, esta tese examina como a RA é construída por aqueles que estão envolvidos em seu desenvolvimento, sua promoção e seu uso, por meio da análise textual e do discurso, com o objetivo de compreender a visão por trás de seu desenvolvimento. Analisamos primeiro o surgimento e desenvolvimento da RA, seguindo com a análise do Google Glass Experiment, como uma materialização da tecnologia. Levando em consideração o potencial de mudança de comportamento e estilo de vida no desenvolvimento de RA, entender os discursos e visões subjacentes é de importância crucial à medida que trazemos a tecnologia para nossa realidade. Como resultado, temos uma melhor avaliação da situação atual da tecnologia, bem como percepções para o desenvolvimento futuro e soluções no campo da realidade aumentada

    Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace vehicle Design (IPAD). Volume 4: IPAD system design

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    The computing system design of IPAD is described and the requirements which form the basis for the system design are discussed. The system is presented in terms of a functional design description and technical design specifications. The functional design specifications give the detailed description of the system design using top-down structured programming methodology. Human behavioral characteristics, which specify the system design at the user interface, security considerations, and standards for system design, implementation, and maintenance are also part of the technical design specifications. Detailed specifications of the two most common computing system types in use by the major aerospace companies which could support the IPAD system design are presented. The report of a study to investigate migration of IPAD software between the two candidate 3rd generation host computing systems and from these systems to a 4th generation system is included

    Human Factors of Integrating Speech and Manual Input Devices: The Case of Computer Aided Design

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    The thesis investigates integrating the use of speech input and manual input devices in human-computer systems. The domain of computer aided design (CAD) is used as a case study. A methodology for empirical evaluation of CAD systems is presented. The methodology is based on a framework that describes the input/output processes presumed to underlie performance in design activities, using behaviour protocols and performance indices as data. For modelling system behaviour, a framework derived from the Blackboard architecture of design is described. The framework employs knowledge sources to represent different behaviour types recruited during CAD performance. Variability in user behaviour throughout the investigation is explained with reference to the model. The problems that expert CAD users experience in using manual input devices are first documented in an observational study conducted at their workplace. This demonstrates that the unitary use of manual input resulted in non-optimal behaviour. Possible solutions to these problems, using speech input for some command and data entry tasks, are explored in three experiments. In each experiment, a comparative analysis of alternative systems is made using data obtained from naive and novice users. In Experiment 1, the use of speech as a unitary solution to the problems of manual input was also found to result in non-optimal behaviour and performance. The solution explored in Experiment 2 was to allocate some commands and alphanumeric data to each input device, using the frequency of use principle. This approach, however, entailed the additional problem of remembering which device to use. Experiment 3 evaluated the separate allocation of commands to speech input and numeric plus graphical data to manual input. Additionally, performance aids and feedback facilities were provided to users. This clear-cut assignment of device to task characteristics and the use of such aids led to an enhancement in speech performance, in addition to improving behaviour. The findings from this research are used to develop guidelines for an integrated CAD system involving speech and manual input. The guidelines, which are intended for use by end users, CAD implementors and system designers, were validated in the workplace by the latter. Lastly, the thesis contextualises the research within an ergonomics framework, mapping the research development from problem specification to application and synthesis. Problems with the investigation are also discussed, and suggestions made as to how these might be resolved

    The effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in basic textiles classes

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    Das Netz und die Virtuelle Realität: Zur Selbstprogrammierung der Gesellschaft durch die universelle Maschine

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    Die computerbasierten »Neuen Medien« scheinen eine radikale Umwälzung der Gesellschaft zu bewirken. Aber: Die »Neuen Medien« hätten sich auch anders entwickeln können. Technologien verändern zwar die Gesellschaft, werden aber zugleich auch von ihr erfunden und umgeformt. Insbesondere gilt das für die Computer, die universell und programmierbar sind. Sie werden gesellschaftlichen Vorstellungen, was sie sein und tun sollen, unterworfen. Die Frage ist also: Wie und warum hat sich die Gesellschaft durch das Medium Computer - insbesondere durch die Konstellationen des »Netzes« und der »Virtuellen Realität« - selbst programmiert? Jens Schröters Antworten aktualisieren die etablierte Sichtweise auf das Verhältnis von Gesellschaft und Computer. Zahlreiche Abbildungen dokumentieren die Entwicklung der »Universalmaschine«

    Progress Report 1 January 1983 - 31 December 1984. Computer Installation

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    This report describes selected parts of the activities at the Computer Installation of Risa National Laboratory in 1983 and 1984. Information given may be preliminary

    Development of Integrated Programs for Aerospace-Vehicle Design (IPAD)

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    Integrated Programs for Aerospace Vehicle Design (IPAD) system design requirements are given. The information is based on the IPAD User Requirements Document (D6-IPAD-70013-D) and the Integrated Information Processing Requirements Document (D6-IPAD-70012-D). General information about IPAD and a list of the system design requirements that are to be satisfied by the IPAD system are given. The system design requirements definition is to be considered as a baseline definition of the IPAD system design requirements