246 research outputs found

    Extensions to Cross-collection Topic Models with Parallel Inference and Differential Privacy using Flexible Priors

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    Cross-collection topic models extend previous single-collection topic models such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to multiple collections. The purpose of cross-collection topic modelling is to model document-topic representations and reveal similarities between topics and differences among groups. The limitation of Dirichlet prior has impeded the state-of-the-art cross-collection topic models' performance, leading to the introduction of more flexible priors. In this thesis, we first introduce a novel topic model, GPU-based cross-collection latent generalized Dirichlet allocation (ccLGDA), exploring the similarities and differences across multiple data collections by introducing generalized Dirichlet (GD) distribution to overcome the limitations of Dirichlet prior for conventional topic models while improving computational efficiency. As a more flexible prior, the generalized Dirichlet distribution provides a more general covariance structure and valuable properties, such as capturing collection relationships between latent topics and enhancing the cross-collection topic model. Indeed, this new GD-based model utilizes the Graphics Processing Unit to perform a parallel inference on a single machine, which provides a scalable and efficient training method for massive data. Therefore, the new approach, the GPU-based ccLGDA, proposes a scheme that incorporates a thorough generative process into a robust inference process with powerful computational techniques to compare multiple data collections and find interpretable topics. Its performance in comparative text mining and document classification shows its merits. Furthermore, the restriction of Dirichlet prior and the significant privacy risk have hampered cross-collection topic models' performance and utility. The training of those cross-collection topic models may, in particular, leak sensitive information from the training dataset. To address the two issues mentioned above, we propose another novel model, cross-collection latent Beta-Liouville allocation (ccLBLA), which operates a more powerful prior, Beta-Liouville distribution with a more general covariance structure that brings a better capability in topic correlation analysis with fewer parameters than GD distribution. To provide privacy protection for the ccLBLA model, we leverage the inherent differential privacy guarantee of the Collapsed Gibbs Sampling (CGS) inference scheme and then propose a centralized privacy-preserving algorithm for the ccLBLA model (HDP-ccLBLA) that prevents inferring data from intermediate statistics during the CGS training process without sacrificing its utility. More crucially, our technique is the first to use the cross-collection topic model in image classification applications and investigate the cross-collection topic model's capabilities. The experimental results for comparative text mining and image classification will show the merits of our proposed approach

    Novel Mixture Allocation Models for Topic Learning

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    Unsupervised learning has been an interesting area of research in recent years. Novel algorithms are being built on the basis of unsupervised learning methodologies to solve many real world problems. Topic modelling is one such fascinating methodology that identifies patterns as topics within data. Introduction of latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) has bolstered research on topic modelling approaches with modifications specific to the application. However, the basic assumption of a Dirichlet prior in LDA for topic proportions, might not be applicable in certain real world scenarios. Hence, in this thesis we explore the use of generalized Dirichlet (GD) and Beta-Liouville (BL) as alternative priors for topic proportions. In addition, we assume a mixture of distributions over topic proportions which provides better fit to the data. In order to accommodate application of the resulting models to real-time streaming data, we also provide an online learning solution for the models. A supervised version of the learning framework is also provided and is shown to be advantageous when labelled data are available. There is a slight chance that the topics thus derived may not be that accurate. In order to alleviate this problem, we integrate an interactive approach which uses inputs from the user to improve the quality of identified topics. We have also tweaked our models to be applied for interesting applications such as parallel topics extraction from multilingual texts and content based recommendation systems proving the adaptability of our proposed models. In the case of multilingual topic extraction, we use global topic proportions sampled from a Dirichlet process (DP) to tackle the problem and in the case of recommendation systems, we use the co-occurrences of words to our advantage. For inference, we use a variational approach which makes computation of variational solutions easier. The applications we validated our models with, show the efficiency of proposed models

    Count Data Modeling and Classification Using Statistical Hierarchical Approaches and Multi-topic Models

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    In this thesis, we propose and develop various statistical models to enhance and improve the efficiency of statistical modeling of count data in various applications. The major emphasis of the work is focused on developing hierarchical models. Various schemes of hierarchical structures are thus developed and analyzed in this work ranging from purely static hierarchies to dynamic models. The second part of the work concerns itself with the development of multitopic statistical models. It has been shown that these models provide more realistic modeling characteristics in comparison to mono topic models. We proceed with developing several multitopic models and we analyze their performance against benchmark models. We show that our proposed models in the majority of instances improve the modeling efficiency in comparison to some benchmark models, without drastically increasing the computational demands. In the last part of the work, we extend our proposed multitopic models to include online learning capability and again we show the relative superiority of our models in comparison to the benchmark models. Various real world applications such as object recognition, scene classification, text classification and action recognition, are used for analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of our proposed models

    Extensions to the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic Model Using Flexible Priors

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    Intrinsically, topic models have always their likelihood functions fixed to multinomial distributions as they operate on count data instead of Gaussian data. As a result, their performances ultimately depend on the flexibility of the chosen prior distributions when following the Bayesian paradigm compared to classical approaches such as PLSA (probabilistic latent semantic analysis), unigrams and mixture of unigrams that do not use prior information. The standard LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation) topic model operates with symmetric Dirichlet distribution (as a conjugate prior) which has been found to carry some limitations due to its independent structure that tends to hinder performance for instance in topic correlation including positively correlated data processing. Compared to classical ML estimators, the use of priors ultimately presents another unique advantage of smoothing out the multinomials while enhancing predictive topic models. In this thesis, we propose a series of flexible priors such as generalized Dirichlet (GD) and Beta-Liouville (BL) for our topic models within the collapsed representation, leading to much improved CVB (collapsed variational Bayes) update equations compared to ones from the standard LDA. This is because the flexibility of these priors improves significantly the lower bounds in the corresponding CVB algorithms. We also show the robustness of our proposed CVB inferences when using simultaneously the BL and GD in hybrid generative-discriminative models where the generative stage produces good and heterogeneous topic features that are used in the discriminative stage by powerful classifiers such as SVMs (support vector machines) as we propose efficient probabilistic kernels to facilitate processing (classification) of documents based on topic signatures. Doing so, we implicitly cast topic modeling which is an unsupervised learning method into a supervised learning technique. Furthermore, due to the complexity of the CVB algorithm (as it requires second order Taylor expansions) in general, despite its flexibility, we propose a much simpler and tractable update equation using a MAP (maximum a posteriori) framework with the standard EM (expectation-maximization) algorithm. As most Bayesian posteriors are not tractable for complex models, we ultimately propose the MAP-LBLA (latent BL allocation) where we characterize the contributions of asymmetric BL priors over the symmetric Dirichlet (Dir). The proposed MAP technique importantly offers a point estimate (mode) with a much tractable solution. In the MAP, we show that point estimate could be easy to implement than full Bayesian analysis that integrates over the entire parameter space. The MAP implicitly exhibits some equivalent relationship with the CVB especially the zero order approximations CVB0 and its stochastic version SCVB0. The proposed method enhances performances in information retrieval in text document analysis. We show that parametric topic models (as they are finite dimensional methods) have a much smaller hypothesis space and they generally suffer from model selection. We therefore propose a Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) technique that uses the Hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) as conjugate prior to the document multinomial distributions where the asymmetric BL serves as a diffuse (probability) base measure that provides the global atoms (topics) that are shared among documents. The heterogeneity in the topic structure helps in providing an alternative to model selection because the nonparametric topic model (which is infinite dimensional with a much bigger hypothesis space) could now prune out irrelevant topics based on the associated probability masses to only retain the most relevant ones. We also show that for large scale applications, stochastic optimizations using natural gradients of the objective functions have demonstrated significant performances when we learn rapidly both data and parameters in online fashion (streaming). We use both predictive likelihood and perplexity as evaluation methods to assess the robustness of our proposed topic models as we ultimately refer to probability as a way to quantify uncertainty in our Bayesian framework. We improve object categorization in terms of inferences through the flexibility of our prior distributions in the collapsed space. We also improve information retrieval technique with the MAP and the HDP-LBLA topic models while extending the standard LDA. These two applications present the ultimate capability of enhancing a search engine based on topic models

    Statistical Models for Short Text Clustering

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    A notable rise in the amounts of data collected, which were made available to the public, is witnessed. This allowed the emergence of many research problems among which extracting knowledge from short texts and their different related challenges. In this thesis, we elaborate new approaches to enhance short text clustering results obtained through the use of mixture models. We deployed the collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithm previously used with the Dirichlet Multinomial mixture model on our proposed statistical models. In particular, we proposed the collapsed Gibbs sampling generalized Dirichlet Multinomial (CGSGDM) and the collapsed Gibbs sampling Beta-Liouville Multinomial (CGSBLM) mixture models to cope with the challenges that come with short texts. We demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approaches on the Google News corpora. We compared the experimental results with related works that made use of the Dirichlet distribution as a prior. Finally, we scaled our work to use infinite mixture models namely collapsed Gibbs sampling infinite generalized Dirichlet Multinomial mixture model (CGSIGDMM) and collapsed Gibbs sampling infinite Beta-Liouville Multinomial mixture model (CGSIBLMM). We also evaluate our proposed approaches on the Tweet dataset additionally to the previously used Google News dataset. An improvement of the work is also proposed through an online clustering process demonstrating good performance on the same used datasets. A final application is presented to assess the robustness of the proposed framework in the presence of outliers

    A Study on Variational Component Splitting approach for Mixture Models

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    Increase in use of mobile devices and the introduction of cloud-based services have resulted in the generation of enormous amount of data every day. This calls for the need to group these data appropriately into proper categories. Various clustering techniques have been introduced over the years to learn the patterns in data that might better facilitate the classification process. Finite mixture model is one of the crucial methods used for this task. The basic idea of mixture models is to fit the data at hand to an appropriate distribution. The design of mixture models hence involves finding the appropriate parameters of the distribution and estimating the number of clusters in the data. We use a variational component splitting framework to do this which could simultaneously learn the parameters of the model and estimate the number of components in the model. The variational algorithm helps to overcome the computational complexity of purely Bayesian approaches and the over fitting problems experienced with Maximum Likelihood approaches guaranteeing convergence. The choice of distribution remains the core concern of mixture models in recent research. The efficiency of Dirichlet family of distributions for this purpose has been proved in latest studies especially for non-Gaussian data. This led us to study the impact of variational component splitting approach on mixture models based on several distributions. Hence, our contribution is the application of variational component splitting approach to design finite mixture models based on inverted Dirichlet, generalized inverted Dirichlet and inverted Beta-Liouville distributions. In addition, we also incorporate a simultaneous feature selection approach for generalized inverted Dirichlet mixture model along with component splitting as another experimental contribution. We evaluate the performance of our models with various real-life applications such as object, scene, texture, speech and video categorization

    High-Dimensional Non-Gaussian Data Clustering using Variational Learning of Mixture Models

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    Clustering has been the topic of extensive research in the past. The main concern is to automatically divide a given data set into different clusters such that vectors of the same cluster are as similar as possible and vectors of different clusters are as different as possible. Finite mixture models have been widely used for clustering since they have the advantages of being able to integrate prior knowledge about the data and to address the problem of unsupervised learning in a formal way. A crucial starting point when adopting mixture models is the choice of the components densities. In this context, the well-known Gaussian distribution has been widely used. However, the deployment of the Gaussian mixture implies implicitly clustering based on the minimization of Euclidean distortions which may yield to poor results in several real applications where the per-components densities are not Gaussian. Recent works have shown that other models such as the Dirichlet, generalized Dirichlet and Beta-Liouville mixtures may provide better clustering results in applications containing non-Gaussian data, especially those involving proportional data (or normalized histograms) which are naturally generated by many applications. Two other challenging aspects that should also be addressed when considering mixture models are: how to determine the model's complexity (i.e. the number of mixture components) and how to estimate the model's parameters. Fortunately, both problems can be tackled simultaneously within a principled elegant learning framework namely variational inference. The main idea of variational inference is to approximate the model posterior distribution by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the exact (or true) posterior and an approximating distribution. Recently, variational inference has provided good generalization performance and computational tractability in many applications including learning mixture models. In this thesis, we propose several approaches for high-dimensional non-Gaussian data clustering based on various mixture models such as Dirichlet, generalized Dirichlet and Beta-Liouville. These mixture models are learned using variational inference which main advantages are computational efficiency and guaranteed convergence. More specifically, our contributions are four-fold. Firstly, we develop a variational inference algorithm for learning the finite Dirichlet mixture model, where model parameters and the model complexity can be determined automatically and simultaneously as part of the Bayesian inference procedure; Secondly, an unsupervised feature selection scheme is integrated with finite generalized Dirichlet mixture model for clustering high-dimensional non-Gaussian data; Thirdly, we extend the proposed finite generalized mixture model to the infinite case using a nonparametric Bayesian framework known as Dirichlet process, so that the difficulty of choosing the appropriate number of clusters is sidestepped by assuming that there are an infinite number of mixture components; Finally, we propose an online learning framework to learn a Dirichlet process mixture of Beta-Liouville distributions (i.e. an infinite Beta-Liouville mixture model), which is more suitable when dealing with sequential or large scale data in contrast to batch learning algorithm. The effectiveness of our approaches is evaluated using both synthetic and real-life challenging applications such as image databases categorization, anomaly intrusion detection, human action videos categorization, image annotation, facial expression recognition, behavior recognition, and dynamic textures clustering