24 research outputs found

    Solar wind collisional heating

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    To properly describe heating in weakly collisional turbulent plasmas such as the solar wind, inter-particle collisions should be taken into account. Collisions can convert ordered energy into heat by means of irreversible relaxation towards the thermal equilibrium. Recently, Pezzi et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116, 2016, p. 145001) showed that the plasma collisionality is enhanced by the presence of fine structures in velocity space. Here, the analysis is extended by directly comparing the effects of the fully nonlinear Landau operator and a linearized Landau operator. By focusing on the relaxation towards the equilibrium of an out of equilibrium distribution function in a homogeneous force-free plasma, here it is pointed out that it is significant to retain nonlinearities in the collisional operator to quantify the importance of collisional effects. Although the presence of several characteristic times associated with the dissipation of different phase space structures is recovered in both the cases of the nonlinear and the linearized operators, the influence of these times is different in the two cases. In the linearized operator case, the recovered characteristic times are systematically larger than in the fully nonlinear operator case, this suggesting that fine velocity structures are dissipated slower if nonlinearities are neglected in the collisional operator

    Plasma turbulence at ion scales: a comparison between PIC and Eulerian hybrid-kinetic approaches

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    Kinetic-range turbulence in magnetized plasmas and, in particular, in the context of solar-wind turbulence has been extensively investigated over the past decades via numerical simulations. Among others, one of the widely adopted reduced plasma model is the so-called hybrid-kinetic model, where the ions are fully kinetic and the electrons are treated as a neutralizing (inertial or massless) fluid. Within the same model, different numerical methods and/or approaches to turbulence development have been employed. In the present work, we present a comparison between two-dimensional hybrid-kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence obtained with two complementary approaches spanning about two decades in wavenumber - from MHD inertial range to scales well below the ion gyroradius - with a state-of-the-art accuracy. One approach employs hybrid particle-in-cell (HPIC) simulations of freely-decaying Alfv\'enic turbulence, whereas the other consists of Eulerian hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) simulations of turbulence continuously driven with partially-compressible large-scale fluctuations. Despite the completely different initialization and injection/drive at large scales, the same properties of turbulent fluctuations at kρi1k_\perp\rho_i\gtrsim1 are observed. The system indeed self-consistently "reprocesses" the turbulent fluctuations while they are cascading towards smaller and smaller scales, in a way which actually depends on the plasma beta parameter. Small-scale turbulence has been found to be mainly populated by kinetic Alfv\'en wave (KAW) fluctuations for β1\beta\geq1, whereas KAW fluctuations are only sub-dominant for low-β\beta.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Plasma Phys. (Collection: "The Vlasov equation: from space to laboratory plasma physics"

    Electron Signatures of Reconnection in a Global eVlasiator Simulation

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    Geospace plasma simulations have progressed toward more realistic descriptions of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction from magnetohydrodynamic to hybrid ion-kinetic, such as the state-of-the-art Vlasiator model. Despite computational advances, electron scales have been out of reach in a global setting. eVlasiator, a novel Vlasiator submodule, shows for the first time how electromagnetic fields driven by global hybrid-ion kinetics influence electrons, resulting in kinetic signatures. We analyze simulated electron distributions associated with reconnection sites and compare them with Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft observations. Comparison with MMS shows that key electron features, such as reconnection inflows, heated outflows, flat-top distributions, and bidirectional streaming, are in remarkable agreement. Thus, we show that many reconnection-related features can be reproduced despite strongly truncated electron physics and an ion-scale spatial resolution. Ion-scale dynamics and ion-driven magnetic fields are shown to be significantly responsible for the environment that produces electron dynamics observed by spacecraft in near-Earth plasmas.Peer reviewe