90 research outputs found

    Long Short-Term Memory Based Subsurface Drainage Control for Rainfall-Induced Landslide Prevention

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    Subsurface drainage has been widely accepted to mitigate the hazard of landslides in areas prone to flooding. Specifically, the use of drainage wells with pumping systems has been recognized as an effective short-term solution to lower the groundwater table. However, this method has not been well considered for long-term purposes due to potentially high labor costs. This study aims to investigate the idea of an autonomous pumping system for subsurface drainage by leveraging con-ventional geotechnical engineering solutions and a deep learning technique—Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)—to establish a geotechnical cyber-physical system for rainfall-induced landslide prevention. For this purpose, a typical soil slope equipped with three pumps was considered in a computer simulation. Forty-eight cases of rainfall events with a wide range of varieties in duration, total rainfall depths, and different rainfall patterns were generated. For each rainfall event, transient seepage analysis was performed using newly proposed Python code to obtain the corresponding pump’s flow rate data. A policy of water pumping for maintaining groundwater at a desired level was assigned to the pumps to generate the data. The LSTM takes rainfall event data as the input and predicts the required pump’s flow rate. The results from the trained model were validated using evaluation metrics of root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and R2. The R2-scores of 0.958, 0.962, and 0.954 for the predicted flow rates of the three pumps exhibited high accuracy of the predictions using the trained LSTM model. This study is intended to make a pio-neering step toward reaching an autonomous pumping system and lowering the operational costs in controlling geosystems

    Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

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    Each year, natural hazards such as earthquakes, cyclones, flooding, landslides, wildfires, avalanches, volcanic eruption, extreme temperatures, storm surges, drought, etc., result in widespread loss of life, livelihood, and critical infrastructure globally. With the unprecedented growth of the human population, largescale development activities, and changes to the natural environment, the frequency and intensity of extreme natural events and consequent impacts are expected to increase in the future.Technological interventions provide essential provisions for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards. The data obtained through remote sensing systems with varied spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions particularly provide prospects for furthering knowledge on spatiotemporal patterns and forecasting of natural hazards. The collection of data using earth observation systems has been valuable for alleviating the adverse effects of natural hazards, especially with their near real-time capabilities for tracking extreme natural events. Remote sensing systems from different platforms also serve as an important decision-support tool for devising response strategies, coordinating rescue operations, and making damage and loss estimations.With these in mind, this book seeks original contributions to the advanced applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques in understanding various dimensions of natural hazards through new theory, data products, and robust approaches

    Automated Landslide-Risk Prediction Using Web GIS and Machine Learning Models

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    Spatial susceptible landslide prediction is the one of the most challenging research areas which essentially concerns the safety of inhabitants. The novel geographic information web (GIW) application is proposed for dynamically predicting landslide risk in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The automated GIW system is coordinated between machine learning technologies, web technologies, and application programming interfaces (APIs). The new bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) algorithm is presented to forecast landslides. The proposed algorithm consists of 3 major steps, the first of which is the construction of a landslide dataset by using Quantum GIS (QGIS). The second step is to generate the landslide-risk model based on machine learning approaches. Finally, the automated landslide-risk visualization illustrates the likelihood of landslide via Google Maps on the website. Four static factors are considered for landslide-risk prediction, namely, land cover, soil properties, elevation and slope, and a single dynamic factor i.e., precipitation. Data are collected to construct a geospatial landslide database which comprises three historical landslide locations—Phu Chifa at Thoeng District, Ban Pha Duea at Mae Salong Nai, and Mai Salong Nok in Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai, Thailand. Data collection is achieved using QGIS software to interpolate contour, elevation, slope degree and land cover from the Google satellite images, aerial and site survey photographs while the physiographic and rock type are on-site surveyed by experts. The state-of-the-art machine learning models have been trained i.e., linear regression (LR), artificial neural network (ANN), LSTM, and Bi-LSTM. Ablation studies have been conducted to determine the optimal parameters setting for each model. An enhancement method based on two-stage classifications has been presented to improve the landslide prediction of LSTM and Bi-LSTM models. The landslide-risk prediction performances of these models are subsequently evaluated using real-time dataset and it is shown that Bi-LSTM with Random Forest (Bi-LSTM-RF) yields the best prediction performance. Bi-LSTM-RF model has improved the landslide-risk predicting performance over LR, ANNs, LSTM, and Bi-LSTM in terms of the area under the receiver characteristic operator (AUC) scores by 0.42, 0.27, 0.46, and 0.47, respectively. Finally, an automated web GIS has been developed and it consists of software components including the trained models, rainfall API, Google API, and geodatabase. All components have been interfaced together via JavaScript and Node.js tool

    Experimental study on the failure of loose accumulation landslides under rainfall conditions

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    Rainfall plays a pivotal role in triggering the failure of loose accumulation landslides. To understand their stability, it is essential to explore the deformation, failure patterns, fine particle migration, and infiltration behavior of such landslides under rainy conditions. Employing the Yuqiupo landslide as a case study, this research dissects the fundamental attributes of the Yuqiupo landslide through geological examinations. Moreover, the study replicates the failure of the loose accumulation landslide via artificial rainfall experiments. By employing acquired data on soil volumetric water content and matrix suction from these experiments and observing measurable shifts in the landslide’s failure progression and rainfall circumstances, the water-hydraulic conditions of the accumulation landslide are meticulously dissected. The conducted experiments disclose that the failure of the loose accumulation landslide emanates from the combined effects of preferential flow and matrix flow within unsaturated conditions. Rainfall triggers an elevation in soil moisture content and a concurrent decrease in matrix suction, compromising the slope’s stability and ultimately causing the landslide. Furthermore, our research includes a quantitative analysis of changes in particle size distribution before and after the landslide’s failure. This endeavor underscores the influence of distinct failure modes on the migration of fine particles, with these migration patterns distinctly shaped by prevailing rainfall conditions

    Climate-Triggered Drought as Causes for Different Degradation Types of Natural Forests: A Multitemporal Remote Sensing Analysis in NE Iran

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    Climate-triggered forest disturbances are increasing either by drought or by other climate extremes. Droughts can change the structure and function of forests in long-term or cause large-scale disturbances such as tree mortality, forest fires and insect outbreaks in short-term. Traditional approaches such as dendroclimatological surveys could retrieve the long-term responses of forest trees to drought conditions; however, they are restricted to individual trees or local forest stands. Therefore, multitemporal satellite-based approaches are progressing for holistic assessment of climate-induced forest responses from regional to global scales. However, little information exists on the efficiency of satellite data for analyzing the effects of droughts in different forest biomes and further studies on the analysis of approaches and large-scale disturbances of droughts are required. This research was accomplished for assessing satellite-derived physiological responses of the Caspian Hyrcanian broadleaves forests to climate-triggered droughts from regional to large scales in northeast Iran. The 16-day physiological anomalies of rangelands and forests were analysed using MODIS-derived indices concerning water content deficit and greenness loss, and their variations were spatially assessed with monthly and inter-seasonal precipitation anomalies from 2000 to 2016. Specifically, dimensions of forest droughts were evaluated in relations with the dimensions of meteorological and hydrological droughts. Large-scale effects of droughts were explored in terms of tree mortality, insect outbreaks, and forest fires using field observations, multitemporal Landsat and TerraClimate data. Various approaches were evaluated to explore forest responses to climate hazards such as traditional regression models, spatial autocorrelations, spatial regression models, and panel data models. Key findings revealed that rangelands’ anomalies did show positive responses to monthly and inter-seasonal precipitation anomalies. However, forests’ droughts were highly associated with increases in temperatures and evapotranspiration and were slightly associated with the decreases in precipitation and surface water level. The hazard intensity of droughts has affected the water content of forests higher than their greenness properties. The stages of moderate to extreme dieback of trees were significantly associated with the hazard intensity of the deficit of forests’ water content. However, the stage of severe defoliation was only associated with the hazard intensity of forests’ greenness loss. Climate hazards significantly triggered insect outbreaks and forest fires. Although maximum temperatures, precipitation deficit, availability of soil moisture and forest fires of the previous year could significantly trigger insect outbreaks, the maximum temperatures were the only significant triggers of forest fires from 2010‒2017. In addition to climate factors, environmental and anthropogenic factors could control fire severity during a dry season. The overall evaluation indicated the evidence of spatial associations between satellite-derived forest disturbances and climate hazards. Future studies are required to apply the approaches that could handle big-data, use the satellite data that have finer wavelengths for large-scale mapping of forest disturbances, and discriminate climate-induced forest disturbances from those that induced by other biotic and abiotic agents.Klimagbedingte Waldstörungen nehmen entweder durch Dürre oder durch andere Klimaextreme zu. Dürren können langfristig die Struktur und Funktion der Wälder verändern oder kurzfristig große Störungen wie Baumsterben, Waldbrände und Insektenausbrüche verursachen. Traditionelle Ansätze wie dendroklimatologische Untersuchungen könnten die langfristigen Reaktionen von Waldbäumen auf Dürrebedingungen aufzeigen, sie sind aber auf einzelne Bäume oder lokale Waldbestände beschränkt. Daher werden multitemporale satellitengestützte Ansätze zur ganzheitlichen Bewertung von klimabedingten Waldreaktionen auf regionaler bis globaler Ebene weiterentwickelt. Es gibt jedoch nur wenige Informationen über die Effizienz von Satellitendaten zur Analyse der Auswirkungen von Dürren in verschiedenen Waldbiotopen. Daher sind weitere Studien zur Analyse von Ansätzen und großräumigen Störungen von Dürren erforderlich. Diese Forschung wurde durchgeführt, um die aus Satellitendaten gewonnenen physiologischen Reaktionen der im Nordosten Irans gelegenen kaspischen hyrkanischen Laubwälder auf klimabedingte Dürren auf lokaler und regionaler Ebene zu bewerten. Auf der Grundlage der aus MODIS-Daten abgeleiteten Indizes wurden die 16-tägigen physiologischen Anomalien von Weideland und Wäldern in Bezug auf Wassergehaltsdefizit und Grünverlust analysiert und ihre Variationen räumlich mit monatlichen und intersaisonalen Niederschlagsanomalien von 2000 bis 2016 bewertet. Insbesondere wurden die Dimensionen der Walddürre in Verbindung mit den Dimensionen der meteorologischen und hydrologischen Dürre bewertet. Großräumige Auswirkungen von Dürren wurden in Bezug auf Baumsterblichkeit, Insektenausbrüche und Waldbrände mit Hilfe von Feldbeobachtungen, multitemporalen Landsat- und TerraClimate Daten untersucht. Verschiedene Ansätze wurden ausgewertet, um Waldreaktionen auf Klimagefahren wie traditionelle Regressionsmodelle, räumliche Autokorrelationen, räumliche Regressionsmodelle und Paneldatenmodelle zu untersuchen. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Anomalien von Weideland positive Reaktionen auf monatliche und intersaisonale Niederschlagsanomalien aufweisen. Die Dürren in den Wäldern waren jedoch in hohem Maße mit Temperaturerhöhungen und Evapotranspiration verbunden und standen in geringem Zusammenhang mit dem Rückgang von Niederschlägen und des Oberflächenwasserspiegels. Die Gefährdungsintensität von Dürren hat den Wassergehalt von Wäldern stärker beeinflusst als die Eigenschaften ihres Blattgrüns. Die Stufen mittlerer bis extremer Baumsterblichkeit waren signifikant mit der Gefährdungsintensität des Defizits des Wassergehalts der Wälder verbunden. Das Ausmaß der starken Entlaubung hing jedoch nur mit der Gefährdungsintensität des Grünverlustes der Wälder zusammen. Die Klimagefahren haben zu deutlichen Insektenausbrüchen und Waldbränden geführt. Obwohl Maximaltemperaturen, Niederschlagsdefizite, fehlende Bodenfeuchte und Waldbrände des Vorjahres deutlich Insektenausbrüche auslösen konnten, waren die Maximaltemperaturen die einzigen signifikanten Auslöser von Waldbränden von 2010 bis 2017. Neben den Klimafaktoren können auch umweltbedingte und anthropogene Faktoren den Schweregrad eines Brandes während einer Trockenzeit beeinflussen. Die Gesamtbewertung zeigt Hinweise auf räumliche Zusammenhänge zwischen aus Satellitendaten abgeleiteten Waldstörungen und Klimagefahren. Weitere Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um Ansätze anzuwenden, die mit großen Datenmengen umgehen können, die Satellitendaten in einer hohen spektralen Auflösung für die großmaßstäbige Kartierung von Waldstörungen verwenden und die klimabedingte Waldstörungen von denen zu unterscheiden, die durch andere biotische und abiotische Faktoren verursacht werden

    Risk Management in Environment, Production and Economy

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    The term "risk" is very often associated with negative meanings. However, in most cases, many opportunities can present themselves to deal with the events and to develop new solutions which can convert a possible danger to an unforeseen, positive event. This book is a structured collection of papers dealing with the subject and stressing the importance of a relevant issue such as risk management. The aim is to present the problem in various fields of application of risk management theories, highlighting the approaches which can be found in literature

    Impact of Technological and Structural Change on Employment: Prospective Analysis 2020. Background Report

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    Abstract not availableJRC.J-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville

    Weather or not? The role of international sanctions and climate on food prices in Iran

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    IntroductionThe scarcity of resources have affected food production, which has challenged the ability of Iran to provide adequate food for the population. Iterative and mounting sanctions on Iran by the international community have seriously eroded Iran's access to agricultural technology and resources to support a growing population. Limited moisture availability also affects Iran's agricultural production. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of inflation, international sanctions, weather disturbances, and domestic crop production on the price of rice, wheat and lentils from 2010 to 2021 in Iran.MethodData were obtained from the statistical yearbooks of the Ministry of Agriculture in Iran, Statistical Center of Iran, and the Central Bank of Iran. We analyzed econometric measures of food prices, including CPI, food inflation, subsidy reform plan and sanctions to estimate economic relationships. After deflating the food prices through CPI and detrending the time series to resolve the non-linear issue, we used monthly Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) precipitation data to analyze the influence of weather disturbances on food prices.Results and discussionThe price of goods not only provides an important indicator of the balance between agricultural production and market demand, but also has strong impacts on food affordability and food security. This novel study used a combination of economic and climate factors to analyze the food prices in Iran. Our statistical modeling framework found that the monthly precipitation on domestic food prices, and ultimately food access, in the country is much less important than the international sanctions, lowering Iran's productive capability and negatively impacting its food security
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