1,597 research outputs found

    Hybrid Smart Transformer for Enhanced Power System Protection Against DC With Advanced Grid Support

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    The traditional grid is rapidly transforming into smart substations and grid assets incorporating advanced control equipment with enhanced functionalities and rapid self-healing features. The most important and strategic equipment in the substation is the transformer and is expected to perform a variety of functions beyond mere voltage conversion and isolation. While the concept of smart solid-state transformers (SSTs) is being widely recognized, their respective lifetime and reliability raise concerns, thus hampering the complete replacement of traditional transformers with SSTs. Under this scenario, introducing smart features in conventional transformers utilizing simple, cost-effective, and easy to install modules is a highly desired and logical solution. This dissertation is focused on the design and evaluation of a power electronics-based module integrated between the neutral of power transformers and substation ground. The proposed module transforms conventional transformers into hybrid smart transformers (HST). The HST enhances power system protection against DC flow in grid that could result from solar storms, high-elevation nuclear explosions, monopolar or ground return mode (GRM) operation of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission and non-ideal switching in inverter-based resources (IBRs). The module also introduces a variety of advanced grid-support features in conventional transformers. These include voltage regulation, voltage and impedance balancing, harmonics isolation, power flow control and voltage ride through (VRT) capability for distributed energy resources (DERs) or grid connected IBRs. The dissertation also proposes and evaluates a hybrid bypass switch for HST module and associated transformer protection during high-voltage events at the module output, such as, ground faults, inrush currents, lightning and switching transients. The proposed strategy is evaluated on a scaled hardware prototype utilizing controller hardware-in-the-loop (C-HIL) and power hardware-in-the-loop (P-HIL) techniques. The dissertation also provides guidelines for field implementation and deployment of the proposed HST scheme. The device is proposed as an all-inclusive solution to multiple grid problems as it performs a variety of functions that are currently being performed through separate devices increasing efficiency and justifying its installation

    Power quality disturbances assessment during unintentional islanding scenarios. A contribution to voltage sag studies

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    This paper presents a novel voltage sag topology that occurs during an unintentional islanding operation (IO) within a distribution network (DN) due to large induction motors (IMs). When a fault occurs, following the circuit breaker (CB) fault clearing, transiently, the IMs act as generators due to their remanent kinetic energy until the CB reclosing takes place. This paper primarily contributes to voltage sag characterization. Therefore, this novel topology is presented, analytically modelled and further validated. It is worth mentioning that this voltage sag has been identified in a real DN in which events have been recorded for two years. The model validation of the proposed voltage sag is done via digital simulations with a model of the real DN implemented in Matlab considering a wide range of scenarios. Both simulations and field measurements confirm the voltage sag analytical expression presented in this paper as well as exhibiting the high accuracy achieved in the three-phase model adopted.Postprint (published version

    Innovative Differential Protection Scheme for Microgrids Based on RC Current Sensor

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    The modern power system and future ones include several intelligent devices. It also integrates renewable energy sources, energy storage, energy microgrid control system, hybrid networks, and smart grids with the wide application of information technology and communication. The most crucial goal in the smart grid application is improving safety reliability within the network. Recent studies have recommended the development of smart grid technology that enhances the reliability of electric power systems increases efficiency and improves the detection of faults for protection; this will reduce the duration of interruption of the number of customers affected by the outages. Moreover, smart grid technology decreases the power loss of energy usage and improves the efficiency of the system. And protection is one of the most important challenges facing smart grid deployment. In this chapter, protection for smart grids using differential relays is presented. The differential scheme is a very reliable method of ensuring the safety of protected areas. This chapter discusses the differential relay parameters with various fault conditions. Therefore, the protection scheme affirms the rapid separation of the fault zone to reduce damage to the equipment. The simulation results show that the method is effective and reliable

    Modeling of a Contact-Less Electric-Vehicle Battery-Charging Station Fed from On-Grid Photovoltic Arrays

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are environmental friendly due to no exhaust gases or carbon dioxide. In addition, there is no noise through operation. However, up to now, there are some challenges that facing its spread through all over the world. The main problem that these vehicles face is the fast charging process of the used batteries through neat and clean source without plugs. So, this chapter deals with a proposed method for a contactless battery charger of both electric and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) from renewable resources. The chapter proposes a public station for fast charging. This station implies off-board battery charger fed from on-grid (OG) photovoltaic (PV) arrays through inductively power transfer (IPT). This comfortable 100 kW contactless power station is designed, modeled, and simulated as a general software package reliable to be used for any other station design. The air gap of the air-core transformer (ACT) divides the station into two parts. The first part implies roof-mounted PV array with its intelligent-controlled maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique, power converter, three-level power inverter, and resonant compensator converter that operates at high frequency. The second one includes rectifiers and switched mode power converter with smart controller. The chapter includes samples for simulation results that are obtained from the Matlab software package

    Grid Forming Wind Power Plants: Black start operation for HVAC grids and Diode Rectifier-based Wind Power Plant integration

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La Unión Europea plantea una serie de retos en el GREEN DEAL para conseguir un escenario donde sus miembros sean climáticamente neutros en 2050. Para ello se plantean unas acciones entre las que destaca la descarbonización del sector de la energía. Por otra parte, se ha puesto como objetivo conseguir una capacidad de energía eólica de 1200 GW en 2050, desde los 190 GW que se tenía en 2019. El cierre de centrales eléctricas basadas en grandes generadores síncronos junto con el aumento en la construcción de centrales eléctricas con fuentes basadas en electrónica de potencia como parques eólicos o plantas fotovoltaicas, hace necesario la incorporación de controladores grid forming en energías renovables basadas en electrónica de potencia. La integración de estrategias de control grid forming en turbinas eólicas debe considerar las funciones de reparto de potencia activa y reactiva (control droop en generadores síncronos), así como un sistema de protección ante faltas que permita una recuperación rápida cuando se despeja la falta. Por otra parte, en la transición de los actuales parques eólicos grid following que funcionan como fuentes de corriente a parques eólicos grid forming que funcionan como fuentes de tensión se debe considerar que ambas tecnologías van a coexistir conjuntamente por mucho tiempo. Por tanto, se hace necesario el estudio de estabilidad de parques eólicos con ambas tecnologías, así como el estudio de cuanta generación grid forming es necesaria para mantener el parque eólico estable en cualquier situación. Además, el uso de parques eólicos grid foming permite diferentes aplicaciones como la energización de redes eléctricas después de un apagón desde estos parques eólicos, o el uso de diodos rectificadores en enlaces HVDC para la conexión de parques eólicos marinos. Para facilitar el estudio y diseño de aerogeneradores grid forming, en la presente tesis se propone una técnica de agregación de aerogeneradores tipo-4. Esta técnica permite reducir la complejidad del parque eólico para su estudio y análisis. Esta tesis incluye las siguientes contribuciones: Para el funcionamiento de aerogeneradores grid forming en paralelo con aerogeneradores grid following se propone un método de diseño analizando la estabilidad del sistema completo. Además, se propone una estrategia de control ante faltas para asegurar una recuperación rápida y segura. Se propone el uso de técnicas de control H∞ para la sintonización de controladores grid forming. El uso de estas técnicas para el diseño de controladores puede mejorar la robustez de los controladores, así como el rendimiento de estos. Considerando la aplicación de la energización de redes HVAC desde parques eólicos, se ha propuesto como llevar a cabo dicha maniobra a partir de parque con aerogeneradores grid forming y grid following. Los resultados obtenidos validan el funcionamiento de la operación. Además, muestran que la cantidad de generación grid forming está relacionada con la dimensión de cargas que tienen que aguantar dichas turbinas más que con la estabilidad del sistema con un porcentaje bajo de generación grid forming. Finalmente, se han propuesto estrategias de protección para la integración de parque eólicos en redes malladas HVDC utilizando rectificadores de diodos. Los parques eólicos grid forming pueden ayudar a gestionar faltas disminuyendo los requisitos en las protecciones necesarias en el enlace HVDC. Esto permite una reducción del coste de la instalación, además de aumentar la robustez del sistema.[CA] La Unió Europea planteja uns reptes al GREEN DEAL per a aconseguir un escenario on els seus membres siguen climàticament neutrals al 2050. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu es plantegen unes accions entre les quals destaca la de descarbonitzar el sector energètic. D'altra banda, s'ha posat com a objectiu aconseguir una capacitat d'energia eòlica de 1200 GW al 2050, des dels 190 GW que es tenia al 2019. El tancament de centrals elèctriques basades en grans generadors síncrons juntament amb l'augment en la construcció de centrals elèctriques basades en electrónica de potència com a parcs eòlics o plantes fotovoltaiques, fa necessari la incorporació de controladors grid forming en energies renovables que es basan en electrònica de potència. La integració d'estratègies de control grid forming per a turbines eòliques ha de considerar les funcions de repartiment de potència activa i reactiva, així com un sistema de protecció davant faltes que permeta una recuperació ràpida quan s'aïlla la falta. D'altra banda, en la transició dels actuals parcs eòlics grid following que funcionen com a fonts de corrent a parcs eòlics grid forming que funcionen com a fonts de tensió, s'ha de considerar que totes dues tecnologies coexistiran conjuntament per molt de temps. Per tant, es fa necessari l'estudi d'estabilitat d'un parc eòlic amb totes dues tecnologies, així com l'estudi del percentatge de generació grid forming necessari per a mantindre el parc eòlic estable en qualsevol situació. A més, l'ús de parcs eòlics grid foming permet diferents aplicacions com l'energització de xarxes elèctriques després d'una apagada des d'aquests parcs eòlics, o l'ús de díodes rectificadors en enllaços HVDC per a la connexió de parcs eòlics marins. Per a facilitar l'estudi i disseny d'aerogeneradors grid forming, en la present tesi es proposa una tècnica d'agregació d'aerogeneradors tipus-4. Aquesta técnica permet reduir la complexitat del parc eòlic per al seu estudi i anàlisi. La present tesi inclou les següents contribucions: Per al funcionament d'aerogeneradors grid forming en paral¿lel amb aerogeneradors grid following es proposa un mètode de disseny analitzant l'estabilitat del sistema complet. A més, es proposa una estratègia de control davant faltes per a assegurar una recuperació ràpida i segura. Es proposa l'ús de tècniques de control H∞ per a la sintonització de controladors grid forming. L'ús d'aquestes tècniques per al disseny de controladors pot millorar la robustesa dels controladors, a mé del rendiment d'aquestos. Considerant l'aplicació de l'energització de xarxes HVAC des de parcs eòlics, s'ha proposat com dur a terme aquesta maniobra a partir d'un parc eòlic amb aerogeneradors grid forming i grid following. Els resultats obtinguts validen el funcionament de l'operació. A més, mostren que la quantitat de generació grid forming està més relacionada amb la dimensió de les càrregues que ha d'aguantar el parc eòlic, que amb l'estabilitat del sistema que permet un menr percentatge de generació grid forming. Finalment, s'han proposat estratègies de protecció per a la integració de parcs eòlics marins en xarxes multi-punt HVDC utilitzant rectificadors de díodes. Els parcs eòlics grid forming poden ajudar a gestionar faltes disminuint els requisits de les proteccions necessàries en l'enllaç HVDC. Això permet una reducció del cost de la instal¿lació, a més d'augmentar la robustesa del sistema.[EN] The European Union GREEN DEAL aims to make its 27 members climate-neutral by 2050. The decarbonization of the energy sector stands out as one of the proposed actions. To achieve that goal, the target for wind power generation is set at 1,200 GW in 2050, from the 190 GW that was had in 2019. The closure of power plants based on large synchronous generators and the increase of power electronics based generation such as Wind Power Plants (WPPs) or photovoltaic plants, leads to the use of grid forming controllers for power electronics based renewable energy. Grid forming control strategies for wind turbines generators (WTGs) must consider active and reactive power sharing control (droop control in synchronous generators) as well as a protection system that allows a quick recovery after fault clearance. Moreover, a transition from the conventional grid following WPPs to new grid forming WPPs is required. The transition must consider the parallel operation of both technologies for a long time. Thus, it is necessary to study the stability of Wind Power Plants with both technologies, as well as the study of how much grid forming generation is required to keep a mixed grid forming and grid following WPP stable in any situation. In addition, the use of grid forming WPPs allows different applications such as the energization of HVAC and HVDC grids after a blackout from these WPPs, or the use of diode rectifiers in HVDC links for the off-shore WPPs connection. An aggregation technique for type-4 WTGs has been proposed in this thesis in order to facilitate the study and design of grid forming WPPs. The aggregation technique allows to reduce the WPP complexity for its study and analysis. The main contributions of this theses are: A design methodology has been proposed for the parallel operation of grid forming and grid following WTGs. Including the stability analysis of the complete system. Additionally, a fault control strategy is proposed to ensure a fast and safe recovery. The use of H∞ control techniques is also proposed for grid forming controller tuning. Using H∞ control techniques for controller design may improve the robustness of the controllers as well as the performance of the controllers. A procedure to carry out black start operation of HVAC grid from mixed grid forming and grid following WPPs has been proposed. The obtained results validate that the procedure works as expected. Moreover, the results show that the amount of grid-forming generation usually is determined by the load size steps as stability limits are usually less stringent. Finally, protection strategies have been proposed for the integration of off-shore WWPs in multi-terminal HVDC grids using diode rectifiers. Grid forming WPPs are able to help managing faults. Their use allow lower requirements of the HVDC protection equipment, leading to overall cost reduction and an increment of the system robustness.Martínez Turégano, J. (2022). Grid Forming Wind Power Plants: Black start operation for HVAC grids and Diode Rectifier-based Wind Power Plant integration [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181529TESISCompendi

    Improve the Flexibility of Power Distribution Network by Using Back-to-back Voltage Source Converter

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    Employing increasing distributed generations (DGs) into existing distribution networks is an inevitable trend of the development of modern electric power systems because of the benefits including the environmentally friendly generation, higher efficiency and improved flexibility and reliability. However, high DG penetration level could pose various issues among which the voltage violation and fault level increase are the most concerned. According to the current situation of UK distribution networks, voltage violation is likely to be the first constraint to be met when DG penetration level is increased to certain level. Therefore, compensators are considered to be implemented to regulate the voltage. The reactive power compensators that widely used in transmission systems appear less effective in distribution networks thus active power compensation is desired. Soft-open points (SOPs) are power-electronic devices used replacing the normally-open points which can control active power transfer between two feeders and/or provide reactive power compensation. The back-to-back voltage source converter (B2B-VSC) is preferred as the SOP because of its capability of restricting fault current despite that it has higher power loss and associated capital cost. Two types of controller are developed for the B2B-VSC-based SOP: one is based on the PI control theory and the other is based on the concept of synchronverters. For the former type, the controller design is introduced comprehensively including system modelling and parameters selection. The precise selection of the damping ratio for nonstandard second-order system is derived, and a technique of resetting integrator in output voltage controller loop to achieve fast and smooth islanding transition is proposed. For the latter type, modifications are made to adapt the synchronverter idea to the application of an SOP. Simulations and experiments are carried out to validate the controller designs and both the controllers are verified to be able to provide sufficient performance on voltage regulation, fault current restriction and independent load supply in island mode. In general, the controller based on PI control theory has better performance in fault condition thanks to the current control loop, and the controller based on synchronverter owns better reliability because it does not require additional detections and signal switches inside the controller. At last, the use of an SOP in a dynamic load dominated network after the loss of mains is further investigated. Torque-speed characteristic is used to analyse the influence of the VSC’s filter impedance on the stability margin of an induction motor. Though the filter impedance can significantly decrease the stability margin, the output impedance of the VSC can be mitigated by properly designing the output voltage controller. Simulation and experiment are carried out to validate the analyses and controller design. The results show that the VSC is capable of supplying an induction motor in island mode