29 research outputs found

    Learning Style and Perception on Hybrid Learning

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    Learning style is unique. Knowing learning styles helps students and universities to be more effective and efficient. It plays an essential role in selecting the right teaching methodology. The aim of this research is to study the students’ perceptions on hybrid learning and learning style. Another objective is analysing the perception on hybrid learning according to their learning. The study sample consists of 89 students of universities in Albania. SPSS 20 and JASP- have been used to analyse the data. The statistical analyses used in this research are: the distribution table, contingency tables, Student\u27s T-Test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test and One-Way ANOVA. Results indicated that most students belong to the visual learning style. There were no correlations between the perceptions on hybrid learning and learning styles. Students have a positive perception for hybrid learning


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    Abstract: Language clubs have been reported to be effective in learning languages, increasing motivation and independence (Gao, 2009). The present study was an attempt to investigate the effect of a web-based language club on the language proficiency of Iranian EFL learners. A number of pre-intermediate learners form two universities (118) were selected among 154 through a test of proficiency (TOEFL PBL), then they were put into experimental and control groups. The participants in experimental group got on line and acted as a member of a virtual language club for a period of 6 months. They got involved with activities like emailing, chatting, and weblogging. Data were collected through TOEFL PBL. The analyzed data from the test of proficiency indicated the outperformance of those in experimental group. Consequently, it might be proposed that web-based language clubs can make language learning easier and more efficient.      Keywords: Web-based language club, English Proficiency, EFL learner

    Diseño de clases para la gestión efectiva de grupos docentes

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    Póster presentado en EDUNOVATIC 2022, VII Congreso Virtual Internacional de Educación, Innovación y TIC, 14-15 diciembre 2022.¿Cuál es la manera más efectiva de organizar una asignatura donde están involucrados un grupo heterogéneo de profesores? Quizás la respuesta no está en la forma de organizar, sino más bien en cómo se estructura y planifica la docencia de dicha asignatura. El desafío latente es el de coordinar una asignatura con 12 profesores diferentes, entre ellos varios profesores asociados, donde se pretende mantener el mismo nivel educativo, pues la evaluación de todos los grupos, es la misma. Hasta ahora, se hacía una gestión de personal directa y cercana por parte del coordinador para llevar un control de cómo evoluciona cada grupo. Para evitar esa supervisión que supone gran carga de trabajo para un docente, y asegurar una mayor efectividad docente, se ha procedido a llevar la planificación de la asignatura un paso más allá. Hasta ahora existía un material compuesto por apuntes de teoría y ejercicios, con un cronograma vago basado en la experiencia de los profesionales que llevaban más tiempo impartiendo la asignatura. Como innovación, se ha procedido a hacer lo siguiente: 1) Imponer el objetivo de enseñar como máximo 3 elementos nuevos en cada clase. 2) Separar cada tema por lecciones individuales que han de verse en una sesión. 3) Asignar ejercicios a cada lección para afianzar el aprendizaje y que este sea teórico-práctico. 4) Diseñar un cronograma global de la asignatura totalmente especificado donde se incluyen objetivos de evaluación. Como resultado, se ha logrado optimizar los tiempos y llevar una sincronización completa entre el profesorado de la asignatura, sobre todo en aquellos grupos compartidos. Además, este sistema ha permitido optimizar el contenido de cada tema, con el diseño adecuado de ejercicios. A su vez, esta estructura ofrece al alumnado una mayor claridad de qué se va a aprender cada día y cuáles son los objetivos de aprendizaje

    Application of Blended Learning through Practical Project-based Instruction: Opportunities and Constraints

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    This paper aims to highlight the application of Blended Learning (BL) for practical courses in the architecture program in the COVID-19 period. Physical Environment course is a theoretical module for first-year undergraduate students in the architecture program. Despite the course being written in theoretical structure, it was proposed to reorient the course into mixed methods with practical activities through online researching, site visiting, and reporting. This research applied a qualitative method with the application of case study, structured observation, content analysis, graphical analysis, and interpretation techniques. The data was collected from 40 students divided into ten groups, four students per group, to discover the application of BL in a practical and project-based activity. The findings of the research showed the students faced limitations to access the search engines and scientific sources to collect the sources for exercises. A half part of the group did plagiarism in the citation and referencing of the reports. The students present more accurate data in the site visiting and practical activities than the theoretical part. To conclude, the application of BL requires sufficient infrastructure for access to online materials through institutions. The implementation of BL helps the students to personalize and specialize the learning process through their own report design and exercises that are more effective for course delivery. Although the BL is implemented just in the activity and course levels by staff and students, BL mode requires to set-up in both program and institutional levels to achieve the result

    The Effectiveness of Hybrid Learning in Improving of Teacher-Student Relationship in Terms of Learning Motivation

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    The Advanced Mathematical Thinking (AMT) ability is one of the prioritized mathematical abilities needed to be developed in learning mathematics during tertiary education. The present study sought to test the effectiveness of hybrid learning in improving students' advanced mathematical thinking. The research used a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The subject of this study was students of a mathematics education study program at a university in Bandung who attended lecture for the multi-variable in a calculus course. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Of the many variable calculus classes consisting of 2 classes, one class was chosen as the experiment group and the other class as the control group. The sample consists of 40 people for each group. Data analysis used the MANOVA test with normality and homogeneity tests as a prerequisite test. The results showed a difference in AMT's significance between the hybrid learning and conventional groups, where hybrid learning had a higher AMT. Other than that, there is a difference in the significance of AMT between the high motivation group and the low motivation group, where high motivation has a higher AMT, and there is an interaction of learning models and motivational factors to increase AMT. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01288 Full Text: PD


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    Un repositorio es un espacio específico donde se almacena, organiza, mantiene y difunde información digital, habitualmente archivos informáticos, que pueden contener trabajos científicos, conjuntos de datos, entre otros, donde los académicos aprovecharon dicha red para compartir sus investigaciones con otros usuarios o colegas. Los datos almacenados en un repositorio pueden otorgarse a través de una red informática, que quiere decir esto, que cada dato que se almacene en un repositorio se puede repartir por la redo internet o por un medio físico tanto así pueden llegar a ser públicos o privados, los repositorios digitales son conocidos por lo que la información que dan son académicos e institucional. PALABRAS CLAVE: repositorio; información digital; conjuntos de datos; portafolio digital. THE DIGITAL PORTFOLIO AS A TOOL FOR THE TRAINING OF INTERNAL ROTATIONAL DOCTORS IN THE GENERAL HOSPITAL OF THE ECUADORIAN INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SECURITY OF SANTO DOMINGO ABSTRACT A repository is a specific space where digital information is stored, organized, maintained and disseminated, usually computer files, which may contain scientific works, data sets, among others, where academics took advantage of this network to share their research with other users or colleagues. The data stored in a repository can be provided through a computer network, which means this, that each data that is stored in a repository can be distributed by the Internet or by a physical means, so much so that they can become public or private , digital repositories are known for what the information they give are academic and institutional. KEYWORDS: repository; digital information; data sets; digital portfolio

    Integrasi Aktivitas Belajar Tri Hita Karana Berorientasi 4C dalam Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA SD

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    This study aims to integrate the 4C-oriented Tri Hita Karana learning activities in the Elementary Science Basic Concepts course in: (i) initial activities; (ii) core activities; and (iii) closing activities. The results of this literature review, namely: (i) the integration of learning activities in the initial activities carried out by paying attention to the learning environment, learning resources, and the readiness of educators and students from both psychological and cognitive aspects; (ii) the integration of learning activities into the core activities is carried out by conveying learning objectives, presenting natural phenomena, carrying out technical learning according to the design or lesson plans, and concluding lessons; and (iii) the integration of learning activities in closing activities is carried out by maintaining the learning environment, assessing the learning process, and submitting the next learning plan. The three forms of learning activities implement Tri Hita Karana-based educational and teaching values, namely religious, spiritual, humanist, democratic, nationalist, environmental aesthetics, and ecological and are oriented towards creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, communication ( 4C

    Ferramentas Tecnológicas e Metodologias de Apoio à Aprendizagem Personalizada no Ensino Superior: uma Revisão Sistemática

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    Tecnologias educacionais e e-learning são facilitadores da personalização do processo de aprendizagem e da promoção do self-paced learning. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os desafios e os pontos positivos das implementações e modelos que abordam esses conceitos e propor funcionalidades para uma ferramenta de apoio à aprendizagem. Para isso, foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura seguindo a metodologia de Kitchenham. Foram selecionados 31 artigos de 4 bases internacionais, os quais foram classificados segundo conceitos, metodologias, plataformas, pontos positivos e desafios apresentados. A análise indicou o blended learning como metodologia mais abordada, a flexibilidade como ponto positivo mais citado e a falta de interação como maior desafio encontrado. Os resultados mostraram que há elementos de e-learning presentes em universidades do mundo todo e que ferramentas tecnológicas de apoio são eficientes na personalização e melhoria do processo de aprendizagem