10 research outputs found

    Pembobotan dan Optimasi untuk Pemilihan Distributor PT Maan Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari

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    Dalam industri manufaktur hubungan antara produsen dan konsumen tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan distributor karena distributor memiliki tugas menyalurkan produk yang dihasilkan produsen kepada konsumen. Jika peran distributor kurang optimal maka proses pendistribusian barang kepada konsumen juga kurang maksimal. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibahas suatu model penyelesaian untuk kasus pemilihan distributor dengan studi kasus di PT Maan Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari Jombang Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan untuk permasalahan ini yaitu metode analytical hierarchy process untuk pembobotan dan metode goal programming untuk optimasi. Kriteria dan alternatif distributor ditentukan oleh PT Maan Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari dimana terdapat lima kriteria dan sepuluh alternatif distributor. Dari kesepuluh alternatif pilihan tersebut jika dipilih hanya 1 distributor hasilnya kurang optimal karena permodalan yang dibutuhkan masih kurang dari target Perusahaan. Hasil optimal ketika output yang dihasilkan terpilih 3 distributor

    Pembobotan dan Optimasi Untuk Pemilihan Distributor PT Maan Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari

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    oai:ejurnal.its.ac.id:article/1001Dalam industri manufaktur hubungan antara produsen dan konsumen tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan distributor karena distributor memiliki tugas menyalurkan produk yang dihasilkan produsen kepada konsumen. Jika peran distributor kurang optimal maka proses pendistribusian barang kepada konsumen juga kurang maksimal. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibahas suatu model penyelesaian untuk kasus pemilihan distributor dengan studi kasus di PT Maan Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari Jombang Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan untuk permasalahan ini yaitu metode analytical hierarchy process untuk pembobotan dan metode goal programming untuk optimasi. Kriteria dan alternatif distributor ditentukan oleh PT Maan Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari dimana terdapat lima kriteria dan sepuluh alternatif distributor. Dari kesepuluh alternatif pilihan tersebut jika dipilih hanya 1 distributor hasilnya kurang optimal karena permodalan yang dibutuhkan masih kurang dari target perusahaan. Hasil optimal ketika output yang dihasilkan terpilih 3 distributor

    Interaction among the Criteria Affecting Main Battle Tank Selection: An Analysis with DEMATEL Method

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    Main battle tanks (MBTs) have always been in the heart of all military campaigns and have enabled armies to fight across the full spectrum of war. Countries need to consider the complex interactions between subsystems of MBTs in the decision phase of a design process or MBT acquisition. In order to define the interaction among the subsystems of ‘system of systems’, which is MBT system for this case, this study aims to determine the criteria and their sub criteria affecting MBT selection problem and to analyse the cause and effect relations among these criteria. The criteria and the complex interaction among them have been determined by consulting a group of experts. Because of multiple complex criteria interactions in MBT selection problem, decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method is used as a multiple criteria decision making method. DEMATEL method is applied on the main and the sub criteria separately to understand the cause and effect relations. The results show that Survivability main criterion has the strongest central role among the main criteria for MBT selection, while the followers are firepower, mobility and command and control (C2). It is also shown that, in terms of sub criteria for MBT selection, ballistic protection, a sub criterion of survivability main criterion, has the highest degree of influence over most of the other sub criteria. However, physical dimensions/silhouette, another sub criterion of survivability, is the most affected sub criteria. The top five sub criteria in terms of central role are determined as physical dimensions/silhouette, ballistic protection, power/weight ratio, ground pressure and suspension system


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    Allocation of computer resources is becoming an increasing problem both within and outside of computer centre, with budgets fixed and demands increasing system analyst and designers are looking for ways to more effectively and efficiently utilize existing hardware and to design better system. Goal programming model was designed to allow optimization of multi-criteria as needed in this process. This paper deals with application of goal programming to system analysis and design phase of computer implementations and usage

    Bulanık aksiyomatik tasarım ve hedef programlama ile bir ürün tasarımı : içecek üretim tesisinde bir uygulama

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar kelimeler: Ürün tasarımı problemi, hedef programlama, bulanık aksiyomatik tasarım tekniği Bu tez çalışmasında içecek sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firmanın ürün tasarım problemi ele alınarak çözülmüştür. Firma başlangıçta bir parti olarak üreteceği ve sonrasında seri üretimine devam edip etmeyeceği belirsiz olan bir içeceğin şişesinin tasarım problemi ile karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Firma ilgili ürün için üretim hattında kalıp ve reçete yatırımı yapmak durumunda kalırsa, birim ürüne ait sabit maliyetler artacağı için proje kârlı bulunmayacaktır. Bu sebeple firma, mevcut üretim hattı spesifikasyonlarını değiştirmeden müşterisinin talebine cevap vermek istemektedir. Bunu yapabilmek için de üretimini yapacağı ürüne ait şişenin tasarım problemini mevcut bir şişe tasarımı üzerinden yola çıkarak çözmeye karar vermiştir. Yeni şişe tasarım problemi, mevcut hat spesifikasyonlarında değişikliğe neden olmaması, üretim hızını belirli bir seviyede tutması ve aynı zamanda müşteri beğenisine de hitap etmesi olmak üzere üç hedefe sahiptir. Bu hedeflerden müşteri beğenisi, insanın doğal karar verme süreçlerini daha iyi ifade edebilmesi bakımından bulanık verilerle ifade edilmiştir. Çalışmada müşteri beğenisine ait bulanık veriler bulanık aksiyomatik tasarım (BAT) tekniği ile ele alınmış ve elde edilen değerler, söz konusu üç hedefi de dikkate alan bir karma tamsayılı doğrusal olmayan hedef programlama modelinde kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmayı yapmadan önce, yeni şişe tasarım projeleri deneme yanılma yöntemi ile yapılmaktaydı. Kabaca hesaplanan şişe parametreleri terdarikçiye verilerek çizim yaptırılmakta, yaptırılan çizim onaylanırsa deneme kalıbı satın alınmaktaydı. Fabrikaya gelen deneme kalıbında preformlar şişirilmekte ve bunlara dolum hattında su doldurularak test edilmekteydi. Bu test sonucunda tedarikçinin tasarımına onay verilmekte veya düzeltmeler talep edilmekteydi. Söz konusu aşamalar onay alana kadar devam etmekteydi. Bu tezde önerilen çözüm yaklaşımı sayesinde, problem analitik olarak ele alınmış, deneme yanılma yöntemi terk edildiği için de zamandan, iş gücünden, enerji, kalıp ve preform maliyetlerinden tasarruf sağlanmıştır. Ürün tasarımı problemi için aksiyomatik tasarım ve hedef programlama yaklaşımlarının ayrı ayrı kullanıldığı çalışmalara literatürde rastlamak mümkün olsa da bu çalışmada birlikte kullanılan BAT ve doğrusal olmayan hedef programlama yöntemlerinin literatürde daha önce hiç birlikte kullanıldığı bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu açıdan çalışma, ürün tasarımı probleminin ele alınışı ve çözümüyle farklı bir bakış açısı sunmakta ve literatüre katkı sağlamaktadırKeywords: Product design problem, goal programming, fuzzy axiomatic design technique In this thesis, a product design problem of a company operating in the beverage sector was handled and solved. The firm was faced with a beverage bottle design problem, which is unclear whether it would continue mass production after the first batch of production. If the company has to make mold and recipe investments on the production line for the product concerned, the project will not be profitable as the fixed costs for the unit product will increase. Therefore, the company wants to respond to the customer's demand without changing the existing production line specifications. In order to do this, it decided to design the bottle of the product to be produced based on an existing bottle design. The new bottle design problem has three goals: not changing the current line specifications, keeping the production speed at a certain level, and also considering customer liking. Customer liking was expressed by fuzzy data to better express the natural decision-making processes of human. In this study, fuzzy data belonging to customer liking was defuzzificated by the Fuzzy Axiomatic Design (FAD) technique and the obtained values were used in a mixed integer non-linear Goal Programming model which also took into consideration these three objectives. Before doing this study, new bottle design projects had been carried out by trial and error method. Roughly determined bottle parameters had been given to the supplier. If the drawing was approved, the trial mold had been purchased. The preforms had been blowing by the test mold and they had been tested in the line filling with water. As a result of this test, the supplier's design had been approved or corrections had been requested. These stages continued until the approval had been received. Under favour of proposed solution approach in this thesis, the problem has been dealt with analytically, and since the trial and error method was abandoned, time, labor, energy, mold and preform costs were saved. Although it is possible to find the studies which uses the Axiomatic Design and Goal Programming approaches separately in the literature, there is no study which uses FAD and non-linear Goal Programming approaches together in the literature. In this respect, this thesis presents a different perspective with the proposed solution approach of the product design problem and contributes to the literature

    Prioritizing Offshore Vendor Selection Criteria for the North American Geospatial Industry

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    The U.S. market for geospatial services totaled US $2.2 billion in 2010, representing 50% of the global market. Data-processing firms subcontract labor-intensive portions of data services to offshore providers in South and East Asia and Eastern Europe. In general, half of all offshore contracts fail within the first 5 years because one or more parties consider the relationship unsuccessful. Despite the high failure rates, no study has examined the offshore vendor selection process in the geospatial industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the list of key offshore vendor selection criteria and the efficacy of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for ranking the criteria that North American geospatial companies consider in the offshore vendor selection process. After the selection of the initial list of factors from the literature and their validation in a pilot study, a final survey instrument was developed and administered to 15 subject matter experts (SMEs) in North America. The SMEs expressed their preferences for one criterion over another by pairwise comparisons, which served as input to the AHP procedure. The results showed that the quality of deliverables was the top ranked (out of 26) factors, instead of the price, which ranked third. Similarly, SMEs considered social and environmental consciousness on the vendor side as irrelevant. More importantly, the findings indicated that the structured AHP process provides a useful and effective methodology whose application may considerably improve the quality of the overall vendor selection process. Last, improved and stabilized business relationships leading to predictable budgets might catalyze social change, supporting stable employment. Consumers could benefit from derivative improvements in product quality and pricing


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    Projects that support the long-term strategic intent and alignment are considered strategic projects. Therefore, these projects must consider their alignment with the organization’s current strategy and focus on the risk, organizational capability, resources availability, political influence, and socio-cultural factors. Quantitative and qualitative methods prioritize the projects; however, they are usually suitable for specific industries. Although prioritization models are used in the private sector, the same in the public sector is not widely seen in the literature. The lack of models in the public sector has happened because of the projects’ social implications, the value perception of different projects in the public sector, and potentially differing value perceptions attached to the types of projects in different decision-making environments in the public sector. The thesis proposes a generic framework to develop a priority list of the available basket of projects and decide on projects for the next undertaking. The focus of the thesis is on public projects. The analysis in the framework considers the critical factors for prioritization obtained from the literature clustered through the agglomerative text clustering technique. In the proposed framework, 13 critical clusters are identified and weighted using the Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) method to develop their ranking using the Technique for Order of Preference Similarity Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. In addition, the proposed framework uses vector weighting to prioritize projects across industries. The applicability of the framework is demonstrated through Qatar’s real estate and transportation projects. The outcome obtained from the framework is compared with those obtained through the experts using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The comparison shows that the framework provides good predictability of the projects for implementation

    A hybrid approach of goal programming for weapon systems selection

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    Because weapon systems are perceived as crucial in determining the outcome of a war, selecting weapon systems is a critical task for nations. Just as with other forms of decision analysis involving multiple criteria, selecting a weapon system poses complex, unstructured problems with a huge number of points that must be considered. Some defense analysts have committed themselves to developing efficient methodologies to solve weapon systems selection problems for the Republic of Korea''''''''s (ROK) Armed Forces. In the present study, we propose a hybrid approach for weapon systems selection that combines analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the weights to assign to the factors that go into these selection decisions. These weights are inputted into a goal programming (GP) model to determine the best alternative among the weapon systems. The proposed hybrid approach that combines AHP, PCA and GP process components offsets the shortcomings posed by obscurity and arbitrariness in AHP and therefore can provide decision makers with more reasonable and realistic decision criteria than AHP alone. A case study on weapon system selection for the air force demonstrates the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid AHP PCA GP approach. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Dagdeviren M, 2009, EXPERT SYST APPL, V36, P8143, DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2008.10.016Ho W, 2008, EUR J OPER RES, V186, P211, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2007.01.004*MIN NAT DEF REP K, 2008, DEF WHIT PAPVaidya OS, 2006, EUR J OPER RES, V169, P1, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2004.04.028KONG F, 2005, INT J INFORM SYSTEMS, V1, P406Wang G, 2005, INT J ADV MANUF TECH, V25, P93, DOI 10.1007/s00170-003-1791-yYurdakul M, 2004, ROBOT CIM-INT MANUF, V20, P329, DOI 10.1016/j.rcim.2003.11.002SAATY TL, 1980, ANAL HIERARCHY PROCEIGNIZIO JP, 1980, COMPUT ENVIRON URBAN, V5, P15SAATY TL, 1990, MULTICRITERIA DECISIMIN H, 1991, J OPER RES SOC, V42, P301Schniederjans MJ, 1997, EUR J OPER RES, V100, P72Kwak NK, 1998, EUR J OPER RES, V110, P234Kim PO, 1999, ANN NUCL ENERGY, V26, P449Cheng CH, 1999, EUR J OPER RES, V116, P423Badri MA, 1999, INT J PROD ECON, V62, P237Lee CW, 1999, J OPER RES SOC, V50, P1191Badri MA, 2001, INT J PROD ECON, V72, P27JOLLIFFE IT, 2002, PRINCIPAL COMPONENTJOHNSON RA, 2002, APPL MULTIVARIATE STKwak NK, 2002, EUR J OPER RES, V140, P447, DOI 10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00082-6Cheng CH, 2002, EUR J OPER RES, V142, P174AHN CW, 2003, STUDY DETERMINING MIGreiner MA, 2003, IEEE T ENG MANAGE, V50, P192, DOI 10.1109/TEM.2003.810827Wang G, 2004, INT J PROD ECON, V91, P1, DOI 10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00221-4SAATY TL, 2005, THEORY APPL ANAL NETKwak NK, 2005, EUR J OPER RES, V166, P255, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2004.02.016Bertolini M, 2006, RELIAB ENG SYST SAFE, V91, P839, DOI 10.1016/j.ress.2005.08.006HO W, 2007, IEEE INT C SYST MAN, P714REDDY RM, 2007, INT J COMPUTER SCI N, V7, P108SHUMUELI G, 2007, DATA MINING BUSINESS

    Multi-objective optimisation of dynamic short-term credit portfolio selection :the adoption of third party logistics credit for financing working capital contrained small and medium sized enterprises in supply chains

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    PhD ThesisMany companies, especially small and medium sized enterprises, are faced with liquidity problems. The shortage of working capital in their businesses has prevented supply chains from achieving effectiveness and efficiency in management. Although they can access short-term loans from banks and suppliers, the willingness of these credit lenders to lend short-term capital is often restricted by the fact that they cannot monitor whether or how their customers will use the loans according to the agreements. In many cases, this fact makes it difficult for capitalconstrained companies to obtain sufficient working capital from existing funding sources. A business practice called Integrated Logistics and Financial Service has been developed, which can improve banks’ monitoring of how their loans will eventually be used via the alliance of third party logistics companies and banks. The emergence of credit offered by third party logistics companies (termed as 3PLC) provides more choices for working capital constrained companies. Following on traditional bank overdrafts and trade credit, the new 3PLC became the third type of credit available to short-term working capital constrained companies. A new issue arising from this situation is how a working capital constrained company can determine a credit portfolio from multiple working capital sources. Current studies of credit portfolio management are still silent in considering 3PLC. Moreover, limited studies have integrated credit portfolio management into material flow management in supply chains. In light of the aforementioned discussions, this thesis aims to optimise dynamic credit portfolio management in supply chains to achieve the different business objectives of working capital constrained companies. To achieve the above aims, this thesis firstly applies an analytic hierarchy process and linear programming model to optimise a single objective. It applies the analytic hierarchy process to evaluate the concerns of working capital-constrained companies in selecting credit. These concerns are identified through a thorough literature review focusing on the considerations of small and medium sized enterprises’ in borrowing short-term credit. The analytic hierarchy process has been applied to determine the priority of the identified concerns and the preferences of borrowers for bank overdrafts, trade credit and 3PLC. A linear programming model has been developed based on the results obtained from the analytic hierarchy process model. It determines the maximum borrowing amount for a given period from multiple credit sources. To reflect the complexity of working capital constrained companies borrowing credit, thisthesis has extended the model from single objective optimisation to multiple objectives optimisation. Consequently, a goal-programming model has been developed. This model provides the solution of optimizing two business objectives including overall cost and backorder penalty cost minimization. Numerical examples have been conducted to test and analyse all the mathematical models. This thesis contributes the following aspects: 1) the new 3PLC together with bank overdraft and trade credit have been considered into credit portfolio management; 2) borrower’s concerns and credit preferences relating to the three types of credit have been identified and evaluated; 3) mathematical models have been developed for credit portfolio selection over multiple periods