50 research outputs found

    Modeling Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Strict Time Schedule

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    Vehicle Routing Problem with time windows (VRPTW) is a well known combinatorial optimization problem normally to be used for obtaining the optimal set of routes used by a fleet of vehicles in logistic system. In VRPTW it is assumed that the fleet of vehicles are all homogeny. In this paper we consider a variant of the VRPTW in which the assumption of homogeny is dropped. Now the problem is called Heterogeneous VRP (HVRP). As the logistic company has so many customers, it puts a very strict restriction in time delivery for each vehicle used. Regarding to the structure of the problem we use integer programming approach to model the problem. A feasible neighbourhood method is developed to solve the model

    A Capacitated Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem for Catering Service Delivery with Committed Scheduled Time

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    The heterogeneous vehicle routing problem (HVRP) is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem which describes a heterogeneous set of vehicles with different capacity, in which each vehicle starts from a central depot and traverses along a route in order to serve a set of customers with known geographical locations. This paper develops a model for the optimal management of service deliveries of meals of a catering company located in Medan City, Indonesia. The HVRP incorporates time windows, deliveries, fleet scheduling in the committed scheduled time planning.. The objective is to minimize the sum of the costs of travelling and elapsed time over the planning horizon. We model the problem as a linear mixed integer program and we propose a feasible neighbourhood direct search approach to solve the problem

    Improving delivery roules using combined heuristic and optimization in consumer goods distribution company

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    XYZ is a distributor of various consumer goods products. The company plan s its delivery routes daily and in order to obtain route construction in a short amount of time, it simplifies the process by assigning drivers based on geographic regions. This approach results in inefficient use of vehicles leading to imbalance workloads. In this paper, we propose a combined method involving heuristic and optimization to obtain better solutions in acceptable computation time. The heuristic is based on a time-oriented, nearest neighbor (TONN) to form clusters if the number of locations is higher than a certain value. The optimization part uses a mathematical modeling formulation based on vehicle routing problem that consider s heterogeneous vehicles, time windows, and fixed costs (HVRPTWF) and is used to solve routing problem in clusters. A case study using data from one month of the company’s operations is analyzed, and data from one day of operations are detailed in this paper. The analysis shows that the proposed method results in 24% cost savings on that month, but it can be as high as 54% in a day

    Filo büyüklüğü ve karma araç rotalama problemleri i̇çin yeni bir yapısal rotalama algoritması

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    In this study, a new constructive routing algorithm for fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem is proposed in which residual costs rather than vehicle types are considered for route selection.The algorithm of the proposed routing approach is given and then the solution phases of a sample problem are shown by using the given algorithm. In order to highlight the performance of the routing approach, Golden’s 12 test problems (Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Fixed Cost) are used. It is seen that the proposed method has better average time complexity and cost performances than Ochi’s routing approach. Therefore, the solutions of the proposed method that uses vehicle type information are better than those of the methods that use residual cost based on the vehicle type information

    A Granular Tabu Search Algorithm for a Real Case Study of a Vehicle Routing Problem with a Heterogeneous Fleet and Time Windows

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    Purpose: We consider a real case study of a vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet and time windows (HFVRPTW) for a franchise company bottling Coca-Cola products in Colombia. This study aims to determine the routes to be performed to fulfill the demand of the customers by using a heterogeneous fleet and considering soft time windows. The objective is to minimize the distance traveled by the performed routes. Design/methodology/approach: We propose a two-phase heuristic algorithm. In the proposed approach, after an initial phase (first phase), a granular tabu search is applied during the improvement phase (second phase). Two additional procedures are considered to help that the algorithm could escape from local optimum, given that during a given number of iterations there has been no improvement. Findings: Computational experiments on real instances show that the proposed algorithm is able to obtain high-quality solutions within a short computing time compared to the results found by the software that the company currently uses to plan the daily routes. Originality/value: We propose a novel metaheuristic algorithm for solving a real routing problem by considering heterogeneous fleet and time windows. The efficiency of the proposed approach has been tested on real instances, and the computational experiments shown its applicability and performance for solving NP-Hard Problems related with routing problems with similar characteristics. The proposed algorithm was able to improve some of the current solutions applied by the company by reducing the route length and the number of vehicles.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of the characteristics and applications of vehicle routing systems

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    El ruteo de vehículos, permite establecer una estrategia para realizar la distribución adecuada de las mercancías, en los diferentes puntos en los cuales lo desee una organización. Esto se logra, a través del diseño de rutas para una flota de vehículos determinada; ya sea homogénea o heterogénea. El estudio de este problema de ruteo, como ha sido considerado, se ha clasificado en diferentes sistemas, de acuerdo a las condiciones del entorno en el cual se desean aplicar. Sin embargo, no todas las tipologías son conocidas a cabalidad por las organizaciones o investigadores, debido a su reciente desarrollo o su poco nivel de aplicación. Es por ello, que en la presente investigación, se plantea realizar un análisis de las características y aplicaciones de los tipos de sistemas de ruteo de vehículos, a través de una revisión bibliográfica de trabajos previos, con el propósito de brindar información sólida y concisa a futuros investigadores. La metodología empleada, conlleva principalmente a una investigación de tipo cualitativa, en la cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos del problema planteado de los últimos cinco años. A partir de esto, fue posible establecer que durante este período de tiempo, las publicaciones en este campo, presentaron un incremento de aproximadamente el doble, evidenciando el aumento en el interés por el tema objetivo.The vehicle routing allows to establish a strategy for the proper distribution of goods in different points at which you want an organization. This is achieved through the design of routes to a particular fleet vehicle; either homogeneous or heterogeneous. Studying this routing problem, as has been seen, has been classified into different systems, according to the environmental conditions in which is applied. However, not all types are known at all by the organizations or researchers, due to its recent development or some application level. That is why, in this research, we propose an analysis of the characteristics and applications of the types of systems vehicle routing through a literature review of previous works, in order to provide solid and concise information to future researchers. The methodology used primarily involves qualitative research type, in which a systematic search was performed in databases of the problem of the past five years. From this, it was possible to establish that during this period, the publications in this field, showed an increase of about twice, showing increased interest in the subject target

    Comparative analysis of order batching and routing problem in the picking regarding classical HVRP (heterogeneous vehicle routing problem)

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo comparar la conformación de lotes con ruteo, en la preparación de pedidos respecto al problema HVRP (Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem) basándose en la utilización de una metodología de la revisión sistemática de la literatura. Del análisis comparativo se identifica la necesidad de realizar modificaciones radicales e incluir nuevos componentes al problema HVRP, para modelar la conformación de lotes con ruteo de mínimo tiempo, en la preparación de pedidos, considerando K equipos de manejo de materiales (EMM) heterogéneos, n productos, m posiciones de almacenamiento, la disponibilidad del inventario y demás restricciones asociadas a la operación.This paper aims to compare the order batching and routing problem(OBRP) regarding heterogeneous vehicle routing problem (HVRP), in order to identify whether there are any differences and similarities between these ones. The OBRP consist in generating product groups, which are collected from storage locations using material specific handling equipment. Each product group(or batch) is matched to a route, which states the sequences to pick the products in the shortest time possible. On the other hand, HVRP is a variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem(VRP), in which customers are served by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles with various capacities, in order to delivery products in a distribution network at the lowest possible cost. Additionally, in the related literature were not identified HVRP papers that tackled order batching and routing problem (OBRP), but they were focused primarily in transportation and distribution process. Therefore, it was detected a gap in the state of the art. The comparation analysis was developed using a variation of the methodology called Systematic Literature Review (SLR) , which was based on analysis of papers. This methodology was implemented eight stages, the most important of which are as follows: i) formulating the research questions and evaluation criteria (stage 2), ii) inclusion and exclusion criteria (stage 3), iii) results of systematic review (stage 6), iv) comparative analysis between OBRP and HVRP based on set evaluation criteria (stage 7) and v) conclusions and research opportunities (stage 8). The main findings of this paper were as follow: First, order batching was not modeled in HVRP, hence relevance of this gap. Second, in order batching and routing problem is necessary to represent K heterogeneous MHE with different speed travels, load capacities and lift heights. In HVRP papers the heterogeneity is only caused by vehicles in different load capacities. Third, a constraint among n products, m storage locations and K heterogeneous EMH should be implemented to ensure the feasibility of solutions of OBRP. This constraint is raised, since any MHE are not able to pick some products from storage locations, due to theirs technical characteristics. In addition, none of HVRP papers represented this constraint. Fourth, setup time and handling time were not modeled in reviewed HVRP papers, since these times were not as significant in transportation and distribution routes. Therefore, these times should be included in HVRP to represent OBRP. Fifth, available of inventory were not considered in HVRP papers, since this condition was not important in the modeled process. It should be noted that this condition is critical in OBRP, since only can be picked products with available inventory in Distribution Centre (DC). Based on findings, it was detected a significant gap in the state of the art related to the formulation and solution a minimum time OBRP considering n products, m storage locations and K heterogeneous MHE and described constraint. Therefore, this approach, not only it will fill this gap, but also contribute to knowledge in OBRP. In addition, this paper it will be one of the first to analyze HVRP in warehouse and DC

    Improving delivery routes using combined heuristic and optimization in a consumer goods distribution company

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    XYZ is a distributor of various consumer goods products. The company plans its delivery routes daily and in order to obtain route construction in a short amount of time, it simplifies the process by assigning drivers based on geographic regions. This approach results in inefficient use of vehicles leading to imbalance workloads. In this paper, we propose a combined method involving heuristic and optimization to obtain better solutions in acceptable computation time. The heuristic is based on a time-oriented, nearest neighbor (TONN) to form clusters if the number of locations is higher than a certain value. The optimization part uses a mathematical modeling formulation based on vehicle routing problem that considers heterogeneous vehicles, time windows, and fixed costs (HVRPTWF) and is used to solve routing problem in clusters. A case study using data from one month of the company’s operations is analyzed, and data from one day of operations are detailed in this paper. The analysis shows that the proposed method results in 24% cost savings on that month, but it can be as high as 54% in a day