196 research outputs found

    Phoneme Recognition on the TIMIT Database

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    Deep Learning for Distant Speech Recognition

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    Deep learning is an emerging technology that is considered one of the most promising directions for reaching higher levels of artificial intelligence. Among the other achievements, building computers that understand speech represents a crucial leap towards intelligent machines. Despite the great efforts of the past decades, however, a natural and robust human-machine speech interaction still appears to be out of reach, especially when users interact with a distant microphone in noisy and reverberant environments. The latter disturbances severely hamper the intelligibility of a speech signal, making Distant Speech Recognition (DSR) one of the major open challenges in the field. This thesis addresses the latter scenario and proposes some novel techniques, architectures, and algorithms to improve the robustness of distant-talking acoustic models. We first elaborate on methodologies for realistic data contamination, with a particular emphasis on DNN training with simulated data. We then investigate on approaches for better exploiting speech contexts, proposing some original methodologies for both feed-forward and recurrent neural networks. Lastly, inspired by the idea that cooperation across different DNNs could be the key for counteracting the harmful effects of noise and reverberation, we propose a novel deep learning paradigm called network of deep neural networks. The analysis of the original concepts were based on extensive experimental validations conducted on both real and simulated data, considering different corpora, microphone configurations, environments, noisy conditions, and ASR tasks.Comment: PhD Thesis Unitn, 201

    Using MATLAB for Analysis of TRAP System

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    This article describes a Matlab function for reading and processing file outputs from a structure of classifiers. These classifiers - neural nets - are used in speech recognition based on temporal trajectories (TRAP) of energy in frequency bands. This nonstandard approach is introduced and the program is presented. The utility of resulting figures is enhanced by the possibility of reading and displaying results from all critical bands at once. Resulting analyses are more focused on the reliability of classifiers than on the basic accuracy measure. The first uses colors and their depth to display both cues, reliability and accuracy, in one informative picture. Others are focused on more precise measures, where it is possible to precisely define classifier mistakes

    Robust speech recognition with spectrogram factorisation

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    Communication by speech is intrinsic for humans. Since the breakthrough of mobile devices and wireless communication, digital transmission of speech has become ubiquitous. Similarly distribution and storage of audio and video data has increased rapidly. However, despite being technically capable to record and process audio signals, only a fraction of digital systems and services are actually able to work with spoken input, that is, to operate on the lexical content of speech. One persistent obstacle for practical deployment of automatic speech recognition systems is inadequate robustness against noise and other interferences, which regularly corrupt signals recorded in real-world environments. Speech and diverse noises are both complex signals, which are not trivially separable. Despite decades of research and a multitude of different approaches, the problem has not been solved to a sufficient extent. Especially the mathematically ill-posed problem of separating multiple sources from a single-channel input requires advanced models and algorithms to be solvable. One promising path is using a composite model of long-context atoms to represent a mixture of non-stationary sources based on their spectro-temporal behaviour. Algorithms derived from the family of non-negative matrix factorisations have been applied to such problems to separate and recognise individual sources like speech. This thesis describes a set of tools developed for non-negative modelling of audio spectrograms, especially involving speech and real-world noise sources. An overview is provided to the complete framework starting from model and feature definitions, advancing to factorisation algorithms, and finally describing different routes for separation, enhancement, and recognition tasks. Current issues and their potential solutions are discussed both theoretically and from a practical point of view. The included publications describe factorisation-based recognition systems, which have been evaluated on publicly available speech corpora in order to determine the efficiency of various separation and recognition algorithms. Several variants and system combinations that have been proposed in literature are also discussed. The work covers a broad span of factorisation-based system components, which together aim at providing a practically viable solution to robust processing and recognition of speech in everyday situations

    Application of automatic speech recognition technologies to singing

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    The research field of Music Information Retrieval is concerned with the automatic analysis of musical characteristics. One aspect that has not received much attention so far is the automatic analysis of sung lyrics. On the other hand, the field of Automatic Speech Recognition has produced many methods for the automatic analysis of speech, but those have rarely been employed for singing. This thesis analyzes the feasibility of applying various speech recognition methods to singing, and suggests adaptations. In addition, the routes to practical applications for these systems are described. Five tasks are considered: Phoneme recognition, language identification, keyword spotting, lyrics-to-audio alignment, and retrieval of lyrics from sung queries. The main bottleneck in almost all of these tasks lies in the recognition of phonemes from sung audio. Conventional models trained on speech do not perform well when applied to singing. Training models on singing is difficult due to a lack of annotated data. This thesis offers two approaches for generating such data sets. For the first one, speech recordings are made more “song-like”. In the second approach, textual lyrics are automatically aligned to an existing singing data set. In both cases, these new data sets are then used for training new acoustic models, offering considerable improvements over models trained on speech. Building on these improved acoustic models, speech recognition algorithms for the individual tasks were adapted to singing by either improving their robustness to the differing characteristics of singing, or by exploiting the specific features of singing performances. Examples of improving robustness include the use of keyword-filler HMMs for keyword spotting, an i-vector approach for language identification, and a method for alignment and lyrics retrieval that allows highly varying durations. Features of singing are utilized in various ways: In an approach for language identification that is well-suited for long recordings; in a method for keyword spotting based on phoneme durations in singing; and in an algorithm for alignment and retrieval that exploits known phoneme confusions in singing.Das Gebiet des Music Information Retrieval befasst sich mit der automatischen Analyse von musikalischen Charakteristika. Ein Aspekt, der bisher kaum erforscht wurde, ist dabei der gesungene Text. Auf der anderen Seite werden in der automatischen Spracherkennung viele Methoden für die automatische Analyse von Sprache entwickelt, jedoch selten für Gesang. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Anwendung von Methoden aus der Spracherkennung auf Gesang und beschreibt mögliche Anpassungen. Zudem werden Wege zur praktischen Anwendung dieser Ansätze aufgezeigt. Fünf Themen werden dabei betrachtet: Phonemerkennung, Sprachenidentifikation, Schlagwortsuche, Text-zu-Gesangs-Alignment und Suche von Texten anhand von gesungenen Anfragen. Das größte Hindernis bei fast allen dieser Themen ist die Erkennung von Phonemen aus Gesangsaufnahmen. Herkömmliche, auf Sprache trainierte Modelle, bieten keine guten Ergebnisse für Gesang. Das Trainieren von Modellen auf Gesang ist schwierig, da kaum annotierte Daten verfügbar sind. Diese Arbeit zeigt zwei Ansätze auf, um solche Daten zu generieren. Für den ersten wurden Sprachaufnahmen künstlich gesangsähnlicher gemacht. Für den zweiten wurden Texte automatisch zu einem vorhandenen Gesangsdatensatz zugeordnet. Die neuen Datensätze wurden zum Trainieren neuer Modelle genutzt, welche deutliche Verbesserungen gegenüber sprachbasierten Modellen bieten. Auf diesen verbesserten akustischen Modellen aufbauend wurden Algorithmen aus der Spracherkennung für die verschiedenen Aufgaben angepasst, entweder durch das Verbessern der Robustheit gegenüber Gesangscharakteristika oder durch das Ausnutzen von hilfreichen Besonderheiten von Gesang. Beispiele für die verbesserte Robustheit sind der Einsatz von Keyword-Filler-HMMs für die Schlagwortsuche, ein i-Vector-Ansatz für die Sprachenidentifikation sowie eine Methode für das Alignment und die Textsuche, die stark schwankende Phonemdauern nicht bestraft. Die Besonderheiten von Gesang werden auf verschiedene Weisen genutzt: So z.B. in einem Ansatz für die Sprachenidentifikation, der lange Aufnahmen benötigt; in einer Methode für die Schlagwortsuche, die bekannte Phonemdauern in Gesang mit einbezieht; und in einem Algorithmus für das Alignment und die Textsuche, der bekannte Phonemkonfusionen verwertet

    Automatic Speech Recognition Using LP-DCTC/DCS Analysis Followed by Morphological Filtering

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    Front-end feature extraction techniques have long been a critical component in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Nonlinear filtering techniques are becoming increasingly important in this application, and are often better than linear filters at removing noise without distorting speech features. However, design and analysis of nonlinear filters are more difficult than for linear filters. Mathematical morphology, which creates filters based on shape and size characteristics, is a design structure for nonlinear filters. These filters are limited to minimum and maximum operations that introduce a deterministic bias into filtered signals. This work develops filtering structures based on a mathematical morphology that utilizes the bias while emphasizing spectral peaks. The combination of peak emphasis via LP analysis with morphological filtering results in more noise robust speech recognition rates. To help understand the behavior of these pre-processing techniques the deterministic and statistical properties of the morphological filters are compared to the properties of feature extraction techniques that do not employ such algorithms. The robust behavior of these algorithms for automatic speech recognition in the presence of rapidly fluctuating speech signals with additive and convolutional noise is illustrated. Examples of these nonlinear feature extraction techniques are given using the Aurora 2.0 and Aurora 3.0 databases. Features are computed using LP analysis alone to emphasize peaks, morphological filtering alone, or a combination of the two approaches. Although absolute best results are normally obtained using a combination of the two methods, morphological filtering alone is nearly as effective and much more computationally efficient

    Multi-stream Processing for Noise Robust Speech Recognition

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    In this thesis, the framework of multi-stream combination has been explored to improve the noise robustness of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. The central idea of multi-stream ASR is to combine information from several sources to improve the performance of a system. The two important issues of multi-stream systems are which information sources (feature representations) to combine and what importance (weights) be given to each information source. In the framework of hybrid hidden Markov model/artificial neural network (HMM/ANN) and Tandem systems, several weighting strategies are investigated in this thesis to merge the posterior outputs of multi-layered perceptrons (MLPs) trained on different feature representations. The best results were obtained by inverse entropy weighting in which the posterior estimates at the output of the MLPs were weighted by their respective inverse output entropies. In the second part of this thesis, two feature representations have been investigated, namely pitch frequency and spectral entropy features. The pitch frequency feature is used along with perceptual linear prediction (PLP) features in a multi-stream framework. The second feature proposed in this thesis is estimated by applying an entropy function to the normalized spectrum to produce a measure which has been termed spectral entropy. The idea of the spectral entropy feature is extended to multi-band spectral entropy features by dividing the normalized full-band spectrum into sub-bands and estimating the spectral entropy of each sub-band. The proposed multi-band spectral entropy features were observed to be robust in high noise conditions. Subsequently, the idea of embedded training is extended to multi-stream HMM/ANN systems. To evaluate the maximum performance that can be achieved by frame-level weighting, we investigated an ``oracle test''. We also studied the relationship of oracle selection to inverse entropy weighting and proposed an alternative interpretation of the oracle test to analyze the complementarity of streams in multi-stream systems. The techniques investigated in this work gave a significant improvement in performance for clean as well as noisy test conditions

    Low latency modeling of temporal contexts for speech recognition

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    This thesis focuses on the development of neural network acoustic models for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) to satisfy the design goals of low latency and low computational complexity. Low latency enables online speech recognition; and low computational complexity helps reduce the computational cost both during training and inference. Long span sequential dependencies and sequential distortions in the input vector sequence are a major challenge in acoustic modeling. Recurrent neural networks have been shown to effectively model these dependencies. Specifically, bidirectional long short term memory (BLSTM) networks, provide state-of-the-art performance across several LVCSR tasks. However the deployment of bidirectional models for online LVCSR is non-trivial due to their large latency; and unidirectional LSTM models are typically preferred. In this thesis we explore the use of hierarchical temporal convolution to model long span temporal dependencies. We propose a sub-sampled variant of these temporal convolution neural networks, termed time-delay neural networks (TDNNs). These sub-sampled TDNNs reduce the computation complexity by ~5x, compared to TDNNs, during frame randomized pre-training. These models are shown to be effective in modeling long-span temporal contexts, however there is a performance gap compared to (B)LSTMs. As recent advancements in acoustic model training have eliminated the need for frame randomized pre-training we modify the TDNN architecture to use higher sampling rates, as the increased computation can be amortized over the sequence. These variants of sub- sampled TDNNs provide performance superior to unidirectional LSTM networks, while also affording a lower real time factor (RTF) during inference. However we show that the BLSTM models outperform both the TDNN and LSTM models. We propose a hybrid architecture interleaving temporal convolution and LSTM layers which is shown to outperform the BLSTM models. Further we improve these BLSTM models by using higher frame rates at lower layers and show that the proposed TDNN- LSTM model performs similar to these superior BLSTM models, while reducing the overall latency to 200 ms. Finally we describe an online system for reverberation robust ASR, using the above described models in conjunction with other data augmentation techniques like reverberation simulation, which simulates far-field environments, and volume perturbation, which helps tackle volume variation even without gain normalization

    A comparison of features for large population speaker identification

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    Bibliography: leaves 95-104.Speech recognition systems all have one criterion in common; they perform better in a controlled environment using clean speech. Though performance can be excellent, even exceeding human capabilities for clean speech, systems fail when presented with speech data from more realistic environments such as telephone channels. The differences using a recognizer in clean and noisy environments are extreme, and this causes one of the major obstacles in producing commercial recognition systems to be used in normal environments. It is the lack of performance of speaker recognition systems with telephone channels that this work addresses. The human auditory system is a speech recognizer with excellent performance, especially in noisy environments. Since humans perform well at ignoring noise more than any machine, auditory-based methods are the promising approaches since they attempt to model the working of the human auditory system. These methods have been shown to outperform more conventional signal processing schemes for speech recognition, speech coding, word-recognition and phone classification tasks. Since speaker identification has received lot of attention in speech processing because of its waiting real-world applications, it is attractive to evaluate the performance using auditory models as features. Firstly, this study rums at improving the results for speaker identification. The improvements were made through the use of parameterized feature-sets together with the application of cepstral mean removal for channel equalization. The study is further extended to compare an auditory-based model, the Ensemble Interval Histogram, with mel-scale features, which was shown to perform almost error-free in clean speech. The previous studies of Elli to be more robust to noise were conducted on speaker dependent, small population, isolated words and now are extended to speaker independent, larger population, continuous speech. This study investigates whether the Elli representation is more resistant to telephone noise than mel-cepstrum as was shown in the previous studies, when now for the first time, it is applied for speaker identification task using the state-of-the-art Gaussian mixture model system