282 research outputs found

    Self-organizing Coordination of Multi-Agent Microgrid Networks

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    abstract: This work introduces self-organizing techniques to reduce the complexity and burden of coordinating distributed energy resources (DERs) and microgrids that are rapidly increasing in scale globally. Technical and financial evaluations completed for power customers and for utilities identify how disruptions are occurring in conventional energy business models. Analyses completed for Chicago, Seattle, and Phoenix demonstrate site-specific and generalizable findings. Results indicate that net metering had a significant effect on the optimal amount of solar photovoltaics (PV) for households to install and how utilities could recover lost revenue through increasing energy rates or monthly fees. System-wide ramp rate requirements also increased as solar PV penetration increased. These issues are resolved using a generalizable, scalable transactive energy framework for microgrids to enable coordination and automation of DERs and microgrids to ensure cost effective use of energy for all stakeholders. This technique is demonstrated on a 3-node and 9-node network of microgrid nodes with various amounts of load, solar, and storage. Results found that enabling trading could achieve cost savings for all individual nodes and for the network up to 5.4%. Trading behaviors are expressed using an exponential valuation curve that quantifies the reputation of trading partners using historical interactions between nodes for compatibility, familiarity, and acceptance of trades. The same 9-node network configuration is used with varying levels of connectivity, resulting in up to 71% cost savings for individual nodes and up to 13% cost savings for the network as a whole. The effect of a trading fee is also explored to understand how electricity utilities may gain revenue from electricity traded directly between customers. If a utility imposed a trading fee to recoup lost revenue then trading is financially infeasible for agents, but could be feasible if only trying to recoup cost of distribution charges. These scientific findings conclude with a brief discussion of physical deployment opportunities.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Systems Engineering 201

    Towards transactive energy systems: An analysis on current trends

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    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis on the latest advances in transactive energy systems. The main contribution of this work is centered on the definition of transactive energy concepts and how such systems can be implemented in the smart grid paradigm. The analyzed works have been categorized into three lines of research: (i) transactive network management; (ii) transactive control; and (iii) peer-to-peer markets. It has been found that most of the current approaches for transactive energy are available as a model, lacking the real implementation to have a complete validation. For that purpose, both scientific and practical aspects of transactive energy should be studied in parallel, implementing adequate simulation platforms and tools to scrutiny the results.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under project DOMINOES (grant agreement No. 771066) and from FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and from National Funds through FCT under the project UID/EEA/00760/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Foundations of Infrastructure CPS

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    Infrastructures have been around as long as urban centers, supporting a society’s needs for its planning, operation, and safety. As we move deeper into the 21st century, these infrastructures are becoming smart – they monitor themselves, communicate, and most importantly self-govern, which we denote as Infrastructure CPS. Cyber-physical systems are now becoming increasingly prevalent and possibly even mainstream. With the basics of CPS in place, such as stability, robustness, and reliability properties at a systems level, and hybrid, switched, and eventtriggered properties at a network level, we believe that the time is right to go to the next step, Infrastructure CPS, which forms the focus of the proposed tutorial. We discuss three different foundations, (i) Human Empowerment, (ii) Transactive Control, and (iii) Resilience. This will be followed by two examples, one on the nexus between power and communication infrastructure, and the other between natural gas and electricity, both of which have been investigated extensively of late, and are emerging to be apt illustrations of Infrastructure CPS

    Competitive power control of distributed power plants

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    Nowadays, the electrical energy sector is currently found in a dramatic changing paradigm, which moves towards an increasing trend in generating power at distribution levels, where electricity is typically consumed, by means of non-conventional/renewable based generation units. These new generation technologies, termed as distributed generation, not only offers a non-pollutant, cheap and efficient source of energy to cover increasing demand, but also enhance the reliability of supply to critical loads and reduce the need for additional grid reinforcements. Aside of the technical benefits provided, distributed generation will massively integrate renewable energy resources, with new type of loads and end-user actors, such as prosumers, demand responsive loads, or electric vehicles. Where these actors will actively participate in energy and auxiliary service markets, depending on their available or constrained energy needs. For this reason, the work presented in this Thesis deals with designing and implementing advanced hierarchical control solutions to renewable-based power plants with the purpose of achieving advanced grid conection performance while reaching maximum economic benefits from its optimum real-time operation. Initially, an extensive analysis on the main renewable-based power plant hierarchical control solutions currently on the shelf, is performed. This study not only covered the specific case of renewable-based power plants, but also advanced microgrid and smart grid control solutions. Once the main renewable-based power plant hierarchical solutions were analized, a novel Hierarchical Distributed Control Structure (HDCS) is proposed for increased management of renewable-based active distributed plants. This hierarchical control structure comprises all possible functional levels from the higher long-term economic scheduling layer, to the instantaneous supervisory control of the resource, emphasizing the entire operation and control functionalities needed for increasing the integration of active distributed power plants. In order to achieve real-time control capabilities in active distribution systems, the present thesis introduces a novel power sharing control strategy, based on the competitive operation of multiple active participating agents (distributed generators, demand response and energy storage systems) through the implementation of market rules. Such control capabilities are satisfied by applying a price control signal over the entire grid control architecture, being the final-end participating agent, the responsible entity in charge of deciding its own generation/demand involvement based on its marginal or affordable electricity costs. In addition, it reduces the information volume to be transmitted and processing requirements, as the higher control levels do not need to have knowledge on the detailed distribution system topology and contributing actors. In order to have a meaningful evaluation of the proposed competitive control capabilities, a wave power plant application has been selected, which constitutes a challenging scenario for the controller itself to achieve advanced real-time control capabilities in such an oscillating renewable energy resource. In order to suitably characterize the wave energy resource profile resulting from maximum energy absorption, this Thesis introduce a novel adaptive vector controller, which maximizes the energy extraction from the resource regardless of the dominant irregular wave frequency characteristics. For the specific wave power plant application considered, the competitive control does not only ensures real-time optimum resource allocation for satisfying a given production objective, but also provides optimum long term operation of the system. As a result, overall plant costs reductions can be achieved under the competitive operation, since the plant scheduled energy is satisfied by making use of the generation units with cheaper cumulative operation costsActualmente, el sector eléctrico se encuentra inmerso en un profundo proceso de restructuración, donde de cada vez más se tiende a generar energía a nivel de distribución, mediante el uso de generación no convencional/renovable. Estas nuevas tecnologías de generación, referidas como generación distribuida, no proporcionan unicamente una fuente de energía no-contaminante, barata y eficiente para cubrir el incremento de demanda, sinó que también pueden proporcionar seguridad de suministro a cargas críticas, así como reducir la necesidad de expansiones futuras de red. Además de las capacidades técnicas proporcionadas, la generación distribuida hará posible la integración masiva de sistemas de generación renovable, con nuevos tipos de cargas y usuarios finales, como prosumidores, cargas regulables, o vehiculos eléctricos, donde todos estos usuarios participaran activamente en mercados de energía y servicios auxiliares, dependiendo de sus requisitos de uso de energía. Por lo tanto, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis se centra en el diseño e implementación de soluciones jerárquicas de control avanzado en plantas de generación renovable, con el objetivo de obtener un comportamiento harmonioso de intercacción con la red, mientras la operación de la planta maximiza los beneficios derivados de su operación en tiempo real. Inicialmente, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión extensa sobre los sistemas de control jerárquico comunmente implementados en plantas de generación renovable, en microredes y en redes inteligentes. Una vez revisados los principales sistemas de control jerárquico en este tipo de aplicaciones, se propone un una novedosa estructura de control, que cubre todos los niveles de control posibles, desde el más alto nivel de gestión económica, hasta el control detallado del recurso de generación. Para lograr capacidades de control en tiempo real en sistemas activos de distribución, la presente tesis propone una nueva estrategia de control de reparto de potencia, basada en la operación competitiva de múltiples agentes participantes activos (generadores distribuidos, respuesta de demanda y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía) mediante la implementación de reglas del mercado. Dichas capacidades de control se satisfacen aplicando una señal de precio a lo largo de toda la arquitectura de control, siendo el agente de final, el ente responsable de decidir su propia participación en la generación/demanda en función de sus propios costes de electricidad marginales o asumibles. Además, reduce el volumen de información a transmitir y los requisitos de procesamiento de datos, ya que los niveles de control más altos no necesitan tener conocimiento sobre la topología del sistema de distribución detallado ni de la contribución de los actores adyacentes. Para llevar a cabo una evaluación significativa de las capacidades del controlador competitivo propuesto, se ha seleccionado una planta de generación undimotriz, como escenario más desfavorable, ya que el controlador debe asegurar un control estable de la potencia inyectada en un escenario altamente oscilante. Con el fin de caracterizar adecuadamente el perfil de recursos de energía de las olas resultante de la máxima absorción de energía, esta Tesis introduce un nuevo controlador de vector adaptativo, que maximiza la extracción de energía del recurso independientemente de las características dominantes de frecuencia de onda irregular. Para la aplicación de la planta de energía de onda específica considerada, el control competitivo no solo garantiza la asignación óptima de recursos en tiempo real para satisfacer un objetivo de producción dado, sino que también proporciona una operación óptima del sistema a largo plazo. Como resultado, se pueden lograr reducciones generales de los costos de la planta en el marco de la operación competitiva, ya que la energía programada de la planta se satisface haciendo uso de las unida

    Competitive power control of distributed power plants

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    Joint Doctoral Programme in Electric Energy Systems : Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad del País Vasco y Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaNowadays, the electrical energy sector is currently found in a dramatic changing paradigm, which moves towards an increasing trend in generating power at distribution levels, where electricity is typically consumed, by means of non-conventional/renewable based generation units. These new generation technologies, termed as distributed generation, not only offers a non-pollutant, cheap and efficient source of energy to cover increasing demand, but also enhance the reliability of supply to critical loads and reduce the need for additional grid reinforcements. Aside of the technical benefits provided, distributed generation will massively integrate renewable energy resources, with new type of loads and end-user actors, such as prosumers, demand responsive loads, or electric vehicles. Where these actors will actively participate in energy and auxiliary service markets, depending on their available or constrained energy needs. For this reason, the work presented in this Thesis deals with designing and implementing advanced hierarchical control solutions to renewable-based power plants with the purpose of achieving advanced grid conection performance while reaching maximum economic benefits from its optimum real-time operation. Initially, an extensive analysis on the main renewable-based power plant hierarchical control solutions currently on the shelf, is performed. This study not only covered the specific case of renewable-based power plants, but also advanced microgrid and smart grid control solutions. Once the main renewable-based power plant hierarchical solutions were analized, a novel Hierarchical Distributed Control Structure (HDCS) is proposed for increased management of renewable-based active distributed plants. This hierarchical control structure comprises all possible functional levels from the higher long-term economic scheduling layer, to the instantaneous supervisory control of the resource, emphasizing the entire operation and control functionalities needed for increasing the integration of active distributed power plants. In order to achieve real-time control capabilities in active distribution systems, the present thesis introduces a novel power sharing control strategy, based on the competitive operation of multiple active participating agents (distributed generators, demand response and energy storage systems) through the implementation of market rules. Such control capabilities are satisfied by applying a price control signal over the entire grid control architecture, being the final-end participating agent, the responsible entity in charge of deciding its own generation/demand involvement based on its marginal or affordable electricity costs. In addition, it reduces the information volume to be transmitted and processing requirements, as the higher control levels do not need to have knowledge on the detailed distribution system topology and contributing actors. In order to have a meaningful evaluation of the proposed competitive control capabilities, a wave power plant application has been selected, which constitutes a challenging scenario for the controller itself to achieve advanced real-time control capabilities in such an oscillating renewable energy resource. In order to suitably characterize the wave energy resource profile resulting from maximum energy absorption, this Thesis introduce a novel adaptive vector controller, which maximizes the energy extraction from the resource regardless of the dominant irregular wave frequency characteristics. For the specific wave power plant application considered, the competitive control does not only ensures real-time optimum resource allocation for satisfying a given production objective, but also provides optimum long term operation of the system. As a result, overall plant costs reductions can be achieved under the competitive operation, since the plant scheduled energy is satisfied by making use of the generation units with cheaper cumulative operation costsActualmente, el sector eléctrico se encuentra inmerso en un profundo proceso de restructuración, donde de cada vez más se tiende a generar energía a nivel de distribución, mediante el uso de generación no convencional/renovable. Estas nuevas tecnologías de generación, referidas como generación distribuida, no proporcionan unicamente una fuente de energía no-contaminante, barata y eficiente para cubrir el incremento de demanda, sinó que también pueden proporcionar seguridad de suministro a cargas críticas, así como reducir la necesidad de expansiones futuras de red. Además de las capacidades técnicas proporcionadas, la generación distribuida hará posible la integración masiva de sistemas de generación renovable, con nuevos tipos de cargas y usuarios finales, como prosumidores, cargas regulables, o vehiculos eléctricos, donde todos estos usuarios participaran activamente en mercados de energía y servicios auxiliares, dependiendo de sus requisitos de uso de energía. Por lo tanto, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis se centra en el diseño e implementación de soluciones jerárquicas de control avanzado en plantas de generación renovable, con el objetivo de obtener un comportamiento harmonioso de intercacción con la red, mientras la operación de la planta maximiza los beneficios derivados de su operación en tiempo real. Inicialmente, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión extensa sobre los sistemas de control jerárquico comunmente implementados en plantas de generación renovable, en microredes y en redes inteligentes. Una vez revisados los principales sistemas de control jerárquico en este tipo de aplicaciones, se propone un una novedosa estructura de control, que cubre todos los niveles de control posibles, desde el más alto nivel de gestión económica, hasta el control detallado del recurso de generación. Para lograr capacidades de control en tiempo real en sistemas activos de distribución, la presente tesis propone una nueva estrategia de control de reparto de potencia, basada en la operación competitiva de múltiples agentes participantes activos (generadores distribuidos, respuesta de demanda y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía) mediante la implementación de reglas del mercado. Dichas capacidades de control se satisfacen aplicando una señal de precio a lo largo de toda la arquitectura de control, siendo el agente de final, el ente responsable de decidir su propia participación en la generación/demanda en función de sus propios costes de electricidad marginales o asumibles. Además, reduce el volumen de información a transmitir y los requisitos de procesamiento de datos, ya que los niveles de control más altos no necesitan tener conocimiento sobre la topología del sistema de distribución detallado ni de la contribución de los actores adyacentes. Para llevar a cabo una evaluación significativa de las capacidades del controlador competitivo propuesto, se ha seleccionado una planta de generación undimotriz, como escenario más desfavorable, ya que el controlador debe asegurar un control estable de la potencia inyectada en un escenario altamente oscilante. Con el fin de caracterizar adecuadamente el perfil de recursos de energía de las olas resultante de la máxima absorción de energía, esta Tesis introduce un nuevo controlador de vector adaptativo, que maximiza la extracción de energía del recurso independientemente de las características dominantes de frecuencia de onda irregular. Para la aplicación de la planta de energía de onda específica considerada, el control competitivo no solo garantiza la asignación óptima de recursos en tiempo real para satisfacer un objetivo de producción dado, sino que también proporciona una operación óptima del sistema a largo plazo. Como resultado, se pueden lograr reducciones generales de los costos de la planta en el marco de la operación competitiva, ya que la energía programada de la planta se satisface haciendo uso de las unidadPostprint (published version

    Cyber attack-defense analysis for automatic generation control with renewable energy sources

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    The advancements in the power grid due to integration of new technology arises concerns regarding its reliability in terms of performance and security. On one hand, the gradual shift towards renewable energy sources leads to rise in uncertainty in terms of control and demand satisfaction. On the other hand, the integration of communication devices in order to make the grid smart increases its vulnerability to malicious activity. Automatic Generation Control (AGC), which is needed to maintain the system frequency and inter-area exchange, has an important priority in both the concerns. With rising shares of renewables and retiring of fossil-fuel based generation, a grid almost entirely served by renewables is a highly possible scenario. In such cases, the impact of an attack on the grid is likely to be influenced by the effect of renewables. Although previous research conducted crucial studies of malicious cyber events on the power grid, analysis in the presence of renewables is still at a nascent stage. As a contribution, this thesis presents an attack-defense analysis on the AGC operation of the power grid under varying conditions of renewables. It has two main contributions – determination of the influence of renewables during an attack and development of an effective algorithm for defense. First, this thesis discusses a cyber-attack on the AGC algorithm with various levels of renewable penetration, to analyze the effect of an attack with renewables. The results confirm that the impact of a cyber-attack will be increasingly aggravated by displacement of conventional generation with renewables. Then an algorithm for AGC using a PID based approach aimed at reducing the impact is proposed. From the experiments, the proposed algorithm is shown to reduce the impact of the attack. Secondly, an algorithm for attack mitigation is designed and its performance is analyzed for both the AGC algorithms. The various factors tested are its effectiveness in reducing the impact on the system, and its adverse effects on AGC operation during normal conditions and contingency response. The results show that the algorithm could mitigate the attack without having a negative impact on normal AGC operation. The contingency response analysis shows that during events resulting in a significant change in generation-load balance, the response could be adversely affected by the mitigation. The experiments were conducted using the Power Cyber CPS security testbed at Iowa State University. The thesis further briefly discusses the prospective research considering various developments in the power grid, renewables and attack vectors
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