7 research outputs found

    A hierarchical scheduling model for component-based real-time systems

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    In this paper, we propose a methodology for developing component-based real-time systems based on the concept of hierarchical scheduling. Recently, much work has been devoted to the schedulability analysis of hierarchical scheduling systems, in which real-time tasks are grouped into components, and it is possible to specify a different scheduling policy for each component. Until now, only independent components have been considered. In this paper, we extend this model to tasks that interact through remote procedure calls. We introduce the concept of abstract computing platform on which each component is executed. Then, we transform the system specification into a set of real-time transactions and present a schedulability analysis algorithm. Our analysis is a generalization of the holistic analysis to the case of abstract computing platforms. We demonstrate the use of our methodology on a simple example

    Customizing Component Middleware for Distributed Real-Time Systems with Aperiodic and Periodic Tasks

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    Many distributed real-time applications must handle mixed aperiodic and periodic tasks with diverse requirements. However, existing middleware lacks flexible configuration mechanisms needed to manage end-to-end timing easily for a wide range of different applications with both aperiodic and periodic tasks. The primary contribution of this work is the design, implementation and performance evaluation of the first configurable component middleware services for admission control and load balancing of aperiodic and periodic tasks in distributed real-time systems. Empirical results demonstrate the need for, and the effectiveness of, our configurable component middleware approach in supporting different applications with aperiodic and periodic tasks

    Roadmap Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions. Master\u27s Thesis, August 2007

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    The ability to effectively model the interaction between proteins is an important and open problem. In molecular biology it is well accepted that from sequence arises form and from form arises function but relating structure to function remains a challenge. The function of a given protein is defined by its interactions. Likewise a malfunction or a change in protein-protein interactions is a hallmark of many diseases. Many researchers are studying the mechanisms of protein-protein interactions and one of the overarching goals of the community is to predict whether two proteins will bind, and if so what the final conformation will be. Attention is seldom paid to the association pathways that allow two proteins to bind. Evidence has shown that the information in the association pathways can play a vital role in understanding the interaction itself. This thesis presents a novel and scalable approach to computing association pathways between two proteins using the Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) framework. We will discuss the challenges in extending PRM to the domain of protein-protein interactions such as performing structural mappings in a reduced space of flexibility, and sampling high dimensional conformation spaces. We will present analysis of individual association pathways as well as methods for estimating collective properties of the energy landscape. Our results indicate that these methods can discriminate between true and false protein binding interfaces. Finally, we will present condensing methods such as pathway clustering and visualization using dimensionality reduction that can be be applied to create compact representations of the interaction space

    Real-time scheduling in multicore : time- and space-partitioned architectures

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014The evolution of computing systems to address size, weight and power consumption (SWaP) has led to the trend of integrating functions (otherwise provided by separate systems) as subsystems of a single system. To cope with the added complexity of developing and validating such a system, these functions are maintained and analyzed as components with clear boundaries and interfaces. In the case of real-time systems, the adopted component-based approach should maintain the timeliness properties of the function inside each individual component, regardless of the remaining components. One approach to this issue is time and space partitioning (TSP)—enforcing strict separation between components in the time and space domains. This allows heterogeneous components (different real-time requirements, criticality, developed by different teams and/or with different technologies) to safely coexist. The concepts of TSP have been adopted in the civil aviation, aerospace, and (to some extent) automotive industries. These industries are also embracing multiprocessor (or multicore) platforms, either with identical or nonidentical processors, but are not taking full advantage thereof because of a lack of support in terms of verification and certification. Furthermore, due to the use of the TSP in those domains, compatibility between TSP and multiprocessor is highly desired. This is not the present case, as the reference TSP-related specifications in the aforementioned industries show limited support to multiprocessor. In this dissertation, we defend that the active exploitation of multiple (possibly non-identical) processor cores can augment the processing capacity of the time- and space-partitioned (TSP) systems, while maintaining a compromise with size, weight and power consumption (SWaP), and open room for supporting self-adaptive behavior. To allow applying our results to a more general class of systems, we analyze TSP systems as a special case of hierarchical scheduling and adopt a compositional analysis methodology.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH/BD/60193/2009, programa PESSOA, projeto SAPIENT); the European Space Agency Innovation (ESA) Triangle Initiative program through ESTEC Contract 21217/07/NL/CB, Project AIR-II; the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) through project KARYON (IST-FP7-STREP-288195)

    Worst-case delay analysis of real-time switched Ethernet networks with flow local synchronization

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    Les réseaux Ethernet commuté full-duplex constituent des solutions intéressantes pour des applications industrielles. Mais le non-déterminisme d’un commutateur IEEE 802.1d, fait que l’analyse pire cas de délai de flux critiques est encore un problème ouvert. Plusieurs méthodes ont été proposées pour obtenir des bornes supérieures des délais de communication sur des réseaux Ethernet commuté full duplex temps réels, faisant l’hypothèse que le trafic en entrée du réseau peut être borné. Le problème principal reste le pessimisme introduit par la méthode de calcul de cette borne supérieure du délai. Ces méthodes considèrent que tous les flux transmis sur le réseau sont indépendants. Ce qui est vrai pour les flux émis par des nœuds sources différents car il n’existe pas, dans le cas général, d’horloge globale permettant de synchroniser les flux. Mais pour les flux émis par un même nœud source, il est possible de faire l’hypothèse d’une synchronisation locale de ces flux. Une telle hypothèse permet de bâtir un modèle plus précis des flux et en conséquence élimine des scénarios impossibles qui augmentent le pessimisme du calcul. Le sujet principal de cette thèse est d’étudier comment des flux périodiques synchronisés par des offsets peuvent être gérés dans le calcul des bornes supérieures des délais sur un réseau Ethernet commuté temps-réel. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit de présenter l’impact des contraintes d’offsets sur le calcul des bornes supérieures des délais de bout en bout. Il s’agit ensuite de présenter comment intégrer ces contraintes d’offsets dans les approches de calcul basées sur le Network Calculus et la méthode des Trajectoires. Une méthode Calcul Réseau modifiée et une méthode Trajectoires modifiée sont alors développées et les performances obtenues sont comparées. Le réseau avionique AFDX (Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet) est pris comme exemple d’un réseau Ethernet commuté full-duplex. Une configuration AFDX industrielle avec un millier de flux est présentée. Cette configuration industrielle est alors évaluée à l’aide des deux approches, selon un choix d’allocation d’offsets donné. De plus, différents algorithmes d’allocation des offsets sont testés sur cette configuration industrielle, pour trouver un algorithme d’allocation quasi-optimal. Une analyse de pessimisme des bornes supérieures calculées est alors proposée. Cette analyse est basée sur l’approche des trajectoires (rendue optimiste) qui permet de calculer une sous-approximation du délai pire-cas. La différence entre la borne supérieure du délai (calculée par une méthode donnée) et la sous-approximation du délai pire cas donne une borne supérieure du pessimisme de la méthode. Cette analyse fournit des résultats intéressants sur le pessimisme des approches Calcul Réseau et méthode des Trajectoires. La dernière partie de la thèse porte sur une architecture de réseau temps réel hétérogène obtenue par connexion de réseaux CAN via des ponts sur un réseau fédérateur de type Ethernet commuté. Deux approches, une basée sur les composants et l’autre sur les Trajectoires sont proposées pour permettre une analyse des délais pire-cas sur un tel réseau. La capacité de calcul d’une borne supérieure des délais pire-cas dans le contexte d’une architecture hétérogène est intéressante pour les domaines industriels. ABSTRACT : Full-duplex switched Ethernet is a promising candidate for interconnecting real-time industrial applications. But due to IEEE 802.1d indeterminism, the worst-case delay analysis of critical flows supported by such a network is still an open problem. Several methods have been proposed for upper-bounding communication delays on a real-time switched Ethernet network, assuming that the incoming traffic can be upper bounded. The main problem remaining is to assess the tightness, i.e. the pessimism, of the method calculating this upper bound on the communication delay. These methods consider that all flows transmitted over the network are independent. This is true for flows emitted by different source nodes since, in general, there is no global clock synchronizing them. But the flows emitted by the same source node are local synchronized. Such an assumption helps to build a more precise flow model that eliminates some impossible communication scenarios which lead to a pessimistic delay upper bounds. The core of this thesis is to study how local periodic flows synchronized with offsets can be handled when computing delay upper-bounds on a real-time switched Ethernet. In a first step, the impact of these offsets on the delay upper-bound computation is illustrated. Then, the integration of offsets in the Network Calculus and the Trajectory approaches is introduced. Therefore, a modified Network Calculus approach and a modified Trajectory approach are developed whose performances are compared on an Avionics Full-DupleX switched Ethernet (AFDX) industrial configuration with one thousand of flows. It has been shown that, in the context of this AFDX configuration, the Trajectory approach leads to slightly tighter end-to-end delay upper bounds than the ones of the Network Calculus approach. But offsets of local flows have to be chosen. Different offset assignment algorithms are then investigated on the AFDX industrial configuration. A near-optimal assignment can be exhibited. Next, a pessimism analysis of the computed upper-bounds is proposed. This analysis is based on the Trajectory approach (made optimistic) which computes an under-estimation of the worst-case delay. The difference between the upper-bound (computed by a given method) and the under-estimation of the worst-case delay gives an upper-bound of the pessimism of the method. This analysis gives interesting comparison results on the Network Calculus and the Trajectory approaches pessimism. The last part of the thesis, deals with a real-time heterogeneous network architecture where CAN buses are interconnected through a switched Ethernet backbone using dedicated bridges. Two approaches, the component-based approach and the Trajectory approach, are developed to conduct a worst-case delay analysis for such a network. Clearly, the ability to compute end-to-end delays upper-bounds in the context of heterogeneous network architecture is promising for industrial domains