28 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Pegelolaan Kontainer Kosong Pada Surplus Area Menurut Sudut Pandang Otoritas Terminal

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    Abstract Ketidak seimbangan volume perdagangan antar wilayah menyebabkan terjadinya kelebihan kontainer kosong pada satu wilayah, dan kekurangan kontainer kosong pada wilayah yang lain. Keterbatasan kapasitas storage area pada wilayah yang kelebihan kontainer kosong menyebabkan permasalahan bagi pengelola terminal untuk mengelola kegiatan operasional terminal. Permasalahan ini disebabkan karena keterbatasan ruang gerak pada terminal kontainer. Pihak pengelola terminal kontainer akan melakukan alokasi kontainer kosong agar dapat menjamin kelancaran operasional terminal kontainer. Sebagai pihak yang menggunakan jasa operasional terminal dan memiliki kontainer kosong, shipping line akan terkena dampak dari setiap keputusan yang dilakukan oleh otoritas terminal. Pada penelitian ini objek kajian adalah terminal kontainer pelabuhan Pontianak. Entitas PT Pelindo mewakili sudut pandang pengelola terminal kontainer, dan entitas shipping line mewakili sudut pandang pemilik kontainer. Dikembangkan sekenario alokasi dengan pendekatan PT Pelindo dominan dalam alokasi kontainer kosong dan shipping line sebagai pihak yang terkena dampak pengambilan keputusan dari pengelola terminal. Keywords alokasi kontainer kosong, terminal kontainer, shipping line, utilisasi storage are

    An Improved Discrete PSO for Tugboat Assignment Problem under a Hybrid Scheduling Rule in Container Terminal

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    In container terminal, tugboat plays vital role in safety of ship docking. Tugboat assignment problem under a hybrid scheduling rule (TAP-HSR) is to determine the assignment between multiple tugboats and ships and the scheduling sequence of ships to minimize the turnaround time of ships. A mixed-integer programming model and the scheduling method are described for TAP-HSR problem. Then an improved discrete PSO (IDPSO) algorithm for TAP-HSR problem is proposed to minimize the turnaround time of ships. In particular, some new redefined PSO operators and the discrete updating rules of position and velocity are developed. The experimental results show that the proposed IDPSO can get better solutions than GA and basic discrete PSO

    An Improved Fuzzy Knowledge-Based Model For Long Stay Container Yards

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    This paper considers the problem of allocating newly arrived containers to stacks of existing containers in a yard when the departure date/time for containers is unknown. Many factors and constraints need to be considered when modelling this storage allocation problem. These constraints include the size, type and weight of the containers. The factors are the number of containers in a stack and the duration of stay of the topmost container in the stack. This paper aims to develop an improved Fuzzy Knowledge-Based ‘FKB’ model for best allocation practice of long-stay containers in a yard. In this model, the duration of stay factor does not need to be considered in the allocation decision if the duration of stay for the topmost containers in a stack is similar; hence, a new ‘ON/OFF’ strategy is proposed within the Fuzzy Knowledge-Based model to activate/deactivate this factor in the stacking algorithm whenever is required. Discrete Event Simulation and Fuzzy Knowledge-Based techniques are used to develop the proposed model. The model’s behaviour is tested using three real-life scenarios, including allocating containers in busy, moderately busy and quiet yards. The total number of re-handlings, the number of re-handlings per stack, and the number of re-handlings for containers were considered KPIs in each scenario