225 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant control under controller-driven sampling using virtual actuator strategy

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    We present a new output feedback fault tolerant control strategy for continuous-time linear systems. The strategy combines a digital nominal controller under controller-driven (varying) sampling with virtual-actuator (VA)-based controller reconfiguration to compensate for actuator faults. In the proposed scheme, the controller controls both the plant and the sampling period, and performs controller reconfiguration by engaging in the loop the VA adapted to the diagnosed fault. The VA also operates under controller-driven sampling. Two independent objectives are considered: (a) closed-loop stability with setpoint tracking and (b) controller reconfiguration under faults. Our main contribution is to extend an existing VA-based controller reconfiguration strategy to systems under controller-driven sampling in such a way that if objective (a) is possible under controller-driven sampling (without VA) and objective (b) is possible under uniform sampling (without controller-driven sampling), then closed-loop stability and setpoint tracking will be preserved under both healthy and faulty operation for all possible sampling rate evolutions that may be selected by the controller

    Reliable fault-tolerant model predictive control of drinking water transport networks

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    This paper proposes a reliable fault-tolerant model predictive control applied to drinking water transport networks. After a fault has occurred, the predictive controller should be redesigned to cope with the fault effect. Before starting to apply the fault-tolerant control strategy, it should be evaluated whether the predictive controller will be able to continue operating after the fault appearance. This is done by means of a structural analysis to determine loss of controllability after the fault complemented with feasibility analysis of the optimization problem related to the predictive controller design, so as to consider the fault effect in actuator constraints. Moreover, by evaluating the admissibility of the different actuator-fault configurations, critical actuators regarding fault tolerance can be identified considering structural, feasibility, performance and reliability analyses. On the other hand, the proposed approach allows a degradation analysis of the system to be performed. As a result of these analyses, the predictive controller design can be modified by adapting constraints such that the best achievable performance with some pre-established level of reliability will be achieved. The proposed approach is tested on the Barcelona drinking water transport network.Postprint (author's final draft

    Wide-Area Emergency Control in Power Transmission

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    An Indirect Adaptive Control Scheme in the Presence of Actuator and Sensor Failures

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    The problem of controlling a system in the presence of unknown actuator and sensor faults is addressed. The system is assumed to have groups of actuators, and groups of sensors, with each group consisting of multiple redundant similar actuators or sensors. The types of actuator faults considered consist of unknown actuators stuck in unknown positions, as well as reduced actuator effectiveness. The sensor faults considered include unknown biases and outages. The approach employed for fault detection and estimation consists of a bank of Kalman filters based on multiple models, and subsequent control reconfiguration to mitigate the effect of biases caused by failed components as well as to obtain stability and satisfactory performance using the remaining actuators and sensors. Conditions for fault identifiability are presented, and the adaptive scheme is applied to an aircraft flight control example in the presence of actuator failures. Simulation results demonstrate that the method can rapidly and accurately detect faults and estimate the fault values, thus enabling safe operation and acceptable performance in spite of failures

    Contribution to reliable control of dynamic systems

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    This thesis presents sorne contributions to the field of Health-Aware Control (HAC) of dynamic systems. In the first part of this thesis, a review of the concepts and methodologies related to reliability versus degradation and fault tolerant control versus health-aware control is presented. Firstly, in an attempt to unify concepts, an overview of HAC, degradation, and reliability modeling including some of the most relevant theoretical and applied contributions is given. Moreover, reliability modeling is formalized and exemplified using the structure function, Bayesian networks (BNs) and Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) as modeling tools in reliability analysis. In addition, some Reliability lmportance Measures (RIMs) are presented. In particular, this thesis develops BNs models for overall system reliability analysis through the use of Bayesian inference techniques. Bayesian networks are powerful tools in system reliability assessment due to their flexibility in modeling the reliability structure of complex systems. For the HAC scheme implementation, this thesis presents and discusses the integration of actuators health information by means of RIMs and degradation in Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Linear Quadratic Regulator algorithms. In the proposed strategies, the cost function parameters are tuned using RIMs. The methodology is able to avoid the occurrence of catastrophic and incipient faults by monitoring the overall system reliability. The proposed HAC strategies are applied to a Drinking Water Network (DWN) and a multirotor UAV system. Moreover, a third approach, which uses MPC and restricts the degradation of the system components is applied to a twin rotor system. Finally, this thesis presents and discusses two reliability interpretations. These interpretations, namely instantaneous and expected, differ in the manner how reliability is evaluated and how its evolution along time is considered. This comparison is made within a HAC framework and studies the system reliability under both approaches.Aquesta tesi presenta algunes contribucions al camp del control basat en la salut dels components "Health-Aware Control" (HAC) de sistemes dinàmics. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, es presenta una revisió dels conceptes i metodologies relacionats amb la fiabilitat versus degradació, el control tolerant a fallades versus el HAC. En primer lloc, i per unificar els conceptes, s'introdueixen els conceptes de degradació i fiabilitat, models de fiabilitat i de HAC incloent algunes de les contribucions teòriques i aplicades més rellevants. La tesi, a més, el modelatge de la fiabilitat es formalitza i exemplifica utilitzant la funció d'estructura del sistema, xarxes bayesianes (BN) i xarxes bayesianes dinamiques (DBN) com a eines de modelat i anàlisi de la fiabilitat com també presenta algunes mesures d'importància de la fiabilitat (RIMs). En particular, aquesta tesi desenvolupa models de BNs per a l'anàlisi de la fiabilitat del sistema a través de l'ús de tècniques d'inferència bayesiana. Les xarxes bayesianes són eines poderoses en l'avaluació de la fiabilitat del sistema gràcies a la seva flexibilitat en el modelat de la fiabilitat de sistemes complexos. Per a la implementació de l?esquema de HAC, aquesta tesi presenta i discuteix la integració de la informació sobre la salut i degradació dels actuadors mitjançant les RIMs en algoritmes de control predictiu basat en models (MPC) i control lineal quadràtic (LQR). En les estratègies proposades, els paràmetres de la funció de cost s'ajusten utilitzant els RIMs. Aquestes tècniques de control fiable permetran millorar la disponibilitat i la seguretat dels sistemes evitant l'aparició de fallades a través de la incorporació d'aquesta informació de la salut dels components en l'algoritme de control. Les estratègies de HAC proposades s'apliquen a una xarxa d'aigua potable (DWN) i a un sistema UAV multirrotor. A més, un tercer enfocament fent servir la degradació dels actuadors com a restricció dins l'algoritme de control MPC s'aplica a un sistema aeri a dos graus de llibertat (TRMS). Finalment, aquesta tesi també presenta i discuteix dues interpretacions de la fiabilitat. Aquestes interpretacions, nomenades instantània i esperada, difereixen en la forma en què s'avalua la fiabilitat i com es considera la seva evolució al llarg del temps. Aquesta comparació es realitza en el marc del control HAC i estudia la fiabilitat del sistema en tots dos enfocaments.Esta tesis presenta algunas contribuciones en el campo del control basado en la salud de los componentes “Health-Aware Control” (HAC) de sistemas dinámicos. En la primera parte de esta tesis, se presenta una revisión de los conceptos y metodologíasrelacionados con la fiabilidad versus degradación, el control tolerante a fallos versus el HAC. En primer lugar, y para unificar los conceptos, se introducen los conceptos de degradación y fiabilidad, modelos de fiabilidad y de HAC incluyendo algunas de las contribuciones teóricas y aplicadas más relevantes. La tesis, demás formaliza y ejemplifica el modelado de fiabilidad utilizando la función de estructura del sistema, redes bayesianas (BN) y redes bayesianas diná-micas (DBN) como herramientas de modelado y análisis de fiabilidad como también presenta algunas medidas de importancia de la fiabilidad (RIMs). En particular, esta tesis desarrolla modelos de BNs para el análisis de la fiabilidad del sistema a través del uso de técnicas de inferencia bayesiana. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas poderosas en la evaluación de la fiabilidad del sistema gracias a su flexibilidad en el modelado de la fiabilidad de sistemas complejos. Para la implementación del esquema de HAC, esta tesis presenta y discute la integración de la información sobre la salud y degradación de los actuadores mediante las RIMs en algoritmos de control predictivo basado en modelos (MPC) y del control cuadrático lineal (LQR). En las estrategias propuestas, los parámetros de la función de coste se ajustan utilizando las RIMs. Estas técnicas de control fiable permitirán mejorar la disponibilidad y la seguridad de los sistemas evitando la aparición de fallos a través de la incorporación de la información de la salud de los componentes en el algoritmo de control. Las estrategias de HAC propuestas se aplican a una red de agua potable (DWN) y a un sistema UAV multirotor. Además, un tercer enfoque que usa la degradación de los actuadores como restricción en el algoritmo de control MPC se aplica a un sistema aéreo con dos grados de libertad (TRMS). Finalmente, esta tesis también presenta y discute dos interpretaciones de la fiabilidad. Estas interpretaciones, llamadas instantánea y esperada, difieren en la forma en que se evalúa la fiabilidad y cómo se considera su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Esta comparación se realiza en el marco del control HAC y estudia la fiabilidad del sistema en ambos enfoques

    Contribution to reliable control of dynamic systems

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins al maig 2020This thesis presents sorne contributions to the field of Health-Aware Control (HAC) of dynamic systems. In the first part of this thesis, a review of the concepts and methodologies related to reliability versus degradation and fault tolerant control versus health-aware control is presented. Firstly, in an attempt to unify concepts, an overview of HAC, degradation, and reliability modeling including some of the most relevant theoretical and applied contributions is given. Moreover, reliability modeling is formalized and exemplified using the structure function, Bayesian networks (BNs) and Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) as modeling tools in reliability analysis. In addition, some Reliability lmportance Measures (RIMs) are presented. In particular, this thesis develops BNs models for overall system reliability analysis through the use of Bayesian inference techniques. Bayesian networks are powerful tools in system reliability assessment due to their flexibility in modeling the reliability structure of complex systems. For the HAC scheme implementation, this thesis presents and discusses the integration of actuators health information by means of RIMs and degradation in Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Linear Quadratic Regulator algorithms. In the proposed strategies, the cost function parameters are tuned using RIMs. The methodology is able to avoid the occurrence of catastrophic and incipient faults by monitoring the overall system reliability. The proposed HAC strategies are applied to a Drinking Water Network (DWN) and a multirotor UAV system. Moreover, a third approach, which uses MPC and restricts the degradation of the system components is applied to a twin rotor system. Finally, this thesis presents and discusses two reliability interpretations. These interpretations, namely instantaneous and expected, differ in the manner how reliability is evaluated and how its evolution along time is considered. This comparison is made within a HAC framework and studies the system reliability under both approaches.Aquesta tesi presenta algunes contribucions al camp del control basat en la salut dels components "Health-Aware Control" (HAC) de sistemes dinàmics. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, es presenta una revisió dels conceptes i metodologies relacionats amb la fiabilitat versus degradació, el control tolerant a fallades versus el HAC. En primer lloc, i per unificar els conceptes, s'introdueixen els conceptes de degradació i fiabilitat, models de fiabilitat i de HAC incloent algunes de les contribucions teòriques i aplicades més rellevants. La tesi, a més, el modelatge de la fiabilitat es formalitza i exemplifica utilitzant la funció d'estructura del sistema, xarxes bayesianes (BN) i xarxes bayesianes dinamiques (DBN) com a eines de modelat i anàlisi de la fiabilitat com també presenta algunes mesures d'importància de la fiabilitat (RIMs). En particular, aquesta tesi desenvolupa models de BNs per a l'anàlisi de la fiabilitat del sistema a través de l'ús de tècniques d'inferència bayesiana. Les xarxes bayesianes són eines poderoses en l'avaluació de la fiabilitat del sistema gràcies a la seva flexibilitat en el modelat de la fiabilitat de sistemes complexos. Per a la implementació de l?esquema de HAC, aquesta tesi presenta i discuteix la integració de la informació sobre la salut i degradació dels actuadors mitjançant les RIMs en algoritmes de control predictiu basat en models (MPC) i control lineal quadràtic (LQR). En les estratègies proposades, els paràmetres de la funció de cost s'ajusten utilitzant els RIMs. Aquestes tècniques de control fiable permetran millorar la disponibilitat i la seguretat dels sistemes evitant l'aparició de fallades a través de la incorporació d'aquesta informació de la salut dels components en l'algoritme de control. Les estratègies de HAC proposades s'apliquen a una xarxa d'aigua potable (DWN) i a un sistema UAV multirrotor. A més, un tercer enfocament fent servir la degradació dels actuadors com a restricció dins l'algoritme de control MPC s'aplica a un sistema aeri a dos graus de llibertat (TRMS). Finalment, aquesta tesi també presenta i discuteix dues interpretacions de la fiabilitat. Aquestes interpretacions, nomenades instantània i esperada, difereixen en la forma en què s'avalua la fiabilitat i com es considera la seva evolució al llarg del temps. Aquesta comparació es realitza en el marc del control HAC i estudia la fiabilitat del sistema en tots dos enfocaments.Esta tesis presenta algunas contribuciones en el campo del control basado en la salud de los componentes “Health-Aware Control” (HAC) de sistemas dinámicos. En la primera parte de esta tesis, se presenta una revisión de los conceptos y metodologíasrelacionados con la fiabilidad versus degradación, el control tolerante a fallos versus el HAC. En primer lugar, y para unificar los conceptos, se introducen los conceptos de degradación y fiabilidad, modelos de fiabilidad y de HAC incluyendo algunas de las contribuciones teóricas y aplicadas más relevantes. La tesis, demás formaliza y ejemplifica el modelado de fiabilidad utilizando la función de estructura del sistema, redes bayesianas (BN) y redes bayesianas diná-micas (DBN) como herramientas de modelado y análisis de fiabilidad como también presenta algunas medidas de importancia de la fiabilidad (RIMs). En particular, esta tesis desarrolla modelos de BNs para el análisis de la fiabilidad del sistema a través del uso de técnicas de inferencia bayesiana. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas poderosas en la evaluación de la fiabilidad del sistema gracias a su flexibilidad en el modelado de la fiabilidad de sistemas complejos. Para la implementación del esquema de HAC, esta tesis presenta y discute la integración de la información sobre la salud y degradación de los actuadores mediante las RIMs en algoritmos de control predictivo basado en modelos (MPC) y del control cuadrático lineal (LQR). En las estrategias propuestas, los parámetros de la función de coste se ajustan utilizando las RIMs. Estas técnicas de control fiable permitirán mejorar la disponibilidad y la seguridad de los sistemas evitando la aparición de fallos a través de la incorporación de la información de la salud de los componentes en el algoritmo de control. Las estrategias de HAC propuestas se aplican a una red de agua potable (DWN) y a un sistema UAV multirotor. Además, un tercer enfoque que usa la degradación de los actuadores como restricción en el algoritmo de control MPC se aplica a un sistema aéreo con dos grados de libertad (TRMS). Finalmente, esta tesis también presenta y discute dos interpretaciones de la fiabilidad. Estas interpretaciones, llamadas instantánea y esperada, difieren en la forma en que se evalúa la fiabilidad y cómo se considera su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Esta comparación se realiza en el marco del control HAC y estudia la fiabilidad del sistema en ambos enfoques.Postprint (published version

    Robust de-centralized control and estimation for inter-connected systems

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    The thesis is concerned with the theoretical development of the control of inter-connected systems to achieve the whole overall stability and specific performance. A special included feature is the Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) problem for the inter-connected system in terms of local subsystem actuator fault estimation. Hence, the thesis describes the main FTC challenges of distributed control of uncertain non-linear inter-connected systems. The basic principle adopted throughout the work is that the controller has two components, one involving the nominal control with unmatched components including uncertainties and disturbances. The second controller dealing with matched components including uncertainties and actuator faults.The main contributions of the thesis are summarised as follows:- The non-linear inter-connected systems are controlled by two controllers. The linear part via a linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique and the discontinuous part by using Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) based on state feedback control.- The development of a new observer-based state estimate control strategy for non-linear inter-connected systems. The technique is applied either to every individual subsystem or to the whole as one shot system.- A new proposal of Adaptive Output Integral Sliding Mode Control (AOISMC) based only on output information plus static output feedback control is designed via an LMI formulation to control non-linear inter-connected systems. The new method is verified by application to a mathematical example representing an electrical power generator.- The development of a new method to design a dynamic control based on an LMI framework with Output Integral Sliding Mode Control (OISMC) to improve the stability and performance.- Using the above framework, making use of LMI tools and ISMC, a method of on-line actuator fault estimation has been proposed using the Proportional Multiple Integral Observer (PMIO) for fault estimation applicable to non-linear inter-connected systems

    Robust de-centralized control and estimation for inter-connected systems

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    The thesis is concerned with the theoretical development of the control of inter-connected systems to achieve the whole overall stability and specific performance. A special included feature is the Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) problem for the inter-connected system in terms of local subsystem actuator fault estimation. Hence, the thesis describes the main FTC challenges of distributed control of uncertain non-linear inter-connected systems. The basic principle adopted throughout the work is that the controller has two components, one involving the nominal control with unmatched components including uncertainties and disturbances. The second controller dealing with matched components including uncertainties and actuator faults. The main contributions of the thesis are summarised as follows: - The non-linear inter-connected systems are controlled by two controllers. The linear part via a linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique and the discontinuous part by using Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) based on state feedback control. - The development of a new observer-based state estimate control strategy for non-linear inter-connected systems. The technique is applied either to every individual subsystem or to the whole as one shot system. - A new proposal of Adaptive Output Integral Sliding Mode Control (AOISMC) based only on output information plus static output feedback control is designed via an LMI formulation to control non-linear inter-connected systems. The new method is verified by application to a mathematical example representing an electrical power generator. - The development of a new method to design a dynamic control based on an LMI framework with Output Integral Sliding Mode Control (OISMC) to improve the stability and performance. - Using the above framework, making use of LMI tools and ISMC, a method of on-line actuator fault estimation has been proposed using the Proportional Multiple Integral Observer (PMIO) for fault estimation applicable to non-linear inter-connected systems

    Fault-tolerant wide-area control of power systems

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    In this thesis, the stability and performance of closed-loop systems following the loss of sensors or feedback signals (sensor faults) are studied. The objective is to guarantee stability in the face of sensor faults while optimising performance under nominal (no sensor fault) condition. One of the main contributions of this work is to deal effectively with the combinatorial binary nature of the problem when the number of sensors is large. Several fault-tolerant controller and observer architectures that are suitable for different applications are proposed and their effectiveness demonstrated. The problems are formulated in terms of the existence of feasible solutions to linear matrix inequalities. The formulations presented in this work are described in a general form and can be applied to a large class of systems. In particular, the use of fault-tolerant architectures for damping inter-area oscillations in power systems using wide-area signals has been demonstrated. As an extension of the proposed formulations, regional pole placement to enhance the damping of inter-area modes has been incorporated. The objective is to achieve specified damping ratios for the inter-area modes and maximise the closed-loop performance under nominal condition while guaranteeing stability for all possible combinations of sensors faults. The performances of the proposed fault-tolerant architectures are validated through extensive nonlinear simulations using a simplified equivalent model of the Nordic power system.Open Acces